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A Note about Future Raid Rewards

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> @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> > @"Mireles Lore.5942" said:

> > Is the participation requirement needed before the patch drops or is that unlimited time frame as well?


> Participation is not limited. You can earn access to the exchange after the patch as well.


@Byron Miller.4629

According to the patch notes it says this.


Players who have participated in completing at least one Path of Fire raid encounter prior to this patch will be able to trade in a limited number of Legendary Insights for Legendary Divinations.


So this answer is wrong or is the patch notes wrong?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> > > @"Mireles Lore.5942" said:

> > > Is the participation requirement needed before the patch drops or is that unlimited time frame as well?

> >

> > Participation is not limited. You can earn access to the exchange after the patch as well.


> @Byron Miller.4629

> According to the patch notes it says this.


> Players who have participated in completing at least one Path of Fire raid encounter prior to this patch will be able to trade in a limited number of Legendary Insights for Legendary Divinations.


> So this answer is wrong or is the patch notes wrong?


Take your li with you, you can exchange them at Glenna.

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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> > > > @"Mireles Lore.5942" said:

> > > > Is the participation requirement needed before the patch drops or is that unlimited time frame as well?

> > >

> > > Participation is not limited. You can earn access to the exchange after the patch as well.

> >

> > @Byron Miller.4629

> > According to the patch notes it says this.

> >

> > Players who have participated in completing at least one Path of Fire raid encounter prior to this patch will be able to trade in a limited number of Legendary Insights for Legendary Divinations.

> >

> > So this answer is wrong or is the patch notes wrong?


> Take your li with you, you can exchange them at Glenna.


You see the "prior to this patch" in that line it means you have to have done it before wing 6 went live, the dev I quoted say that you could get the ability to trade in even after wing 6 went live.


No problem for me but for others who havent completed a encounter in w5 yet it is.

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> @"Warmachinez.8710" said:

> Has this feature been added yet? Cause I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the exchange tab from either Glenna or the vendor in the aerodrome.

> I have completed wing 5, have the precursor ring and enough KP to prove it too.


Glenna in Wing 6 definitely has the option to exchange (not sure if in other wings), I did so myself.


You have to have the appropriate amount of LI in your inventory though.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Warmachinez.8710" said:

> > Has this feature been added yet? Cause I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the exchange tab from either Glenna or the vendor in the aerodrome.

> > I have completed wing 5, have the precursor ring and enough KP to prove it too.


> Glenna in Wing 6 definitely has the option to exchange (not sure if in other wings), I did so myself.


> You have to have the appropriate amount of LI in your inventory though.


Ha, okay, just put the LI in my inventory like ya said and it shows up now. Wasn't expecting that lol.


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Only 1 demand: Stop locking legendaries behind raids. There are a lot of maps in GW2 that are nearly empty and is very hard to do achis on. The idea of locking Aurora behind LS3 was super-nice. Do the same with other trinkets too. I mean raids already got an animated armor-set and tons of other rewards like ascended drops, exotics, supply crates for CM etc. I am a raider, dont get me wrong, I only need Quadim to finish Coalescense second collection. But I already lost 3 friend with over 2 year of gw2 on their backs for the simple fact that they wanted to have all legendaries but did not had enough time to raid.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Only 1 demand: Stop locking legendaries behind raids. There are a lot of maps in GW2 that are nearly empty and is very hard to do achis on. The idea of locking Aurora behind LS3 was super-nice. Do the same with other trinkets too. I mean raids already got an animated armor-set and tons of other rewards like ascended drops, exotics, supply crates for CM etc. I am a raider, dont get me wrong, I only need Quadim to finish Coalescense second collection. But I already lost 3 friend with over 2 year of gw2 on their backs for the simple fact that they wanted to have all legendaries but did not had enough time to raid.


I only have 1 demand: Stop locking legendaries behind content which i or others dont want to play in. I never wanted to play much Open World, yet i had to hardgrind Open World Living Story Maps and currency to get Aurora and world exploration for weapons qq.


On a serious note: Not every Game Mode is for everyone, yet everything has some kind of legendary gear. You have to do open world for the weapons and 1 trinket. You have to raid for 1 type of armor and 1 ring. You can pvp or wvw yourself a legy armor and backpack. You have 1 fractal backpack.

Its nonesense to cry about "locked" legys when you must do everything anyway. You demand for non-locked raid legys? Fine by me, but then allow me to buy the stuff for open world legys for magnetide shards. Otherwise nope. Everyone has to work for their legys. I cried in agony by doing a time gated collection (hi there druidbackpack) to get aurora + collecting time gated currency of 6 stupid maps (that were greatly dead already since i started the collection about 6 months later, so your argument that this would fill empty maps is actual wrong, they will only temporarly filled until ppl have done it).

And no offense, but i have to work for 12h a day during summer and have rl as well, yet even i could manage to get my kills of the new wing and worked for all 3 legy armors last year. I know that not all are the same, but god its not that hard to join a trainingsdiscord advatised in the forum or reddit or even the raid lfg.

The proplem with the empty maps is rather because replaying stuff is not rewarding. That should need some focus, mainly personal story.

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Is stupid to cry about doing Open-World. This is what the game mostly is. If you want instanced only mmo play Diablo and something else. MMORPGs are about open world. Pvp and W3 aremore like pvp-competitive and fractals, raids are more like co-op instances but the essence of the game is the Open-World activities, this is how it is in every MMORPG. And, comparing to other content, raiding community is the lowest anyway. GW2 is going random ways anyway, is not even half as solid as the rulling MMOs on the market mainly because Anet became pretty cash-grabby. The replayability will never be resolved. The maps are badly designed. They are designed as a 2-3 weeks use only. They try to solve the replayability problem by introducing collections like requiem who force you to do those hearts for map currency over and over again. This is the problem with GW2. It has too many useless currencies. Every map has a different currency which is stupid.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Is stupid to cry about doing Open-World. This is what the game mostly is. If you want instanced only mmo play Diablo and something else. MMORPGs are about open world. Pvp and W3 aremore like pvp-competitive and fractals, raids are more like co-op instances but the essence of the game is the Open-World activities, this is how it is in every MMORPG.


and yet there are people only playing for instanced endgame content. i also hate open world grinds (or activities you called it here)



>And, comparing to other content, raiding community is the lowest anyway. GW2 is going random ways anyway, is not even half as solid as the rulling MMOs on the market mainly because Anet became pretty cash-grabby. The replayability will never be resolved. The maps are badly designed. They are designed as a 2-3 weeks use only. They try to solve the replayability problem by introducing collections like requiem who force you to do those hearts for map currency over and over again. This is the problem with GW2. It has too many useless currencies. Every map has a different currency which is stupid.


yes we raiders are a minority, but yet we are part of the game (a loyal one after all) same goes for pvp & wvw. so please don´t "opress" us.


the currency actually **adds** "replayability" to all the maps, so not so stupid after all. but yes, the maps are pretty much once and done.



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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > Only 1 demand: Stop locking legendaries behind raids. There are a lot of maps in GW2 that are nearly empty and is very hard to do achis on. The idea of locking Aurora behind LS3 was super-nice. Do the same with other trinkets too. I mean raids already got an animated armor-set and tons of other rewards like ascended drops, exotics, supply crates for CM etc. I am a raider, dont get me wrong, I only need Quadim to finish Coalescense second collection. But I already lost 3 friend with over 2 year of gw2 on their backs for the simple fact that they wanted to have all legendaries but did not had enough time to raid.


> I only have 1 demand: Stop locking legendaries behind content which i or others dont want to play in. I never wanted to play much Open World, yet i had to hardgrind Open World Living Story Maps and currency to get Aurora and world exploration for weapons qq.


> On a serious note: Not every Game Mode is for everyone, yet everything has some kind of legendary gear. You have to do open world for the weapons and 1 trinket. You have to raid for 1 type of armor and 1 ring. You can pvp or wvw yourself a legy armor and backpack. You have 1 fractal backpack.

> Its nonesense to cry about "locked" legys when you must do everything anyway. You demand for non-locked raid legys? Fine by me, but then allow me to buy the stuff for open world legys for magnetide shards. Otherwise nope. Everyone has to work for their legys. I cried in agony by doing a time gated collection (hi there druidbackpack) to get aurora + collecting time gated currency of 6 stupid maps (that were greatly dead already since i started the collection about 6 months later, so your argument that this would fill empty maps is actual wrong, they will only temporarly filled until ppl have done it).

> And no offense, but i have to work for 12h a day during summer and have rl as well, yet even i could manage to get my kills of the new wing and worked for all 3 legy armors last year. I know that not all are the same, but god its not that hard to join a trainingsdiscord advatised in the forum or reddit or even the raid lfg.

> The proplem with the empty maps is rather because replaying stuff is not rewarding. That should need some focus, mainly personal story.


I have no issue if Raids get a Legendary ring, as long as they spread the trinkets through pvp and wvw as well. Spreading the love sort of speak.


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