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Salvation Line Changes


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Hello all! As a big Revenant fan I've always been filled with joy when they make changes to Revenant's specializations and add much needed synergies that simply did not exist at the launch of HoT. While Anet has made a lot of progress with rev since its release, there are still some things that need changing. The Salvation traitline is a perfect example of that in my opinion. Salvation is a must-take for playing support, but there's not much variety or synergy with builds other than a pure healing build. I took a swing at renewing the Salvation line to make more engaging options as well as hopefully bring a bit more diversity to the table!



**Minor Adept:**


* _Disarming Riposte:_ This trait has been replaced by _Eluding Nullification_. _Eluding Nullification’s_ cooldown has been increased to 20 seconds.


**Major Adept:**


* _Tranquil Balance:_ This trait has switched places with _Invoking Harmony_.


**Major Master:**


* _Tranquil Benediction:_ In addition to its previous effects, it now increases the radius of the orbs created by _Rejuvenating Assault_ by 50%.


* _Eluding Nullification:_ This trait was moved to the Minor Adept trait. It has been replaced by _Natural Abundance_. _Natural Abundance_ has received the following changes: Increase the number of fragments created when using a Legendary Centaur skill to 2. Now also creates 1 fragment when using a legendary stance skill. Reduce healing of fragments by ~33%.


* _Invoking Harmony:_ This trait has switched places with _Tranquil Balance_. _Tranquil Balance_ has been reworked. It now has the following function: Increase revive speed by 10%. Heal nearby allies (~1,000) and grant them protection (3s) when you rally or successfully revive an ally.


**Major Grandmaster:**


* _Natural Abundance:_ This trait was moved to the Major Master category. It has been replaced by a new trait, _Altruistic Touch_. _Altruistic Touch_ has the following effect: Regeneration you apply lasts longer (+20% regen duration). Applying regeneration to an ally also applies might to them (2 stacks, 4s). Cooldown of 3 seconds.


* _Momentary Pacification:_ Decrease cooldown to 30 seconds. In addition to its previous effects, foes who have been immobilized by you deal 10% less damage.


Here are a couple odds and ends that are not part of the Salvation line, but I felt needed to be mentioned.

**Legendary Centaur Stance:**


* Ventari’s Will: Increase radius to 240. (for some reason it is the only Ventari skill that has a radius of 180?)




* Renewing Wave: Reduce energy cost to 10.


Let me know what you think and what changes you want to see in Salvation!


NOTE on "Altruistic Touch,": I'm not sure if the function of this trait is the best in the world or fits Ventari very well. Whatever the case, I think a trait that interacts with regeneration is important to include due to how prevalent it is in Salvation and how little an impact regen can have at times.

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mine are:


momentary pacification: foes you blind are crippled and slowed for 2sec, no icd

natural abundance: no longer creates extra fragments. fragments picked up by energy expulsion grant 2sec of protection and vigor

centaur stance

protective solace: breaks stun. dome lasts 10sec and cd is 10sec, energy cost + upkeep the same

ventaris will: radius to 240, travel time is instant


debilitating slam energy cost removed


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I think the primary goals they should aim to change in Salvation are:

1) Combine some healing modifier traits to reduce it bloating the line. With the recent change to Lingering Light for Druid, it showed us that ANet is not against tacking on a high amount of modifier into one trait. We need some more space for other traits

2) Increase trait diversity so it can cater towards more than just a Ventari healer build. This could be things like blinds, self-healing, and condition management. Salvation granting any sort of offensive buffs should be off limits because it is against the theme. There are other trees for that.


Salvation is not a bad traitline by any means, it is just too one-dimensional. Traits like a revive trait like you mentioned would be appropriate, especially considering revenants no longer have one. I think what would make the most difference difference for performance of Ventari builds is to polish up the legend itself. Make it less clunky and more adaptable to high mobility fights.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Salvation is not a bad traitline by any means, it is just too one-dimensional.

I agree! It is very effective at what it does except it does not synergize very well with other builds. This was the whole reason I made this topic, it's all around Ventari and heals. Which makes sense to some degree, all traitlines have their own roles in each profession, but more synergy would be nice.




> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> 1) Combine some healing modifier traits to reduce it bloating the line. With the recent change to Lingering Light for Druid, it showed us that ANet is not against tacking on a high amount of modifier into one trait. We need some more space for other traits

While I agree a bit with this, I also think you cannot go too heavy handed with it. Lingering Light's healing modifier is so high because they also nerfed the base heals for Celestial Avatar and the +50% bonus is only available while in CA (so not a permanent bonus like Selfless Amplification or Serene Rejuvenation). So an increase in Selfless Amplification from 1.5% per 100 healing power to 2% might be reasonable if they take out one of the other two traits (Tranquil Balance/Invoking Harmony), but anything higher might be a little much.



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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Salvation is not a bad traitline by any means, it is just too one-dimensional.

> I agree! It is very effective at what it does except it does not synergize very well with other builds. This was the whole reason I made this topic, it's all around Ventari and heals. Which makes sense to some degree, all traitlines have their own roles in each profession, but more synergy would be nice.


Yes, more synergy would definitely be nice. Unfortunately the only way I could see a power or condi rev take Salvation is if they were a core rev...otherwise there's just simply no room, and core rev sucks as is. If they gave more attention to core rev, maybe it could be a thing. Would be cool.


> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > 1) Combine some healing modifier traits to reduce it bloating the line. With the recent change to Lingering Light for Druid, it showed us that ANet is not against tacking on a high amount of modifier into one trait. We need some more space for other traits

> While I agree a bit with this, I also think you cannot go too heavy handed with it. Lingering Light's healing modifier is so high because they also nerfed the base heals for Celestial Avatar and the +50% bonus is only available while in CA (so not a permanent bonus like Selfless Amplification or Serene Rejuvenation). So an increase in Selfless Amplification from 1.5% per 100 healing power to 2% might be reasonable if they take out one of the other two traits (Tranquil Balance/Invoking Harmony), but anything higher might be a little much.


That's a very good point about Lingering Light, I hadn't taken that into consideration. I was thinking Tranquil Balance could be combined into Serene Rejuvenation, but 35% may be too much. I would just like to see some more interesting traits introduced. I do really think a revival trait would have a great place in Salvation and I like that you incorporated it into your idea too. My idea was to have it cast Energy Expulsion (30+ CD) as well as a base rez speed increase of 10% and a further increase to any ally within the radius of the tablet. I also think it would be cool to have more on-heal focused traits, like energy reduction, cooldown reduction and such. Salvation doesn't offer much self-sustain, and if any dps-focused spec were to consider traiting it, it would need to have more incentive. Although I think your idea for Momentary Pacification has merit to it, I don't think it would be enough to trait it because the immob can be broken very quickly and rev only has one other way to inflict immob: sword 4. My idea for this was to add 3s of resistance upon elite skill usage in addition to its previous effects, also with a 30s cooldown.


Just some of my thoughts. Always nice talking to somebody about this. :)



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Always good to see people taking interest in Ventari and by extension the Salvation traitline! It's a difficult line to fit into most builds as it means giving up other usually more valuable traitlines. I like most of the ideas on this thread, but i'll give my two cents.


Going about this from a WvW perspective, opinions are based around me roaming on a Ventari build and occasionally playing a healer in squads.


To me Salvation is about three distinct ideas, which are already present: **Selflessness, Harmony and Pacification.**


**Selflessness** should be the top line, consisting of the traits giving increased healing capabilities. Current traits i would put here: Tranquil balance, Invoking Harmony, Selfless Amplification. I would merge some of these and replace Invoking Harmony.


**Harmony** as the middle line should provide support through other means such as boons and healing fragments. Current traits i would put here: Nourishing Roots, Tranquil Benediction, Natural Abundance. I would replace Tranquil Benediction.


**Pacification** as the last line is about defence and control. Current traits i would put here: Blinding Truths, Eluding Nullification, Momentary Pacifism. This line is quite solid, i'd reduce the cooldown on Momentary Pacifism to 25-30s.


I'm pretty content with the Minor traits, but i could see the poster's idea on replacing Disarming Riposte with Eluding Nullification work quite well, although i'd keep the 10s CD.


The two current Major traits that are the biggest issue to me are Tranquil Benediction and Invoking Harmony. They are very lacklustre compared to most other traits. I'm not sure if traits revolving around the orbs created by staff AA are desired in PvE, or if they would be of use if Regeneration gave Might as the poster suggested. But i'd like to see it removed entirely. I also dislike Invoking Harmony based on the fact that it's only useful if you swap into Ventari or if your 2nd legend is Glint or Kalla, in either case it's never worth taking over the Eluding Nullification currently.


**Some final notes:**

* I agree with other posters that some of the traits providing increased healing capabilities should be merged together to reduce bloat. Adding a revive speed increasing function seems a decent idea.

* The idea of Natural Abundance creating a healing fragment when using a non Ventari Legend Stance skill is very appealing. Personally a big fan of the tablet fragments.

* Blinding Truths is the strongest trait you can take for competitive play, and should remain as is.

* Centaur's elite skill Energy Expulsion should stay relatively the same, in any case no CD over 10 seconds as to keep it's synergy with Diabolic Inferno and stay in line with PvP where KB spam on nodes should be limited. It is one of the main sources of control for Ventari, balanced by its removal of all your energy. This skill combined with Blinding Truths is the only reason you would ever consider solo play with Ventari.

* A small radius and speed increase on Ventari's Will is definitely a good step towards smoother gameplay. Also make EE's blast finisher occur around tablet (Currently around player)


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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> Always good to see people taking interest in Ventari and by extension the Salvation traitline! It's a difficult line to fit into most builds as it means giving up other usually more valuable traitlines. I like most of the ideas on this thread, but i'll give my two cents.


> Going about this from a WvW perspective, opinions are based around me roaming on a Ventari build and occasionally playing a healer in squads.


> To me Salvation is about three distinct ideas, which are already present: **Selflessness, Harmony and Pacification.**


> **Selflessness** should be the top line, consisting of the traits giving increased healing capabilities. Current traits i would put here: Tranquil balance, Invoking Harmony, Selfless Amplification. I would merge some of these and replace Invoking Harmony.


> **Harmony** as the middle line should provide support through other means such as boons and healing fragments. Current traits i would put here: Nourishing Roots, Tranquil Benediction, Natural Abundance. I would replace Tranquil Benediction.


> **Pacification** as the last line is about defence and control. Current traits i would put here: Blinding Truths, Eluding Nullification, Momentary Pacifism. This line is quite solid, i'd reduce the cooldown on Momentary Pacifism to 25-30s.


> I'm pretty content with the Minor traits, but i could see the poster's idea on replacing Disarming Riposte with Eluding Nullification work quite well, although i'd keep the 10s CD.


> The two current Major traits that are the biggest issue to me are Tranquil Benediction and Invoking Harmony. They are very lacklustre compared to most other traits. I'm not sure if traits revolving around the orbs created by staff AA are desired in PvE, or if they would be of use if Regeneration gave Might as the poster suggested. But i'd like to see it removed entirely. I also dislike Invoking Harmony based on the fact that it's only useful if you swap into Ventari or if your 2nd legend is Glint or Kalla, in either case it's never worth taking over the Eluding Nullification currently.


> **Some final notes:**

> * I agree with other posters that some of the traits providing increased healing capabilities should be merged together to reduce bloat. Adding a revive speed increasing function seems a decent idea.

> * The idea of Natural Abundance creating a healing fragment when using a non Ventari Legend Stance skill is very appealing. Personally a big fan of the tablet fragments.

> * Blinding Truths is the strongest trait you can take for competitive play, and should remain as is.

> * Centaur's elite skill Energy Expulsion should stay relatively the same, in any case no CD over 10 seconds as to keep it's synergy with Diabolic Inferno and stay in line with PvP where KB spam on nodes should be limited. It is one of the main sources of control for Ventari, balanced by its removal of all your energy. This skill combined with Blinding Truths is the only reason you would ever consider solo play with Ventari.

> * A small radius and speed increase on Ventari's Will is definitely a good step towards smoother gameplay. Also make EE's blast finisher occur around tablet (Currently around player)



Tranquil Benediction and Invoking Harmony to me are very solid traits and I slot both of those when playing Ventari because I like having big numbers for both healing and regen. I switch legends enough to take advantage of Invoking Harmony, and when in WvW I try to stay slightly behind the group so I can view the battlefield more easily, so I am often above the 75% threshold. My problem with them is that they, as well as Selfless Amplification (and Serene Rejuvenation) all do the same thing: increase healing modifiers. I love how chunky my heals get but when all my choices are dedicated to that, it is boring. Merging Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation would leave spot for a revival trait, and I think Invoking Harmony could use an additional 10-20% self-healing modifier when swapping a legend to help with self-sustain. I think it's very important to keep in mind how the traitline would appeal to other builds, but that's just the way I see it.


I also have a problem with how many traits cater specifically to Ventari: Nourishing Roots, Natural Abundance, and to a lesser extent, Serene Rejuvenation. This further restricts build diversity and I personally think either Nourishing Roots or Natural Abundance should be removed...my candidate would be Natural Abundance but I have a bias against the trait and think it's a clunky waste of space. However, it is nice to see that people like it. Your idea about it providing fragments from other legend skills is a good idea that would help resolve the issue. It definitely needs something.


I'm going to post my ideas that I posted in my own thread. The thread basically died with no feedback so I'd rather post it here than resurrect it since we have a conversation going here. Perhaps these are heavy-handed buffs, but I was trying my best to actually make it more appealing for other builds, as well as offer more viable choices for healers.



• Blinding Truths: Blind nearby foes when you use a healing skill (5 targets, 240 radius). Your healing skills have reduced cooldown (10%).



• Tranquil Benediction: Increases movement speed by 25% whenever wielding a staff. Renewing Wave (staff 4) now grants regeneration and vigor (8s).

• Disarming Riposte: Disabling a foe blinds them. Blindness you apply heals in an area around the affected foe. (heal ~300).

• Preservation of Life: Cast Energy Expulsion when you begin reviving an ally (30s cooldown). Gain increased revive speed (10%). Downed allies near Ventari's tablet are revived faster (10%).



• Hardened Foundation: Gain increased healing power (180). Reduces the energy cost of your heal skills by 100%.



• Nourishing Roots: Grant regeneration (3s) to allies near Ventari's tablet (5 targets, 300 radius). Additionally, Project Tranquility (the passive pulse healing from the tablet) has its effectiveness increased by 50%.

• Eluding Nullification: Additionally, you can now dodge while immobilized.

• Invoking Harmony: Increase healing done (20%) to yourself and allies for a short duration after invoking a legend.



• Selfless Amplification: Increase healing to allies by 35%. Natural Harmony also applies alacrity to the area.



• Blessed Stride: Breaking a stun on yourself breaks stuns for nearby allies (5 targets, 360 radius). Stuns you break grant superspeed (3s).

• Momentary Pacification: Using an elite skill immobilizes nearby foes (3s, 5 targets, 360 radius) and grants resistance to nearby allies (3s, 5 targets, 360 radius).

• Selfless Amplification: Increase outgoing healing based on a percentage of healing power.


On a side note, it's cool to see that you are roaming with a Ventari build. Talk about off-meta, lol. I played around with a ventari-mallyx apothecary build and it was fun, but I felt like I was at such a disadvantage when playing it. Cool to see you are making it work! I'd post more but I've gotta get to work now.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:


> Tranquil Benediction and Invoking Harmony to me are very solid traits and I slot both of those when playing Ventari because I like having big numbers for both healing and regen. I switch legends enough to take advantage of Invoking Harmony, and when in WvW I try to stay slightly behind the group so I can view the battlefield more easily, so I am often above the 75% threshold. My problem with them is that they, as well as Selfless Amplification (and Serene Rejuvenation) all do the same thing: increase healing modifiers. I love how chunky my heals get but when all my choices are dedicated to that, it is boring. Merging Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation would leave spot for a revival trait, and I think Invoking Harmony could use an additional 10-20% self-healing modifier when swapping a legend to help with self-sustain. I think it's very important to keep in mind how the traitline would appeal to other builds, but that's just the way I see it.


> I also have a problem with how many traits cater specifically to Ventari: Nourishing Roots, Natural Abundance, and to a lesser extent, Serene Rejuvenation. This further restricts build diversity and I personally think either Nourishing Roots or Natural Abundance should be removed...my candidate would be Natural Abundance but I have a bias against the trait and think it's a clunky waste of space. However, it is nice to see that people like it. Your idea about it providing fragments from other legend skills is a good idea that would help resolve the issue. It definitely needs something.


> I'm going to post my ideas that I posted in my own thread. The thread basically died with no feedback so I'd rather post it here than resurrect it since we have a conversation going here. Perhaps these are heavy-handed buffs, but I was trying my best to actually make it more appealing for other builds, as well as offer more viable choices for healers.



I agree that most of the traits in Salvation only cater to Ventari, unfortunately i'm not that creative when it comes to creating better traits. Perhaps most traits could have a secondary effect outside of Centaur Stance. For example Blinding Truths could have a secondary effect where legend swapping or dodge rolling causes blind when not in Centaur Stance. Seeing that you can apply blind every 3 seconds by moving the tablet, but on other legends your heal skill will generally have a very large cooldown that makes it not worth using. So i'm all for giving traits more use outside Centaur Stance, or making them work regardless of current stance.


I'm pretty biased on the tablet fragments as they make up a very large part of my build's selfsustain. :p I rely on them more than burst healing with Natural Harmony for example. I prefer them over burst healing in most cases as it allows me to lay down sustain before actually taking damage, myself or others can then simply walk over them to heal up. Although i will say that the only reason i take Natural Abundance is that for a roaming build the alternatives aren't as directly useful. I switch to selfless when roaming in a party occasionally, but i wouldn't ever take momentary pacification due to the large cooldown attached to it.


That said, i like pretty much all your suggestions, they're miles better than what's in place currently. Outside of nerfing Blinding Truths and Energy Expulsion there isn't much that can impact Salvation/Ventari negatively as far as i'm concerned.


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Well the solution to expanding Ventari, and adding synergy, essentially requires giving the Tablet more common mechanics for the traits to play off of. Such as making Alacrity a baseline effect for one of the skills ( I would say bubble), adding traits that synergize with Knockback and hard CCs, traits to tinker condi clear skills triggering boons or boon conversion, a trait to explicitly expand the bubble size, a trait that adds a charge based effect that triggers AOE healing on block (which is a major upgrade for Shield Herald in all game modes without explicitly running tablet), combining the healing and condi clear skills into one, making room for new utility skill.

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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> >

> > Tranquil Benediction and Invoking Harmony to me are very solid traits and I slot both of those when playing Ventari because I like having big numbers for both healing and regen. I switch legends enough to take advantage of Invoking Harmony, and when in WvW I try to stay slightly behind the group so I can view the battlefield more easily, so I am often above the 75% threshold. My problem with them is that they, as well as Selfless Amplification (and Serene Rejuvenation) all do the same thing: increase healing modifiers. I love how chunky my heals get but when all my choices are dedicated to that, it is boring. Merging Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation would leave spot for a revival trait, and I think Invoking Harmony could use an additional 10-20% self-healing modifier when swapping a legend to help with self-sustain. I think it's very important to keep in mind how the traitline would appeal to other builds, but that's just the way I see it.

> >

> > I also have a problem with how many traits cater specifically to Ventari: Nourishing Roots, Natural Abundance, and to a lesser extent, Serene Rejuvenation. This further restricts build diversity and I personally think either Nourishing Roots or Natural Abundance should be removed...my candidate would be Natural Abundance but I have a bias against the trait and think it's a clunky waste of space. However, it is nice to see that people like it. Your idea about it providing fragments from other legend skills is a good idea that would help resolve the issue. It definitely needs something.

> >

> > I'm going to post my ideas that I posted in my own thread. The thread basically died with no feedback so I'd rather post it here than resurrect it since we have a conversation going here. Perhaps these are heavy-handed buffs, but I was trying my best to actually make it more appealing for other builds, as well as offer more viable choices for healers.

> >


> I agree that most of the traits in Salvation only cater to Ventari, unfortunately i'm not that creative when it comes to creating better traits. Perhaps most traits could have a secondary effect outside of Centaur Stance. For example Blinding Truths could have a secondary effect where legend swapping or dodge rolling causes blind when not in Centaur Stance. Seeing that you can apply blind every 3 seconds by moving the tablet, but on other legends your heal skill will generally have a very large cooldown that makes it not worth using. So i'm all for giving traits more use outside Centaur Stance, or making them work regardless of current stance.


> I'm pretty biased on the tablet fragments as they make up a very large part of my build's selfsustain. :p I rely on them more than burst healing with Natural Harmony for example. I prefer them over burst healing in most cases as it allows me to lay down sustain before actually taking damage, myself or others can then simply walk over them to heal up. Although i will say that the only reason i take Natural Abundance is that for a roaming build the alternatives aren't as directly useful. I switch to selfless when roaming in a party occasionally, but i wouldn't ever take momentary pacification due to the large cooldown attached to it.


> That said, i like pretty much all your suggestions, they're miles better than what's in place currently. Outside of nerfing Blinding Truths and Energy Expulsion there isn't much that can impact Salvation/Ventari negatively as far as i'm concerned.



Yeah Blinding Truths is such a good trait for self-sustain. When I used to try running Ventari in PvP (pre-PoF days) it felt so important, but it does come at a big sacrifice to not be able to trait Tranquil Balance for team support. I have also found it is less effective than it used to be ever since PoF, but still it's a really nice trait. As you said though, it clearly favors Ventari builds because of the cooldown on heals. Making it a minor trait would help Ventari actually be able to stay alive more while supporting and could leave space for a more versatile and controllable blind-based trait in the major adept spot.


I feel conflicted about Energy Expulsion. On one hand it is a solid skill and definitely has its uses. On the other hand, I feel like it could be replaced with something that would help its kit more overall (in my opinion). Something like an upkeep skill that causes centaur skills to trigger at your location as well to help with reliability, or a charge to the tablet's location to help with its lack of mobility. I dunno.

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> @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> just bring back some scrapped herald traits and put them in salvation. would partially solve the issue of herald being too important for revenant (especially to have an infuse without taking herald)


Infused Light wouldn't make sense in any other line but Herald since it is a Herald-specific skill.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > just bring back some scrapped herald traits and put them in salvation. would partially solve the issue of herald being too important for revenant (especially to have an infuse without taking herald)


> Infused Light wouldn't make sense in any other line but Herald since it is a Herald-specific skill.


Yeah Pterikdactyl is right here, but another effect on revival would work.


Also, what are everyone's thoughts on Tranquil Benediction? I think it's an interesting way to make a weapon-related trait and I take it with a Renegade support build for more regeneration accessibility but it's hard to tell how much it's helping. Do you think it should be reworked/improved?

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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > > just bring back some scrapped herald traits and put them in salvation. would partially solve the issue of herald being too important for revenant (especially to have an infuse without taking herald)

> >

> > Infused Light wouldn't make sense in any other line but Herald since it is a Herald-specific skill.


> Yeah Pterikdactyl is right here, but another effect on revival would work.


> Also, what are everyone's thoughts on Tranquil Benediction? I think it's an interesting way to make a weapon-related trait and I take it with a Renegade support build for more regeneration accessibility but it's hard to tell how much it's helping. Do you think it should be reworked/improved?


I don't like the trait because it is hard to take advantage of in PvP and WvW. It's not super often that you'll be completing an auto attack chain on staff in this modes, especially as a support rev. I'd prefer boons be added into Staff 4 (AoE Regen and Vigor or Swiftness). A lot of how I view things is though a PvP/WvW lens, but I don't think this would really hinder its use in PvE anyway.


I was thinking of something tonight and I'm wondering what you all think: what if they cut Natural Harmony in half? Halve the heal, the delay time, the energy cost, the cooldown, and the alacrity.

Oftentimes NH will overheal and the delay can cause issues with its reliability. This could give us better control of our energy and how much we want to heal, while providing slightly less burst heal potential. Maybe even make the cooldown 0.5 seconds or remove the delay? Would that be too much?


Also, I think it could greatly benefit Purifying Essence to lower the cooldown to 2-3 seconds. This could help tremendously in high condition output scenarios.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:


> I was thinking of something tonight and I'm wondering what you all think: what if they cut Natural Harmony in half? Halve the heal, the delay time, the energy cost, the cooldown, and the alacrity.

> Oftentimes NH will overheal and the delay can cause issues with its reliability. This could give us better control of our energy and how much we want to heal, while providing slightly less burst heal potential. Maybe even make the cooldown 0.5 seconds or remove the delay? Would that be too much?


I think trying to turn Natural Harmony from a big chunky heal into a smaller, spammable one is a mistake. There's no doubt that Ventari could use a little bit more sustained healing, but I'd rather that be implemented through traits or something. With a half as effective Natural Harmony, Ventari's burst would seriously suffer.


As far as reducing the delay, I'm on the fence about it. It can actually be useful sometimes if you cast Natural Harmony while the tablet is moving and the heal goes off right as it hits the ground targeted location.



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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> >

> > I was thinking of something tonight and I'm wondering what you all think: what if they cut Natural Harmony in half? Halve the heal, the delay time, the energy cost, the cooldown, and the alacrity.

> > Oftentimes NH will overheal and the delay can cause issues with its reliability. This could give us better control of our energy and how much we want to heal, while providing slightly less burst heal potential. Maybe even make the cooldown 0.5 seconds or remove the delay? Would that be too much?


> I think trying to turn Natural Harmony from a big chunky heal into a smaller, spammable one is a mistake. There's no doubt that Ventari could use a little bit more sustained healing, but I'd rather that be implemented through traits or something. With a half as effective Natural Harmony, Ventari's burst would seriously suffer.


> As far as reducing the delay, I'm on the fence about it. It can actually be useful sometimes if you cast Natural Harmony while the tablet is moving and the heal goes off right as it hits the ground targeted location.




Yeah I fully understand that and do agree with you to an extent. One of the reasons I like Ventari so much is because of how high of numbers I can get. There's nothing like getting a fat 12k heal, especially if combined with Ventari's Will and Renewing Wave. However, oftentimes it feels like overkill, and even halved in proper healing gear you could get about 5-6k heals, which is pretty chunky. If the delay was removed and the cooldown brought down to 1 sec, your burst wouldn't necessarily be affected since within that period of time (1s) you could get 2 heals off in the same amount of time, but it would bring a lot more control to how much you want to heal and how you want to manage your energy. However, there still is the possibility that within that 1 second, a player could leave the area, so you could only profit from 1 smaller heal as opposed to 1 larger healer, so it could be a hindrance in those situations.

I get that the delay is fun to play with and "master," but if you have a close eye on your tablet, having it instant could easily lead to more accuracy, similarly to how it feels with Purifying Essence. It would also be more helpful to manage when people with lower health come close to the tablet. In that 1s delay, Ventari's Will could be on cooldown and the allies could have easily left the radius, so the heal goes to waste. Happens all the time.


Anyways, just a thought. I see your perspective and could see why ANet may be opposed to making such changes, but I still do think it would help a lot with increasing its reliability, which is one of Ventari's biggest struggles in PvP/WvW.

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> @"Thandaer.8105" said:

> Talking about revives, tablet could be automatically reviving nearest downed ally (or more). I mean, there are much stronger ways to do so out there (and it is not much different from druids, sending their pets to lick your wounds)


This is another idea that may work for a revival trait in Salvation! There is of course the question of it not synergizing well with other legends, so I'm not sure if this would be the best option. Certainly an interesting idea though.

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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> > @"Thandaer.8105" said:

> > Talking about revives, tablet could be automatically reviving nearest downed ally (or more). I mean, there are much stronger ways to do so out there (and it is not much different from druids, sending their pets to lick your wounds)


> This is another idea that may work for a revival trait in Salvation! There is of course the question of it not synergizing well with other legends, so I'm not sure if this would be the best option. Certainly an interesting idea though.


Simple revive could be passive skill of the tablet, so we are not forced to trait Salvation in order to have some kind of revive (if you want to revive people during events or boss fight, you have to pick Ventari, as other classes have to give up a skill slot to take Revives). On the other hand, salvation should have some trait to make it stronger - more targets, faster revive, bigger radius or something like different kinds of revives according to currently equipped legends (something like applying Rite of Great Dwarf to downed allies near the tablet while having Ventari/Jalis combo, or Infuse Light while having Ventari/Glint) or just give downed allies some kind of bonus with other legends (leeching downed skills with Ventari/Shiro for example).

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