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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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So I'm sure some of what I think has been said before, and some of them may not be considered QoL but I think so

1: Build Template saving and linking I have no idea why this was removed from GW1, sometimes I forget to change builds when changing gametypes

2: This idea is based off the new Rune Sigil update, add a character based rune tab, consuming up to 6 of a rune unlocks it for that character and lets you swap between unlocked runes on that character, ie, if I consume 6 runes of strength I can select the full set but if I only have consumed 2 runes of the berserker then I can only select up to the 2nd ability bonus for those runes but I could use 4 of my strength runes. I considered saying account based and to me that's ideal, but I think making it character based protects the rune economy a bit but allows players to test new builds and ideas without costing 20 gold just to try something and swap back if you on't like it. I think this would promote players testing out new things and increasing build variety.

3: On the note of build variety I had 2 ideas to add more variety without requiring a ton of work (other than balancing)

3A: Bring back secondary classes, allow players to choose one specialization (Not elite specialization) from a different class unlocking the second classes core utility and healing skills. Traits that would not benefit a different class could be given a secondary form (like how pve and pvp traits differ sometimes) this would unlock a whole realm of new builds for each class without having to create new specializations, mechanics weapons or classes

3B: Give each weapon 3 different skill sets to choose from, an offensive set a defensive set and a utility set allow players to pick and choose weapon skills from the sets to build a "weapon bar" referring back to 3A possibly allow players to chose select weapon skills from their chosen secondary class. While this would involve creating a lot of new skills and corresponding skill animations it still seems easier than adding multiple new weapons and increases build variety.

4: Food/Utility tool quick bag, give each character a 5 slot pouch that can only hold consumables and displays a quick bar above the skill bar to easily access and refresh consumables (make pouch expandable with gems or gold?)

5: I know people will gripe and it's probably a long shot but Make the option to have account shared gathering tool slots I'll pay gems for it because it's better than paying 20000-30000 gems (hundreds of dollars) or infinite tools for my 9+ characters. I'm fine making the "shared gathering tool slot" upgrade gem based so it's optional for players who already invested in many infinite tools

6: Allow a characters appearance to be "saved" as an outfit by spending gold/gems (maybe one free outfit appearance slot and others cost gems) this would allow quick swapping of armor and maintaining a look or sharing a heavy armor look to light armor or vice versa

7: Allow placing Sigils of Day/Night into Eternity to lock it into it's Sunrise/Twilight modes respectively and before people say transmute to one look or another the Eternity version of Twilight is different than the base one, or just unlock all 3 skins when binding Eternity so I can transmute between base Eternity, Eternal Twilight, and Eternal Sunrise

8: Create a Mystic Forge recipe to craft Mystic Coins or an account bound substitute (it's not a perfect solution imo but could help increase the availability without crashing the coin market)

9: Integrated Voice chat, I know this has mixed feelings with a lot of folks and I understand there are more logistics than just programming but come on, almost every modern multiplayer game has voice chat integrated I think it's high time to add GW2 to that list


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Here are a few ideas I've collected over time:



> 7. Create a search capability for the character selection screen.

> * Include checkbox for race.

> * Include checkbox for profession.

> * Include numerical spinners for levels or level range.

> * Add a field to manually type a portion of a character's name.

> * All of the above should be independently selectable.


I would love for something like this to be implemented. I would like to add on to your suggestion with the following

* Create a sort option so you can search on multiple criteria and sort the results

* sort by race

* sort by profession

* sort/search for world complete or map complete (select the map set in terms of core tyria, wvw, HOT, Living Season maps, POF)

* sort/search by level

* sort/search by playtime

* sort/search by character age

* sort/search by skill points or traits unlocked (very helpful for those with a lot of characters to know who you can easily move to that next elite)


As a purely cosmetic thing,

* I would love to see the option to display the character thumbnails in a grid box or even behind the character with focus. I really, really, want to be able to see my characters all displayed with relative heights/sizes.

* have a toggle for showing equipped outfit or armor

* have a toggle to show or hide the armor pieces with those toggles

* have a toggle for showing equipped weapons (land and water)

* have a toggle for showing equipped back item


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Here are a few ideas I've collected over time:



> 8. Have the Mystic Forge remember your last transaction this session. Perhaps a "repeat last" button.

> 9. Allow the Mystic Forge to access your bank, as all crafting does now.

> * If that's technically difficult, instead add an "open bank" button to the Mystic Forge screen.




I would really love to also have mystic forge recipes added to the account crafting recipes screen. I have mentioned this more than once in various threads :)


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Here are a few ideas I've collected over time:



> 13. Break into sub-folders "Open World" (under the LFG tool) by region.

> * Shiverpeaks

> * Ascalon

> * etc.



This would be awesome. It would be really great to expand the LFG options to fit more types of play styles.


It would also be really great to allow some permanent posting options for those who really like helping out and are just kind of tooling around maps. I think the mentor tag was meant for this, but it is not used to actually help out most of the time.


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> @"Avelione.6075" said:

> Some new suggestions that came to my head today...

> 1. I do a lot of PvE and when there is an event with many players and NPCs dying around it's quite often very hard to distinguish if you're healing a player or an NPC : ] Sometimes they just lie on each other, next to each other or just all over the place : D And despite me trying to aim in the real person (yes, I know the markers are different color!), I often end up healing an NPC. In all the mess and visuals and fight going around, it would be nice to have some kind of a way to help players only.




I have run into this so many times, thinking I am reviving a player (sometimes even in my party) and then an NPC pops up. It would be nice if those large events could prioritize players over NPC's unless NPC death can kill the event.


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> @"Ashley.1256" said:

> Allow adventures to be started/restarted with a defined key. This helps people who are using action cam and have to disable action cam, press the start button and the enable action cam again- It makes it very hard to set race records for example.


Total agreement here. I would even go so far as to say that pressing Escape on the Adventure start window should be considered Cancel, and any other key should be considered Start.

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This may have been mentioned, or reasons mentioned why it won't happen, unsure! I'd like to ask if there is a way we could have Aurora as a skin in the wardrobe for those of us who have created it. I'd love to have the effect on some of my other characters without having to swap it around. I'm 99% sure I'd accidentally delete it at some point. I know accessories/rings/amulets are already included in the wardrobe selection but nothing is listed currently. Even if the amount of times we could use it as a skin is limited, would still be nice in my opinion, especially with more legendary items to come.

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One of the things I love about this game is how alt friendly this game is, with so many things being account bound.


It would be great if exotic gears are account bound on use, instead of soulbound on use. I want to create a lot of characters (more than 1 per profession) with different gear set ups. Being able to switch gears between them would be awesome. Also, I often soulbind a gear to a character I regret soulbinding it to. :cry:

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On adventure leaderboards: these appear to be set up to display your guildmates/friends - exclusively, I guess, if you are not near the top of the leaderboard or friends with those individuals. In addition to the sampling of friends, I think the leaderboard should always display the top 3 (or more) scores. Also, there is currently a lot of wasted empty space in the UI that could be used to accommodate the display of more ranking data such as this.

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I would like to have Cash on Delivery option in mail so that if I send an item with intention to sell it to the receiver, this would make it safer to send it when you know that the person cannot get it if they do not pay. Then maybe add some kind of check whether the player wants the item or not/maybe time like 1 day or so to buy the item via COD or it will be returned back to the sender.

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A couple suggestions:


Races (especially the new beetle races, but all races in general) - During a race please make the option of "ghosting" other riders that are participating in the race or time trial, just like you do in the holiday jumping puzzles. Some of the tracks that are easy to get gold on are hard to even stay on the track when you have 100 other racers blocking your view and lagging your computer.


Story choices - somewhere on the the character select or in the character window please put the story choices that impact the game listed for each individual character. It is a pain taking every character to each faction (whispers, vigil, priory) trying to figure out which has access to which places. Also when completing some achievements knowing what a character picked, this would be handy as well, like the back piece banners and the 3 different choices in PoF (supporting Joko, Amnoon, Independant).


Map complete percentages - Please add this for places other than core Tyria. Add separate percentages for HoT, PoF, and Living Story season maps.

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Storing sigils/runes in legendary equipment!

Allow sigils and runes to be consumed and absorbed into legendary weapons and armor. Then, when double-clicking/right-clicking to Select Stats as you usually do now, allow the sigil/rune to be selected from a drop-down menu.


![Like this](https://i.imgur.com/Vk4BYgl.jpg)


This would:

1) save inventory space.

2) create a sink for sigils and runes for those who would want to maximize all their legendary sets with every rune/sigil.


EDIT: discussions here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62003/inventories-still-full-of-runes-and-sigils

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That's an extra QoL request...but can you come back with fully animated cutscenes?? At least a little. I've seen a few from GW1 and they are absolutely astounding! I really want to see more of that in GW2. I know you have whole big GW2 to manage, but not showing the community some cutscene animated awesomeness seems to be such a waste of talents :( C'mon guys, I've seen what you can do!

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Here is a great improvement: When you have in your inventory an item used in any crafting recipe, we should have an option when right clicking on it, "Show recipes with the item" It will open the recipe panel. More practical than seeking ourselves the associated recipes in crafting tab.

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I would love to see better separation of decoration listings under Scribe. Listing things like Wintersday decorations or Halloween decorations in their own menus. There are hundreds of decorations and endlessly scrolling thru one giant list trying to find certain decorations is a pain. I know there is a search function but you have to know what your looking for and having a complete list of that category in front of you would be a big help. Other crafting disciplines have these separations but Scribe just has the one giant list. Imagine if Chef just had one single list of everything they can cook.


One other small suggestion would be to list which Order a character joined on the character select screen. If I decide I want to go get a piece of armor from the Vigil, I have to try and remember which of my 15 characters is a member and run random characters there until I find the right one. I know I can look at the character's story page to find who they joined but that still means I have to keep logging in characters until I find the right one. Thanks.

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I like to track my achievements loosely, but the way they are presented now is a bit convoluted. The menu is quite fine, but there are so maaany categories and it's sometimes hard to find what you're looking for even with the search option. It helps, but often I don't remember the exact name of the achievement & have to use wiki, so it becomes tedious at times.

To make it easier, could you add an option (on the Summary page) to either see 3-5 Nearly Completed achivs from different categories? Like: PvE, PvP, WvW; or "collections", "world", "competitive", "raids", "story", "mount races", etc... This would encourage people to do more achievements and I think would make it more casual since you are straightforward presented with a choice!



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> @"Alexa Scorpionwitch.8567" said:


> One other small suggestion would be to list which Order a character joined on the character select screen. If I decide I want to go get a piece of armor from the Vigil, I have to try and remember which of my 15 characters is a member and run random characters there until I find the right one. I know I can look at the character's story page to find who they joined but that still means I have to keep logging in characters until I find the right one. Thanks.


We need this so much


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