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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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It is time to update [Mina's shooting stand](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mina%27s_Target_Shooting) in Divinity Reach. Adventures like [shooting Gallery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shooting_Gallery) exists. Just add a new adventure at mina's stand using the same code. Mina tp you where the npcs are shooting, just add a challenge banner; and that way that minigame is fixed.

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Would be nice to have dedicated devs to answers questions on the en wiki. About events, mechanics, existence of an npc or whatever. At least, answering some of the questions.


Add asuran decos in guild hall to allow us making our own lab, cannot say please enough.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> A thread already exists for QoL suggestions:[ https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas#latest)


Well, thank you for your suggestion, I knew my messages would merge to that thread eventually and get berried in 40 pages of suggestion which some of them are 3 years old. I wanted to get some exposure from players before that.

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Summon runes like Ogre (rock dog) and Golemancer (golem) should be able to TURN OFF SUMMONING! There are instances where the summons is a detriment (trying to lure a mob or golem spin will break apart a clustered mob, pissing off the group) and the only thing to do is remove a set piece or not use the runes. Easy fix, do it.

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Some ideas.


1. Add option to simulate food buff/utility buff/attribute infusion in Special Force training area



Since most of these buff are essential for dps testing, adding these will be more convenient for new player to learn/practice their raid rotation, since most of these things cost quite a lot of gold. (For example, Power/Ferocity food cost 50+s/30 mins, which only allow players to do 6-7 parse)




2. Remove the limitation of transmutation that only allows players transmute armor style into the respective armor class



As fashion war is the one and the best endgame content, removing this would help player to have better chance to create their unique looking outfit. It also fix the problem that most of the medium armor are long coat!

People complaining about there is no long coat in their light armor class? Let them transmute it to a medium armor look!




3. Standardize the texture of each armor material


For now, there are so many texture for one material, which end up like this:

![](https://scontent.fhkg3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/84269763_10217888278291376_2966317715578421248_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=srkFkUOZ0hUAX88ujoi&_nc_ht=scontent.fhkg3-1.fna&oh=c9d34c8b9865a316fe66b349ee6ed674&oe=5F03AC50 "")

(apologize for the terrible editing)



Each texture has a unique effect on one dye, reflect differently under light effect, making pairing them feels impossible as it'll end up in different color with an awkward looking. Standardize the texture definitely helps a lot.



For players who like more different texture in their armors, let the dye stamp do their job, add dyes that will change the texture of the armor, which will let player to have more possibility to create their unique outfit, and more possibility for your gem store income too!




4. Ability to adjust the size for the preview window


Charrs are large. Charrs can't fit the current preview window. Charrs need a larger preview window. Let Charrs adjust it.


Hope you'll consider adding these to the future plans of the game, thanks for reading.

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I'm unsure if the topic, or the threads have been brought up here already, but here it goes. Linked are two threads proposing and outlining the idea of a library for the player to store all the lore books that have been aquired over the years. While they often serve no use after aquisition, many want to hold on to them but with the increasing amounts it's getting to be a mess. However, linked posts outlined it a lot better than I ever could.


Please consider the addition of a feature such as this.




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Greetings fellow players.


Just shamelessly came back to the game after quite some time and a friend told me to wait for today's patch note before getting gear for my red since bla bla bla patch note.


So... today after waking up I logged in to update the game and read the patch note but I was just dumbfounded and the sheer amount of words made my brain hurt a little. Keep in mind I actually write stories and read a lot in my spare time so I'm used to seeing walls of words.

Thing is, 90% of it was not interesting to me as a player, cool to know and all but it just didn't concern me much. As it is, I believe like any other games, only a little percentage actually go thought the effort of reading the notes and the others either don't care or rely on other people to explain in youtube videos and such.


Therefore, my idea is just changing how the patch notes are written.

Here is how I would see it:




# * General


super cool stuff and updates about the changes brought to differents windows ingame, the gem store and all of that


## * PvE


Short text saying we have new updates about .... fractal changes?

>! Fractal is cool


Another short text saying one of the raids has been tweaked!

>! details about what now changes!


## * PvP


Reward track has been changed!

>!wow, such coolness


## * WvW


Insert here the various general changes about WvW like the warclaw changes that affect all classes and players before going in the details of each class

>!Actual warclaw changes



>! cool stuff is written here but not everyone plays warrior so to save some scrolling ... spoiler :tired_face:



>!more cool stuff about ranger, a glass I don't actually play so I'm not as interested in reading it



Pretty sure your you can make it look better and possibly at stuff in that does not say spoiler or even maybe link words to have some mini index at the top to click on that leads you directly to say general PvP changes but as it is, it takes some mental effort to go through the patch notes!


Hopefully, something like this would be much more readable considering the amount of work you guys put in every patch and all the changes. Instead of scrolling down a massive page to be able to select what you actually want to read would be appreciated.

Also, less is sometimes more! In all honesty, I don't remember what I read just before because I'm bombarded with so much information. #


Anyways, have a good day and have fun!




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Please!!! Remove hotkey conflicts between Gear and Trait templates!

First of all, when you have all Trait and Gear templates you need 12(!!!!) hotkeys.

Second, there are plenty of situations that require changing both Gear and Trait template at same time. Instead of doing that in 2 button pushes, you could allow us to do it in one button push ( plus to that it will spare us some buttons on keyboard ).


It will be even better if template hotkeys will be unique for each character.

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I have a small request. Not very important, but it could be very useful for me (and I suppose for other players aswell). I've been thinking about this for a while, but it's only a very small qol suggestion.


When I open a season portal tome, to go to a map of the living story, the window with maps opens always **behind ** my inventory. Then I have to move or close my inventory before I can click on a map.


It would be nice if the window with maps opens in the front, so i don't have to close my inventory first, but that I can immediately click on the right map.

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There is a great start to the "immersive camera" system. I would honestly love to see more done with that. Maybe allowing the rebinding of mouse keys so players can set up an "Action" system and allow the choice between playstyles. It wouldn't necessarily give anyone an advantage, but it would definitely sweeten the pot to new players, knowing they can play however they feel most comfortable

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QoL for me at least, would be vastly improved if you created farmable methods for obtaining ultra-rare drop cosmetic items, gated behind difficult to farm items. as an example:

Chak Egg Sac, but account bound.

Purchasable from the Merchant after Gerent for the cost of 1000 Chak Eggs.

currently the only way to get these eggs is to do the Gerent and a few other events, with the only way to really farm them being Caches throughout TD, which of course need Keys(Chak Acid)

Merchant could also sell them in various Colors, so people could have Blue or Green lightning trails. maybe even make some sort of crazy variant unlockable by trading in all 7 colors that makes a Rainbow trail come off of you.

with the need for the Eggs going up, and their account bound nature, there would be no money trading hands, so it would be entirely up to the player to obtain. would also make the map more active on a more regular basis as the need for Keys would skyrocket, causing more players to complete events more.


another example could be for the Vial of Aurillium costing Auric Ingots, though those are crafted and would inevitably skyrocket the cost of Auric Slivers. but its jsust an example.

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