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Warrior update bucket list (12/2018)


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Thought I'd derail current thread progression to give my thoughts on this too! I mean, some of these are great. Some of these are bad bad bad.

I'm a warrior main since game release. I come and go. Ask Burr though if you doubt me.



Great to see that someone knows this weapon is fine. Really needs to stay that way. It **IS** the most powerful warrior weapon.



(Hammer 5) Backbreaker: Make this cleave 3 nearby targets.

That's totally fine. Swapping F1 and Hammer 5 and upping the CC time to 5 sec is fine too.



(Burst) Combustive Shot / Scorched Earth: Make it so when this doesn't hit an enemy, it doesn't proc adrenaline traits.

I swing the other way on this. I say ANY time adrenaline is used that the effects of using it go off. Quite honestly, lots of other classes get these sort of bonuses when missing. Biggest I can think of now is mesmer getting a heal on F# when traited even with no clones out and hitting no enemies.


(Bow 1) Dual Shot: Increase projectile speed.

Fine. I'd prefer it get the rifle rework treatment and get 1 less projectile and burning put back on for like 1-2 sec.


(Bow 4) Smoldering Arrow: Increase damage and/or add burning. Give 2 charges.

Absolutely love it. Would give a ton of utility back that other classes have outstripped over the years.



(Burst) Kill Shot: Allow movement at reduced speed (-25%) while casting. or just allow movement.

I'd like to see it just pushed to instant. These days seeing 5-9k damage pop in out of no where is recoverable. Otherwise, Soulbeasts. . . I need you guys to get nerfed hard.


(Rifle 1) Fierce Shot: Divide the damage across 3 shots, change it to a 3 round burst. Gain bonus adrenaline if all 3 rounds hit your target. remove bonus adrenaline when striking vulnerable targets.

Really like this. It'd make it feel heavier hitting.


(Rifle 2) Aimed shot: Make this a damage a small aoe around your target, reduce vulnerability stacks.

Call it something like "Explosive Shot", but yeah. Like this. A little splash of aoe never hurt.


(Rifle 4) Brutal Shot: Reduce cast time to a quarter second, give this skill animation priority instead of queuing behind current active skills.

Honestly, it's worked fine for me so far. Seems like needless work for small improvement



(Axe 5) Whirling Axe: Grant projectile destruction effect while casting.

Thieves can get projectile reflect when stealing it. Can we just get that? But agree. And fix the movement speed "Increase" on it.



(Burst) Skill Crack: Add a small 300 distance lunge prior to striking, like berserker's skull grinder

Disagree. Make it back to 1/4 sec cast time like it was. That was lovely.


(Mace 2) Counterblow: Make this skill have animation priority over other skills instead of queuing behind so this can be used reactively instead of predictively

Yes! Like shield block


(Mace 3) Pommel Bash: Give this 2 charges. Increase cooldown.

It'd make it nicer, but really I find it ok now.


(Mace 5) Tremor: Make this ground targeted

No. It already has very good hit rate if you learn to use it. Practice with it a little more.



(Burst) Flurry: Allow movement while casting. Remove the immobilize, reduce number of hits to 3 / reduce cast time, increase damage / condition per hit to compensate.

Actually, I quite like the immobilize on it. Everything else about flurry is terrible.


(Sword 4) Impale / Rip: Remove rip. Increase projectile speed of impale, give this 2 charges.

I've thought about this one. I came up with remove the throw. Still impale but remove the throw. After you impale, it lasts 12 seconds, every second applying 1 torment for 4 sec. That means it'd keep 4 torment stacks up on the target fairly well.


(Sword 5) Riposte: Make this skill have animation priority over other skills instead of queuing behind so this can be used reactively instead of predictively.

Blocks again!



**Dagger / Shield / Warhorn / Torch (berserker)**

Fine here!



Mending: Make this a physical ability to benefit from the 10% damage increase trait and reduced cooldown.

Dropping to 2 conditions removed and 10 sec cooldown would be nice too.


To the Limit: Add a voice line. remove adrenaline gain, halve the healing/endurance and give 2 charges.

It has a voice line. Otherwise, ok with



Frenzy: Rework this. Make it so burst attacks don't use up adrenaline and burst recharge is halved while this stance is active. Pulse alacrity and quickness. Does not break stuns or grant might. 45s cd, 6s stance duration.

Just remove the might and go with alacrity. That'd make it nicer.


Fear Me: Give this 2 charges, reduce + normalize fear duration.

It's actually good right now. Try it out some.


Wild Blow (Berserker): Increase the launch to 900

No opinion.


Sight beyond Sight (Spellbreaker): Change it so you gain an effect that allows you to see stealthed targets instead of revealing them for a short period of time, increase damage to stealthed enemies.

That'd be an impossible amount of work to make.


Imminent Threat (Spellbreaker): Give it 2 charges, reduce taunt duration.

I'd prefer just a larger area effected




Battle Standard: Remove the pulsing might/fury/swiftness. Pulse healing in the area, have the compassionate banner trait increase the heal amount.

I'd prefer it to pulse stability. Right now it does its thing once and never again.


Signet of Rage: Rework this. Passive: fill adrenaline and refresh burst when you kill an enemy. Active: Prime your next burst attack to deal double damage/double condition damage (10 seconds before expiration)

This signet is still really good without changes.



Brave Stride:: Rework this. Successfully landing a burst attack grants stability.

I like it now, but it needs a better reset. So maybe this?


Merciless Hammer: Rework this. Critical hits with the hammer are now blast finishers (1s cd). Blast finishers with the hammer deal AOE damage. Gain Fury when you disable a foe with a hammer. Reduce cooldown on hammer skills.

Just move this and Arm's 100% crit on burst. Suddenly it's in a really nice spot



Opportunist: Rework this. Gain increased critical hit chance for a short time after landing a burst skill.

It's really nice with a sword right now. I'd say leave it be.


Unsuspecting Foe: Rework this. Attacks that inflict disable effects have an increased critical hit chance and deal increased critical damage.

Nah, but I do agree that it need a change. Either 100% crit chance or add 15% crit damage to it.


Dual Wielding: Rework this. Wielding a weapon in your offhand that's the same as your mainhand halves burst cooldown and adrenaline used on burst.

No. It's really nice getting this right now. Especially with non-axe offhand




Sundering Mace: Rework this. Your mace attacks are uninterruptable. Deal bonus damage if your target has stability. Reduce incoming damage from foes 600 units away from you while wielding a mace. Reduce cooldown on mace skills.

Again, leave it as is. Takes some set up, but it can be really nice with good old mace burst. Pays off more to use without spellbreaker.




Leg Specialist: Cripples and immobilizes you apply have longer duration. Inflict immobilize when you cripple a foe, inflict cripple if you land a critical strike. (mutually exclusive)

Honestly, I love this. I'd use it. I'd use the hell out of it.


Shrug it Off: Increase condition removal count or update tooltip.

Increase it to be close to actual ability or reduce cooldown.



Crack Shot: Rework this. GIves rifle 2 Aimed shot 3 charges, reduce cooldown on rifle skills.

I'd like to see it reworked to deal increased damage and reduce cooldown straight up. No fancy effects, just harder hitting.


Vengeful Return. Rework this. Deal more damage when your health is low, even more damage while in vengeance. Gain 100% chance to rally when you sucessfully kill while in vengeance.

Rework vengeance to no longer die after using. It places you in down. Even if you kill something. Then this will give you swiftness, regen, vigor for 5 sec when you use vengeance, and when vengeance would be removed before (via killing something), it gives a small (1k-ish) heal.



General: Return primal bursts as lv 3 bursts for adrenaline use purposes. Option A: Make it so berserk mode doesn't require adrenaline and only have cooldowns as a limiting factor; option B: Make it so activating berserk mode deals pbaoe damage around you to trigger lv 3 burst traits.

I think it was changed because of how spellbreaker uses bursts. This WASN'T a nerf, just a "well we standardized it to this and don't really have a way to return it. . ." Personally, just remove cooldowns for berserker then. Your adrenaline gain is your cooldown.


Last Blaze: Rework this. Auto attacks while in berserk mode inflict burning.

33% on crit or strike works too and would be easier to put in


Savage Instinct: Rework this. Primal bursts deal more damage to burning foes.

No. It's amazing for what it does right now. Would agree 0%.


Dead or Alive: Increase heal amount

Just let it happen whenever in berserker mode, reduce healing, and remove the mode when it happens. Simple! Cooldown would enforce itself via how fast you can return to it.



Sun and Moon Style: Increase heal amount for offhand, change it so mainhand auto attack strips a boon.

I only use offhand part, so yeah. Needs something.




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> @"Ottohi.2871" said:

> **Rifle**

> (Burst) Kill Shot: Allow movement at reduced speed (-25%) while casting. or just allow movement.

> I'd like to see it just pushed to instant. These days seeing 5-9k damage pop in out of no where is recoverable. Otherwise, Soulbeasts. . . I need you guys to get nerfed hard.


Lul, if only you knew real numbers in WvW. Rifle is good in terms of damage, BUT the issue for me is how projectiles bug sometimes, getting out of range/obstructed with no reason...

The 4th rifle skill should be changed, like very short/instant cast and/or roll in direction of movement key you are holding when casting finishes.

Moving during casting Killshot would be really nice (compare it to revenant's Coalescence of Ruin skill, which deals similar damages), but I can live with being rooted and vulnerable while casting such nice shot. Sometimes I even find it OP, but then I just think about longbow soulbeasts and revenant's hammer.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > > * To the Limit: Add a voice line. remove adrenaline gain, halve the healing/endurance and give 2 charges.

> > > > **Why:** Mending is uncategorized, giving to the limit 2 charges will be benefitial for shout builds.

> > >

> > > No, absolutely not. Core Warrior is already the single easiest build in the game to learn and be incredibly effective with with little tradeoff, and this would break it.

> >

> > Trying to understand what you mean. Is my suggestion overpowered or underpowered in your opinion because it could be interpreted both ways lol


> Well your change wouldn't affect WvW zerg play int he slightest, and I'm not referencing any PvE here, just competitive. Adding charges to a heal, even at halved power, makes an already overstacked dueling build *more* overstacked. It doesn't take a lot of thought or skill to perform well as Core Warrior to begin with in duels, and that change would further auto-play it. It takes a big burst to take a Warrior down to auto-EP already, which often can be negated by active-EP by an aware player. Coupled with Adrenal Health, more frequent smaller heals would postpone fights against warrior almost indefinitely, regardless of how well you're playing against them.


Except most warriors that duel don't run to the limit. it's a 1 second cast time and an interrupt liability, where healing signet is preferred in competitive 1v1 because it just heals over time while you're dealing damage as well and has resistance on activation.


If I wanted small frequent heals, I would take mending which has a better heal / cooldown ratio anyway.. but no one cries that mending is 'overpowered' in 1v1s. Even with to the limit effectiveness halved and divided to two charges, the net effect is the same. The only benefit is that it benefits vigorous shouts more.

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I don't think mending needs any further cooldown reduction since it's already good healing per second, would rather see its cast time go down to 3/4 second (like they did with elixir h last patch) to make it more usable


Not sure why they'd nerf longbow when it's not meta or overperforming in any game mode at the moment, the guaranteed burst is pretty much the only thing it has going for it unless the weapon gets a more substantial overhaul


Stability on burst with brave stride would make for a rather strong trait given that warr already has decent stunbreaks/stab uptime, I'd suggest swapping it with great fortitude in the master tier in that case so there's more of a tradeoff for picking it


Signet of rage seems fine to me in its current iteration, on-kill bonuses typically aren't good (see: thief signet trait that no one ever uses) and double damage wouldn't be as useful as the current boons for weapons with burst skills that aren't damage focused (earthshaker, skullcrack, breaching strike, etc)


The proposal for sight beyond sight might not be technically possible(?), although I do recall being able to see stealthed enemies in wvw if they were in your party years ago, so maybe


Otherwise the suggested changes seem generally interesting or sensible, nice job on the list

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > > * To the Limit: Add a voice line. remove adrenaline gain, halve the healing/endurance and give 2 charges.

> > > > **Why:** Mending is uncategorized, giving to the limit 2 charges will be benefitial for shout builds.

> > >

> > > No, absolutely not. Core Warrior is already the single easiest build in the game to learn and be incredibly effective with with little tradeoff, and this would break it.

> >

> > Trying to understand what you mean. Is my suggestion overpowered or underpowered in your opinion because it could be interpreted both ways lol


> Well your change wouldn't affect WvW zerg play int he slightest, and I'm not referencing any PvE here, just competitive. Adding charges to a heal, even at halved power, makes an already overstacked dueling build *more* overstacked. It doesn't take a lot of thought or skill to perform well as Core Warrior to begin with in duels, and that change would further auto-play it. It takes a big burst to take a Warrior down to auto-EP already, which often can be negated by active-EP by an aware player. Coupled with Adrenal Health, more frequent smaller heals would postpone fights against warrior almost indefinitely, regardless of how well you're playing against them.


lol core warrior is not even semi viable in pvp right now and has only little outplay possibilites in wvw due to better runes/sigils + endurance regen food. If you lose as thief (any variant) to a core warrior you have a serious l2p issue.


> @"Ottohi.2871" said:

> **Greatsword**

> Great to see that someone knows this weapon is fine. Really needs to stay that way. It **IS** the most powerful warrior weapon.



Well gs is ok. Not good but also not bad. Autoattack is quite ok after the last buff nothing great. 100b is a garbage skill even in pve. Whirlwind attack is the only real good skill on warrior gs. Throw gs is again garbage even in pve and rush is an ok skill (well would be ok if it would not miss 50% of the time even on even terrain for a cd that long)


> **Rifle**

> (Burst) Kill Shot: Allow movement at reduced speed (-25%) while casting. or just allow movement.

> I'd like to see it just pushed to instant. These days seeing 5-9k damage pop in out of no where is recoverable. Otherwise, Soulbeasts. . . I need you guys to get nerfed hard.


Ranger in general needs higher cast times on longbow and yeah, Kill Shot should allow movement but should never be instant.


> **Axe**

> (Axe 5) Whirling Axe: Grant projectile destruction effect while casting.

> Thieves can get projectile reflect when stealing it. Can we just get that? But agree. And fix the movement speed "Increase" on it.


You think gs is a good weapon but you want overpowered kitten like that? That would be a 3.5 sec reflect on 15(12 if traited) sec cd LOL. Even projectile destruction would be really pushing it and the dmg would have to be toned down a bit.


> **Sword**

> (Burst) Flurry: Allow movement while casting. Remove the immobilize, reduce number of hits to 3 / reduce cast time, increase damage / condition per hit to compensate.

> Actually, I quite like the immobilize on it. Everything else about flurry is terrible.


Allow movement while you use flurry is also very important, because right now it is an outdated and useless burst skill. Dmg is also really lackluster but it is a bit tricky to solve because it deals power and condi dmg and giving both a high coefficient so that pure power or condi build can use it would maybe break the skill into op terrain.


> (Sword 4) Impale / Rip: Remove rip. Increase projectile speed of impale, give this 2 charges.


Rework this skill entirely. It is useless in every scenario imaginable.


> (Sword 5) Riposte: Make this skill have animation priority over other skills instead of queuing behind so this can be used reactively instead of predictively.

> Blocks again!


Also at least rework the counter attack of this skill or rework it completely so that we can get a decent sword offhand on day. I would not be surprised if warrior sword offhand would be the least used weapon in the entire game.


> **Utility**

> Frenzy: Rework this. Make it so burst attacks don't use up adrenaline and burst recharge is halved while this stance is active. Pulse alacrity and quickness. Does not break stuns or grant might. 45s cd, 6s stance duration.


The stunbreak on a skill you use for active pressure is really awkward. Frenzy has a fairly long cd because of the stunbreak and quickness+might. That is why the cd is deserved on paper. But you will almost never use both aspects of this skill meaning it is either 6 sec quickness or a stunbreak on 40 sec cd. When you are pressured/have to hide/kite etc. and you use this skill defensivly it's not good. When you use it to pressure somebody else it is also not good. I very rarely see anybody using this skill and have any success. Make it either purely offensive or defensive (i'd suggest offensive, because we already have 3 defensive stances) and buff/nerf it accordingly. The idea for this frenzy rework is pretty nice actually.


> Fear Me: Give this 2 charges, reduce + normalize fear duration.

> It's actually good right now. Try it out some.


Sry but Fear me is also one of the most useless skills in this game. 60 sec cd for a 1/2/3 sec fear? Every condi cleanse or stab or stunbreak will clear this skill (if your opponent does not randomly dodge through your shout). That skill should prob. also be reworked, because it would still be kinda bad even with half the cd.


> Sight beyond Sight (Spellbreaker): Change it so you gain an effect that allows you to see stealthed targets instead of revealing them for a short period of time, increase damage to stealthed enemies.

> That'd be an impossible amount of work to make.


I don't think so. You can see stealthed (enemy) mushrooms in HoT maps too. As it stands right now the skill is yet again utterly useless.


> Imminent Threat (Spellbreaker): Give it 2 charges, reduce taunt duration.

> I'd prefer just a larger area effected


The cd is far to high for an effect with such little impact. Yet again this skill is useless in the whole game. Two charges with 15 sec cd per charge and it might see use.



> Signet of Rage: Rework this. Passive: fill adrenaline and refresh burst when you kill an enemy. Active: Prime your next burst attack to deal double damage/double condition damage (10 seconds before expiration)

> This signet is still really good without changes.


The signet is trash without changes. 60 sec cd for 5 might stacks and fury for a few sec? In a fight vs a scourge those boons get corrupted in 1-2 sec. If the boons would pulse or the cd would be significantly lower maybe. I also think the suggested rework of the skill might work with different numbers. Just imagine what would happen to the fullcounter spam in zerg fights if "fill adrenaline and refresh burst when you kill an enemy" would go through. Would be pretty broken xD.



> **Berserker**

> General: Return primal bursts as lv 3 bursts for adrenaline use purposes. Option A: Make it so berserk mode doesn't require adrenaline and only have cooldowns as a limiting factor; option B: Make it so activating berserk mode deals pbaoe damage around you to trigger lv 3 burst traits.

> I think it was changed because of how spellbreaker uses bursts. This WASN'T a nerf, just a "well we standardized it to this and don't really have a way to return it. . ." Personally, just remove cooldowns for berserker then. Your adrenaline gain is your cooldown.


If you'd be able to go berserker at will without the need to spend adrenaline for it it would maybe work. But right now berserker is a troll spec for any kind of pvp/wvw and mediocre in open world. The only thing it is good for is as condi bannerslave in raids. (with bow and torch, that is exactly what everyone imagines when you hear the word "Berserker" right?)


> Last Blaze: Rework this. Auto attacks while in berserk mode inflict burning.

> 33% on crit or strike works too and would be easier to put in


You can always tune the numbers, but right now it is a pretty weak skill


> **Spellbreaker**

> Sun and Moon Style: Increase heal amount for offhand, change it so mainhand auto attack strips a boon.

> I only use offhand part, so yeah. Needs something.


20% cd reduction on dagger skills.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > **Utility**

> > Frenzy: Rework this. Make it so burst attacks don't use up adrenaline and burst recharge is halved while this stance is active. Pulse alacrity and quickness. Does not break stuns or grant might. 45s cd, 6s stance duration.


> The stunbreak on a skill you use for active pressure is really awkward. Frenzy has a fairly long cd because of the stunbreak and quickness+might. That is why the cd is deserved on paper. But you will almost never use both aspects of this skill meaning it is either 6 sec quickness or a stunbreak on 40 sec cd. When you are pressured/have to hide/kite etc. and you use this skill defensivly it's not good. When you use it to pressure somebody else it is also not good. I very rarely see anybody using this skill and have any success. Make it either purely offensive or defensive (i'd suggest offensive, because we already have 3 defensive stances) and buff/nerf it accordingly. The idea for this frenzy rework is pretty nice actually.


Thats the idea of meditation guard. You can use them offensive or defensive. Works well and makes fun. Same for traited Survival skills of ranger, but less viable.

The idea is great i think :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

* Fierce Blow: In addition to its previous effects, this skill now deals increased damage when striking a controlled foe. Control effects include stun, daze, knock back, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.

* Backbreaker: In addition to its previous effects, this skill now knocks foes down for 1 additional second if the target is weakened.

* Fan of Fire: The burning duration of this skill has been increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds per arrow.

* Smoldering Arrow: This skill now uses the ammunition system. Maximum ammunition is set at 3 with a recharge time of 20 seconds per charge. Time between uses has been set to 0.5 seconds.

* Mending: This is now classified as a physical skill.

* Impale: The projectile velocity has been increased by 66%.

* Rip: The physical damage of this skill has been increased by 15%.

* Riposte: The physical damage of this skill has been increased by 100%. The time to complete its attack animation and aftercast has been reduced by 0.25 seconds.


Curious if the balance team saw this thread and impleented the smoldering arrow, mending, and impale changes..



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

hey long timer here


I just came back from a long break. Something is very very wrong with beserker, something is off about the way the adrenaline and berserker cooldowns are managed.


Rifle should get back pierce on auto and sustain its adrenaline bonus on hit. To build up our adrenaline.


Make killshot unblockable or reduce cast time a bit or movement while killshotting so enemy doesnt kite away while we kneel and pray the enemy doesnt go out of combat


Make longbow F1 and skill 3 unblockable, i guess remove adrenal health/beserker power bonus when it hits no one


Flurry doesnt grand adrenal health bonus on burst in WvW. So flurry is not considered a burst skill anymore, what game have i come back to.


For this new meta I have been witnessing, Signet of Rage should have reduced cool down(40 seconds).


Rampage is actually fun, probably be nerfed I guess


Can we get back, 10% dmg modifier when not full endurance? make warrior skillful again :disappointed:


Perhaps, let Beserker power proc before hitting while using burst skill like in old days, so our burst skills can get added benefit of the % dmg.


give Hammer F1, unblockable, reduce cast time on skills 4 and 5 by a tiny bit



Balanced stance, the stab should give about 2 seconds and not 1 s and reduce CD to 30 s

Berserker stance, pulse resistance for 2 seconds and not 1 s


this way we can maintain and up front warrior bruiser type...were supposed to be in the front lines right

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I am a mesmer main, but i have a simpler bucket list for warrior (not bothering with berserker), with added benefit of improving the game instead of just powercreeping warrior massively.


1. Remove energy sigils from the PvP. No point in counting dodges if the opponent may or may not have energy sigil(s).

2. Remove the ability to use instant skills while CCd. This includes Mirage Cloak, Phase Retreat, Steal, Lightning Flash, Merciful Intervention, Berserker Stance, Signet of Stone, and hundreds of others on all professsions.

3. Remove all pulsing stability as well as ultra low-cd stability (like stab on every shatter).

4. (If the above is not enough) Limit number of stunbreaks on utility at any one time bar to 1 (first slot on the bar).

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