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Trebbing + Pip farming


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If they are getting participation, that means the tower is held by the enemy, so it will eventually open and enemies come to defend. That leads to fights in an open tower without anyone in the fighting force even using siege. As soon as its taken the one trebbing wont get participation anymore and the process just repeats if the enemy retake it. It also pressures the enemy force to gather and assault the keep the treb is shooting from, which lead to even more fights.


Isnt that what everyone want? I dont see the problem. If someone want to be an autoturret by all means, be that to the best of your abilities, not all of us can be pro 1vX roaming duelists. Because that means I dont have to sit 10-30 minutes on a treb falling asleep because Anet hasnt bothered buffing them like they did with catas due to defense creep.

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Hope you realise that there are ppl that treb legitemately. I do it occasionally and it is *boring* (would suck 10 times more if you didnt even get credit for anything at all), but it is handy for many tactical reasons, plus ppl need attention breaks from intense combat if they've done that for several hours straight, but perhaps dont want to finish just yet or lose participation . There are also players that focus mostly on siege wars, and are very good at just that.


Before PIPS were introduced to wvw, we had wvw tokens armors & weapons, and that worked ok enough i thought. There was no requirement of a tier3 particiption to get tokens, if you did activities and cap stuff, u got credit. So I kinda put the blame on the pip system that changed how ppl play & behave. "Dont blame the trebbers".


When I see a small group of enemies come to overlook, and spot my treb firing at SM and me, I act like i'm not paying attention (i always assume they think im afk trebbing mostly). Wait til they start building a balista, then I run to the mortar and start firing on them asap. Its hilarious watching them react to this, almost like i can see their expression "oh /&¤#! he wasnt afk" :-)


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Are.......people really complaining about those that use a treb? hahahaha


oh wait, this is a serious post. BWAHAHAHAHA


Yeah no. As a counter measure to AC's range, cata's range and baliata's range, treb is an important strategic tool in WvW. If you are havign issues dealing with afk trebbers, theres a handy counter tool call a "Shield Generator"

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Well someone did suggest a while ago to make trebbing ground targeted instead. Which if you think about it, would be a terrible idea as defenders would be given a huge advantage.


Trebbing isn't the problem, it's people repairing walls when they shouldn't be that are the problem. You'd stop trebbers or afk trebbers if they had no walls to hit.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Trebbing isn't the problem, it's people repairing walls when they shouldn't be that are the problem. You'd stop trebbers or afk trebbers if they had no walls to hit.


It's the circle of life really, trebs take down walls (and sometimes gates and people), repairers repair for defense and chieve cred, and supply watchers continue to watch and berate those that repair (even if they didn't take supply from the objective and reset their repair mastery so they spend minimal supply).


No one is really "contributing" in any of these cases even if the game says they are, but no one is wrong in how they choose to play the game, because each one provides something for the other 2 groups to do.

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