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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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It would be nice if other types of items in the world would remember what you set as 'auto attack' on them between uses. Doesn't even have to be character-by-character, account wide would be helpful.


An example is gliding in Bloodstone Fen, I set 1 to auto, but every time I glide, I have to reset it.

AB - Armors, I set it to 2. Would be nice if it remembered I like to do that each time I jump in the armor.


I'm sure there are lots of other items and such we use in the world that could benefit from it. Those are two that jump out in my mind.

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More control over the Heads Up Display and Action bars

When not in combat, the placement and size of the action bars is fine and gives you a great view of the world.


But in combat, they are terrible. To see your cooldowns, boons and conditions you have to take your eyes off of combat. The indicators for them are tiny and difficult to see. Allow us to have our skill CDs, boons, conditions immediately below our character in combat or to the left or right of our character and control their size and opacity.


Also allow us to create action sets:

~ create a set specific to a weapon main/off hand

~ allow us to assign abilities, including utility, healing and elite, to any key just for that set

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When having your Hero build window open, the traits should light up or somehow visually show you which trait becomes active when practicing your rotation. This way, it would be easier to get a better understanding of your build by seeing what works together with certain skills and how certain durations work out.

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i was thinking about boss rush, specifically the rewards system, now what's in place is fine, but it doesn't give you any sense of excitement, and for veteran players like myself who have killed every boss countless times, it feels kind of the same, with 3 extra mats and a rare thrown in.


i think a good idea for this would be to treat the event rewards like you do for dungeons, with a token-based system, this could then give players the option to work towards items, as well as having the chance of getting the super rare drops, the rewards could be something that are built up over time, but lets work with the norm, a set of skins for weapons and armor would be a start, then you implement tonics or minis, maybe even a chair, possibly some cool items for your home instance, and if your feeling really generous, maybe even a boss rush infusion, as the whole point of this is another way to get infusions, but this could be the most prestigious item.


but this is were it can get fun, set these at a high bar, the token rates for dungeon items are a great example, and since its boss rush you only have a limited time to get as many tokens as you can, that way when boss rush randomly appears, people are working towards something, and because it requires dedication for something that will only appear every few months, it can feel more prestigious to have items from boss rush, and overall give the player a greater sense of accomplishment.

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In the Hero Panel, under "Build" and "Weapon Skills," all available weapons to your class should show the full chain of attacks in the tool tip. For example: A Guardian's Greatsword skill 1 chain is: Strike --> Vengeful Strike --> Wrathful Strike. However, in the hero panel under the aforementioned windows, only the first attack is shown (Strike).


This would be useful when reviewing your build to see if a particular weapon type would work with it or not before you actually bought the weapon. I understand there is a wiki, etc. that can show this information, but having it in-game would be convenient - especially for those who may be using one monitor.

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> @"IDontKerr.9318" said:

> In the Hero Panel, under "Build" and "Weapon Skills," all available weapons to your class should show the full chain of attacks in the tool tip. For example: A Guardian's Greatsword skill 1 chain is: Strike --> Vengeful Strike --> Wrathful Strike. However, in the hero panel under the aforementioned windows, only the first attack is shown (Strike).


> This would be useful when reviewing your build to see if a particular weapon type would work with it or not before you actually bought the weapon. I understand there is a wiki, etc. that can show this information, but having it in-game would be convenient - especially for those who may be using one monitor.


To add on that, other stuff is missing from there too. You cant see the skills within other skills.

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WvW commander tags are too low (over head position) too hard to see, lost in the mess all the time and as well on mini map i should always be on top, please raise the Tag up into the air like 6 more inches. Its almost useless being in the mess of bodies and that the blue dots on mini map also cover it.

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1) remove confirmation window when applying glyph to tool. When swapping a glyph from shared slot, the replaced glyph goes to that original shared slot

2) set lfg window to remember last checked section - this can be limited to within map/login session

3) set toggle in preview window (and char creation page) to show actual look and color based on current map's settings. The preview window is really different from in-game

4) remove the locking of hot adventures

5) make the spawn of leg champs in SW fixed - eg X min after hitting the final tier of security but not conflicting with other event timings. If you wish, tie their individual spawns to the def level of the specific outposts

6) place launch pads in vb that can only be used during night defense, for quick travel within each camp's 4 defense points. Similar design with teq. Single reward so ppl dun tag and run

7) in the auto-attack, give the toggle option to make the stage more obvious as we cycle through, either 123 or color coded. The final attack is always strongest, but some old ppl like me might have trouble distinguishing it. Especially in a messy fight where you cant even see your animations, your sprite or your cursor.

8) please, toggle option to make cursor very obvious without needing an add-on

9) option to adjust transparency of other players and graphics in big fights, so you can see what the boss is doing

10) use X trans charges to change a skin to free-to-apply from wardrobe

11) vastly speed up the refining speed of basic mats that require mass-refining

12) increase stack size of common junk mats

13) view inventory in char selection page

14) create additional skin slots per item slot, that work similarly to outfits, that still require trans charges to apply, but is applied to char rather than to item, to switch back and forth at will. Can cost more to change, like 2-3 per slot. First column of skin slots is free, more can be purchased. Or something.

15) allow holo Smith in holo mode to pick up bundles. I know that this is to prevent holos from abusing bundles to turn off their holo mode (and get the buff for exit). Picking up the bundle will not cause holo to exit mode. There's only 1 bundle that Im thinking of actually, the fragment in solid ocean. Any fix that targets that is fine. For eg, into a special action key. It is sad to enter holo mode, get targeted, and having to dodge jade maw's attack and waste the chance to charge the fragment. Or get downed if you mistime your dodge. Plus teammates might get annoyed













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Either remove all time gates from the game, or move them to a once per character. It is extremely frustrating as a person that has OCD and only wants to work on one thing at a time that whenever a time gate comes up, I am not allowed to work on it anymore. Everytime there is a time gate that I encounter, I ultimately just end up doing whatever dailies I feel like doing, which gets diminished from said demoralizing time gate, and then get off GW2 until the next step can be taken on the next day.

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Beyond common status of revenant being turned into worthlessness.. Maybe it would be nice if you could make all of the skills like other specs... That they cant be used unless have a target. The targetable/out of range ones that fail and get used when we are 1 range out of range and it just wastes energy especially in pvp. Its one of the only specs that actually spends and wastes skills over no target or out of range and really, Rev is so terrible lately that any thing wasted just makes it an easy target. The people who actually are working on rev should also play one for at least a year and notice how much it has been wrecked over the last two years to almost uselessness unless you have a healer right there, or another person with you that can revive you or stun an enemy. Etc Etc... Spend some real time on revenant and not just guess work, Its just so bad. We really can only face a ranger or warrior, the rest of the players if they are good eat a rev like its a wurm vs eagle. Pathetic, im sorry, im not trying to be mean but wow, who the heck is doing all this work that only leads rev into worse and worse. The armor is too low, then you take more DPS away? The fails on Rev are just too many to list.. .Please, actually play the thing awhile before you make another change as the last almost 2 years you made rev from viable to terribly easy to kill and almost useless with out a partner all of the time, at all times and never ever be alone unless its a ranger/warrior. Even ele bunkers and Firebrands can kill a rev solo, OMG, lol, fail fail fail.

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1. Remove the crafting cap for items like Charged Quartz Crystals, leave ascended materials as is.

2. Fix time-gate things in collections like skyscale

3. Let us close the queue window that pops up in PvP while we are in the FFA Arena (annoying when I die because I can't close a bloody window)[some of us have tournaments]


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**Meeting Orders on TP:**

When meeting orders, there is a chance the order has already been met (as listings don't live refresh). Instead of automatically listing your items for the order price you were intending to meet, rather bring up a message saying the person's order has been met/no longer available, or waiver the listing fee. The unintended listing fee can hurt.

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I'd like to request that corresponding materials storage slots be created for existing crafting mats currently in game and in future, are included with new crafting materials as they are added into the game.


Crafting materials I have currently without a materials storage spot:

Wintersday Gifts

Mug of Eggnog

Ascalonian Royal Irises

Shining Jade Orchid Petals

Kodas Blossom Petals

Krytan Spiderwort Blooms

Lumber Cores


I created a thread (before I realised this one was here) so if anyone has any more mats, let me know and I'll add them to the list. To keep from spamming this thread, PM me.

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Banking guilds taking over the trade post. They post huge buy orders so they can move people towards buying the regular priced items. Its a risk but they have moved onto almost all of the crafting materials. Its getting old... Limit buy orders on crafting items to like 5000 at a time? (meaning, they cant post 18 buy orders for 5000 as well).


They have buy orders for 300,000 and more, forcing people to pay what prices they want, or having to wait till the 300k is filled.


You all know this guild, ive talked to them before and this is how i learned it from them. This is just wrong to a degree. Sure, buy and sell is fine yet they are abusing this and also are locking down on the legendary market as well. This has been going on years, but in that time they have slowly locked everyone out. This has gone to far and I am sure you know exactly who it is. It is also well know these people are also selling gold online which is against the eula. There is no reason to do this much farming and manipulation unless you plan to sell the gold online for $$$..


Then also.... people cant remove items from the TP with out taking a loss... Some items should vary on how much loss you get...

I always thought this was wrong, a listing fee.... Sure it helps on some things but when you loose 15 gold to remove an item due to price change that drops fast, its just not right for someone to loose so much when re-posting an item that is a high end item.



Time to put more fairness back into the trade post.

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Add a hard/expert and extreme mode to old dungeons. new bosses, different mechanics- anti stacking.

new but similar themed gear to each individual dungeon. special vendors offer specific rewards for completing these modes on higher difficulties.

Tier 4 cultural armor.

New Hairstyles for all races.


A way to spend our extra WvW points after everything is maxed.

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## [suggestion] Outfits + separate helmet


I get that it is difficult to turn outfits into armor (because of the separate pieces required).


But since their head pieces are already toggleable, how about offering us means to use different head armor instead? (For instance, I love the Timekeeper's outfit but have a helmet I would rather use with it.)

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Okay a few more:


6. I want underwater mounts, perhaps a dolphin? Something to speed up and maybe have improved maneuverability underwater. (Think Abzu and how cool that water travel works)

7. Warclaw (Battle Cat!) in PVE, would be nice if it had SOMEthing that made it special. A mastery track to something extra like maybe a double damage attack even.

8. A big Chicken mount that has the special ability of letting you mount up even when targeted so you have the right to run away from battles/mobs you know you can't solo. The right to run would be awesome. Even if it is the slowest suckiest mount ever it would just be nice to have the option.

9. What is up with that whole "something I can't even see, isn't firing upon me, but has me targeted so now I can't mount up for 10 minutes" BS?

10. Shiverpeaks Guild Hall! ;)

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Let us swap harvesting tools even if in combat. While I can understand the swapping equipment in combat could cause issues (different stat, sigil recharge, etc), harvesting tools do not affect the characters combat ability in any real way.

Very annoying to not be able to swap tools because my pet or minion has aggrod something, or there is some other reason the game thinks I'm in combat.


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I think it would be a great idea if they added a character tag, kind of like the commander tag but for roleplayers. One that could show where people who are in character are, and perhaps even when wearing the roleplay tag you are more likely to be put in a server with other people who are using the tag. Thus making roleplay more common and possible once again.

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