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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > Don't hesitate to restart app sometimes it solves the issue.

> >

> > I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! I have the Dragon Outfit!!!!!!! It took hours, patience, and much puzzlement!!!!!! So many times I was convinced I was doing it all wrong.


> Congratulations! It's still messed up for me. Quaggan is sad. :(



Did you get it? I wish you could hand over your phone to me and I could do the time-consuming stuff for you. I did that for my husband. He has no patience whatsoever.


I had his code for him in about 10 minutes.


The look on his face was priceless.


Of course, I learned how to do it in the blood of many hours of not knowing what I was doing, or even if I was on the right path.


I paid my dues.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > Don't hesitate to restart app sometimes it solves the issue.

> >

> > I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! I have the Dragon Outfit!!!!!!! It took hours, patience, and much puzzlement!!!!!! So many times I was convinced I was doing it all wrong.

> >

> > Whew.

> >

> > I am so happy.

> >

> > Hugo, thank you. Everyone thank You. Arenanet I love you.

> >

> > Lisa.


> May I ask you some questions about your progress?


> When you kept trying to get the rewards to load to click on the right one, if you went over to 'Profile' in 'Social', does the app you chose to link show the radio button on?


> Did you choose Facebook or Instagram?


> When you clicked on the GW2 reward, did it pop up with a "$1 off" coupon pop up and ask you to login to instagram and/or facebook, and when you did, just came back to the same pop up?


> My Instagram account shows I've authorized something called 'Social Rewards', and if I unauthorize it and do the process again, it shows back up, so clearly that is the thing to be linked to Kung Fu, and it's working, but it's not clear to me the app understands I've linked it. And then I get in that "$1 off" loop that won't let me go anywhere. I'm curious as to whether you experienced the same sort of behavior before you finally got in, or if your experience was different.


> I'd rather not have to make a fake Facebook account, but if that is a better way to go, I suppose I can do that instead.


> Thank you.


I don't have my phone in front of me. What I did is let the grey circle do its pulsing thing. Eventually, it would stop and either tell me there were no rewards found, or it would reveal the the Guildwars2 coupons.


I clicked the bottom coupon, the one with the code until it wanted me to link to facebook. I did that.


Then I got a notice that I had a message.


The odd thing was, when I clicked on the message tab, there was no message.


I wondered if it was loading, so I waited, and waited....and finally turned my phone off, and turned it back on. I still had the notice that I had a message, but there was no message to be seen. So I left it there, on the message page, to hopefully load, and I turned my attention to doing map completion on Rata Sum.


It loaded!!!!


I copied the code down on a piece of paper, and used it in the "Apply new code" section, I think that is what it is called, of the Guildwars2 website.


And I had my T-Shirt !



Did the same process for my husband and it went faster. Not sure if the crowds trying to get in were thinner, or knowing what I was doing made a difference.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > I tried (and failed) multiple times at getting Facebook to connect to the app. It finally connected properly about 10 minutes ago. So, we'll see if the reward ever pops up. :p

> > >

> > > After each failure, did you have to go to Facebook and de-authorize 'Social Rewards' before trying again? Or, did you just leave that there and keep trying to connect in the app itself? At one point when trying to connect to the app did it seem to work? Does that radio button show 'on' for you now?

> >

> > I "de-authorized" it twice but then gave up on that. So, my next 10 or so attempts were just repeat spam attempts, without going into Facebook to remove the permissions from the last attempt. On my unsuccessful attempts, the radio button would show On until I left the Connect Social Media Accounts tab; once I left that tab and came back, the button would show Off. After the successful attempt, it now shows my FB profile picture and name at the top of the Connect Social Media Accounts tab, and the Facebook button stays On, even after fully restarting the app.


> Thank you!


> So it sounds like before I even need to worry about the reward list, I need to keep trying to connect my Instagram until it 'sticks', and 'then' try to get the right rewards to show up and pick it.


> Something new to go on, thanks again!


Ummm...you get to the reward coupons, click on the bottom one, the one with the codes, and keep clicking on it, until you get to a "link to facebook notice," then you click on that, several times sometimes, until you are linked.


Then you go back to social rewards, and should see a red "1" next to messages.


Once that loads, take that code to the Guild Wars2 website and apply the code.


Hope this makes sense.

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I agree. It’s probably a terrible idea that the Heroic codes were not modified to only have the items, which would have made sense to do. The account upgrade from ftp > core means a lot of botters have got unrestricted accounts now. It’s good for legit players, but chances are they aren’t the ones hogging down the kft app.

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This is a pure clownfiesta.


Not only that people are exploiting this obviously not properly thought out promotion for their personal gain (codes on ebay, various core-accounts for login-bonusses etc., risk of exploitation by goldsellers), it's also bad PR which ArenaNet already had a lot of during the last few months. It currently feels like they're unable to learn from their mistakes, which - ironically! - is bad PR in itself.


I just hope that they're able to fix the issue sooner rather than later to not let the situation escalate any further. I also hope that they give out codes to the people who are unable to get them through the app or else this will lead to a lot of unnecessary "bad blood" and frustration.

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Before crying for an outrage, can someone explain me that thing with 1 mystic coin / per login? I used my codes, the only things I got was, the gw2 T-shirt outfit, a mithril 18-slot Box, Heroic Boosters and a choice between primeval, profane and krytan armor. Havn't seen anywhere a mention of "free account with bonuses" that is the deluxe thingy! I may have missed some infos?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Before crying for an outrage, can someone explain me that thing with 1 mystic coin / per login? I used my codes, the only things I got was, the gw2 T-shirt outfit, a mithril 18-slot Box, Heroic Boosters and a choice between primeval, profane and krytan armor. Havn't seen anywhere a mention of "free account with bonuses" that is the deluxe thingy! I may have missed some infos?


If it is, indeed, a game account key, you can add it to your existing paid account (not sure if it works on an account that is already considered a 'Heroic' account [like mine]), or add it to a Play4Free account to turn it into a 'paid' account.



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So has there been a noticeable increase in bots and gold sellers in game, or is it just speculation at this point that's what's causing the problems with the app?


I can't log in to check for another few days, but I wouldn't find it hard to believe that just legitimate players would overwhelm an app built for occasional tea purchases. Look at what happens to MMO servers at launch or things like Pokemon Go every time they do a big event, and those are built for thousands of people to be online at once.


Admittedly it's probably easier for me to accept because even if I could get a code I couldn't use it yet. I keep trying just because I haven't got anything better to do, but then I realise that's probably adding to the problem.

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> @"Ana.2415" said:

> I can see the GW2 rewards finally, but my fb got unlinked :/ I'm trying to link it again but I keep getting "An error occurred while registering. Please try again" all the time :(


That's more or less where I am. The rewards come and go, but whenever they are there the actual connection fails because "Something went wrong." :s

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> @"Ana.2415" said:

> I can see the GW2 rewards finally, but my fb got unlinked :/ I'm trying to link it again but I keep getting "An error occurred while registering. Please try again" all the time :(


When you see the rewards, don't leave the program at that point! Click on the GW2 reward that offers the one-time linking reward codes, and then it should ask you to link again. At that point, keep trying to link, even through the errors, until it finally takes. That's what eventually worked for me. I happen to use a temporary Instagram I set up in my main characters name to get it linked. When the link didn't work, it just kept taking me back to the same screen, which for me, was a pop-up I'd get when tapping on the GW2 promo that said I could get $1 off my first order if I linked to a social media account. I'd click on the Instagram, login, and then it would just bounce back to that pop up, where I'd try again. Eventually it just 'took' after many, many attempts, and the pop up was gone 'and' that GW2 promo was gone from the list. When I went over to 'Profile', I could see my little fake Instagram picture there, and the Instagram toggle was still enabled. After another 15 minutes or so of checking my messages in that same screen, eventually the message with my 2 codes showed up.

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I'd love some stuff but was it EVER really a good idea to start handing out full accounts like candy? I wonder if they will have to go back and weed out these fresh accounts for abuse or suspicious patterns. I assume that multi-day lockout is still in effect but once it's done I expect the BL Trading will see a spike in odd gold fluctuations..

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> @"Izzykins.8624" said:

> I'd love some stuff but was it EVER really a good idea to start handing out full accounts like candy? I wonder if they will have to go back and weed out these fresh accounts for abuse or suspicious patterns. I assume that multi-day lockout is still in effect but once it's done I expect the BL Trading will see a spike in odd gold fluctuations..


This. Wasnt Very clever Marketing cooperation

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