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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Reduce the number of enemies. PoF is way too crowded with enemies everywhere. I am forced to fight again and again even though I would like to be doing something else like exploring the map or just looking around. Remove all the enemies that are just scattered randomly and replace them with groups of mobs confined to specific areas like you have done in older maps where there are nesting areas or villages of aggressive species or bandit hideouts, etc. The idea is that players can explore the map freely and visit those places when they choose to complete a task or if they just want to fight. I am not enjoying PoF maps one bit. Playing those maps feels like a chore to me. I am actually playing less and less because of this. I believe PvE should focus primarily on exploration and scripted events instead of meaningless and unwanted fights.

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Since your letting us hide weapons out of combat, can we also hide aegis out of combat too? I want to be able to take glamour shots of my guardian without the obnoxiously distracting blue eyesore of the aegis shield on his arm. Not all guardians want to have a glowy blue themed character.

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> @"Matiole.6857" said:

> Since your letting us hide weapons out of combat, can we also hide aegis out of combat too? I want to be able to take glamour shots of my guardian without the obnoxiously distracting blue eyesore of the aegis shield on his arm. Not all guardians want to have a glowy blue themed character.


Many agree that aegis should really not be visible out of combat in the first place.

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Please consider seriously to remove the daily purchase limit of Funerary Incense for crystalline ingot at the primeval kings tomb merchant. I decided for my legendary to craft 250 crystalline ingots, I shouldn't be punished by doing so and forced to wait 50 days, 5 0 D A Y S, to purchase them.


(yeah the current limit is 5 per day per account)

Which is totally aberrant. Why the vendor isn't annoyed to sell 250 incenses for trade contract and mosaics and not for crystal ingots it doesn't make sense even realistically: you will never see a merchant refusing to sell your more because you chose a different medium of payment. I urge you to change that, I want to spend all my money in that kitten 2gen legendary the fastest possible and now I'm even restricted to spend my gold how I want *facepalm.

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World boss portal device. Would be nice to see extended functionality like:

-completition tracking. optionaly don't notify about already killed bosses.

-shows the boss is active, even if he already killed. like any site through API.

-if 4 and more boss active at one time, it show only 3. So you can't tp to required.


Next - maguuma pact operation portal device & levvi's devices & ley-infused lodestone & exalted portal stone & maybe sometihng yet.


Would be great to unite all this thing in all-in-one compass Multi tool. It's taking a lot of place in bag. For example temporary exchange through npc.


Same about books. Interesting to collect them, but my storage are against it. We need a Great Book for other Book.


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I am a guild leader and sometimes the **actions that a leader can do with his guild are limited**.


Things like exclusive or distinguished chat of leaders, and exclusive announcements of leaders do not exist.


At the same time, climbing ranks within a guild sometimes has no meaning and has no reward. It would be good if at least leaders can reward players with titles or something else and something else like a passive booster of the specific rank.

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Make it so we can craft in mabon market without the event preventing us every so often! It's such a pretty place, and I know it makes logical sense that the stations shut down, but although it's such a beautiful place to craft (even though i have mistlock, i'd still rather craft in mabon and go to mistlock for the genie furnace), the event prevents you from using it every so often. All races but sylvari have a nice place out of the major city/in beginner area (small town) to craft at uninterrupted :(

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Improve drop rates please.

I've tried for over 5 hours worth of play to try to get the forged staff out of the forged, with no success... and here's the thing, right?

I tried yesterday around the desolation and outside Crystal Oasis, with no boosters.


• Common unidentified gear (few)

• Junk

• Yellow weapons (2)

• Salvageable materials (20+)


Today I tried with 3 boosters for extra magic find

• Food 19%

• Utility 30%

• Item booster, and other boosters 100% more magic find.

The results were exactly the same.

More junk, and more low end stuff.


Come on please.

In level 80 areas, exotic weapons should drop a lot more often.

I'm not asking for ascended, but atleast tribes and factions specific weapons should drop at a much higher rate.


Also world bosses weapons, such as Breath of Jormag, should have a much higher chance of dropping.

I've been trying often for a year now to get it for my rev, and no luck.


Call me tight, but I'm not paying over 100 Gold for an exotic, when there are hundreds of them for sale on TP, and nobody buys them; doesn't matter how much I want it.

An exotic should not cost nowhere near as much.


Furthermore, I will not waste time taking on veterans or elites, when all we get is the same low end stuff that you would get from a level 5 bat or passive Moa... if anything at all.

When fighting a level 80 veteran and higher rank, we should always get an exotic.

Which brings me to an idea to add unidentified exotic gear piece to the drop system.


Please consider.

Thank you.

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As a guild leader, I have some wishes that I think could help a lot of guilds stay alive and be more active


In-game Calendar:

* festival timers

* leaving world/sage release days

Guild calendar access:

* add guild events

* weekly event rotations

* a sign up for guild events



Guild recruitment:


* letting the guilds have an option to add their guilds to an in-game database where players can join guilds or request to join

I have seen this in a million of definite games, and I think I could help some guilds grow, without having to do map spam every day on every map,


* make the permission “Admin Lower Ranks” in to “invite right” “edit rank” “kick right”

* As a guild leader, I like to let all my members have the right to invite new member,

* But I’m not a fan of the fact that this lets then kick members or change others ranks.

* Make it harder to kick members, just give it a confirm/cancel box, its to easy to do by accident.


Other Guild stuff:


* Make treasure trove and deep cave (guild bank) have separate permissions

* Make the scribe able to sort crafting by the category they get sorted by (furniture, festival, plants and so on.

* give more options in how you can place a decoration, up and down just enough to avoid things getting barred or flooding, ad maybe even the option to grow or shrink and tilt.

* increase the item limits of how many decorations there can bee in an area (or remove them and only leave the max for the map)

as it is at the moment you can’t make something like cowering the ground with snow and then add other things because there are too many items.

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Build template thing is just confusing with the over write this, over write that... How about adding a load template in the tree list and replace/over write button.

It just looks like your always going to erase stuff... or (over write it) and it doesnt actually do this, but on a pc, over write is to replace and delete basically...


Its a bad term to use... Load template..... use this template, something more specific....


replace and or over write is fine, but make it actually do that, not just load it....


Its just vague and it seems like your gonna erase a build you have, but anyhow... thats my thoughts.




if you click different traits and R clk the template (then over right/replace)


Delete template....





Think thats all we need, kinda like all pc do?


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Hello Anet


**I suggest two things about the combo UI change.**



**1. Suggest color change and symbol in combo UI**


The current combo mark makes it hard to know which combo field I used on the combo finisher.


I want to change the color of the combo mark so that I can see what effect it has.




![](https://i.imgur.com/qQeHdLe.jpg "")


Poison = Green, Shadow = Grey, Dark = Black, Ice = Light Blue




In addition, I suggest changing the shape of the marks of the combo finisher.


![](https://i.imgur.com/UVPAJGi.jpg "")



**2. Change the creation point of combo mark**


I would like to change the point where the combo mark occurs to the head of the player using the combo finisher or to the point where the combo occurred.


The combo mark is now placed on top of the other player's head using the combo field or combo finisher.


But if another player is out of the screen, I don't know which combo I used.


As a result, I do not know what I did.


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Hello, Arena net !!


**Many novice users do not enter the guild, which makes it difficult to learn and adapt to the game.


Also, the guild has no way to promote.**


I suggest a guild introduction, promotion, and invitation through the guild banner.


1. After installing the guild banner, you should be able to choose whether to activate the guild invitation function.


2. Be able to write a guild introduction.


3. I want to reduce the cost of making guild banners so that even poor guilds can promote guilds.


Thank you Arena net

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been trying to get rakkan to work in cursed shore for a month now, for juggernuat 3, collosus, known issue, broken for 2 years? really? why not just make the item available for sale or something, this is really ridiculous, there is no help provided except maybe i can do this, or that, reset, or fill map.. No one is going there anymore... 2 years its broken? like wow... its a legendary quest... what the heck peoples?

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