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mf 300% by luck and cap of overcaping


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Well what do you do with the luck after the over cap stops* counting?

*After reaching 300% Luck the luck can be consumed till you got a bit more then 400k saved.

I started to destroy it since it´s just wasting space like bloodstone (and all of this kind).

But i would like to hear your opinion worth to keep or not?

Will there be a use again or not (well in this point i know anet won´t need to do what we eventually discuss but maybe it get on the desk.)?

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@"Sonja Teh Trapper.7012" said:

> i think u can find crafting with essence of luck or add it to your guild hal decorator instead of destorying it


well i searched for crafting all i found was stuff that i would get less money then i need to craft it. And decorator well we got so much of this decor so i believe it wont help. in my guild 20 of 50 have this issue right now that we destroy it since nothing else is worth it.

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[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Essence_of_Luck_(exotic)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Essence_of_Luck_(exotic) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Essence_of_Luck_(exotic)") is all i know how i can use it but all of it is account bound .

And scribing banners wont be wise since you get them by doing guildmission way cheaper.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> You destroy Bloodstone dust?

> You know you can craft daily gated stuff with it.

> Leyline Tools for 1.50-1.75g


Well to be honest I am sitting on 3000 bloodstone dust and you get new ones so easily when you go to the daily zones that I rarely dip under 2500. So yeh, whenever I hit 3k I start destroying any excess because there is no point.

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Well @"juhani.5361" i reached the point that the bar don´t count up anymore, and yeah i hope anet will change something about the acc bound stuff that's just trash if you play long enough by adding useful recipe . So i see regarding luck you also don´t have a use for it, but regarding the bloodstone nice information <3

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > You destroy Bloodstone dust?

> > You know you can craft daily gated stuff with it.

> > Leyline Tools for 1.50-1.75g


> If you have an abundance of charged quartz crystals on hand, sure.


Regular quartz, of which everyone has a surpluss since Four Winds

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> @"Marcel.1857" said:

> Will there be a use again or not


ANet has acknowledged there's an issue, but it's not on their radar to address anytime soon. Among the hiccups:

* The goal was to give people a bonus, not to make people feel that they had to max out. By offering any sort of substantial reward for excess luck, they put pressure on _everyone_ to max out MF to 300%.

* High MF has contributed to the drop in market values of ecto, since people opening _blue_ unID gear with ~800-900% MF get ~~rares~~ masterwork or better. Increasing the cap, even with drastically diminishing returns, pushes more so.

* Lots of people have, as the OP has, deleted their excess luck. Would it be fair to them to offer something better to those who hoarded?


I keep hoping that ANet will add a new tier of luck, "Super Legendary"?, which stores say 5000 luck. But I don't think they will, because that would mean suggesting that they plan to give us a reason to have hoarded. Instead, I think it's more likely that, if they address this, they'll replace the system entirely.


_edit:_ fixed a typo

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Luck essences could be turned into a 'fuel' after reaching the cap.

Once the max is reached, consuming any luck past that could give an extra % bonus that would last while there's 'fuel'. The max fuel would be accumulated up to 472510, and run out at a rate of 10 per minute, so 472510 luck would last for about a month of continuous gameplay.

Or maybe there could be a slider to choose the bonus. +10% bonus would consume it at 10 per minute. +100% bonus would consume it at 100 per minute, and so on.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Luck essences could be turned into a 'fuel' after reaching the cap.

> Once the max is reached, consuming any luck past that could give an extra % bonus that would last while there's 'fuel'. The max fuel would be accumulated up to 472510, and run out at a rate of 10 per minute, so 472510 luck would last for about a month of continuous gameplay.

> Or maybe there could be a slider to choose the bonus. +10% bonus would consume it at 10 per minute. +100% bonus would consume it at 100 per minute, and so on.


I've no idea how feasible this would be, but it sounds like a good idea to me.

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> @"Marcel.1857" said:

> Well @"juhani.5361" i reached the point that the bar don´t count up anymore, and yeah i hope anet will change something about the acc bound stuff that's just trash if you play long enough by adding useful recipe . So i see regarding luck you also don´t have a use for it, but regarding the bloodstone nice information <3


Woops, I missed that part of your post :3 I'm going to plead inebriation because I've spent most of the summer under the influence of both day and nighttime Theraflu. That and oxygen deprivation due to the terrible fire season this year. It's better than admitting I can be a dingus ;)


I haven't gotten that far along (17K overage), so I guess I'll just ask what happens when you do hit the new cap. Can you still consume luck even if it doesn't count?


If not, I'll probably personally start destroying it. I've already stopped salvaging loot drops on my 80s. Then again, I'm not really the min-max sort. I hate shuffling stuff and collecting it in MMOs. I run under my IRL maxim of, "Uck it, huck it" when I hit my rare decluttering moods.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > You destroy Bloodstone dust?

> > > You know you can craft daily gated stuff with it.

> > > Leyline Tools for 1.50-1.75g

> >

> > If you have an abundance of charged quartz crystals on hand, sure.


> Regular quartz, of which everyone has a surpluss since Four Winds


Well Yes, but you still need 1 charged quartz per tool. Which is daily gated still.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> * High MF has contributed to the drop in market values of ecto, since people opening _blue_ unID gear with ~800-900% MF get rares or better. Increasing the cap, even with drastically diminishing returns, pushes more so.


How do I get 800-900% MF? I googled but could not find the method.



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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > * High MF has contributed to the drop in market values of ecto, since people opening _blue_ unID gear with ~800-900% MF get rares or better. Increasing the cap, even with drastically diminishing returns, pushes more so.


> How do I get 800-900% MF? I googled but could not find the method.


> thanks


Various Boosters, and buffs from the Vinewrath event in SW.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > * High MF has contributed to the drop in market values of ecto, since people opening _blue_ unID gear with ~800-900% MF get ~~rares~~ masterwork or better. Increasing the cap, even with drastically diminishing returns, pushes more so.


> How do I get 800-900% MF? I googled but could not find the method.


> thanks


The wiki used to cover this at



Currently it includes the list of boosters implies by @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509". That's enough to get anyone to +425%. You can push luck-based MF to 300%, which takes you to 725%. In the Silverwastes (also mentioned by Tanner), you can build up 5 stacks of [Perseverance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perseverance) by completing events, to add another 150% and killing the Vinewrath during the meta adds 50% more, which adds to 925%. (Veterans have a few other tricks possible to push it up a tad further.)


Testifye has, well, [testified about the data available](https://sites.google.com/view/gw2-tipm/research/unidentified-gear) to predict the point at which blue unID gear stops dropping fine gear to be around 860% (although I think in practice it's a bit lower).


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