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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Three things related to luck:


First, give us more ways to get rid of luck once we're capped. Is there a reason there isn't a luck buyer during all the other festivals?


Second, give us a way to turn in the 50 luck letters received when a character finishes the last tier 1 storyline mission.


Third, give us some new recipes for 500 luck (2 for 5 exotic luck). Higher amounts would be appreciated as well, as long as number one above is changed as well.

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X Birthday Dye Packs - Can we please have a list of dyes, instead, that we haven't unlocked, so we don't choose a dye kit where we've already unlocked all the dyes in it? As it is right now, I have to keep going to the GW2wiki page and finding out which dyes are in each dye kit, when I get them from my character's birthday rewards, because I don't know if I've unlocked all the dyes in each pack (and I certainly don't want to trust those API key things). It's a huge waste of time trying to figure it all out. It would be easier to have a list of dyes that we haven't unlocked.


While we're at it, include new dyes in old packs, because many people have already unlocked them all (especially the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year dye packs), and what happens when those dye packs from the birthday rewards are already unlocked? Those dye packs are useless. So unless we can mystic forge them or something, it just wastes space.


Movement speed, and golems, in WvW. WvW desperately needs some sort of movement speed ability, both for golems, and for players. I think for, say, 100 points, you could run 25% faster as a player, out of combat. For golems, there should be a +5%, +10%, +15%, +20%, +25%, +33%, and +66% movement ability. Considering golems are already extremely slow, a 66% increase in speed with this final ability, I don't believe would be overpowered. It would encourage players to use golems more (there are countless times where golems are simply left behind, because players move faster, and therefore capture more things before the golems reach said place - discouraging players to get inside the golems, because they're slow AF), and those who have been playing WvW for a long time, would be able to use more ability points, and feel like using a golem is actually rewarding, rather than a hindrance, as it feels like it is now. Plain and simple, they're just too slow, and many players refuse to get inside golems and use them because the other players end up making more WvW XP by the time the golem gets to the destination the group wants to attack. There's no incentive to use golems. You actually make less WvW XP because of their slow speed.

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I know most players in GW2 have multiple Alt accounts, would it be good if we can have a multiple account profile on the launcher with saved passwords for easier login rather than depending on some other 3rd party to launch the game. Please if this can be made, it would be greatly appreciated. <3

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Thanks for getting feedback from the players. Here are some of my suggestions.


**Open-World Event indicators and their links to achievements**

- During my gameplay, I spend 1/3 of my time looking at my second screen to keep track of events, and to keep track of achievements in that region. This requires hundreds of ALT + TABS in-game. Right now, the most efficient way to do Open-World content is by looking at third-party apps outside the game. I suggest these:


- Develop a better world-map. Enable the player to see more information on the world map. NPCs, Small Events, Meta Events, Previously discovered Jumping puzzles, Secrets. Enable the player to use a filtering system to allow them to customize what they see on their world-map. The lack of this system puts a huge memory load on all players while intimidating the new players. A perfect example of map filter design can be Black Desert Online.


- The new icons for "there is an achievement here" is an excellent idea! This can be explored furthermore. You can give better feedback whenever we enter a situation of an achievement. It can be an animation or even with a slight change in music. Put the players into the mood that there is an achievement to be made at that point. The goal of game design here should be, "Can this player achieve this?". But instead, right now, achievements are in a state of "Did the player read 50 possible achievements in this zone, and then can they remember it?"


- The current tracking system for achievements is insufficient. Let the players customize the in-game UI more. And, show only the related achievements to the player. For example, If I am doing meta events and casually completing my achievements in Dragonfall, I would like to see the progress bars of the achievements in Dragonfall to give me a sense of progress in what I am doing. But instead, I see a bunch of long-forgotten achievements which I have added to my watchlist. That is a completely wasted opportunity covering the 1/8th of my screen at the top right corner.



**Feedback mechanisms for the keypresses in-game.**

* This is existing in some ways in the game, such as being able to see player names on pressing shift. I suggest you develop this further. For example, within the tooltips of objects, we link them by pressing CTRL, Split stacks by pressing ALT. These actions can be highlighted upon key press. Imagine small link icons appearing at the corners of linkable tooltips when we hold the CTRL Key.


**LFG Menu**

* The LFG Menu have been getting outdated due to the amount of content released. Previously, a player had to browse through 3-4 sections and 7-8 subsections at maximum. Right now, this number is multiplied by 3. This causes the browsing of LFG very burdensome and causes some of the less popular sections not to be browsed at all. I suggest you have a new tooltip near each section's name. Before clicking to see the results, from the first layer, we can see how many total people are there in a section. So this enables the player to see if there is an activity in a zone beforehand. Before having to browse each one of them. One thing to ideate around can be to implement the LFG menu as an overlay to the world map. This can stimulate the players, giving a much more lively menu to choose where to go. It can also help players link regions and actions with their names easier, reducing their memory load.


Overall, I think you are doing great with the QoL improvements in the game. I have purchased the world event and boss timers from the gem store. And I love the convenience they brought to my gameplay. The interaction of the items seems a little rushed (the chat boxes), though. I wish you could spend more resources on improving the overall UX flows of the game. But I understand that you also have to release a lot of content in very little time.


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When using Q, E for movement, it's slow. Please level the speed as high as W.

When going forward with W and turning using A, D, the turning speed is slow at first and then radically speeds up (very annoying in LA lighthouse vista). Please level it to speed up speeds.

When using space to go up in water, it goes more slowly than it would go with W, but you have to turn to face the surface. Please level it to maximum speed available with space key.

If this clashes with your ideas of immersion, this can always be made entirely optional. Shouldn't be a huge problem.

Just these small updates to movement would improve the game alot for me.

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**Simple Party UI for the entire Raid Squad**


Turning off the _View as Grid_ option in the squad UI will display a UI similar to the Simple Party UI, which has the advantage of showing the effects currently on people (and just looks cleaner in my opinion) however the disadvange is that it only shows your subgroup.

I think it would be nice to show, the entire squad while in raids, either by default or using an option, and maybe even separate the subgroups with a small horizontal line in between, that way you can both see all the healthbars of your raid squad and the effects currently on them.

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There are some skins that are mysteriously not in the wardrobe if you don't have them unlocked--the most noticeable being the absent Ascension. If the idea is that skins that you cannot obtain anymore (such as gem store skins) are not supposed to be in the wardrobe, then stuff like the etherbound gauntlets are there. The most confusing case is probably the etherbound set, as the gloves and backpack are there but the shoulder and gloves are. Could we just have it so all skins are there? It would be more convenient so that we don't have to go to the wiki to get the skin ids.


Also, please make the mount menu better. I know there are addons, but I don't like using addons because I don't like putting my account at risk. The current menu is so awful and makes switching between them pretty miserable. There are addons like radial mount menu that are really efficient and nice. I get the vibe that the devs attitudes towards this is kind of like "download an addon if you don't like it," but I feel like a big game like this shouldn't be reliant on addons like that to fix simple bad ui.

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It's 2020 and I still can't disable tool tips on the hotbar. Being an older player with hand pain, playing with the mouse and clicking abilities has always been the only way I can play games comfortably. Many games allow me to do this, but never GW2. That's all, let me disable those and I would be a very happy camper.

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1) No spawn zone within a certain radius around meta event chest(s) for summonable objects and NPCs such as banker, merchant and Trading Post NPCs, and objects that include, but not limited to, bobble head lab, box of fun and of course the infamous aviator box.


2) Additional mystic coins as an option from the [Chest of Loyalty](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Loyalty)


3) Ascended [enhancement buffs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enhancement) (oils as some call it) in addition to the ascended foods that already exist in-game.


Edit 1:

4) Ability to hide just the personal story/living story part of the objectives HUD.


Edit 2:

5) Allow Gifts of Battle to be stored in the collections tab of the bank. Plenty of other legendary items already there including those specific to just one legendary, might as well add one of the universal ones too.

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Seeing as light,medium,heavy professions can be tied directly to the defense values of the armor, why not just do that and add those defenses fixed to the profession whenever wearing armor, and then open up all armor types to all classes so there's no "weight" restrictions anymore, only the cultural ones. Voila, whole new fashion wars game where you can mix and match all kinds of armor?


Neutral looking chars anyway in pvp/wvw where people would need to determine anyway if they ever do that based on looks ;)

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It would be nice to have a Dungeon-centric themed Lounge Pass where you're able to either


1) Have a portal to the map where the dungeon is located, or


2) Prompt you to enter a dungeon when you're party is already inside the dungeon, while still in the lounge,


Along with all the other goodies like crafting/banks/trading post/etc.



I don't want to double post on the gemstore request thread, so if this post belongs there, feel free to move it there.

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# **Skyscale's Engage Skill QoL Change**:


In line with the mount engage skill activation, could the Skyscale's [blast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blast) engage skill, instead of dropping a fire field _in front of you_ with no aiming method whatsoever, **drop the fire field on your landing spot** so that it's easier to aim it, and is inline with other engage skills that have an effect on your landing spots?


Examples being the Raptor's [Tail Spin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tail_Spin), Springer's [Cannonball](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cannonball_(skill)), Jackal's [Pounce](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pounce_(Jackal)), Warclaw's [battle Maul](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Maul) and Griffon's [swoop](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swoop_(griffon)).


This change would really make the engage skill more intuitive and easier to use, with a reliable way to aim the fire field, be it for damage or planned combo interactions.


Thank you for your time! =)

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* Remove the prompt when you interact with guild buff banners. You know the "with compliments of..." which never states the name of the granting guild anyhow and only serves as noise when you get the usual situations where an array of 3-4 boost banners have been put down.


Just tedious having to click 'escape' or 'OK' to close the prompt. The buff was granted even before you interacted with the flag, so it really serves no purpose, and it should be updated to be as "silent" as the Road Marker and Spirit Banner banners that already don't show this prompt.

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> @"Bippo.4290" said:


> **LFG Menu**

> * The LFG Menu have been getting outdated due to the amount of content released. Previously, a player had to browse through 3-4 sections and 7-8 subsections at maximum. Right now, this number is multiplied by 3. This causes the browsing of LFG very burdensome and causes some of the less popular sections not to be browsed at all. I suggest you have a new tooltip near each section's name. Before clicking to see the results, from the first layer, we can see how many total people are there in a section. So this enables the player to see if there is an activity in a zone beforehand. Before having to browse each one of them. One thing to ideate around can be to implement the LFG menu as an overlay to the world map. This can stimulate the players, giving a much more lively menu to choose where to go. It can also help players link regions and actions with their names easier, reducing their memory load.


Very much agree with Bippo's suggestions. I'd like to expand on the LFG section. Being able to team up with other players EASILY for storymode quests would be huge for me. It's so much more enjoyable to play with others but getting participation for storymode quests and then running along the storyline together is a challenge atm.


Ideally I'd like to see some match making features; for example, set my status more granularly to include gameplay types I'm available for and the game then notifies me on matches (e.g. players who are online and at the same stage in storymode and have also set themselves to available). This wouldn't have to be limited to the currently active quests but anything that's open on the current character. I usually don't care much what part of the storyline I progress in, I just want to have some fun (play with other players) and progress.



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**1. Improvement for invisible mode:** make it truly invisble & live up to it's name. As of current, other people can tell that I'm still online by mouse-hovering over my name and they would be able to see that I'm actively in-game by reading the location next to my account name, when I'm still invisible. Also while invisible, I should be able to receive pm from my friends IF I pm them first until the chat is inactive for at least 5 mins; if I didn't, no one should be able to pm me to check if I'm online or not.


**2. Icebrood Saga currency:** they should be able to let consumed. Not sure if I like the idea of exchange it at the npc WITH the karma. I prefer it to just consumed for direct currency, or increase the chillies/ice shards quatity required for the exchange. Currently having to cost the chilli/ice shard PLUS the karma leads players to having more shards than they can convert when they need to save up karma for something else (I know some people may have been sitting on a lot of karma, but not everyone is rich on karma). I personally have thousands for shards sitting in my alt thinking if I should just delete them instead.


**3. Crafting:** it's very meaningless to set crafting to character bound, account bound would be more convenient.


**4. Secret garden reset timer:** all secret garden should just reset at the same time (daily reset time). For example if I harvest all the seleted secret gardens at the same time the previous day, if I think I won't be available around the same time and decided to do the harvest early, some gardens are ready to be harvest but some are not.


**5. Materials/items that ideally goes into the material storage/wallet:** the four flowers (Shing Jea/Ac royal irises/Koda's blossom/Spiderwort blossom - storage), keys of greater nightmare (wallet), piles of silk sand (storage), circus voucher (wallet), aetherkey piece (remove the need to combine but instead just load the key into the wallet), philosophy stone (storage), mystic force stone (storage), intact mosaic (storage), 3x assult knight power cores (storage), exquisite serpentite jewel (storage), ornate rusted key (wallet).


**6. Universal tomes for VIP lounges/LW tomes/misc. teleport devices:** I'm sure many people would agree to this one. It was fine long time ago but the amount of tomes/boss portal devices/etc.. has been increased by quite a few ever since, it's getting very cluttered and some were abandoned in the bank and long forgetten. The convenient item has became an inconveniet dust collector.


**7. Consummables (plank/metal rod/rock/etc...):** currently it's very inconvenient to bring up the inventory in the fractal -> minimised it & drag to the top right hand corner -> scroll down past the long list of shared inventory slots -> double click to use. Ideally it should have a separate "skill bar" that you can load charges into, and display on the character's screen if it's on the mode that allows consummables. Better yet the consumables are account wide, such that all the other charcters can share the same consusmable without having to waste the remaining charges should I decide to no longer using that character for fractal.


**8. Option to preview outfit with the weapon/backpack:** currently in the hero's wardrobe, I can only preview the skins of the gear I'm wearing, I have to use my imagination to transmute the weapon or backpack to match with the outfit which can't be seen unless I waste a transmute charge to finialise it, go to the outfit panel, then waste another transmute charge again if I don't like the look.


**9. Home portal scroll need more options:** should be able to teleport to any racial town instead of just 1.


_Edit: added a few items below._


**10. Prevent login to a closing map:** it's been so often that as soon as I login to a map or VIP lounge, the instance is immediately asking me to switch map, it's really annoying.


**11. Inventory encumbured:** please do not open more boxes when the inventory is full, because I can't salvage what's in my inventory first before taking what's idling in the warning pop-up box, it's few extra steps that I have to move an item to the bank -> take the extra item -> then move it back into the bank, the other optionn is selling an item straight to TP that is also an extra step.


**12. Selling limit to TP needs to be increased:** I like to open all my unidentified boxes at once, and I'd salvage all the blues & greens but will sell the rare 1 by 1, but everytime when I do this, a warning message of selling to quickly will pop and I have to pause for a few minutes 1/3 of the selling evey single time.... please increaase the selling limit.

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