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[Suggestion] Replace Serpent's Ire achievement requirement with PoF bounties

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Please replace Serpent's Ire requirement with a bounty or bounties. Very few people are successfully doing Serpent's Ire, which requires a decent-sized group with good CC skills. Those of us who rely on PUGs cannot always find a decent-sized group.


Most of the large Meta groups are going to Tyria, Dragon Stand, Tarrir, and Istan. Comparatively speaking, very few players venture into PoF for Meta events. They mostly do bounties in PoF.

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I say no... those of us that have done the IG backpack had to go through all the same issues but overcame it by joining specific groups that run it... like open community. It is up to you to get yourself organised and try to plan ahead or perhaps organise your own map run.

What I could get behind is ANET making some fundamental changes to the event in order to make it more accessible and attractive for players run, but seeing how they left content like 3HW it seems unlikely to me that they will, no matter what their data shows them.

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It needs a hell of a lot of motivation to make me do Serpents' Ire again. Gating collections behind it is a terrible idea.


Stage 1 takes upwards of 20 minutes to do, Stage 2 is failure prone and, of course, if you fail at Stage 2 you have to wait another hour before you can even start Stage 1 again (which pretty much ensures that any group will have disbanded and you'll be trying to herd a different group of cats). Stage 3 seems to be a lot more manageable (and more enjoyable) than the previous two.


Of course, then you get terrible loot for your 40-45 minutes.


Maybe some kind of infusion would consistently bring enough people to the event for it to be put "on farm"? It worked for the Chak Gerent.

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Seriously? Very few people are going to Serpent's Ire because it is neither fun nor enjoyable. How do you motivate someone to do something that is not fun or enjoyable?


Look at all the other Meta's that people love to do over and over again. Why do they flock to these Meta's? Answer: Because they are fun and enjoyable.


How do you organize a **PUG** for a Meta that has very little attendance?

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> I say no... those of us that have done the IG backpack had to go through all the same issues but overcame it by joining specific groups that run it


That is not entirely correct. When the collection was a novelty it was relatively easy to organize a map since many people joined. Whereas if you do it now you will barely start with even 15 players when p1 events start. I did it many times randomly via LFG. But I won't bother with it anymore in the current state. It's only frustration.


Slap a branded infusion in there, same effect you get in the brandstorm, and it probably solve the issue. Otherwise, yeah, remove it from the collections. It's not fun for those coming late to the party.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> If anything, we need **more** motivation to do Serpent's Ire! :open_mouth:


No. That obviously doesn’t work. Anet keeps shoehorning collections in with this kitten meta patch after patch yet it doesn’t make it more popular. Just more frustrating for the people wanting the things “blocked” by it.


The meta itself needs a total overhaul to be less... stupid. :confounded:


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> I say no... those of us that have done the IG backpack had to go through all the same issues but overcame it by joining specific groups that run it... like open community. It is up to you to get yourself organised and try to plan ahead or perhaps organise your own map run.

> What I could get behind is ANET making some fundamental changes to the event in order to make it more accessible and attractive for players run, but seeing how they left content like 3HW it seems unlikely to me that they will, no matter what their data shows them.


"It was a headache for me so it should be a headache until the end of time." What a selfish statement.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > I say no... those of us that have done the IG backpack had to go through all the same issues but overcame it by joining specific groups that run it... like open community. It is up to you to get yourself organised and try to plan ahead or perhaps organise your own map run.

> > What I could get behind is ANET making some fundamental changes to the event in order to make it more accessible and attractive for players run, but seeing how they left content like 3HW it seems unlikely to me that they will, no matter what their data shows them.


> "It was a headache for me so it should be a headache until the end of time." What a selfish statement.


Welcome to online gaming, where making things easier for other people is a no-no.

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To be honest, I have yet to see anyone ever use that backpack skin. What’s the motivation to complete that collection? Just for the sake to have it completed? For another ascended backpack that has been thrown at us with every single LS episode?


Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game. Having it behind a group meta that requires just a little more effort than the player base as a whole are used to doing isn’t really out of line. There are plenty of alternative ways to get an ascended backpack.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> To be honest, I have yet to see anyone ever use that backpack skin. What’s the motivation to complete that collection? Just for the sake to have it completed? For another ascended backpack that has been thrown at us with every single LS episode?


> Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game. Having it behind a group meta that requires just a little more effort than the player base as a whole are used to doing isn’t really out of line. There are plenty of alternative ways to get an ascended backpack.


My little Inquest loves her golem-backpack. o:


Tbh, Serpent's Ire is perfectly fine. It's mostly a community-issue 'cause people can't pull their weight. What could be fine-tuned are the defiance-bars of the priests during the second phase, the sheer visual cluster-fuck during the actual boss-fight (and arguably the melee-hatred) and the rewards. The rewards are just trash. Put at least an AmGem into them and give the chance to receive some sort of branded infusion and a lot more people would try to do the event. Maybe put up some chests at the end and that's it.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game.


> It will probably be a necessity for the next Aurora, FWIW. Of course, that may increase interest in doing the event.



Dear god no. Please no. That’d be the worst thing they could do.



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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game.


> It will probably be a necessity for the next Aurora, FWIW. Of course, that may increase interest in doing the event.




Perhaps. That would also be a legendary so expecting people to complete that meta in order to acquire the precursor isn’t out of line.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game.

> >

> > It will probably be a necessity for the next Aurora, FWIW. Of course, that may increase interest in doing the event.

> >


> Dear god no. Please no. That’d be the worst thing they could do.




You lack imagination. They can do much, much worse. But hes probably right. Remember the druid backpiece? Had an awfully similar set of requirements.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> To be honest, I have yet to see anyone ever use that backpack skin. What’s the motivation to complete that collection? Just for the sake to have it completed? For another ascended backpack that has been thrown at us with every single LS episode?


> Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game. Having it behind a group meta that requires just a little more effort than the player base as a whole are used to doing isn’t really out of line. There are plenty of alternative ways to get an ascended backpack.


These collections are the mainstay of LS content, saying they're not needed is like saying that playing the game isn't needed.


I think having someone's progress (and yes it's _their_ personal progress) blocked by a unpopular, largely avoided group event is an issue worth raising again and again until they either address the issues with the event or stop trying to push people into doing it.


I just hope they don't add it to this season's Aurora equivalent.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > To be honest, I have yet to see anyone ever use that backpack skin. What’s the motivation to complete that collection? Just for the sake to have it completed? For another ascended backpack that has been thrown at us with every single LS episode?

> >

> > Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game. Having it behind a group meta that requires just a little more effort than the player base as a whole are used to doing isn’t really out of line. There are plenty of alternative ways to get an ascended backpack.


> These collections are the mainstay of LS content, saying they're not needed is like saying that playing the game isn't needed.


Not the same thing.


> I think having someone's progress (and yes it's _their_ personal progress) blocked by a unpopular, largely avoided group event is an issue worth raising again and again until they either address the issues with the event or stop trying to push people into doing it.


It’s not blocked as the meta can be completed just as easily as it could when PoF launched. The issue is a player one and their inability as a whole to use CC. Fortunately there are groups that run this meta routinely and are fairly successful with each attempt.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > To be honest, I have yet to see anyone ever use that backpack skin. What’s the motivation to complete that collection? Just for the sake to have it completed? For another ascended backpack that has been thrown at us with every single LS episode?

> > >

> > > Obtaining that backpack isn’t a necessity for anything in the game. Having it behind a group meta that requires just a little more effort than the player base as a whole are used to doing isn’t really out of line. There are plenty of alternative ways to get an ascended backpack.

> >

> > These collections are the mainstay of LS content, saying they're not needed is like saying that playing the game isn't needed.


> Not the same thing.


Yeah it is, taken to an extreme to highlight how irrelevant the "but you don't have to do it" non argument is but it's the same thing.


> > I think having someone's progress (and yes it's _their_ personal progress) blocked by a unpopular, largely avoided group event is an issue worth raising again and again until they either address the issues with the event or stop trying to push people into doing it.


> It’s not blocked as the meta can be completed just as easily as it could when PoF launched. The issue is a player one and their inability as a whole to use CC. Fortunately there are groups that run this meta routinely and are fairly successful with each attempt.


That's kinda the point: it's not a player issue it's a player_s_ issue. One player is blocked and frustrated because of the reliance on getting a bunch of players together to do an unpopular, unrewarding event. Like most open world metas your individual contribution counts for little.


I'm glad there are groups willing to do this event, I've successfully done it three times myself, all three times for collections or achievements including once for this collection. Other than that it's not worth the time or the frustration of more failed attempts.


Thinking about it a bit more, for me, the worst aspect is the Stage 1 "hunt the branded" pre-event. I personally wouldn't mind the event failing on the Stage 2 "CC race" as much if it didn't follow a 20-30 minute pre-event and 3 minutes of standing around.


Also, it would be a whole lot better if people could actually see their Defiance Bar Damage, you see regular HP damage and healing but nothing to indicate how much damage you're doing to the Defiance bars. It'd be nice to see the Defiance Bar icon (the little eagle) and the damage numbers.

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> @"gamerzfolk.1732" said:

> Very few people are successfully doing Serpent's Ire, which requires a decent-sized group with good CC skills.

It can be done with a handful of people.


> Those of us who rely on PUGs cannot always find a decent-sized group.

It's difficulty is somewhat less than Triple Trouble, somewhat more than Tequatl, so it's not surprising that it isn't successful with PUGs alone. However, a number of guilds organize SI as part of their boss rotation. I can't promise you can find one every day at the time you want; I haven't had trouble finding organized runs, though.


> Most of the large Meta groups are going to Tyria, Dragon Stand, Tarrir, and Istan. Comparatively speaking, very few players venture into PoF for Meta events.

You might recall that for some time after HoT launched, people did not regularly do those metas. They are old events now and it's trivial to randomly have a large enough core group without planning, so that even TD & DS can succeed without more than a few minutes of planning.


Despite this, people still don't (on average) know how to pull off a successful T5 Dry Top or T4 Verdant Brink, so those metas, despite being old, also tend to have problems without being formally organized.


> They mostly do bounties in PoF.

That's good reason to add incentives to SI, rather than remove them.


tl;dr the difficulty of SI isn't the issue; it's the familiarity we have (collectively) with its mechanics. And that owes more to the fact that humans take the path of least resistance: we prefer the events/farms we know, rather than the ones that might require extra effort on our part.

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