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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > The concept of GW2 is what ArenaNet and many players wants from an mmorpg. So why throw it in the trash can?


> Outdated engine which doesn't work well whenever more than 2 players are around, combat fx system which breaks usually even for a single player leading to a mess of circles and effects making all that "action combat" invisible, no space for a mod API in the GUI, lots of code bloat, **tons** of outdated systems and mechanics which could be dropped?


> There's always lots of reason for a tabula rasa!


So? WoW is outdated by 15 years. That engine is fucking old.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > So? WoW is outdated by 15 years. That engine is kitten old.


> Yeah but their engine isn't terrible like GW2's is. :pensive: I mean GW2's engine was built from the GW1 engine, so I can't even imagine what horrors lurk deep in its codebase.


"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> > Gw3 will fall into the same boat as gw2: has potential to be great, but they choose not to.


> So much this. ^ GW1 was perfect (though a completely different game type)... but GW2.... let's just say the apple has fallen very far from the tree. It has a lot of pros, but I feel it's ruined by so many things that are implemented. The entire fractal aspect being one of them. And let's be honest here, most of us spend our time on gw2, standing there auto attacking a boss for like 10 minutes and then onto the next boss, because it's the most efficient way to play the game. and get the achievements or items we want. not exactly interesting or fun, bosses take way too long to kill with no real strategy to them. (currently auto-attacking a bounty boss in a train as i type this). But GW2 does things great, like the combat system, but even the combat system I feel is barely at it's full potential, having more skills instead of traits would it much better. So we're not all doing the exact same thing. For PVP they can lock certain skills, like have a draft mode or something. I think GW1 still beats GW2 in combat just because of the sheer variety and strategies you could use.


> GW1 was just on a completely different level though, I don't think they'll ever go back to that golden age. The music, the story, the characters, so much better. The music was phenomenal. In GW2, I don't know a single track that I think is good. And the original "destiny's edge" was way better and they barely had any writing, but they had interesting character to them. Mhenlo, Cynn, Eve, Devona, Aiden, though Aiden didn't feel part of the crew lol. And you had good "all-stars" like Rurik, Master Togo, NIKA (best girl), Kormir, even EOTN characters were better, Jora and Vekk, my bros.




> bring this back. the days where I would just stare at the character screen, with that theme. i understand that jeremy soule is no longer able to work on gw, but the new guy or guys aren't doing the game justice.


> also introduce someone as kitten as nika or jora please. the characters in gw2 are so annoying, only ones i want in my party are taimi and delaqua.


> https://www.no-cookie.com/w/images/9/91/Nika.jpg


I agree, most characters are bland and seem to be coming out of a Disney cartoon. Besides Taimi and Rytlock, I can’t even recall the name of the other companions because they are that uninteresting and stale. Maybe Braam because they shove him down our throat for a while.


The drama lesbians and the rest are not memorable. Hell they even use old characters such as Joko, Koss, Abaddon, Balthazar & Co, or Glint to give flavour. It’s sad Soule don’t work on the game anymore as his music truly bring scenes and environment to life. It’s no secret why they reuse soundtracks from gw1.

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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> I agree, most characters are bland and seem to be coming out of a Disney cartoon. Besides Taimi and Rytlock, I can’t even recall the name of the other companions because they are that uninteresting and stale. Maybe Braam because they shove him down our throat for a while.


And Guild Wars 1, especially the quoted Factions, had such an amazing story and characters... oh wait it didn't. Some people need to take off their rose-tinted glasses. I get it, it was probably your first MMO, or your first game, and you have very fond memories of it, but the truth is, GW1 never had good characters, or story, especially that atrocious Factions which was the worst story Anet has ever come up with over the years in both games.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > I agree, most characters are bland and seem to be coming out of a Disney cartoon. Besides Taimi and Rytlock, I can’t even recall the name of the other companions because they are that uninteresting and stale. Maybe Braam because they shove him down our throat for a while.


> And Guild Wars 1, especially the quoted Factions, had such an amazing story and characters... oh wait it didn't. Some people need to take off their rose-tinted glasses. I get it, it was probably your first MMO, or your first game, and you have very fond memories of it, but the truth is, GW1 never had good characters, or story, especially that atrocious Factions which was the worst story Anet has ever come up with over the years in both games.


There are no rose-tinted glasses.


Shiro was awesome. And while yes the story may look like a cliche kungfu story at first glance it was original, had character and interesting characters with Kurzicks/Luxons. The monastery was a very nice place, same for Cantha overall with a very diversified environment, the Jade Sea, Cantha’s city, the Kurzick’s dark forest. Oh and the music !


Why do you think people want to go back to Cantha if it was this bad? Why did they remake Elona and reuse old characters and lore from it ? You may have not liked it, but back then the story overall and characters and the music helped to make the game good and immersive.

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If GW3 will ever happen. That means we will have to jump of through certain period of time. That also means arena.net will have to fill those gaps with books, atleast, or otherwise telling what happened in time between GW2 and GW3 in game itself, which is not fun.


Now in GW2 we have living stories and addons, making us part of how Guild Wars World is moving forward. Addons adding some new content, ideas, and so. Maybe one day it will fit to make GW3 ( maybe we will fail to subdue rest of Elder dragons, who knows ). But now, i am very happy with arena.net vision of future with GW2.

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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> Why do you think people want to go back to Cantha if it was this bad?


Because of the above mentioned rose-tinted glasses of course. And maybe because it's "asian themed"


Shiro was a terrible villain, the story was a giant cliche with parts that aren't even part of the lore anymore and messed up the lore of the GW universe, like Suun the Oracle of the Mists appointing Envoys to herald the dead? come on... talk about messing up the Underworld. Paper thin characters like Togo and Mhenlo, combined with their terrible low effort voice acting. The Kurziks and Luxons lasted a couple of missions and suddenly they became friends because reasons, a very rushed and uninspired story. It could've been great if they expanded on those two, but 2 missions and a couple of quests isn't in any way enough. Other than maybe 2 pieces the music was mostly forgettable. Only truly amazing part of Factions was Winds of Change, that had an actually interesting villain and a very compelling storyline, core Factions was completely forgettable. I could go on about Factions but it would probably be pointless because I believe it was the lowest point of the entire franchise (WoC excluded).

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > So? WoW is outdated by 15 years. That engine is kitten old.


> Yeah but their engine isn't terrible like GW2's is. :pensive: I mean GW2's engine was built from the GW1 engine, so I can't even imagine what horrors lurk deep in its codebase.


The only issue is the limited use on CPU, but overall the engine isn't really that bad.

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> The only issue is the limited use on CPU, but overall the engine isn't really that bad.


I'd say it has some other worries. It's clearly optimized for small-party play, which is inherently at odds with the open world and WvW parts of the game.


It lacks - or seemingly lacks - built-in:

* Dynamic effect culling / priorization.

* Weighted rendering priorities.

* Highlightning of "critical" elements.

* Moddable UI. Which would alleviate the graphical mess combat can be by shifting the crucial information into the UI where it can at least be seen *at all*.

* Per-source configuration (say, animation detail for enemies vs self vs friendlies, spell effect details on bosses / mobs / enemies, etc).


And that's the tip of the iceberg. It doesn't seem like an engine built to run a **MM**ORPG (the bold part is crucial).

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > The only issue is the limited use on CPU, but overall the engine isn't really that bad.


> I'd say it has some other worries. It's clearly optimized for small-party play, which is inherently at odds with the open world and WvW parts of the game.


> It lacks - or seemingly lacks - built-in:

> * Dynamic effect culling / priorization.

> * Weighted rendering priorities.

> * Highlightning of "critical" elements.

> * Moddable UI. Which would alleviate the graphical mess combat can be by shifting the crucial information into the UI where it can at least be seen *at all*.

> * Per-source configuration (say, animation detail for enemies vs self vs friendlies, spell effect details on bosses / mobs / enemies, etc).


> And that's the tip of the iceberg. It doesn't seem like an engine built to run a **MM**ORPG (the bold part is crucial).


Most are related to performance issue, some are more of a feature like Moddable UI.


There is heavy calculations going on in the background in GW2 but sadly limited due to how it uses the CPU etc.


GW2 engine does have some pretty good points which most MMORPG engine can not handle which people usually overlook.

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Playerkill system is absolutely disgusting and ruins a lot of mmos because it always create enormous amount of toxicity and frustration.

They only good way to make a viable World PvP is to make it factional. Horde versus Alliance. Jedi versus Sith, Red versus Blue. Ect ect.

The good world PvP is when you clearly know who is your enemy and who is your friend. The good world PvP is when you know that your enemy is your enemy for reasons, he is a member of warring faction he never will be your friend. Your enemy is enemy because he is on the other side and he was there from the begging and will be forever, not because today he has a mood bad enough to turn on Playerkill status and start griefing other players gameplay experience. Your enemy is defined by game rules and game lore, not by toxicity of certain players.

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There won't even be a new expansion soon since they announced there will be a LWS 5. I think GW3 will happen but it's a very, very long time away. GW2 was apparently mostly made simply because the old engine couldn't do gameplay/mechanical changes they wanted. I'd love GW3, a new engine, a fresh beginning but I wouldn't expect it if it's going to happen to be until like 2022+

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Why make a GW3? I don't want to start over and they clearly haven't finished the story for this game. As already stated GW3 will be an entirely different game and won't happen for a long time.


I hate BDO too. That game to me, is very over rated and the combat system is just an updated version of an ARPGMMO style GW2 does. There isn't too large of a difference other than BDO is an Asian developed game, clunky and flashy combat, I hate that. GW2 feels so much more smooth.


If GW2 should copy BDO on anything it's releasing a remastered version. After recently leveling another character and playing through the vanilla story as well as all the expansion/living world content, the new stuff is like another game entirely. The voice acting is better, the writing is better, the animations are nicer, the AI isn't a glitchy piece of crap that just stands there even the textures and quality of overall graphics look better in the PoF story and maps.


But, I would agree that there are too many way-points in the vanilla areas now that we have mounts and too few in the new areas(need a nice middle throughout the entire world). As well as the amount of hearts, especially since the old school hearts feel like a chore at this point, they aren't all fun and there's tons of them.

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> @"BesottedDebacle.4875" said:

> Why make a GW3? I don't want to start over and they clearly haven't finished the story for this game. As already stated GW3 will be an entirely different game and won't happen for a long time.


Exactly. It will eventually need to happen for engine / code reasons, but it'll be a long time off. Though given the insane development cycles of MMORPGs I wouldn't be surprised if they have started early work on it already. Like conceptualization, world planning, world building, etc.

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