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Missing Spooky Griffon glowing eyes [RESOLVED]


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WHY? Why would you ArenaNet, actively put effort into removing features from items already purchased? I bought a skin from you, and you took features away from that skin AFTER I bought it. Not only is that ridiculous, but its almost an infringement of a purchase agreement. I bought something from you, if you are going to change it, you should give me the option for a refund on that item. You are doing one thing ArenaNet, actively making the game worse.

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Others in my clan said its gone on their mounts too. I have all graphics on High or Ultra. Pretty sure a staff reset something on my account because when I just tried to mount with my skin it mounted on a normal griffon even though my spooky skin was on, then i dismounted and remounted and the skin was there and the eyes glow again. Ill have to tell the others in my guild to look for some type of fix. Thanks

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> @"joevw.1253" said:

> Others in my clan said its gone on their mounts too. I have all graphics on High or Ultra. Pretty sure a staff reset something on my account because when I just tried to mount with my skin it mounted on a normal griffon even though my spooky skin was on, then i dismounted and remounted and the skin was there and the eyes glow again. Ill have to tell the others in my guild to look for some type of fix. Thanks


Thats pretty normal, you might need more processing power if you want instant transitions. Also, staff dont just reset stuff on players accounts on a whim.


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> @"joevw.1253" said:

> Others in my clan said its gone on their mounts too. I have all graphics on High or Ultra. Pretty sure a staff reset something on my account because when I just tried to mount with my skin it mounted on a normal griffon even though my spooky skin was on, then i dismounted and remounted and the skin was there and the eyes glow again. Ill have to tell the others in my guild to look for some type of fix. Thanks


Thats just a lag thing and happens to most of us. Anet does not go around resetting player settings ever. I doubt they even can do that

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