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Roll back duo q in high ranked again


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> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."

> > > >

> > > > Ecks dee

> > >

> > > Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

> > > Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

> > > Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

> > > Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.

> > >

> > > Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/K57aMA3.jpg?1 "")

> >

> > "MiNImUm nUmBeR oF GaMEs"


> kitten, number 8 looking hella sexy


Sure does. Congratulations!

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> It is pretty funny when you get a good duo though.


> [https://imgur.com/a/PvYykfo](https://imgur.com/a/PvYykfo "https://imgur.com/a/PvYykfo")


This is exactly what happens. Let's make it worse, two top players start messing with multiple accounts until those also reach top. Then, the queue options are limited and they can make things to their way easily. Not blaming anyone directly, but don't we know what happens?


Sure there are some very honest and good players in the top 10 too!

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > In a multiplayer game people are looking for a solo experience, have you lost your mind?

> > > >

> > > > Are you talking about the NPC bossfights in Queen's Jubilee? Because that's the only real solo experience I know in GW2.

> > > >

> > > > That argument is just stupid and not well thought through. As that argument "i wanna play with friends" is.

> > > >

> > > > With duoQ, the leaderboard does not represent individual skill anymore, so they removed the individual titles. Fine. Kind of. Still, I hope they have some different system coming up. Yes, I am being naive.

> > > >

> > >

> > > The only stupid thing here is looking to play a multyplayer game alone.

> >

> > Explain me this: How can you play alone in a 5 on 5 PVP surrounding?


> What the....that statement is too idiotic,sry :+


You must be either brainwashed by getting carryd for many matches in a row or just total noob in pvp to say that duoque is healthy because its a MMO ment to play togethere lol. You play togethere anyway in 5v5 soloque. Anyone who has the slightest clue about pvp knows that 2 good players duoqueing will slice trough everything. Especially if they tryhard and use voicechat.. theyr effectiveness is greater then the 3 other players on theyr team. This making the only resistance against this is a duoque on the enemy team (bad balance in classes and skill rating between carrys in the match). But this makes the match more a 2v2 then a 5v5... it feels more about who has the best duoteam. Lets say you try to get leggy every sezon by soloqueing and got to maintain winrate of about 75% to stay up there in score. Now with a unwinnable match every now and then because of the '2v2' situation i mentioned before this will drop by ALOT. So much that i think most decent solo players que at night now or just barely play and rush the 125 matches in the end. RIP to this all unless duo and solo is splitted like it should be. All this because of some douque players making a poll on forum if it should come back. I suggest making a poll to buff mesmers and mass vote on it so we can have 5 mes v 5 mes teams for top balance in future

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."

> > > >

> > > > Ecks dee

> > >

> > > Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

> > > Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

> > > Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

> > > Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.

> > >

> > > Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/K57aMA3.jpg?1 "")

> >

> > "MiNImUm nUmBeR oF GaMEs"


> While the games have increased over the last few days, it's still low numbers if you think about how many days have gone by. Number 1 still sits with 30 games only.


> My point is, top 10 or even 30 are such a small number in this game when you think about number of games played. You guys are insignificant when it comes to impact on matchmaking. Duo queue mess is back and ruining the fun as always. Queue times are worse. The change has give people opportunity to play with friends and that's fair enough. But the arguments presented for duo queue and benefits to queue times were utter garbage.


Number 1 probably played more games than most people across all of his accounts.


If we're as insignificant as you say, why is duo que for 1600+ such a big deal across EVERY division?


I don't care about que times, I care about quality, entertaining matches. Duo que brings that.


Also, people act as if they're ALWAYS facing high tier duos. It's 50/50 whether you get the top players on your team or not. You will win more often because of them as well.

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One problem is that the game mode was thought for premades, players who communicate and play together.


When there is teamplay, the power given to the team is not the average rank of both players, but give a boost hard to calculate.

But the most skilled the players are, the biggest boost it gives to the team.


Exemple with random numbers, it's the idea that's important

1400+1400 = 1400 (+10 of teamplay)

1500+1500 = 1500 (+ 30 of teamplay)

1600+1600 = 1600 (+100 of teamplay)

1700+1700 = 1700 (+200 of teamplay)



It's not just an addition, like the system calculate it, it's EXPONENTIAL.


It's why duoQ can completly destroy the algorythm, even if the opposite team has good individual players.


DuoQ in 10v10 will not have such impact and it would be ok.

But with this gamemode and a format of 5v5 only players, it's should be either full premades or full soloQ.

Not something flawed to please some players.


As long that Anet will never bring somthing different than 5v5 conquest, they will never get out of problems at each season. They can't please everyone and by doing some tweaks, they please no one.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > "Duo que is only hated by a very vocal minority. Those who enjoy duo que aren't on the forums, they are busy enjoying the game."

> > > > >

> > > > > Ecks dee

> > > >

> > > > Someone surely hasn't been paying attention.

> > > > Those who play duo queue have played the minimum number of games to occupy top position.

> > > > Queue times are worse than at this stage last season.

> > > > Majority (over 50% in most polls run by duo queue lovers) of the playerbase was opposed to the idea of duo queue.

> > > >

> > > > Who are you trying to fool, other than yourself?

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/K57aMA3.jpg?1 "")

> > >

> > > "MiNImUm nUmBeR oF GaMEs"

> >

> > While the games have increased over the last few days, it's still low numbers if you think about how many days have gone by. Number 1 still sits with 30 games only.

> >

> > My point is, top 10 or even 30 are such a small number in this game when you think about number of games played. You guys are insignificant when it comes to impact on matchmaking. Duo queue mess is back and ruining the fun as always. Queue times are worse. The change has give people opportunity to play with friends and that's fair enough. But the arguments presented for duo queue and benefits to queue times were utter garbage.


> Number 1 probably played more games than most people across all of his accounts.


> If we're as insignificant as you say, why is duo que for 1600+ such a big deal across EVERY division?


> I don't care about que times, I care about quality, entertaining matches. Duo que brings that.


> Also, people act as if they're ALWAYS facing high tier duos. It's 50/50 whether you get the top players on your team or not. You will win more often because of them as well.


It isn't 50/50. The two top tier players are on the same team. Therefore there are 8 slots open. 5 on the shafted team and 3 on the good team. Doing the math it is 62.5/37.5 or 1.7 to 1. So you are nearly twice as likely to be on the short end of the stick.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> One problem is that the game mode was thought for premades, players who communicate and play together.


> When there is teamplay, the power given to the team is not the average rank of both players, but give a boost hard to calculate.

> But the most skilled the players are, the biggest boost it gives to the team.


> Exemple with random numbers, it's the idea that's important

> 1400+1400 = 1400 (+10 of teamplay)

> 1500+1500 = 1500 (+ 30 of teamplay)

> 1600+1600 = 1600 (+100 of teamplay)

> 1700+1700 = 1700 (+200 of teamplay)

> etc...


> It's not just an addition, like the system calculate it, it's EXPONENTIAL.


> It's why duoQ can completly destroy the algorythm, even if the opposite team has good individual players.


> DuoQ in 10v10 will not have such impact and it would be ok.

> But with this gamemode and a format of 5v5 only players, it's should be either full premades or full soloQ.

> Not something flawed to please some players.


> As long that Anet will never bring somthing different than 5v5 conquest, they will never get out of problems at each season. They can't please everyone and by doing some tweaks, they please no one.


and you forget to mention the way they place duos, first they try to make the average, fail duos of carry friend or smurfing that break game, after they try to place in the highest value of duo, carry friend duos break the game for those who get them(they get a low player in packet) and after they tried again with average(knowing its a failed one and exploitable)... now we donnt know exactly how it works

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