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Recommended healer for frontline zerg support?


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Well, in Gw2, it falls under the broad range of support, which is why Firebrands and Chronos dominate since especially with the bright idea to give Guardians a water field, well, what else would you need? That really marked the death knell of every class that could say "At least I have a water field!"


And yea without offensive pressure you lose anyways, and I think this is probably where heal scrapper doesn't cut it. Outside of 1 CC that can be blocked (lol) and superspeed, their really isn't much offensive support being given. A afk Rev with Glint open already does more.


Well, there is fumigate....

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Well, in Gw2, it falls under the broad range of support, which is why Firebrands and Chronos dominate since especially with the bright idea to give Guardians a water field, well, what else would you need? That really marked the death knell of every class that could say "At least I have a water field!"


> And yea without offensive pressure you lose anyways, and I think this is probably where heal scrapper doesn't cut it. Outside of 1 CC that can be blocked (lol) and superspeed, their really isn't much offensive support being given. A afk Rev with Glint open already does more.


> Well, there is fumigate....


Drop crates and hammer 5 are both ranged aoe stuns. Bulwark gyro is a unique non boon damage reduction which can't be stripped or corrupted. Lightning fields can be used for stacking vulnerability and swiftness. Medkit auto heals based on number of boons on target so lots of synergy with firebrand and mesmers, tool belt heal converts condition, gives protection and good aoe heal because of mdf. Plus 3 stacks of stab and bubble projectile block from bulwark tool belt. Scrapper has a lot to offer, it won't replace firebrand but is a strong addition to.

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Well, in Gw2, it falls under the broad range of support, which is why Firebrands and Chronos dominate since especially with the bright idea to give Guardians a water field, well, what else would you need? That really marked the death knell of every class that could say "At least I have a water field!"

> >

> > And yea without offensive pressure you lose anyways, and I think this is probably where heal scrapper doesn't cut it. Outside of 1 CC that can be blocked (lol) and superspeed, their really isn't much offensive support being given. A afk Rev with Glint open already does more.

> >

> > Well, there is fumigate....


> Drop crates and hammer 5 are both ranged aoe stuns. Bulwark gyro is a unique non boon damage reduction which can't be stripped or corrupted. Lightning fields can be used for stacking vulnerability and swiftness. Medkit auto heals based on number of boons on target so lots of synergy with firebrand and mesmers, tool belt heal converts condition, gives protection and good aoe heal because of mdf. Plus 3 stacks of stab and bubble projectile block from bulwark tool belt. Scrapper has a lot to offer, it won't replace firebrand but is a strong addition to.


The supply crate has such a long cooldown though. Just seems like Stealth Gyro has some sick support potential/reveal over it.


I agree the improved defense field has much going for it and it's the first thing that gives you multiple stacks of usable stability. Well, there is toss elixir B but that's unreliable. To be fair, I'm not sure most were aware of this change.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> i dont try to argue scrapper less better. but scrapper would have to leave the party to go melee with necro in order to heal him also make him vulnerable to taking hits.

I highly recommend necros to stay near their party most of the time. The party likes barriers and the necro will profit from boons and healing.



> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> The supply crate has such a long cooldown though. Just seems like Stealth Gyro has some sick support potential/reveal over it.

Personally I usually run mortar kit. Elixir-shell together with super-elixir and super-speed is triggering your MDF to some insane level. Also fighting in the chill and blinding ticking fields is benefitting the zerg. In theory 1 and 2 is nice, too, since poison can delay rezzing and lower enemy healing while the 0.5s 100% projectile finisher is neat.

However, usually projectile hate limits poison-shell while projectile effects are usually single-target and not well understood. For example light-field projectile finisher will remove one condition from one player near the enemy that is hit. I read that piercing projectiles trigger multiple times, but not sure how AoE like mortar-1 behaves. 5 targets=5 condi cleanses? Still great to shoot on top of walls and over gates and guard-reflects. ^^

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > i dont try to argue scrapper less better. but scrapper would have to leave the party to go melee with necro in order to heal him also make him vulnerable to taking hits.

> I highly recommend necros to stay near their party most of the time. The party likes barriers and the necro will profit from boons and healing.


in moments when few of your allies get pulled, immobilized, chill or cripple only rev can save them. you cannot expect perfect game from others inorder to use a class or build. rather the build around errors.


> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > The supply crate has such a long cooldown though. Just seems like Stealth Gyro has some sick support potential/reveal over it.

> Personally I usually run mortar kit. Elixir-shell together with super-elixir and super-speed is triggering your MDF to some insane level. Also fighting in the chill and blinding ticking fields is benefitting the zerg. In theory 1 and 2 is nice, too, since poison can delay rezzing and lower enemy healing while the 0.5s 100% projectile finisher is neat.

> However, usually projectile hate limits poison-shell while projectile effects are usually single-target and not well understood. For example light-field projectile finisher will remove one condition from one player near the enemy that is hit. I read that piercing projectiles trigger multiple times, but not sure how AoE like mortar-1 behaves. 5 targets=5 condi cleanses? Still great to shoot on top of walls and over gates and guard-reflects. ^^


the abilities to cleanse all conditions is huge. all other skills are nice but the cleanse is much better

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > i dont try to argue scrapper less better. but scrapper would have to leave the party to go melee with necro in order to heal him also make him vulnerable to taking hits.

> I highly recommend necros to stay near their party most of the time. The party likes barriers and the necro will profit from boons and healing.



> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > The supply crate has such a long cooldown though. Just seems like Stealth Gyro has some sick support potential/reveal over it.

> Personally I usually run mortar kit. Elixir-shell together with super-elixir and super-speed is triggering your MDF to some insane level. Also fighting in the chill and blinding ticking fields is benefitting the zerg. In theory 1 and 2 is nice, too, since poison can delay rezzing and lower enemy healing while the 0.5s 100% projectile finisher is neat.

> However, usually projectile hate limits poison-shell while projectile effects are usually single-target and not well understood. For example light-field projectile finisher will remove one condition from one player near the enemy that is hit. I read that piercing projectiles trigger multiple times, but not sure how AoE like mortar-1 behaves. 5 targets=5 condi cleanses? Still great to shoot on top of walls and over gates and guard-reflects. ^^


Hmm, Mortar Kit seems to be interesting, but yea I'm quite worried about the projectile hate nulling as well as the toolbelt not being useful since not built for damage. The chill and poison is useful and I usually fumigate to get bags lol. And yea, at least I can do something against walls.


I also notice it's very nice when someone's healing you too since healing you passively heals a bunch of other people with Medical dispersion field. They just recently buffed it, as it would seem from the worthless 20% to 50%.


I'll try to practice it a bit more and see what happens. Without PoF I'm pretty much stuck with Rev in larger fights, so it'd be nice to have at least some more options.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> I also notice it's very nice when someone's healing you too since healing you passively heals a bunch of other people with Medical dispersion field. They just recently buffed it, as it would seem from the worthless 20% to 50%.


Yeah you can run around doing nothing and still heal alot around. The zerg helps heal itself.


I am curious about the limitations of this reverb though. Would a large bunch of scrappers be practically immortal standing next to each other and healing? I mean they heal, which heals the others, which heals them, which heals the others, which heals them etc.

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i have played with a friend on a squad of 20 ppl give or take

i use ventari/herald and he used ventari/jallis

while my boons share with 10 ppl on the squad mainly used herald for perma protection and regen so even on bobble the regen and protection was up no time

his stability and dmg reduction from jallis and elevated compassion we manage to give nice heals and dmg reduction to the team

he cover to front line while i cover the back line with heals

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > I also notice it's very nice when someone's healing you too since healing you passively heals a bunch of other people with Medical dispersion field. They just recently buffed it, as it would seem from the worthless 20% to 50%.


> Yeah you can run around doing nothing and still heal alot around. The zerg helps heal itself.


> I am curious about the limitations of this reverb though. Would a large bunch of scrappers be practically immortal standing next to each other and healing? I mean they heal, which heals the others, which heals them, which heals the others, which heals them etc.


LOL should try it asap. buts its 55% so eventually its will end up to 0

assume you heal me 1k i heal you 550 so you heal me 302 so i heal you 166 so you heal me 91 so i heal you 50 so you heal me 27 .....

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > I also notice it's very nice when someone's healing you too since healing you passively heals a bunch of other people with Medical dispersion field. They just recently buffed it, as it would seem from the worthless 20% to 50%.

> >

> > Yeah you can run around doing nothing and still heal alot around. The zerg helps heal itself.

> >

> > I am curious about the limitations of this reverb though. Would a large bunch of scrappers be practically immortal standing next to each other and healing? I mean they heal, which heals the others, which heals them, which heals the others, which heals them etc.


> LOL should try it asap. buts its 55% so eventually its will end up to 0

> assume you heal me 1k i heal you 550 so you heal me 302 so i heal you 166 so you heal me 91 so i heal you 50 so you heal me 27 .....


True, but your outgoing heals should be boosted by another 50% or so by sigil/rune/food/trait. Kind of hard to test under controlled situations... But imagine like 30 heal scrappers and 20 heal necros in a 50 man zerg, lol. Glhf breaking them with melee and glhf killing yourself with range.


The perma stealthed zerg is bonus :p

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Does Medical Dispersion Field apply to incoming healing from allies too? I thought it was just self-healing.


I really dont know thats why I'm curious about the limitations lol. It feels like it does cause otherwise I dont know where heals are coming from sometimes but maybe it doesnt.


Even so others can give you regen and unless the MDF of others cant overlap (ie you can only be subject to the MDF from one scrapper) just the secondary healing from that would stack up fast.

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As far as I know, MDF only triggers on your own healing.

And even then not all effects are triggering it.


All active heal skills (F1, medikit-4, blasting water fields) trigger it.

Regeneration and life-siphoning are also triggering MDF.

soothing detonations and rapid regeneration also trigger MDF.


Backpack-regenerator (& heat therapy, but not sure) do NOT trigger MDF...


I remember that the initial MDF when it was introduced was triggered by allies healing you. This would be too much, though, since you basically become a passive heal booster for all the zerg guards and healers. They tried to fix this by lowering percentage and adding CDs. Then nobody used it anymore. Then they removed the CD and changed it to source=self-healing. But with 20% and without medikit only heal turret was actually buffed with this trait (3k+1.3k+20%).


Btw: Try using life-siphoning +MDF with flamethrower-1! ^^

Not effective at all, but fun. You get 3 enemies * 5 attacks/s * 5 allies by MDF = 75 green numbers per second on your screen (in addition to those by regeneration, etc) ;)



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so far when i using my scrapper i see nice hps out put but the healing per ally is low like 1.5k hps. so i get to heal more than 5 allies but the numbers are low. sure i have a burst heal combo but on cd

so i see lots of green on my screen but low numbers


also i dont have my own boons proc so i need to team up with rev or FB

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Op asked for a Healer and the healing from a Full minstrel firebrand is not good. If i would play Firebrand , i would play a Magi/Minstrel mix. Full Mins. has way to much thoughnes and Boon duration (wasted stats). Magi gives you more healpower and more vita which gets converted in more Outgoing heal. How do you Heal someone from 10 to 100% in less then 2 seconds with you Healbook on CD? (Why is my text in a box?)


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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Op asked for a Healer and the healing from a Full minstrel firebrand is not good. If i would play Firebrand , i would play a Magi/Minstrel mix. Full Mins. has way to much thoughnes and Boon duration (wasted stats). Magi gives you more healpower and more vita which gets converted in more Outgoing heal. How do you Heal someone from 10 to 100% in less then 2 seconds with you Healbook on CD? (Why is my text in a box?)



that's the problem with FB. if they used their book their healing abilities drop down quickly to none (almost). they have staff 4 but you need to time it. they have more passive healing like dodge and aegis but they wont heal much.

its all about the timing and the group offense dmg.

scrapper suffer the same problem although he can spam heals but the hps is low

rev can spam the best hps with lowest cd but need to move the tablet (which ppl tend to hate as they like to spam and not anticipate movement)

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so here are my results after playing 3 weeks with 3 of the classes with squads groups of 15-50 ppl




1. boons proc swiftness, stability, protection when needed. regen also

2. good passive heal with VOR 1000 (3 sec) and regen 490 (823 hps)

3. nice burst heal from active and passive skills and abilities (like dodge or aegis)

4. retaliation up time good

5. light field for condi cleanse with blast

6. great condi removal skills when needed

7. great resser with MI

8. friendly to use



2. after tome 2 and 3 being used your support abilities drop

3. need to time the use of your skills as each use is count

4. low hps and low healing modifiers

5. low to no dmg out put






1. when using herald boon spam like protection, regen, swiftness, might, fury. and alacrity with tablet

2. best healing modifier 100% and regen +20% and hps out put

3. great passive heals from regen 920 and elevated compassion 1500 (3 sec) yield about 1420 hps

4. great burst heal

5. spamm burst heal skills

6. light field for blast

7. great cc abilities with staff, dragon and tablet

8. when using jallis easy stability stacking and the best dmg reduction for team

9. have some dmg output

10. can heal from range




1. nrg management will force you to learn the rotations

2. low condi cleanse abilities

3. micro manage the tablet will force you to watch and anticipate movement (comms is almost a must)




1. easy to use

2. high hps

3. good passive heal mostly passive regen, mdf (but need to be below 100% hp) yield about 800 hps

4. best condi removal abilities

5. due to 4 many boons proc if cleanse lots of ppl

6. great burst heals with few skills

7. good resser with function gyro

8. good escape ability with elixir S

9. nice cc with hammer skills



1. no dmg output

2. self heal the worst

3. no active boons proc



now the question


can you handle a group without FB?


for me i take rev over scrapper but at the moment groups tend to take scrapper due to condi removal abilities and the sustain healing a rev might be over healing the FB

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Does Medical Dispersion Field apply to incoming healing from allies too? I thought it was just self-healing.


> Never mind, I was mistaken. I guess it was actually just all me all along. B)


But the question is... *Does it really*? I tried to notice it extra much when zerging and saw that even running without a kit equipped, no regen, not using any skills, no sigils or runes proccing... I still triggered random low heals on friendlies. Where does that come from? I couldnt really see any source from me.

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Also rapid regeneration is triggered by swiftness, which heals in the area...

Also getting hit might trigger a rune. below 75% you get auto-elixir-b and above 2 condis elixir-c. If you heal, then someone was hit, so there's a chance you're hit, too. ^^


about scrapper cons:

Self-heal is pretty decent in my opinion. F1 heals you for 50% HP on a 20s CD and most AoE-healing affects you first. Then the passive from regeneration, rapid regeneration, compounding chemicals...

Low HPS is also not really true. overcleansing conditions allows you to distribute large amounts of regeneration over multiple groups. In cases where there is constant AoE damage with conditions and many people near you (like in 2-3 arrow carts) I was able to get to 18k hps for half a minute.

A worse con is the on-point requirement. A healrev can move the tablet to allies and heal them. scrappers need to be near them.

No active boon proc is wrong, since there is stability, superspeed, regeneration and protection that can be actively triggered. The condi clear is high enough, though, that boons should be plenty after 5-10s infight. The only trouble I had so far was stacking might up for the group.

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Yea, I forget that swiftness counts for rapid regen too since Scrappers don't really generate much in the way of swiftness. except that occasional Elixir B That might just be it since Revs always give swiftness.


For me it turned out to be durability runes. I'm too lazy/cheap to make full minstrel so I just swap with some minstrel armor/trinkets with what I normally use.

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