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New herald


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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> ALL I CAN SAY IS I LOVE IT! I actually love being able to give my team leeching or damage reduction permanently etc I love how bunky I feel while still doing tons of dmg ty anet for this ty!


It's great, unless you want to run Glint, which oddly is the legend tied to Herald in the first place.

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I think we need to put back True Nature to -2 energy.. And reduce some energy for some skills and we will be tidy up.. Oh and Herlad needs new skills. Crystal hibernation needs to be walk able its cant be this sitting down stuff.. And we will be good ty anet

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> I think we need to put back True Nature to -2 energy.. And reduce some energy for some skills and we will be tidy up.. Oh and Herlad needs new skills. Crystal hibernation needs to be walk able its cant be this sitting down stuff.. And we will be good ty anet


My points exactly. True Nature needs to be -2.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> WvW Rev is busted know.

> * More +% Dmg

> * 3 stacks of Group Stab every 20 second.

> * Might Stacking is 10 Targets now.


> Cant complain


Well you did lose from herald:

- Endurance regen (not that important for hammer rev but should matter for condi rev)

- A bit of Boon duration (doesn't matter that much as 10 targets in glint make up for it)

- AoE stunbreak when stunbreaking yourself (SUPER IMPORTANT)

- Some personal damage (from 2% per boon to 1% per boon)

- The f2 facet active effects are arguable worse than fury, might, regen, protection and swift.


I do agree that it should be overall a positive change but I wouldn't consider it as a buff, more like a rework, and we should be increase in revenants popularity.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > WvW Rev is busted know.

> > * More +% Dmg

> > * 3 stacks of Group Stab every 20 second.

> > * Might Stacking is 10 Targets now.

> >

> > Cant complain


> Well you did lose from herald:

> - Endurance regen (not that important for hammer rev but should matter for condi rev)

> - A bit of Boon duration (doesn't matter that much as 10 targets in glint make up for it)

> - AoE stunbreak when stunbreaking yourself (SUPER IMPORTANT)

> - Some personal damage (from 2% per boon to 1% per boon)

> - The f2 facet active effects are arguable worse than fury, might, regen, protection and swift.


> I do agree that it should be overall a positive change but I wouldn't consider it as a buff, more like a rework, and we should be increase in revenants popularity.


Oh kitten your right.

It was 2% per boon before not 1%.



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I would like to see reverted the F2 in Glint, (too weak) the Burst of Strength (too different, vulnerability function wasn't only to enhance the damage but to proc traits, which were already nerfed) and Chaotic Released (too strong, that kind of AoE damage and blowup for an elite skill with the same cd as Berserker's Head Butt will end in nerfs.


The patch feels weird because improves the use of other legends as a Herald but Glint itself and the weapon (shield) don't get too much (again, I expect a nerf in Chaotic Release). Pretty much I'm indiferent towards the changes due I'm already tired of Herald, which doesn't resemble at all the class which we had at HoT release. Phase Traversal slight cut in energy cost was my fav part.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


Excerpt for the fact that we actually slightly lost damage from the herald line.


With chaos chrono pre patch you would get 9 x 2% per boon + 5% weigh protection = 23% dmg buff from the herald line.


Now you get 9 x 1% per boon + 13% while upkeep = 22% dmg buff from the herald line.


The new burst of strength does help but its not enough to outweigh the dps youy gain from io or vengeful hammers.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


Nah, you dont I don't think you will run forceful persistence in WvW as draconic echo seems better in 10+ groups.


Dragonic Echo makes your tablet skills pulse to 10 friendly targets instead of 5 (Basically doubles theboonshare of Glint) and you will be running glint because they reduced the superspeed cooldown massively (we all know how strong superspeed in World vs World pushes)


Also you save like 0.5-1 energy per sec because when you use the facet of nature active, you keep the passive effects saving 3*6 = 18 energy.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


He shouldn't have any. Pre- 8/28/2018 patch:


* renegade - **top** spot in large target dps benchmark on snow crow's website

* herald - 33.4k power dps vs small targets

* spvp - picked for burst to quickly delete targets


Damage was the last thing Revenant needed, he was already more then fine in that regard.

Issues that needed addressing were Renegade's ability to survive in just about any game mode, and condi herald's non-existance in competitive modes.


Instead herald gets **more** utitlity (which is fine) but also more damage? Shouldn't that be the other way around? Bigger utility = some damage shaved off?


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Seems like the changes are a burst DPS increase for PvP, but a tiny DPS loss for raiding. A lot more utility across the board though as changes like these F2 changes inevitably bring build diversity. Which is exactly what revenant in general needs. Personally, from a balance PoV I think this is the best rehaul they've done yet. Diversifies rev but doesn't significantly buff or nerf it. They just need to make better tooltips now, and we're golden.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


> He shouldn't have any. Pre- 8/28/2018 patch:


> * renegade - **top** spot in large target dps benchmark on snow crow's website

> * herald - 33.4k power dps vs small targets

> * spvp - picked for burst to quickly delete targets


> Damage was the last thing Revenant needed, he was already more then fine in that regard.

> Issues that needed addressing were Renegade's ability to survive in just about any game mode, and condi herald's non-existance in competitive modes.


> Instead herald gets **more** utitlity (which is fine) but also more damage? Shouldn't that be the other way around? Bigger utility = some damage shaved off?



It didn't. In fact with the ui bug fix is yielding about a 2k dps drop on small hitbox (unchanged on huge)

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> - The f2 facet active effects are arguable worse than fury, might, regen, protection and swift.


Its worse then boon, but I think it works on top of other boon, like you have protection and Jails F2 active, it will provide you total 33% + 10% dmg reduction. However the -3 upkeep is too much.

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


> Excerpt for the fact that we actually slightly lost damage from the herald line.


> With chaos chrono pre patch you would get 9 x 2% per boon + 5% weigh protection = 23% dmg buff from the herald line.


> Now you get 9 x 1% per boon + 13% while upkeep = 22% dmg buff from the herald line.


> The new burst of strength does help but its not enough to outweigh the dps youy gain from io or vengeful hammers.


That isn't what described in the tooltip. 13% is the base. You get 3% per upkeep skill while decrements gains each additional upkeep skill.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


> Nah, you dont I don't think you will run forceful persistence in WvW as draconic echo seems better in 10+ groups.


> Dragonic Echo makes your tablet skills pulse to 10 friendly targets instead of 5 (Basically doubles theboonshare of Glint) and you will be running glint because they reduced the superspeed cooldown massively (we all know how strong superspeed in World vs World pushes)


> Also you save like 0.5-1 energy per sec because when you use the facet of nature active, you keep the passive effects saving 3*6 = 18 energy.


That is if you running one herald per 10 man.

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > The 1% reduction is to balance up what you get from forceful persistence. Otherwise, herald will have like 15-20% dps increase instead of 10-15%.


> Excerpt for the fact that we actually slightly lost damage from the herald line.


> With chaos chrono pre patch you would get 9 x 2% per boon + 5% weigh protection = 23% dmg buff from the herald line.


> Now you get 9 x 1% per boon + 13% while upkeep = 22% dmg buff from the herald line.


> The new burst of strength does help but its not enough to outweigh the dps youy gain from io or vengeful hammers.


Herald facets have stacking 4%, so you even out over fights.

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Here's my take on the changes and where the new Herald now stands in different GW2 game modes:


Raids: The changes to true nature glint effect seem like it could be a buff to an extra 3 sec boon duration on all 10 players at once, but Chronos usually already have a 100% boon duration on their alac and quickness, so we'll have to see how this plays out. But the 1-2% dps per boon to power rev might make it a less shiny dps in terms of numbers.


Fractals: Similar to endgame raiding but better since more of the true nature effects benefit groups in 100 cm or 99 cm and other high level fractals. Granting semi permanent stability or damage reduction is very useful for fights like against Mama or Arkk. But in terms of dps, Herald needs to continue to have the numbers or else it will feel more like just another support class, and the slight nerfs to dps might make it an issue.


WvW: Herald now shines in zerg vs zerg, the true nature effects aren't boons and can't be bubble bombed, so heralds will now act as a counter to bubble bombing and are more supportive in their role. In terms of roaming however, I feel that Herald is less shiny and can't hold his own against a thief or any other 1v1 fight any longer. I used to be able to solo camps and towers as a herald, but now with these changes I probably can't.


sPvP: Obviously these changes are a direct nerf to the classic feel of herald in sPvP and now make it a more supportive role in pvp where heralds cannot hold their own in 1v1 fights.


Solo gameplay and PvE story mode: Like the sPvP, more of a nerf if anything for solo gameplay and herald is kitten in terms of soloing story modes now, it's just not feasible to provide these true nature effects to yourself and have to worry about constantly trying to stay alive. Before, heralds had plenty access to lots of boons by themselves, but no more. In large world boss events such as in Istan, I can see herald shining though as the true nature effects stack well with the other boons applied by other players.




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