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so...... when will Jennah get married / Kryta get a King???


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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> Much as i'd love, and I would REALLY love us going to Cantha soon. I think it's unlikely to happen considering how human centric PoF was.


> Plus, even a devastated Cantha would boost the human population to such a point that my reaction to the whole narrative about humans being a dying race would go from a quirked eyebrow, to wheezing laughter.


To be honest. This is what PoF already did to some parts of human narrative.


The whole silence of the gods bit was entirely thrown out of the window. Its not just how casually Kas proposes that we enter the mists to speak with the gods (like its the easiest thing to do). But we actually do it like its the easiest thing to do.

It seems that they weren't silent all this time, nobody just bothered to dial them up.


Also, Kormir, godess of truth is giving us vague riddles while humans are dying in a desert...


On topic of Jennah.

In circus storyline Logan mentions that in case of Jennah dying without an heir, power is turned over to Ministry. He doesn't really say if its intended to be permanent or temporary until another Sovereign is elected.


But honestly I never got the impression that anyone in GW2 pays much atention to Doric blodline anymore. If anything, judging by Caudecus popularity and some ambient dialogue in the game, I would say people don't consider it important anymore. Now, I cant really say if there is a special law in place that requires that ancestry to exist.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> judging by the time Jennah ascended the throne (1316 AE), we can guess she's probably at her (at minimum) mid 20s (we are currently in 1331 AE, 15 years since ascension)


> so it's a natural thing to ask, when will Jennah get married? it would be the biggest event to happen in the last human kingdom of kryta


> pretty sure the royalist faction must be hassling her all the time to produce an heir to the throne in the back rooms


she has to have kids or who knows what will happen. civil war , game of thrones bla bla bla. her having a kid will secure the future of the kingdom.

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> @"Pax.3548" said:

> In gw1 didn't the old krytan king escape with his family during the charr invasion? Even if Jennah dies we should't leave out the possibility of a branch of the royal family surviving in another place.


or could be [Commander Wade Samuelsson](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commander_Samuelsson "Commander Wade Samuelsson") , Duke of Ebonhawke; supposed descendant of one of true kings of Ascalon, which will put him to be a Doric descendant

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Pax.3548" said:

> > In gw1 didn't the old krytan king escape with his family during the charr invasion? Even if Jennah dies we should't leave out the possibility of a branch of the royal family surviving in another place.


> or could be [Commander Wade Samuelsson](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commander_Samuelsson "Commander Wade Samuelsson") , Duke of Ebonhawke; supposed descendant of one of true kings of Ascalon, which will put him to be a Doric descendant


He is ment to be. but the proof is still yet to come if there ever is ill march to Ascalon with him to rebuild screw the dirty charr.

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I think we should wait for Logan to do something super mega cool like saving Kryta from an elder dragon, stopping a civil war or a preventing a serious coup d'état so people will recognize him as a fitting asset for the "Royal-Mating-Ritual".



If Anet didn't make the effort to develop the procedure of producing a heir, we will see a new king in GW3 sitting on the throne 250 years later and waiting for woowdenpotates to make the DNA test or a 40min video about "Who could be the father?".

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Pax.3548" said:

> > In gw1 didn't the old krytan king escape with his family during the charr invasion? Even if Jennah dies we should't leave out the possibility of a branch of the royal family surviving in another place.


> or could be [Commander Wade Samuelsson](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commander_Samuelsson "Commander Wade Samuelsson") , Duke of Ebonhawke; supposed descendant of one of true kings of Ascalon, which will put him to be a Doric descendant


Maybe, but there seems to be another branch, that is a potential heir to the Krytan line of succession. The House of Faren. So Jennah, please, marry a noble, secure the line of succession do something to prevent a Kryta ruled over by the king of undergarments! This is no longer about yourself, this is about the dignity of all humanity on Tyria. Imagine what the charr will think, when the human king absentmindedly struts around in the palace in his underwear! /rant

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"Pax.3548" said:

> > > In gw1 didn't the old krytan king escape with his family during the charr invasion? Even if Jennah dies we should't leave out the possibility of a branch of the royal family surviving in another place.

> >

> > or could be [Commander Wade Samuelsson](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commander_Samuelsson "Commander Wade Samuelsson") , Duke of Ebonhawke; supposed descendant of one of true kings of Ascalon, which will put him to be a Doric descendant


> Maybe, but there seems to be another branch, that is a potential heir to the Krytan line of succession. The House of Faren. So Jennah, please, marry a noble, secure the line of succession do something to prevent a Kryta ruled over by the king of undergarments! This is no longer about yourself, this is about the dignity of all humanity on Tyria. Imagine what the charr will think, when the human king absentmindedly struts around in the palace in his underwear! /rant


oh the humanity... talk about dignity... a king chilling out on the throne in speedos ???

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> @"Pax.3548" said:

> In gw1 didn't the old krytan king escape with his family during the charr invasion? Even if Jennah dies we should't leave out the possibility of a branch of the royal family surviving in another place.


Jadon's family is never mentioned. It is possible that our self-exiled king grew a family but they're unknown if so.


Though the Order of Whispers does suggest that there may be another heir in the human PS.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> She could rule similarly to some historic queens/female rulers and simply skirt around the issue her whole life.

The main difference there is that there are remote branches that would be ready to pick up the royal line once the queen died. Here, we don't really know if Jennah's grandparents had more than one child, or if they survived or had children of their own, and so forth along the lines.

> @"Pax.3548" said:

> In gw1 didn't the old krytan king escape with his family during the charr invasion? Even if Jennah dies we should't leave out the possibility of a branch of the royal family surviving in another place.

It's been a long time since I played GW1, but I vaguely recall it being especially significant that we found out that Salma was the king's daughter and that she could ascend to the throne. If the old king and his family survived, they were likely in hiding and such kept it a secret to the present day, if it was even passed down the generations.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> Never! She's a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a MAN to--

> [Jennah dies without producing an heir and Kryta's plunged into a civil war as varying factions vie for the throne]

> ...sigh.


> Could be an interesting storyline if that happened, truth be told (or if Jennah DID get married and has an heir to the throne)...but the human race got a *lot* of attention in Path of Fire, so it's possible we won't see a human-centered storyline for a while. At least, I hope not.


One doesn't need to marry to produce offspring.

An "illegitimate heir", is still an heir.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> One doesn't need to marry to produce offspring.

> An "illegitimate heir", is still an heir.


Depending on how centralized the king's power is, legitimate can mean "Because I say so." Pepin the Hunchback was heir to the Kingdom of the Franks, at least for a time, he ended up as a monk, which finally did disqualify him from succession.

From the royal donations to Salma's mother, we can infer Jadon acknowledged his daughter, which in pre ministry Kryta was likely sufficient.


As for Jennah, it is clear she loves her kingdom, so I don't think she'd willingly risk a succession crisis. Maybe she's still waiting for Logan to do something worthy of being ennobled, but for all intents and purposes killing Zhaitan together with the Commander and Destiny's Edge should have been sufficient.

He participated in the campaign against Mordremoth. And while he was captured, he did more than the nobles of DR can claim. Not to mention his role in defending Divinity's Reach against the White Mantle.

The defense of central Tyria against Joko's forces was likely led, or at least coordinated by Logan as pact marshal, so that goes in his favour aswell.


At this point his track record may be sufficient to raise him to ducal rank for military achievements, that were previously thought impossible, but traditionalists may still hold reservations against him. The Krytans of Ascalonian descent love him, but they might be underrepresented in Krytan politics. And naysayers might take issue with the fact that Logan had help, so maybe there needs to be one major achievent for Logan to do as Pact Marshal Thackeray*, for him to recieve a noble title, marry Jennah, become king consort and produce heirs to the Krytan throne.


*At this point Logan has gone far beyond quite unreasonable expectations to prove his worth, considering Adelbern was made King by popular demand for his achievements during the Guild Wars.

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