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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > OP we get you are looking to have fun you're fighting on elementslist, a class pretty much the entire community agrees needs help ,into one of its more difficult/losing matchups and claiming the class is overpowered. It's similar to how for time in memorial necro players complain about thief. Or rev players about condi. Chill seriously messed with attunement swapping disrupting the flow of combat for elementslist more than it does others.

> >

> > There is a bunch of useful advise in the thread and there is a thread dedicated to fighting the "new" high damage reaper build and how to shut it down.

> >

> > I would understand your complaints if they were about spiteful spirit or chill if death. The latter only being so strong now since over time the chance if someone having three boons for max damage has gone from low to pretty much 100% .


> Yeah, i'm very disappointed that i was ALMOST making weaver works at the point of having some fun, but today, after playing a bit of holo and a bit of scourge, i've just abandoned that stupid idea, lol.


> One point i'll still stands for: Look at the big influx of Necros (reapers) on ranked pvp. You know something isn't right when that kind of thing is happening (again).

> Then the cicle of nerfing the profession to oblivion will occour and we'll be discussing exactly the opposite here. That's just sad.


> Again, me, personally, want some good fights, not infinite bunkering, but not Necro/Soulbeast instakills. This isn't funny, this discourages new players, this is bad for pvp in general.




Whether people munk and moan, flash or cry, drip and q.q , the fact remains that there are a bollock load of reapers in PvP right now.


I have adjusted my build and playstyle in reaction to this and have no massive complaints other than that I have to work 100% harder than before XD


Two necro per team is incredibly common.


People cry about DE but you don't get 2 per team. Last season it was 2 mesmers minimum. Holo dmg and cc was moaned about but they weren't always 2 per team either....


I've had more than one game vs guard/necro/guard/necro/+1 other and I'm confident that there will be more to come.


I'm not q.qing. That's not my style but the writing is on the wall.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> Elementalists are dying. I'm playing weaver atm and it's just impossible to kill a reaper.

Then you are the worst weaver in the game. Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught glass canon fotm. Reaper build everyone is running now.


All you need is block and port as utility skills and earth4 to kite and keep him away from you. While doing so just spam damage skills.


Bronze players... I am tired of reading that nonsense.


> the fact the i'm playing a melee class

Then don't.


Do I complain about getting facerolled by deadeyes and rangers whose attacks your melee weaver can just evade/block/reflect with a single button press?


Rock paper scissors anyone?



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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > Elementalists are dying. I'm playing weaver atm and it's just impossible to kill a reaper.

> Then you are the worst weaver in the game. Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught glass canon fotm. Reaper build everyone is running now.


> All you need is block and port as utility skills and earth4 to kite and keep him away from you. While doing so just spam damage skills.


> Bronze players... I am tired of reading that nonsense.


> > the fact the i'm playing a melee class

> Then don't.


> Do I complain about getting facerolled by deadeyes and rangers whose attacks your melee weaver can just evade/block/reflect with a single button press?


> Rock paper scissors anyone?




Hey mate, look at how the discussion is at an impressive high level till your raging rant here.

Just look at it and try to rethink your attitude, please.

People like you is what ruins the community as a whole.


But i like the "Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught".

Really shows a lot of knowledge from you, sir :)


Ah, and just to complete, thanks for getting exactly the quotes you want to rant about and getting it tottally out of the complete context of the post.


Sad life bro, sad life.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > Elementalists are dying. I'm playing weaver atm and it's just impossible to kill a reaper.

> > Then you are the worst weaver in the game. Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught glass canon fotm. Reaper build everyone is running now.

> >

> > All you need is block and port as utility skills and earth4 to kite and keep him away from you. While doing so just spam damage skills.

> >

> > Bronze players... I am tired of reading that nonsense.

> >

> > > the fact the i'm playing a melee class

> > Then don't.

> >

> > Do I complain about getting facerolled by deadeyes and rangers whose attacks your melee weaver can just evade/block/reflect with a single button press?

> >

> > Rock paper scissors anyone?

> >

> >


> Hey mate, look at how the discussion is at an impressive high level till your raging rant here.

> Just look at it and try to rethink your attitude, please.

> People like you is what ruins the community as a whole.


> But i like the "Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught".

> Really shows a lot of knowledge from you, sir :)


people like you who refuse to learn and facetank is the reason GW2 pvp will fail.When it comes to things like insta nuke from invis and mesmers your fine right? yeah biased much? i've seen a video of a weaver doing insane dmg.


Don't facetank necros and learn to kite.Learn to cripple and lastly:Learn to play mate.


There is no good excuse to nerf a elite spec with such a massive counter and easy to avoid dmg, even if it hurts a lot.Try harder.


I played thief and did i complain about scourge using his boon corrupt on me? no i got wrecked too because some guardian near me spread them to me, and i got feared then boon corrupted.


Learn to be aware of the map, and learn to cc.



Thats some pretty crazy dmg from rain of fire and from that sword 5-6k per hit and spammable.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > > Elementalists are dying. I'm playing weaver atm and it's just impossible to kill a reaper.

> > > Then you are the worst weaver in the game. Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught glass canon fotm. Reaper build everyone is running now.

> > >

> > > All you need is block and port as utility skills and earth4 to kite and keep him away from you. While doing so just spam damage skills.

> > >

> > > Bronze players... I am tired of reading that nonsense.

> > >

> > > > the fact the i'm playing a melee class

> > > Then don't.

> > >

> > > Do I complain about getting facerolled by deadeyes and rangers whose attacks your melee weaver can just evade/block/reflect with a single button press?

> > >

> > > Rock paper scissors anyone?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Hey mate, look at how the discussion is at an impressive high level till your raging rant here.

> > Just look at it and try to rethink your attitude, please.

> > People like you is what ruins the community as a whole.

> >

> > But i like the "Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught".

> > Really shows a lot of knowledge from you, sir :)


> people like you who refuse to learn and facetank is the reason GW2 pvp will fail.When it comes to things like insta nuke from invis and mesmers your fine right? its ok also if weaver s can wipe out a player with 25-40k dmg right? yeah biased much? i've seen a video of a weaver doing insane dmg.


> Don't facetank necros and learn to kite.Learn to cripple and lastly:Learn to play mate.


Ok, i'll learn to play, thanks for your contribution!

Would you mind sharing that pvp weaver build that can wipe a player with 25-40k damage?


What ruins pvp is ppl like you, that will defend a class blindly because you can only play ez mode.

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Those type of rants is what ruins discussion in this pvp forums.

If some of you guys (obviously the raging ones) thinks it's ok the way it is, let it go.

My personal solution is just wrecking necros as Holo and that's ok, i'll enjoy it (not the way i like it, fairly, but i'll enjoy it).

Just remember this post when your next match will be composed by 4 necros, just like on Scourges launch :)

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Ask one of the experts in weaver, i've only played tempest in pvp and i hear its not very good for dmg, but thats still no excuse.


Only when noobs blindly QQ for nerfs.


Look i didn't petition for nerfs for weaver ok? i didn't want tempest to be nerfed in air, and i thougth it was a bit obsurd since tempest isn't that great anymore.I heard its not even that great for raids.


But at least you as a ele have weaver thats viable in wvw and pve.


Necros all they got going for them atm for pve is reaper, and if that is nerfed we got nothing great.


You have to play a lot.I don't know what ranking you are, don't know if you just stand there and cast rain of fire like i've seen some bad eles do, but you got way more mobility.For instance:you can spam stability in earth and superspeed in air.You can use heal in water and do some sick dmg with fire and air.You got some sick aoe effects and for instance the fgs has rain of fire which is useful and does good dmg.


I also could have sworn earth might have either cripple or blind in there somewhere.That too might help as it makes you miss your hits.


Try using wand or staff vs necro, something with tons of effects that are ranged.


Do anything you can to not be in melee range of a necro when he's in reaper.You can go GY if the necro is no longer in reaper because it lasts a few seconds, then the energy runs out.It drains even faster if you hit him, because he's consuming energy like mad between hits degen and using attacks, and its a 10 second cd.10 seconds in battle is a eternity, and you know this, because vs melee guys when you are cornered, because 10 seconds can be a situation of life and death.


If you nerf reapers damage, then that is all they have.That dmg is all they can do in pvp to win, becuase they cannot run away nor can they keep up with ranged folks.A good ranger or thief will just immob cc range or even mesmer illusion swords blow up reaper.We cannot even survive even with that dmg, because of power creep that its usually a one sided thing.


I heard tempest DD from someone on the forum, i heard it was good, maybe give that a try?


Also:When i faced a rev and lost as thief, i didn't cry for nerfs, i went to the rev and said:how do i win vs rev? and they gave me the answer.


Maybe its best to ask for help on the ele forum for more experienced players as i'm not the most experienced in pvp as eles with more experience as weaver and tempest and core can help you.I mostly do pve as ele and fractals.


My main experience in pvp is mostly necro with reaper form and thief with daredevil.


I edited again to add something extra:


I think i remember hearing that the air nerf was something related to weaver air being overpowered.

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The requests for toning down reaper are not uncalled for and not all from "bronze noobs" as you so kindly tar everyone with. Thanks for that. The sheer mass presence of reapers that have popped up in PvP is telling of the need to revisit the changes.


Peops like to win and if it's easier with reaper, then why am I to blame them? But arguing that its all great, l2p, move on, nothing to see here! Is a bit blinkered.

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> @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> The requests for toning down reaper are not uncalled for and not all from "bronze noobs" as you so kindly tar everyone with. Thanks for that. The sheer mass presence of reapers that have popped up in PvP is telling of the need to revisit the changes.


> Peops like to win and if it's easier with reaper, then why am I to blame them? But arguing that its all great, l2p, move on, nothing to see here! Is a bit blinkered.


It is uncalled for though, because its a one trick pony, somewhat like double pistol gun.If you nerf the damage, they are a weak one trick pony that cannot perform or land a kill, or has any threatening presence.


I think people are generally not used to fighting strong reapers and think they need to get used to it.Besides that:The buffs were for pve and quickness as its been told on the necro side can be corrupted ripped from the necro.Any might or quickness since instead of 15% attack speed, can be corrupted and stolen from us, adding yet another counter to reaper in the vast sea of counters we already have, such as being easily kited, easy to cc easily ranged and now we can have our buffs stolen or corrupted.we have plenty of counters.We even need to be babysat with someone because we sacrificed a lot of our defense for pure dps, meaning we are literally a glass cannon, and if you nerf the cannon part of a glass cannon, you get a noodle blade that can't kill anyone and cannot survive, and thats not balanced at all for reapers, or fair, and leads to a one sided battle thats not fun.if you nerf reaper, you might sa well just delete necromancer, because scourge was already gutted, now reaper the most balanced spec for spvp, you want that gutted because you refuse to learn how to play or ask for buffs for weaver?


Maybe the problem isn't reaper at all, maybe the problem is weaver needing buffs.Leave us reapers alone and get buffs for weaver.

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yay no one is complaining about mesmers for once!

the problem with reaper and scourge too is that they kinda are brainless specs.

When i play those classes its so easy to just press a few buttons and be assured big damage.

People are always complaining about mesmers but babaaay we have to play the keys a little

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> The sheer mass presence of reapers that have popped up in PvP is telling of the need to revisit the changes.

There were always a lot of necros in games prior but mainly scourge. You have a lot of people who rolled from reaper to scourge now go back to reaper because previously reaper was arguably trash tier. Now its not and its vaguely competitive. People want to play what they like.



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The easiest and simplest way to survive and win against a Reaper or pretty much anything as an ele is to outplay your opponent. That, and i find hybrid damage and good sustain with some toughness/vit/healing power can get them in an attrition fight (takes a lot of wet noodles to kill someone, but it is satisfying to kill someone with wet noodles). As long as you avoid their Big bursts. Power spikes have Always been eles' weak spot, and i wonder why.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> The easiest and simplest way to survive and win against a Reaper or pretty much anything as an ele is to outplay your opponent. That, and i find hybrid damage and good sustain with some toughness/vit/healing power can get them in an attrition fight (takes a lot of wet noodles to kill someone, but it is satisfying to kill someone with wet noodles). As long as you avoid their Big bursts. Power spikes have Always been eles' weak spot, and i wonder why.


True that, but that's pretty much why many people tend to say matchs are quite random in gold league. Reaper ( or scourge eventually) are good , and even more when people have no idea how to play against these.

Basically, you can be teamed with 2 terrible necros sitting mid all game, and luckily have opponents who're going to feed them 1 by 1 .



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You know where most of my dmg comes from as a Necro in PvP? Idiots with tunnel vision who don't know how the reaper works. They just stand there and try to beat on a shrouded necro. That's the last thing you should be doing. Either run and hit them from range, or just GTFO of there.


Necro is one of the last professions that need nerfing. Mesmer and thief are the biggest problems right now, and my guess is, most of these complaints are coming from those players who don't know how to play either profession, they just play the newest FOTM.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > >

> > > Looks like there's really a communication problem here (and i mean, honestly, no offense at all).

> > > What i'm trying to say is that people at some point was freaking out that Scourges could drop a red circle (on a game mode based on being inside a circle) and deny access to the place. Following me at this, right? (forget about that "fight on point hur dur kitten, you can kite, obviously, but the nuclear bomb shouldn't be a thing anyway).

> > >

> > > Whats happening now is the same, but with reapers. If you see the Scythe, just run, or you'll drop (and you'll drop faster than in the good "old" Scourge time). They're denying access to that point just like Scourges.

> > > And then we go back to the first question i've put to this topic:

> > >

> > > "How can this (reapers, the new king of powercreep) be healthier than giant telling red circles that will pop conditions (scourges)?"

> > >

> > > And to answer your last question: "Who is dying to this?"

> > > Elementalists are dying. I'm playing weaver atm and it's just impossible to kill a reaper. It's frustrating because you're clearly putting a lot of pressure and overskilling your opponent really bad, then (when the scythe appears, lol) you have to go full defensive, evades, stunbreaks (if you made a mistake), run, kite like hell, that assuming you already burnd some defensives against axe 2, and when the guy drop reaper mode he'll heal, you'll pressure him thru all his soul, but that LF is ready again, so the loop starts again.

> > >

> > > Yes, eles are in a bad position atm, the damage isn't sufficient to put down much foes, but when the skill gap is so big (using the reaper example again) and even like this you can't put the guy down, something looks wrong. Specially wrong when your sustain isn't sufficient against the 2 ~ 3 skills that will put you down so easily.

> > >

> > > That's being my experience in the last few days against reapers. I'm pressuring and putting down spellbreakers, holosmiths, mirages, but i can't put the reaper down. I can sustain even outnumbered by those other professions. But i just need ONE mistake to be taken down by a reaper (even the whole point of weaver being the sustain).

> >

> > Look up the term "window of opportunity" and you will have your answer as to why Reaper's current state is fairly healthy for the game.


> I would really appreciate if you could go a little more in-depth on your comment.

> When, specifically is that window of opportunity? Specially for a weaver (lets take cooldowns and all in consideration and the fact the i'm playing a melee class)


Weaver is a bunk class that can't kill literally anything. This isn't a Reaper balance problem, this is a you playing a bunker problem.

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> @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> The requests for toning down reaper are not uncalled for and not all from "bronze noobs" as you so kindly tar everyone with. Thanks for that. The sheer mass presence of reapers that have popped up in PvP is telling of the need to revisit the changes.


It's not that Reapers are suddenly OP, it's that Reaper has always been fun to play, but not good (not after the condi Reaper nerfs). Now, there's a glass cannon build that's effective and fun to play and throws in just enough confusion to those used to fighting the Blighter's Boon brawler Reaper that it's attracting more people back to Reaper.


And honestly? I think that's where a lot of people are having difficulty dealing with it. They're still used to the damage output and fighting style of the Blighter's Boon build, but the Reaper's Onslaught build will slaughter you if you try to take it on the same way. Despite most of the build being the same, the two play out incredibly differently, and the play style of contesting a point against one doesn't work against the other.


Sniping from range works well for both, though.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > > Elementalists are dying. I'm playing weaver atm and it's just impossible to kill a reaper.

> > > Then you are the worst weaver in the game. Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught glass canon fotm. Reaper build everyone is running now.

> > >

> > > All you need is block and port as utility skills and earth4 to kite and keep him away from you. While doing so just spam damage skills.

> > >

> > > Bronze players... I am tired of reading that nonsense.

> > >

> > > > the fact the i'm playing a melee class

> > > Then don't.

> > >

> > > Do I complain about getting facerolled by deadeyes and rangers whose attacks your melee weaver can just evade/block/reflect with a single button press?

> > >

> > > Rock paper scissors anyone?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Hey mate, look at how the discussion is at an impressive high level till your raging rant here.

> > Just look at it and try to rethink your attitude, please.

> > People like you is what ruins the community as a whole.

> >

> > But i like the "Even a glassy staff Weaver can destroy the Death Perception/Reaper's Onslaught".

> > Really shows a lot of knowledge from you, sir :)


> people like you who refuse to learn and facetank is the reason GW2 pvp will fail.When it comes to things like insta nuke from invis and mesmers your fine right? yeah biased much? i've seen a video of a weaver doing insane dmg.


> Don't facetank necros and learn to kite.Learn to cripple and lastly:Learn to play mate.


> There is no good excuse to nerf a elite spec with such a massive counter and easy to avoid dmg, even if it hurts a lot.Try harder.


> I played thief and did i complain about scourge using his boon corrupt on me? no i got wrecked too because some guardian near me spread them to me, and i got feared then boon corrupted.


> Learn to be aware of the map, and learn to cc.




> Thats some pretty crazy dmg from rain of fire and from that sword 5-6k per hit and spammable.



What are you talking about, dude? this fight has NOTHING to do with this topic.

This is a squishy thief IN ANOTHER GAME MODE, it can't be more differente than a Reaper in sPvP.

You need to be A LOT less rude and absurdly most humble to make posts like this one. It really shows that you know NOTHING of what you talking about.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > The sheer mass presence of reapers that have popped up in PvP is telling of the need to revisit the changes.

> There were always a lot of necros in games prior but mainly scourge. You have a lot of people who rolled from reaper to scourge now go back to reaper because previously reaper was arguably trash tier. Now its not and its vaguely competitive. People want to play what they like.




Yes, there was a lot of Scourges when they were dropping the atomic bomb (aka PoF release).

Then they were slowly fading away as they got toned down patch after patch (till the last dhummfire nerf that i, personally, already stated here that i thought it was completely unnecessary).

Then mesmers. And story repeats itself, at least 3 (commonly 4) mesmer per match.

Now we're seeing it again, it's just a different spec, but it's EXACTLY the same pattern.


People don't want to play what they like. People want to win at any cost.

"Vaguely competitive" is a joke? I'll take it as it.


Come on people. That's why we (pvp community) deserve that shitt treatment from Anet.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Ask one of the experts in weaver, i've only played tempest in pvp and i hear its not very good for dmg, but thats still no excuse.


> Only when noobs blindly QQ for nerfs.


> Look i didn't petition for nerfs for weaver ok? i didn't want tempest to be nerfed in air, and i thougth it was a bit obsurd since tempest isn't that great anymore.I heard its not even that great for raids.


> But at least you as a ele have weaver thats viable in wvw and pve.


> Necros all they got going for them atm for pve is reaper, and if that is nerfed we got nothing great.


> You have to play a lot.I don't know what ranking you are, don't know if you just stand there and cast rain of fire like i've seen some bad eles do, but you got way more mobility.For instance:you can spam stability in earth and superspeed in air.You can use heal in water and do some sick dmg with fire and air.You got some sick aoe effects and for instance the fgs has rain of fire which is useful and does good dmg.


> I also could have sworn earth might have either cripple or blind in there somewhere.That too might help as it makes you miss your hits.


> Try using wand or staff vs necro, something with tons of effects that are ranged.


> Do anything you can to not be in melee range of a necro when he's in reaper.You can go GY if the necro is no longer in reaper because it lasts a few seconds, then the energy runs out.It drains even faster if you hit him, because he's consuming energy like mad between hits degen and using attacks, and its a 10 second cd.10 seconds in battle is a eternity, and you know this, because vs melee guys when you are cornered, because 10 seconds can be a situation of life and death.


> If you nerf reapers damage, then that is all they have.That dmg is all they can do in pvp to win, becuase they cannot run away nor can they keep up with ranged folks.A good ranger or thief will just immob cc range or even mesmer illusion swords blow up reaper.We cannot even survive even with that dmg, because of power creep that its usually a one sided thing.


> I heard tempest DD from someone on the forum, i heard it was good, maybe give that a try?


> Also:When i faced a rev and lost as thief, i didn't cry for nerfs, i went to the rev and said:how do i win vs rev? and they gave me the answer.


> Maybe its best to ask for help on the ele forum for more experienced players as i'm not the most experienced in pvp as eles with more experience as weaver and tempest and core can help you.I mostly do pve as ele and fractals.


> My main experience in pvp is mostly necro with reaper form and thief with daredevil.


> I edited again to add something extra:


> I think i remember hearing that the air nerf was something related to weaver air being overpowered.


Dude, please, you are just confusing the topic.

Skills are being splitted, we are talking about pvp.

Seriously, you're not on the right place and your comments makes no sense (at least in this specific session of the forums).


For the pvp part you wrote about... i'm really not going to be repetitive here.

As said many times above: The influx of Reapers on spvp just showcase the problem.

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