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Do people actually throw ranked matches or is that a joke?

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In a few ranked spvp matches ive seen team mates talking about someone throwing the game and ive seen it mentioned a few times on the forums. Is this actually a thing that people purposely try to lose games to tank rating? Or is this more like the person didn't do well. Im not sure if im understanding what is being said.



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think of it this way:


You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.


Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.


is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.


The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> think of it this way:


> You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.


> Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.


> is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.


> The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


Lol, that's the most enlightened answer to OP's question.

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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > think of it this way:


> Doesn't the MMR take care of that?




Depends on the match making... some seasons im in platinum, some seasons mid to high gold and this season I havent even bothered to cap points, just been rolling as a DE sniping people at spawn for shits and giggles but yet im still in gold somehow... I'm basically where ever placements put me.

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Seems like win trading is still pretty common. Yes you have mama's basement trolls who will make alt accounts and actually level them up to join in on games where if a buddy is in the game on the opposite team then they will act as tho they are playing but wont actually help or they will just afk.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> For what the hell do ppl still wintrade? There isnt anything to get this season, worth risking to get banned, not even on a smurf.


Oh are they handing out anything more than a slap on the wrist now? Last I heard it was like 3 months dishonor and they got to keep previous titles clearly earned by cheating. No reason not to cheat imo.

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > For what the hell do ppl still wintrade? There isnt anything to get this season, worth risking to get banned, not even on a smurf.


> Oh are they handing out anything more than a slap on the wrist now? Last I heard it was like 3 months dishonor and they got to keep previous titles clearly earned by cheating. No reason not to cheat imo.


Except that there is nothing to get for, so why risk a 3 months ban?

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> think of it this way:


> You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.


> Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.


> is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.


> The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


Why not both? Throw a few pips into unranked and allow 5-mans in ranked?


I work 70+ hours per week and feel bad dragging down my team of full time gamers, but I do ranked instead of unranked for the rewards. This would be a way to get people like me out of ranked, because I couldn't care less about the leaderboard. I got my ruthless and merciless legend titles a couple seasons back and that's good enough for me. :3


Granted, you get more for winning than you do for losing, but you get more from losing in ranked than winning in unranked, so there's no incentive to do unranked except to practice without affecting your rank.

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > think of it this way:

> >

> > You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> > You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.

> >

> > Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.

> >

> > is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.

> >

> > The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


> Why not both? Throw a few pips into unranked and allow 5-mans in ranked?


> I work 70+ hours per week and feel bad dragging down my team of full time gamers, but I do ranked instead of unranked for the rewards. This would be a way to get people like me out of ranked, because I couldn't care less about the leaderboard. I got my ruthless and merciless legend titles a couple seasons back and that's good enough for me. :3


> Granted, you get more for winning than you do for losing, but you get more from losing in ranked than winning in unranked, so there's no incentive to do unranked except to practice without affecting your rank.


I would love both but Anet seems to give while taking or atleast they try to gimp what we ask for, it's almost sadistic.. Give duo but take team queue, give duo queue back but take away titles, give us 2v2 but hide it in a corner, gives us deathmatch but hides it in a corner, gives us duels but locks it behind a gold sink...


But I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> think of it this way:


> You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.


> Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.


> is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.


> The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


You shouldn't be playing pvp then. Go play wvw to unwind.

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Tbh i dont think anyone would intentionaly throw a game, especially now, but some people play more casual then others. End of the day win or lose you stil get pips am i right no matter the rank. Also given the fact that anet have removed title rewards from pvp the ranked seasons actually mean pretty much nothing in my eyes, to this point i dont even care if i win or lose ill take my loot get what ever rank i get, since i have legitrally nothing to prove to anyone. Fair game to anyone who wants to take the game super serious though.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > think of it this way:

> >

> > You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> > You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.

> >

> > Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.

> >

> > is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.

> >

> > The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


> You shouldn't be playing pvp then. Go play wvw to unwind.


he going unwind and 4 of others are wanting to win for the rewards/icons/ladders. what an apathetic sh1tter, isn't he?

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > think of it this way:

> >

> > You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> > You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.

> >

> > Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.

> >

> > is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.

> >

> > The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


> You shouldn't be playing pvp then. Go play wvw to unwind.


I like fighting players, not gates, walls and NPC's.


In case you didn't know this, but I'm not a dev and I didn't put us in this situation... I was quite happy playing with friends and guildies under team queue format with like minded players but we were pushed out of the way to make room for those who wanted to feel special about being anti social.

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The silliest case I had so far was someone getting the team to join Discord for 'communication', then in discord we'd be basically ordered to throw the match. I was told that first there offered bribes, then for those who refused there were expletives and threats of bans, claiming that they knew ways to get anyone banned.

I was told because I left that discord pretty fast. I don't even remember the name since I forgot to label it after blocking.


No way to report that, tho. The game won't have chat records about the bribes since that happened in discord.


But now I kind of worried after hearing this story about how GMs will ban someone if they are sent gold or items from a RMT site if the items are not accepted in the mail or even if they are rejected, effectively allowing anyone to get anyone else banned as long as they know their account name.


The last thing we need is another reason for people to throw matches, even worse if it is because they fear getting banned.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> think of it this way:


> You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.


> Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.


> is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.


> The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


That's actually the reason why the game isn't so good and passionating in gold league, because you pair every kind of player together.

Bronze-> silver 2 has mostly inexperienced players, plat 2 -> legendary has mostly very experienced players. In the middle, it's way too complicated to have good matchs.

This could be better without placement games probably however.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > think of it this way:

> > >

> > > You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> > > You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.

> > >

> > > Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.

> > >

> > > is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.

> > >

> > > The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.

> >

> > You shouldn't be playing pvp then. Go play wvw to unwind.


> I like fighting players, not gates, walls and NPC's.


> In case you didn't know this, but I'm not a dev and I didn't put us in this situation... I was quite happy playing with friends and guildies under team queue format with like minded players but we were pushed out of the way to make room for those who wanted to feel special about being anti social.


I mean... I am with you basically. Pips in unranked, teamQ, soloQ, seperate LBs and titles and all... I don't get why Anet puts so few effort in listening to the various suggestions around. Just like you, that's frustrating a lot of players.


But could you please stop calling soloQers "anti social" and all that? Yes, I am a soloQer, and few of my friends play PVP and even less are really good. And I can actually talk to new, random people I am being teamed with. So please, you complained about that passive-aggressive stuff in your other thread, don't do it yourself now... :anguished:

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > think of it this way:

> > > >

> > > > You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

> > > > You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.

> > > >

> > > > Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.

> > > >

> > > > is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.

> > > >

> > > > The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.

> > >

> > > You shouldn't be playing pvp then. Go play wvw to unwind.

> >

> > I like fighting players, not gates, walls and NPC's.

> >

> > In case you didn't know this, but I'm not a dev and I didn't put us in this situation... I was quite happy playing with friends and guildies under team queue format with like minded players but we were pushed out of the way to make room for those who wanted to feel special about being anti social.


> I mean... I am with you basically. Pips in unranked, teamQ, soloQ, seperate LBs and titles and all... I don't get why Anet puts so few effort in listening to the various suggestions around. Just like you, that's frustrating a lot of players.


> But could you please stop calling soloQers "anti social" and all that? Yes, I am a soloQer, and few of my friends play PVP and even less are really good. And I can actually talk to new, random people I am being teamed with. So please, you complained about that passive-aggressive stuff in your other thread, don't do it yourself now... :anguished:


I have become full of salt lmao...


Haven't played in a few days and starting to wonder if I should uninstall because I don't think I'll ever be able to compete with friends and guildies again.

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