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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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Not bad. Not amazing either.


New elites are for the most part not zerg-fight viable (exc maybe Firebrand, Scourge, maybe Soulbeast and Spellbreaker). Renegade is cool, but will not see much WvW play as it doesn't fix any of the Rev's problems... We also need more shortbow users... there are 3 with elite specs... c'mon you missed the chance to do some cool stuff with engie and ele...


Glad there is no chill spamming mobs (stares at the "Bright Star" who came up with that BS in Bitterfrost Frontier).


Mounts are great, but handle like a 18-wheeler.


The RNG involved in the elite spec ascendeds is terrible. The exotics are too infrequent and I am convinced that the funeral procession event is a myth created by devs...


Story (so far) is solid. It's no Oblivion, but that's not necessarily what we're here for.


Glad that the new maps do not invalidate the LS3 maps by also giving us ascended trinks.


Make the Spellbreaker Elites different colors for friendly vs enemy. In zerg fights i cant tell one orange bubble from another...

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Pretty good, I'd recommend it anywhere anytime, but

* Advertisement, it's nonexistent. People outside the community barely even know this game still exists, if at all that there was a new expansion.


* Build templates outside 3. party addons, which indirectly violate the ToS since they display more data as your own

* An option for healthbars and/or some UI costumisation in general

* Balance, split more. Otherwise some will always be useless and others OP in one mode just damage wise, not even considering different healthpools, utility, etc. End reign of Elementalists on big targets, push other zerker specs.

* Clear Tank roles: Aggro mechanics (taunts, aggro bar). Every DPS spec, even if warrior with 19k HP should die 1 hit with 1k toughness; bam doesn't matter if ele/guard has only 12k then.

* Stop it with making everything into a collection and add at least some quest based elements. It's boring and a clustered fragment of story telling. It makes sense for drop related items, but for flying around half the globe... not as much.

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Story and maps flow well together for the first 2 acts. Then it goes downhill, speeding past the Desolation and Vabbi.


Story instances were good.


Maps are pretty and fun to explore the first time, and then there's no reason to be in them again once you've got what you want from your collections. The rewards are pitiful and the lack of a good Heart of Thorns level worldboss/meta event is unacceptable. Make a map that behaves like Silverwastes so people can explore the whole map without having to wait for certain events or timers.


Mounts are great.


Some elite specs are borderline terrible: Mirage and Deadeye in particular need serious buffs or redesigns, especially Deadeye's rifle abilities need help.

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100 words: Amazing expansion!



* Mount exploration (lack of waypoints help with this)!

* Amazing maps!

* Story is fantastic!



* Replayability of story and other things (Why isn't the sous chef minigame a replayable adventure? Why does the campaign award all skins on one playthrough, leaving limited rewards for multiple playthroughs- unlike HoT which was great with rewarding Auric/Chak weps, etc.).

* Lack of event chains and event achievements.

* Mastery exp was too easily gained (Down from 13.5mil to complete a track in HoT, to 2.5mil to complete a track in PoF? Need a happy medium).

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Absolutely loving it! Everything is rich with world building!

Biggest gripes are the mobs and mob density. Would love to be able to explore the world at a slower pace, but constantly being chased down makes traveling a chore.

Being chased across the map just to waypoint, or being unable to enjoy the scenery because there are Veterans on a cliff for no reason at all really sucks the joy from map exploration for me.

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Excellent Story. Despite expectations, you nailed mounts. I love the lore tidbits - Augury Rock made me squee!


Please put more focus on the balance team, it feels very haphazard and slapdash. Also, if you don’t want to skill split, make PvE more like PvP. More incoming condi, enemy heal skills, more split objectives, less enrage timers. More focus on survive & hold instead of kill & avoid mechanics in future raids. We need more objectives and niches, or the PvE meta will continue to always be max offensive boons + stack highest DPS class.

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**9/10** Story (BY FAR better than anything we already had in game, ending was confusing tho)

**9/10** Maps (Really well made and waaay better than HoT and some LWS3's)

**9/10** Mounts (would be better if they weren't currency gated, really fun to play with)

**8/10** E-Specs (Really good, could be higher, just need some balance overall)

**6/10** Replayable content (could be higher, just gave a break from the xpac for now)

**6/10** Mastery system (would love if one could max it without having to raid or spend 250G)

**5/10** Achievements (so far nothing that interesting, seems pretty ordinary)

**5/10** Skins (from the ones I saw, nothing i want to grab for now)

**2/10** New stats (i just know the one that comes from the armor you get from the story, and it isn't even good; i heard we have some others from players, have no idea how to get them nor what the stats are called or the att combinations they might have)


Would rate it **8/10** (just because of the 4 higher rated ones, which were actually the ones i was looking after when i bought it. Exceeded my expectations <3 )

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Bigger shoulders and flying mounts for us to enjoy, closer and closer it's starting to sound like another game i know.


You swung the pendulum both ways HoT too many meta's regardless of the fact that i like them, and now PoF zero beneficial map metas that creates a void of replayability and a lack of reason to get together with people and play the game.


You then added the griffon in an instanced based MMORPG ... where there is a limit to how many people can be seen on a single map. Flying mounts already make mmo's very empty feeling, and in an expansion with zero replayability so far. You saw it fit to make a flying mount to create an even bigger void to the people who are still playing the maps for their miscellaneous reasonings.


The story was fun, and engaging i feel like kasmeer is still a dull character and more could have been done, but all in all with the content there is it was both visually appealing and fun to play.

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Mostly positive:

Very well-made maps, mounts and profession specializations.

The story improved a lot, very unique and fun to play.

Interactive and immersive environment and characters.


Mostly negative:

Achievements (in the story) were a bit too easy.

The endgame is mostly about exploring and finishing collections, lacking in regards of pvp, raids or WvW.

The story was very short!


Overall 9/10 experience, needs a few tweaks but the general experience was very positive

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- Can't use salvage all greens without behing afraid to loose ecto from an Identified becoming a rare

- End game content behind gold sink walls (hidden mount, new bags) when fractals are becoming the new dungeons

- Lack of repeatable and accessible Guild content (inb4 LF new raid 250Li) when wings are being sold


Noticing a canibalist slippery slope here.


Don't throw away old content and guild-bonding please.


Also missing large scale Boss/Events and GvG.

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Absolutely love this expansion! The Griffon mount was a huge surprise and I was glad your team didn't make obtaining it super hard.


That said, I guess my only critique would be the noticeable lag I've seen lately. I tested my speed on speedtest.net and I was hovering around 100 MBps. The lag I saw got really bad. More than a few times I pressed all keys and just idled for 30 second - 2 mins waiting. Sometimes I died when the server caught up.

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I absolutely love the Mounts. Literally 1 of the 4 things I’ve always wanted in Guild Wars 2. Story felt short and could have been longer but it was still amazing.

Suggestion List:

1. Open World PvP - Make it link up with WvW. 3 Worlds on every PvE map in the game with their team colors just like WvW. Obviously separated servers (PVE only, PVP only or both.)

2. Public Dueling: Half the time people are just sitting around waiting for events why not add this to pass the time.

3. Add-ons: Example like squad DPS/Heal/etc. meters like for WvW.



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As an individual player, it is fun and provides a lot to do - story was engaging; specs are fun; maps are beautiful and fun to play on.


But shouldn't there be some new guild missions after 4.5 years - new bounty system is screaming for a guild version (bounty boards in guild hall, maybe). Guilds got a new hall and a handful of new decorations. Seems kinda thin.

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Where is the meta?


Also, why was Vlast (unsure about spelling, but the first dragon you saw in PoF) so small? Felt anti-climactic.


Rabbits look stupid. Mount skins please (yes, I’ll pay...).


Please ban mounts in all cities (heck the casino had forbidden signs, but you could still ride it inside).


Haven't gotten any further than that yet.

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I would like to the see the Player Character stay true to the race that you play like if I was to play a Charr I would want the Player Character to react in a way that Charr would instead of acting human in all race scenarios. This hurts the story if your playing another race other than human. I would like to see something done with Guild Halls as well. Maybe new missions or something?

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Bounties are too easy with a lot of people. Add a few tough ones that make people use their brains instead of Zerg. I'd like to see a META event using the giant mech from the story. It looks so awesome! On future maps, prevent the use of griffin until the map is completed. Increase the size of some bounty bosses. They are too small and underwhelming. Need gemstone mount skins.

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The story is amazing, and the landscape is gorgeous. I keep taking screenshots like I'm on a virtual vacation. I think the events and bounties suffer due to map sizes. Everyone is so spread out that getting a good group going is difficult. I really miss the map-wide meta events. And, like others, this has me questioning if I'll come back to the maps very often after my first playthough. Mounts are fantastic, but, as a casual player, the gold grind for the final mount is worrisome. Alternative in-game tasks would've been appreciated.

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Pacing, character, tone, twists.

Mixture of excitement and conversation.

Optional dialog.



Places to explore and things to discover.

Soloable Hero Points.

Diversity of terrain, biomes and threats



Beautiful visuals.

Desert thematics






I just want more. I'd pay for more.


Desolation and Vabbi need larger-scale metas like Tangled Depths orDragon's Stand.

(3 exploration maps + 2 meta maps is perfect)


Poor balance and lack of options for some specs

Holosmith + Deadeye balance

Lack of viable healers, tanks or supports for end-game content


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Story was great & fulfilling, more in depth than HoT with a great cliffhanger.

Mounts are a joy, for both the new maps and core Tyria.

Seeing familiar places and characters was very nostalgic.

BEAUTIFUL maps (even story instances like the library).



Eater of Souls fight was VERY frustrating. The only fight in the story I struggled with. Had to cheese it after trying for over an hour.

Would have liked at least one map-wide meta _a la_ AB or TD, or even a "part time" meta like VB.

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The story was incredibly well-made. The maps are distinctly fresh while also being nostalgic. So much depth of design and interactivity; you can tell how much love and attention went into building everything.

Mounts are fun, and the hidden mount is an incredible addition, again with plenty of thought put into it. Masteries gel together nicely.

Elite specs are healthy, providing unique gameplay from the previous professions/specs. Not all of them are my favorite, but that's okay-- ANet really branched out with some of these, and it shows. That's awesome to see, even if the results aren't always ideal.


**That's my 100 words.

If I'm allowed to go further, I'd add this:**

The difficulty could be toned better; the majority is painfully easy while a couple minor areas are surprisingly tough.

I love the conclusions to the mysteries we've come across so far, but I hope that doesn't mean we're done exploring the old mysteries of Tyria.

I'm glad we're turning the focus back to dragons as POWERFUL entities, because HoT and LS3 really failed to make them intimidating. Right now, Kralkatorrik is everything he needs to be, and I'm excited to see where you guys go with it.

I love the freedom that came with large maps. Certainly, I wish more happened within those spaces, but for the first time in a while, I felt like it was more of a real world than just a large "event" all crammed together. The scale of the world is perfect, but it could use a bit more to fill in the spaces than just mobs.


All-around, I'm very happy with this expac. It could use a bit more map replayability, but I know that's a delicate balance to figure out.

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