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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Realy small thing, but imporving the legendary weapon skill effects. The most stuning and epic skills doesnt get the legendary effects (Ranger Barrage) and sometimes it comes out akward the skill isnt modified from the effect (Guardian symbols: holy-style blue-ish/white-ish with Twilight's dark blackness/redness), or simply does nothing special (Shooshadoo -> Guardian Shield of Absorption / Warrior Shield Stance). They are asesome looking, but compared for the price and prestige of such weapons, not only specific skills should get the effect, but all of them (or atleast all those, wich has the most visual potencial, like Ranger Barrage). On the shields its underperformance to only have it on projectile skills

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> @"ginryu.3026" said:

> **Home Instance Nodes and Improved Economy Regulation**

> (_This section has been edited as of 2019-07-07_.)


> Adding Home Instance gathering nodes to the Gem Store, so they can be purchased individually, has been a huge QoL improvement, yet there are still two such nodes that have been inexplicably excluded from the list: the [Advanced Cloth Rack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Advanced_Cloth_Rack "Advanced Cloth Rack") and the [Advanced Leather Rack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Advanced_Leather_Rack "Advanced Leather Rack").


> Likewise, adding the [black Lion Statuette](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette "Black Lion Statuette") item (and its corresponding merchant) to the game was an excellent QoL improvement. Due to hyper-inflated Trading Post prices for certain items, giving players the option to purchase certain items directly from the Gem Store on a regular basis, or from Black Lion Statuette vendors, would be consistent with the ostensible purpose for the Black Lion Statuette vendors. These items include, but are not limited to:

> * These Permanent Contracts:

> ** [Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Black_Lion_Merchant_Contract "Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract");

> ** [Permanent Hair Stylist Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Hair_Stylist_Contract "Permanent Hair Stylist Contract");

> ** [Permanent Bank Access Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Bank_Access_Contract "Permanent Bank Access Contract");

> ** [Permanent Trading Post Express Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Trading_Post_Express_Contract "Permanent Trading Post Express Contract");

> ** [Endless Repair Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Repair_Contract "Endless Repair Contract"); and

> ** [Endless Upgrade Extractor Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Upgrade_Extractor_Contract "Endless Upgrade Extractor Contract").


> For long-time players with huge amounts of consumable versions, as well as a Permanent / Endless version of one or more of these items, a brilliant QoL improvement would be the ability to exchange consumable versions of these items for a reasonable quantity of Black Lion Statuettes per consumable (e.g., an Upgrade Extractor could be sold to the Black Lion Statuette merchant for 5 Black Lion Statuettes, etc., etc.).


> **Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots (Account-Level)**


> I would like to be able to purchase from the Gem Store shared gathering tool slots for my characters. Ideally, one would be able to make this purchase once for his entire account.


> In other words, I hope I would not have to—individually, one-at-a-time—purchase shared gathering slots for each gathering tool type, for each character. (This kind of implementation would dramatically reduce my interest in this feature.) Ideally, the purchase would be made once, and would unlock the shared gathering tool slot for every character on my account. I could see making each tool type slot a separate purchase, if ArenaNet really has to do that in order to justify the cost of implementing this Quality of Life improvement.


> So, for example, for 400 Gems, one could unlock a Shared Logging Tool Slot for all of his characters, place his Reap-r-Tron, or whatever, in the slot, and then use the Reap-r-Tron on every character without having to individually equip the unlimited gathering tool each time he switches characters. Then, for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Mining Tool Slot, which would work the same way; and for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Foraging Tool Slot, which would work the same way.


> Having to move unlimited gathering tools from one character to another is an annoying, frustrating inconvenience. Players specifically buy unlimited gathering tools to avoid the inconvenience of having to purchase the standard, limited-use gathering tools. This Quality of Life feature, therefore, would add value to an existing feature and further enhance QoL for players.


> **Ancillary Feature: Locked Shared Gathering Tool Slots**


> For players who like to use different unlimited gathering tool sets, depending on which character they’re playing, it would be nice to have the ability to “lock” a purchased Shared Gathering Tool Slot for a given character. Locking a Shared Gathering Tool Slot prior to equipping a gathering tool in that slot would prevent the any account-wide changes being made to the locked character or to any other character as a result of equipping a gathering tool in the locked slot.


> **Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu**


> This is a feature suggestion. I would like for the development team to add the ability to pin a character to the beginning of the character list on the character selection screen. This would be a Quality of Life improvement that I imagine would be very easy to implement, yet would have broad appeal. Of course, being able to manually order your characters on the Character Select screen (and lock that ordering) would be ideal, but even being able to pin a single character to the beginning of the list would be a marginal improvement.


> Right now, the last character I played is the first one that shows up in the character selection list. I would prefer to be able to pin one character to the beginning of the list, and have the rest of my characters show up in the order most recently played. Honestly, I’m surprised this idea hasn’t already been considered and implemented.


> **Meaningful Guild Hall Changes**


> 1. While your mileage may vary, most Guild Halls have become ghost towns, populated only by NPCs, and the random player making their way to the tavern to refresh or change their guild bonus from +sPvP to +WvW or +Gathering or whatever. Adding to Guild Halls entrances or a portal to dungeons, fractals, and raids might make them seem marginally more relevant and desirable as gathering places for players who spend a lot of time waiting around to engage with content.

> 2. Adding a Mystic Forge to Guild Halls would be nice. The tired, old, unpersuasive argument that it discourages players from gathering in cities seems largely undermined by the many and various Gem Store items that permit players to use Mystic Forges in locations that are not accessible to all players--only those who buy the Gem Store items. I would agree with the decision to make this one of the final available upgrades to a Guild Hall, but it should be an option.

> 3. Training Dummies, such as those in the Heart of the Mists, would also be a welcome addition to Guild Halls.


> **Meaningful Incentives to Level a New Guild**


> Sadly, the "market," if you want to call it that, for guild members is dominated by high-level guilds that can offer convenient perks to their members without having to do very much, after they hit the level cap. Yes, it takes a lot of work and a huge amount of resources to get big, but a guild should be about more than just having a lot of members and getting convenient perks. Guilds should be about community. Therefore, it is important to motivate even large guilds to continue to create and maintain high-quality communities for their members. Competition, including competition with smaller guilds, is a necessary part of that motivation.


> To make up the power imbalance between a level-capped guild, and a lower-level guild, I recommend adding more powerful incentives for leveling-up guilds, or a "guild tax" for level-capped guilds, that ensures they don't just hit the cap, and then stay there, doing nothing, and just adding members who want to lazily enjoy the benefits of the guild, without really engaging with any kind of community.


> I know of at least one Level 69 guild that was "led," if you can call it that, by a player who was M.I.A. for over a year. The account recently started logging in, again, but doesn't chat in guild chat, and doesn't ever respond to guild members when they message the account. He's the Guild Leader! I strongly suspect he sold his account. The guild is pretty much dead. Without an active leader, nothing can really change. The only reason to be a member of the guild is for Guild Hall perks. It's sad.


> Giving players Guild Commendations for repping a guild for a certain length of time (kind-of like participation in WvW, where you get rewards on a timer, just for playing in that game mode for a given amount of time) would be really great. In case you think I'm hating on level-capped guilds, which I'm not, notice this would be especially beneficial for level-capped guilds that have little incentive to continue to do guild missions.


YEEES PLEAAASE, it's so anoying that I need to wait 5 mins before the NPC dies, it's stupid. Would be cool if just the window popped up.

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I bet this has been asked for before but please could we have a build bag slot (just one would probably be enough if we could choose it's size as per regular bag slots). This bag would appear at the bottom of all the bags for that character and would change when you swap equipment builds. It could contain anything but, most usefully, food and alternative weapons and trinkets, with appropriate stats, specific to that build.


Currently, weapons that are part of a build cannot be used when running another build unless they are part of the initial load out. This is particularly problematic with legendaries. But also, every character has to carry around all weapons for all builds that are not part of the initial load out. This means you can have a number of the same weapon with different stats in a bag. Finding the right one for the build you are currently using is messy.

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Hello, there was an idea to improve the party searching interface.

The bottom line is to add "customization of group search(1 on LFG screen)". This will open a menu with slots for characters (2) and if you click on the free space(3), a description window will open where you can write who you need, for example, "BS". After that, the player selects the group he needs according to the description clicks "join" and selects which slot will occupy in the group. This will facilitate group recruitment and avoid confusion. Preset sets can be saved. Sorry for my bad english and photoshop =)


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Many players enjoy pursuing unique achievements and revisiting the broader Tyrian world as endgame. I think it would be great if Core and LW maps were semi-regularly updated with new collections, and for there to be a wider variety of specific daily activities on Core, LW3 and LW4 maps.


Grinding through the same event 20 to 100 times on the most recent maps simply isn't fun for a lot of us who like PvE.

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The current graphics system seems to prioritize players in PvE, worst case scenario NPCs remain invisible and unrendered, making it hard in some events where NPCs presence and interaction is important (like example: the fire tornadoes at Ulgoth or the Metal Legion show, both cases its better to be able to see the NPCs over players).


Simply put split the graphics option of "Character Model Limit" and "Character Model Quality" for PvE and PvP.

PvE graphics should prioritize NPCs and Player party members over roaming Players, while PvP graphics would be the opposite mix.

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I'd like to see an account bound, untradeable version of the heart of the khan-ur infusion. Right now, even if you had 10,000 gold, you're still unlikely to be able to purchase this infusion because it is currently valued between 30,000 and 60,000 gold. This means that players would have to resort to risky trades via mail by using a go-between 'trusted' person (if you can even trust ANYONE with that amount of gold). Since there are countless max offers of 10,000 gold for these infusions on the trading post because of the limit of 10,000 gold, even IF you had the gold to buy it, or placed on offer for one on the trading post, you'd still most likely never see this infusion.


Now, I don't mind working for it, but what annoys me is the fact that even if you were rich enough to buy this infusion, you'll still most likely NEVER get one. What I suggest is some sort of UNTRADEABLE, ACCOUNT BOUND version of this infusion (so as to not devalue the tradeable ones). This could be obtained via charr tokens - obtained from opening recovered charr artifacts. Each recovered charr artifact could give the player 1 charr token. Let's say the account bound infusion could cost 365 tokens. That would basically mean it would take 365 days (opening the chest daily) to obtain an account bound, untradeable version of this infusion. I think it's fair to say that 1 year's dedication to obtain an untradeable version of this infusion is reasonable, and it doesn't devalue the tradeable version of it.


My motivation is for one day having this infusion for one of my characters and its aesthetics. I want a golden-shiny appearance. I'm not in it for the value of the infusion, hence this suggestion of an untradeable, account bound version that players have to dedicate time and money towards (all 4 keys opening the chest costs just over 3.5 gold on average, per artifact). This would cost the player 1 year of daily dedication to opening the chest for 1 artifact, and 1,277 gold or thereabouts, to obtain an untradeable version of the infusion. I think that's reasonable.


I've opened a total of 57 recovered charr artifacts so far, without even a named exotic drop. It would be really nice to have an alternative method of obtaining this item, via one day being able to have an account bound, untradeable version of this amazing infusion at the cost of 1 year's dedication (and 1,277 gold or thereabouts). Anet could of course increase the required charr tokens and make it, say, 730 tokens (2 years time dedication of opening the chest daily, and 2,554 gold required).

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I really liked the "Ruler of the Skies" achievement. I think of them like Vistas. I'd like to see more things like this sprinkled around, and it would be a nice thing to include in dailies, like a Vista. Not as a replacement for what we already have, but I think we need one or two more choices in each area (5-6 to choose from rather than just 4), and this would be a good choice.

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> @"FrostSpectre.4198" said:

> The current graphics system seems to prioritize players in PvE, worst case scenario NPCs remain invisible and unrendered, making it hard in some events where NPCs presence and interaction is important (like example: the fire tornadoes at Ulgoth or the Metal Legion show, both cases its better to be able to see the NPCs over players).


> Simply put split the graphics option of "Character Model Limit" and "Character Model Quality" for PvE and PvP.

> PvE graphics should prioritize NPCs and Player party members over roaming Players, while PvP graphics would be the opposite mix.


Agree with that. For this i did suggest to give us option to set Player Model Limit to Zero.

Means, player models will never be loaded, therefore NPCs will. In pvp this setting will still load Players, because there are no NPCs. Nameplates can still be shown on top of player's position. Character model of currently targeted allied or hostile player will be loaded aswell. Once targeting is removed, character model will unload.

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May we have a scalable ingame font, please? Something more specific with actual font sizes, e.g. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, etc.? My eyesight is deteriorating and the current "large" just boldfaces the text to the point where it's hard for me to distinguish individual letters. I don't need the rest of the interface embiggened, just the font.

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I've yet to see a chair skin worthy to purchase so here is my Idea-

A Mermaid chair. A seashell shaped throne made of coral & pearls

Or a clam chair that is encased inside a bubble that the player sits inside with a quaggan swimming around inside.



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Introducing new craftsmanship and Mystic Forge recipes to upgrade crafted exotic weapon and armor into ascended would help people make an exotic set and then be free to slowly upgrade it to ascended, rather than being stuck waiting to make a full ascended.


With craftsmanship, you make an account bound item

Dormant Ascended [gear name]

> 3x Damask Patch (armor) or 3x Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel (weapon)

> 1x Vision Crystal (weapon or chest) or 1x Lesser Vision Crystal (head, shoulders, hands, legs, feet)

> 1x First ascended component of the item (like a blade for a sword)

> 1x Second ascended component of the item (like a hilt for a sword)


And in the Mystic Forge

[gear name] of [ascended suffix]

> 1x crafted exotic weapon or armor

> 1x blank ascended matching the weapon or armor type

> 10x Crystalline Dust

> 5x Glob of Dark Matter


The stats of the ascended item would be based on the stats of the exotic used

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New sources of tomes of knowledge and transmutation charges in PVE. Those literally rain from sky in WvW, but god in PvE, losing a day completing a map for a transmut charge is awful! I have 600+ fractals relics and more than needed dungeons tokens! Can't I exchange them for knowledge tomes? Why can't I buy knowledge tomes for 100 spirit shards? Or against karma? Just get rid of those experience writs!


BTW: Can't anything be done with "exotic hunter" achievement collection? Many of the required weapon are now sitting at 50g+ on tp....

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The achievement "Extra Life Community Goal" turns up in the nearly completed section of achievements so often that it feels like it is permanently there. I hope that we can get this maxed if that event runs agains or have it removed. Better yet, could we get an option to start hiding achievements that we are not interested in?

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