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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I and others have suggested a library in the home instance or guild hall for all of the books we find. I just thought of an alternative that would be just as nice.


Could you add a Picked Up Lore section to the story journal that could hold all of the books we collect, vlast's memories, etc...

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There is a class that pulses a protection on people in an area, and it makes an annoying sound every single pulse.




Can 'whoever' that is get the treatment Mermers got several months ago to cut down the amount of sounds and talking on that one signet skill they have that puts a random boon up? And if there are any more classes that do that, do the same thing? Or, get a special audio slider to just cut down the frequency of annoying, repeatable things by adding a classification to annoying, repeatable sounds called ARS?


Thank god! Whoever that was walked away!


Remember: We don't want players to be unhappy to see other players! =)

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Players with HoT and PoF should be allowed to dismount in midair to switch to the glider. For example, gliding with the griffon is great in HoT, but sometimes you need to catch an updraft to avoid sinking too low.


Someone mentioned more races-- griffon races that use something like the trails of boosting magic orbs in Jahai Bluffs could be cool, or a big obstacle course where you use all mounts and switch between them.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> When you have learned an account bound recipe it would be really cool if that recipe no longer showed in the vendor list. I know there is the red "You already know this recipe!", but you still have to hover over everything to find ones that you did not know.


Yeah! This suggestion is great! I get so many of these to check.

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Two things.


1. Please allow us to clear the "newly acquired items" treadmill, at least on the map screen. I can't change map levels at all while those items are scrolling their slow arses on by, blocking all the buttons. :(


2. Please please PLEASE give me a button to pacify my rock dog from my Rune of the Ogre. It's my favourite rune and I love the rock dog and all, but I constantly find myself locked into combat! My rock dog will start fights with friggin' everything, and it makes it a massive pain because I can't continue on and mount up because I'm "In combat". This has only gotten worse with the recent change to Rune of the Ogre making it so that the rock dog is summoned every time I'm in combat, as opposed to a chance when I'm hit. Ranger pets can be told to ignore enemies, can I get just a little button or a hotkey or ANYTHING to make my stone mutt stop scrapping with everything??

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**# Five of my requests got done last year! Here is my new list!!!**


##**Gem Store Items (things I would pay for):**

**Add a hairstyle that is long curly hair.**

You are close with the new curly hair, but longer....think Gaelic dancer long curly hair.


**Advanced Mail: **

Don’t suppress my mail ever when I’m mailing guild members. Allow me to mail groups of members with a checkbox selection by guild rank, friends, etc. like how the gifting check boxes work in the TP


**Guild slot expansion**

Adds 1 - 5 - or 10 guild slots to an account. (I would like to keep my main big guild, but join 10 more that farm stuff or more than one specialty guild like raid, pvp, or other. This is the same as the addition of character slots on my account only I can now be in more guilds.


**Permanent Guild Hall instance expander**

Allow me to apply the change to a guild I lead and will permanently expand the instance of my guild hall to 50/100/150. I want all of my guildies to be able to get into the same instance and not have to leave and reenter to accomplish it. When we are running group events in the guild hall it is such a dis-satisfier to have to stop everything because the instance is changing to accommodate one arriving player or one leaving.


**Guild Rank Expander:**

Person with the rank Guild Leader can add 10 more customizable player ranks in guild pane in addition to the 10 already there. The number of permissions has grown over time to currently 32 permissions to apply to ranks but there were no additions of Rank Slots to support those additional Roles these permissions could support. I like to advance ranks of my guildies to add unique responsibilities. I also like to apply ranks at times to groups of guildies just for fun.


**Interactive Scribe Deco License **

so that 400 Level Scribe Creations in my guild hall are interactive and functional for any repping guild member. Some examples: Winter’s Day Trees should each be gatherable for a gift during the time the festival is active….or all year for that matter if we want to keep them out somewhere. The globe (of disappointment) should list differing waypoints weekly, one per each world map. Guildies can go to that waypoint on interacting with the globe. The cornstalks should have candy corn gatherable. The snowmakers should allow gathering of snowflakes. If the guild is willing to produce the mats to make these very expensive items I’d like to see the items give back…slowly. To control the farm, allow only the first x number of interactive creations placed to function (hate this actually, I'd like to have as many as I want, but I get it. I liken this to buying the ability for making and placing our own nodes.


**Favor Convertor**

I LOVE that guildies can choose their buffs at the tavern based on what they are doing. I'd like to buy a favor convertor that can be permanently applied to the guild panel that will allow me to spend our favor earned from missions to increase the number of buffs they can carry at a time instead of just using it for banners. If I toggle this feature that I have bought to "ON" (checked) in the guild pane, the favor would come out of our favor stash for the week at mission reset. If there is not enough favor to support the license purchased (3 buffs =500 favor, 5 buffs=1000 favor, 9 buffs= 1500 favor), then you will revert to just being able to take the default 1 buff and your favor will accumulate until you reach the amount needed to support the buff. During times when you know you want to stack your favor up for anticipated guild hall additions you can uncheck it to turn it off and allow your favor to build up.


More **armor skins with interchangeable and mix and match pieces** and less outfits.........enough said.


**Closet and expandable tabs **

When purchased this adds a button, like the wallet button in the inventory, only this button is on your bank at the bottom. You can toggle to your closet (that is set up just like your bank tabs) where you can keep all of your armor and trinkets you are saving. Expanders for the closet would be available like expanders for your bank.



Same concept as the Closet, above, only for all of the weapons you want to store and it is another button on the bottom of your bank. Expanders would be available.


**## Reward Items:**


**A cottage**

that I can put in my home instances and decorate with rewards that I acquire from playing the game. In turn, once placed, these reward items make Advanced Crafting Materials, Gemstones and Jewels gatherable from nodes in my home instance.


**Map completion achievement for multiple completions**

Title and AP for 5 map completions (Frequent Flyer) and reward is 2 extra gifts of exploration. On 10 map completions on an account you get AP and a title (World Traveler) and permanent core heart completion on your account. If you did 10 map completions you should never have to suffer all of the hearts again. Any new toon on the account automatically has them done. And, for those who like to do hearts, I can make you happy also. When you create that new toon there will be a choice menu. Create this character with hearts completed (if the status to do has been earned? Done!


I am choking on exotic luck. I need an **exotic luck converter **

and I need the choices in it to be T5 and T6 mats or other things to make end game stuff.


**Daily Achievement Cap Remover**

I am an achievement hunter and the cap on getting achievements from the daily was a downer for me. I don't even bother getting them all anymore. That used to get me out to parts of the game I wouldn't have otherwise gone to. I think this was put in place to encourage folks to go out and do stuff. When you get to 37K there isn’t a lot left to do. Maybe as a kind gesture to those with 37K please include in the 37K reward chest an item that will allow the daily to calculate AP to the account again.


## **Functional Suggestions:**


This area in the guild pane needs to be separated to the categories it is comprised of in the available rank permissions. So “Use Placeables” should be replaced by “Use Banners” “Use Misc.”, “Use Siege” and “Use Guild Deco” (this last one gives those with the perm on their rank the perm to use the placeable deco to advance scribing, not to decorate). Here is why I need this. I want to encourage a brand new member to the guild to pursue scribe crafting if they want and allow use of decorations (which is a placeable) to them for advancing crafting. I want to allow use of consumables meaning Banners, Misc. and Siege (placeables) to higher ranked guild members only. Right now if you add the “Use Placeables” permission to a rank it is all or none and it governs all of them. The 4 categories of Storage need to be separated for the purposes of assigning permissions to use them to appropriate ranks.


**View my bank/collection remotely **

This is like the TP. Even if I can’t interact with it, I can at least see what I have so I can place a remote order at the TP with the knowledge of how much of something I already have.


**Guild Hall Deco Cap Needs to be removed completely:**

I'm not a fan of the 20 item limit in an area, but I get why it's there. How bout allowing that alone to govern the amount of deco in the guild hall. My guild has reached it's max and we have parted with everything we are willing to part with and with the advent of the race track we are at a deco standstill. We are at the cap and cannot add another piece and still have about half of the guild hall that is untouched. We were saving those areas for some special stuff. I don't mind pouring gold into that guild hall for deco. It is a game mode for our guild that we enjoy so much. Please lift the cap and if you can't please consider adding another 2K items allowed. Honestly I can't imagine the item limit would allow for much more than that anyway. **This one is a giant and immediate priority for us.** (I got 200 upvotes also on reddit for this in one day)


**Scribe Reward Track:**

Scribe is by far the largest expense where there is little to no personal gain. It’s super fun to make the decorations. I’d like to see a Scribe reward track that would drop scribe crafting items with a larger reward at the end of the track to include a list of choices of partially made elements of deco.

Assembly Device is a hostage situation: Allow me to type in how many of an item on the left panel I want to put into the assembly device. If I need a stack of catapults I am currently hostage to stand there and load that machine for an entire evening. I don’t care if it takes the same amount of time to produce them. Just don’t make me stand there.

**Customizable Esa / Workshop Proprietor Panel: **

I'd like to see a panel added to the workshop proprietor that includes every material required for every guild deco. The guild bank would have a panel added to hold all of this material looking much like your personal materials storage. When a guild leader checks an item in the list at the Workshop Proprietor it then shows on Esa the Frugal’s panel. Guildies would see just those items needed in his window and be able to donate into the guild hall vs sending them to a person. Also, things that are needed like the gift of exploration, that can't be mailed, can still be donated using this feature for scribe crafting. Once added, the items are free to be used for deco crafting just like the placeable deco are available. Once your guild hall is built you have all of these vendors hanging around that server virtually no purpose. I’d like to see them have some ongoing value if they are going to take up space.


**Permanent Bank, TP, Merchant need to be made account bound. **

If I have these items on my account I should have an icon on the bottom of my inventory to launch them. They shouldn't take up my shared slots.


**NPC that trades Black Lion items for other Black Lion items. **

Specifically, Black Lion Salvage Kits, Black Lion Trading Posts, Repair Canisters, Merchant Expresses, Bank Access Expresses, Upgrade Extractors, and any of the Passes. I want to be able to trade any one of these items for any one of another or one for a Black Lion Statuette so I can select an item that will be useful for me when I have a permanent version of one of these or just to many of any of one.


**Dye templates **

On all dye application panels (mounts, armor, outfits) there is Dye Template #1, Dye Template #2, Dye Template #3 each with a respective checkbox. When you want to set up your dye combo for your holiday look you can click on Dye Template #1 and then set it up. Do the same on Template #2 for, say, your WvW look, and maybe Template #3 for your PvE dye choices. Once set up you check the box and swap between saved templates quickly.


Add a very** irritating repeating sound to Raid Ready Check** that continues endlessly until a player selects Ready or until the ready check is cancelled when in a raid instance.


**Guild Kite Vendor has been missing in action for years.**

I have about 30 remaining Guildies who still have the illustrious guild kite with our emblem on it. These made excellent gifts to Guildies during holidays and guild celebrations….guild kites are sadly missed.


Add **festival music to guild hall music selections.** We already have SAB music, but we don’t have Winter’s Day, Lunar NY or Halloween music to select as an option. This is low hanging fruit. **Let's get this done for a week during Winter's Day!!!**


**Guild Hall Arena:**

The Arena gives the impression it is pvp based considering all of the pvp mats required to advance it, but, it’s not….it’s PvE. Considering all of those pvp items needed consider a toggle to allow players to use the arena in pvp mode using their pvp build.


**Add Mystic Black Lion Salvage Kit forge or crafting recipe**

Something like 3 Black Lion Salvage Kit 25 stacks and a mystic forge stone gives you 100 kits in a single stack.



On the hero tab there should be a line called Lore like where you have the mini’s and outfits. I have about a billion books that I've collected in story or events and they take up a large amount of room. I need those books to be collection based like the minis so I can click in the panel and select the ones I have to read back on so I can have my space back. Better yet!? Make a shelf a reward for my home instance and let me add the lore books from over the years to it.


**Build template slots**

This should be located on the hero panel in a new left nav icon. It should be sorted by game mode so I can easily select a build that I configured for a raid for a toon and a different build if I'm in a fractal or WvW.


Thanks so much for considering things on my list. It is so awesome to see them come to fruition in the game!!!!


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I have tons of gemstore items I never use. Black Lion Salvage Kits, Teleports to Friend, Instant Repair, Bank Access, Upgrade Extractors and so on. I didn't buy them, they are from Black Lion Chests and some daily rewards. Maybe someone finds these items useful and valuable, but not me. I can destroy them to free some space, but I'm too greedy to do it. What if we could give these items back to Gemstore in exchange of some gems or gold or karma or anything useful (minus taxes of course)?

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I wish outfits were like armos so that i can interchange those parts to create more combination. Some outfits are such that if i could just interchange those parts with armors i would've bought it for sure but now i won't cause it's a full set that gives me choices to either select outfit or armos.

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Ways to make armor invisible:

Best option would be Invisible Dye - any armor part dyed by it will be completely invisible, allowing to make only some pieces of the armor invisible rather than all of it. It would also work for outfits to slash away the pieces you don't want seen. Expect some funny appearances on characters :)


Allow hiding all armor pieces rather than currently just helmets, shoulders and gloves. If it hasn't been done yet then it seems Anet is not really willing to do this? But still, if not the invisible dye then at least this.


...Invisible skins for chest and leggings? Already one exists for boots but aquiring it seems like a huge pain. I'd really prefer if you did not go down this route. Better implement one of the above ideas and remove those boots from the game.


Reasons to make armor invisible:

Top reason: All Charr characters. We can give them beautiful fur and then.. hide it under ugly armor.. Why? Let charr go "naked", they have fur.


Reason Two: Tattooed Norns. Enough said.


Reason Three: It's about time.



Extra: Allow changing the color of undergarments? Should go hand in hand with hiding the armor. You could be cheeky and add this exclusively in the character creation menu via an extra category of "underwear color", we'd accept that. Though we'd prefer if it worked like dying armor...

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Battle of Khylo, The Trebuchet.

1. Make it deal alot less damage but completely neutralize enemy control points it fires at. It will still knockdown enemies.

2. It will lose life with each shot until it is destroyed, each shot will drain 10% of its max HP.

3. At the start of combat trebs will begin with 30% health, so only 3 shots to start with.

4. Repair kits will restore 50% HP.

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Because the Racetrack Guild decoration purchases occur outside the guild hall, there was no warning as to which guild my purchases would go to.


If it's not possible to re-direct the decoration destination, please at least give a warning as to which guild the purchase goes toward.


Thank you.

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I just realized one I would like to have...a biography box. I know we have the personal story, but I really dont like the fact of being locked into a premade story for my character. I'd like to be able to write out a biography for my characters. The few other mmo's I've played in the past have had these. I was surprised when I found out that GW2 didn't.

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> I just realized one I would like to have...a biography box. I know we have the personal story, but I really dont like the fact of being locked into a premade story for my character. I'd like to be able to write out a biography for my characters. The few other mmo's I've played in the past have had these. I was surprised when I found out that GW2 didn't.


Alot of RPrs i know use dedicated websites for that, i know its not the same but until(if) the idea gets added you can use those! Myself i use notepad++ to keep track of my characters :D

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I would like an item toolbar somewhere close to the weapon and utility skill bars. You can place items from your bags to this toolbar. Items like food, gear, siege blueprints, other consumable items. It would be so much easier to use this toolbar instead of opening your inventory every time. And ArenaNet can sell every slot of this toolbar like they are selling shared inventory slots.

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not a QoL suggestion or a gem suggestion but a suggestion none the less. various weapon categories have identical weapons that are functionally a reskin, entropy and its hammer twin, cobalt and ebonhawke are two examples but more exist in sword, shield, so on. why not take this to a new level and add more clones then put in a mystic forge recipe to combine them granting unique features. for example in ebonhawkes example we could make it into an earth sword and then when drawn it will have a different elemental property each time drawn. in entropy's case you could give it a color cascade. these are some cool examples. in the case of shield a sick idea would be to take the guild defender and kyrtas embrace. add maybe 2 more or something to that effect and grant us a vintage guildwars 1 cape when drawn with your guild logo on it.


you arent really making new content, just modifying existing content and adding some recipes maybe some special effects revolving around a weapon being drawn or equipped and it offers people not wanting to walk the path of swords that is making legendaries a chance to grab something really cool and unique for a relatively minimal investment. at one point mystic weapons were the budget weapons for new players; if u wanted an exotic this was one of the prime ways to grab a good looking one (not like pearl weapons *gags* which are hideous ) and now they cost a small fortune because we wanted to slow down legendary crafting with spirit shards. and while we can never make mystic weapons this again without radically altering what things are and arent exotice/ascend/legendary and what that means. we can look to neglected items like these and retool them to be something better. you don't need to be a legendary dressed down head to toe person to look amazing and that shouldnt be encouraged.

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