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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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What are the rewards anyway? I see people say outfit ? If it's some new outfit I'll be fuming ... because I don't use FB or any other social media first of all, 2nd - people are getting banned, Chris said only new accounts got banned for abusing the promotion but I've seen even older accounts getting banned and I'm not risking my acc of 6 years, 13k hours and almost 37k achievs... hell no. .. and 3rd, even if it was safe and I used social media, there's no Kung Fu Tea in my country, so like... you know..... this is ridiculous.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> What are the rewards anyway? I see people say outfit ? If it's some new outfit I'll be fuming ... because I don't use FB or any other social media first of all, 2nd - people are getting banned, Chris said only new accounts got banned for abusing the promotion but I've seen even older accounts getting banned and I'm not risking my acc of 6 years, 13k hours and almost 37k achievs... hell no. .. and 3rd, even if it was safe and I used social media, there's no Kung Fu Tea in my country, so like... you know..... this is ridiculous.


Read the actual promotion, the Reddit posts and the comments here. Your account is not at risk. It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta. Some got it some didn't. There was not a shit storm then and there should not be one now. The only accounts that are at risk are the ones where people entered multiple codes for game accounts.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> @"Mordule Standish.2371" - "It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta"




> So how is it fair to people who pre ordered the game which they paid for ... and now people get it just by linking their accounts...insane.

> If they made it ingame reward, it'd be more deserving



It was not an outfit you got 6 years ago. It was a gimmick (tonic) you could only realistically use in towns, hence the name town clothes. Gimmicks are kinda ok to give away as exclusives, but when they turned these into actual outfits, that changed, didn't it? :p


...and it's probably still not working for the majority of the people. I mean, I'm trying this bullshit for the third day now without success. That kinda sucks.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> @"Mordule Standish.2371" - "It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta"




> So how is it fair to people who pre ordered the game which they paid for ... and now people get it just by linking their accounts...insane.

> If they made it ingame reward, it'd be more deserving



You got the item free during a promotional event. IF people can actually get this one to work, they will get it free...from a promotional event. You did NOT pay for the costume. You got it as part of a promotion...for the game (like the one they are running now). The game used to cost money, but they went to a free to play model to make the game healthier. The game is currently free, so getting a copy of the game for free during this promotional event is nothing but more or the status quo.


People seriously worry too much about pixels. How about everyone focus less on "I don't want other people to have a pixel" and more on "I hope this makes the game population healthier".

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Mordule Standish.2371" - "It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta"

> >

> >

> >

> > So how is it fair to people who pre ordered the game which they paid for ... and now people get it just by linking their accounts...insane.

> > If they made it ingame reward, it'd be more deserving

> >


> You got the item free during a promotional event. IF people can actually get this one to work, they will get it free...from a promotional event. You did NOT pay for the costume. You got it as part of a promotion...for the game (like the one they are running now). The game used to cost money, but they went to a free to play model to make the game healthier. The game is currently free, so getting a copy of the game for free during this promotional event is nothing but more or the status quo.


> People seriously worry too much about pixels. How about everyone focus less on "I don't want other people to have a pixel" and more on "I hope this makes the game population healthier".


But but but, prestiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigeeee.

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> It was not an outfit you got 6 years ago. It was a gimmick (tonic) you could only realistically use in towns, hence the name town clothes. Gimmicks are kinda ok to give away as exclusives, but when they turned these into actual outfits, that changed, didn't it? :p


> ...and it's probably still not working for the majority of the people. I mean, I'm trying this kitten for the third day now without success. That kinda sucks.


It was before town clothing became tonics. I still have my GW2 baseball cap. It is an actual headpiece. You could switch between town clothes and armor pre wardwrobe. True that you could only use them in towns. I wish I had a screenshot of the old hero panel. A lot has changed.



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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > @"Mordule Standish.2371" - "It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta"

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So how is it fair to people who pre ordered the game which they paid for ... and now people get it just by linking their accounts...insane.

> > > If they made it ingame reward, it'd be more deserving

> > >

> >

> > You got the item free during a promotional event. IF people can actually get this one to work, they will get it free...from a promotional event. You did NOT pay for the costume. You got it as part of a promotion...for the game (like the one they are running now). The game used to cost money, but they went to a free to play model to make the game healthier. The game is currently free, so getting a copy of the game for free during this promotional event is nothing but more or the status quo.

> >

> > People seriously worry too much about pixels. How about everyone focus less on "I don't want other people to have a pixel" and more on "I hope this makes the game population healthier".


> But but but, prestiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigeeee.


Well, yeah...


PvP-leaderboard-titles are prestige, this here is just pure luck and that's what many people don't understand. x'D

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> @"Mordule Standish.2371" - "It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta"




> So how is it fair to people who pre ordered the game which they paid for ... and now people get it just by linking their accounts...insane.

> If they made it ingame reward, it'd be more deserving



It wasn't a pre-order bonus or anything to do with the betas. It was given away in promotions a lot like this one: go to a convention where Anet was giving away codes, get one from a partner site or buy it from eBay.


So it was always free/sold by people who got them free and never available in-game or anything to do with when your account was created or what type of account you had. All they've changed is they're doing it again.

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> @"Mordule Standish.2371" said:

> > It was not an outfit you got 6 years ago. It was a gimmick (tonic) you could only realistically use in towns, hence the name town clothes. Gimmicks are kinda ok to give away as exclusives, but when they turned these into actual outfits, that changed, didn't it? :p

> >

> > ...and it's probably still not working for the majority of the people. I mean, I'm trying this kitten for the third day now without success. That kinda sucks.


> It was before town clothing became tonics. I still have my GW2 baseball cap. It is an actual headpiece. You could switch between town clothes and armor pre wardwrobe. **_True that you could only use them in towns._** I wish I had a screenshot of the old hero panel. A lot has changed.


Actually, no, you could switch to town clothes anywhere (to e.g. facilitate tavern RP in Shaemoor) and there was even a keybind slot for the switch but you would get bounced out of it back into your normal armour if you entered combat (by taking damage). (Yes, I was there when the game opened in 2012. I amused myself on one occasion by attending the party at Minister Wi's house in my wife's character's PS instance and going around exploring the instance but dressed in the basic "Common Clothing" town clothes instead of level 10-ish heavy armour.)


EDIT: and yes, I still have baseball cap armour-skin objects in one or two of my characters' inventories ready to apply to a helmet. I think all of my characters still carry a Hero's Band ring, an unused two-week Golem Banker token, and an Eye of the North access stone, apart from a handful who have (accidentally) used the Golem Banker token.

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> @"Rococo.8347" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > After many hours of trying, I finally got the codes with Bluestacks, free mobile app emulator for PC because my phone is old and my Android version is not compatible with this app lol. So anyone without a proper smartphone should get Bluestacks but patience is required to actually get the codes. Good luck! :)

> >

> Well ive been using Bluestacks since yesterday and I cant even link my Instagram let alone move on to the next stage - I think you just got very lucky...


Not lucky, more like patient. :astonished: I was refreshing and restarting the app for 4 hours then it randomly worked and I got the code. I only managed to link my FB, I got error when I tried Instagram. In FB's case, deleting the Tea app from FB and from Bluestacks and then reinstalling it let me link FB after a few tries (not sure about Instagram and Twitter because it never let me link them). This is not an issue with Bluestacks, it's happening to smartphone users as well.

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the app asks you to save the instagram account info. when i touched (touchscreen) on save data it failed every time. when i choose to not save the account info i had more luck. i mean i once got the codes when data not saved. i used iphone for this. don’t know if it makes difference.

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> @"Sealbit.7961" said:

> There is no rule against having multiple accounts, as many people do. Being able to obtain it (multiples, even) for free via a promotion should not invalidate that.


Yes, I had someone ask me yesterday why I had a second account. The only response I could think of was 'why not?'.


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App finally worked today, but it gave 3 sets of codes instead of 1. None of the codes worked (only tried the shirt codes since I've got a full acct).


Looks like codes are disabled today, and the tea place gets our data, while we risk getting banned if we try for a working code after they've given out broken ones. :/


Edit - Success, sort-of:

I tried the broken codes again an hour later 'cause why not' (had screenshotted them lest they disappear).. The middle of the 3 worked for the shirt! Yay, i guess. I'm deathly afraid to even try the Heroic edition codes to get the armor skin and 18 slot chest on a 5 yr old acct.. especially since my wife and brother game on the same computer. Everyone would be livid to be banned over a stupid shirt. We're treating any Heroic edition codes as toxic until proven otherwise, ymmv.

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Many of you who browse the GW2 Reddit have probably seen a few posts where players report their accounts banned after using the Heroic Edition promo codes. Chris Cleary already answered some questions back there, but I still have a few concerns I want to be absolutely sure about before doing anything that could put my account(s) in jeopardy.


**If I get a promotion code for the Heroic Edition, is it okay to use it on a newly-created F2P alt account?**


Chris Cleary wrote on Reddit: "We're only closing the new accounts being created by players who are trying to abuse the promotion to create a **bunch** of new heroic edition accounts." As far as I can tell from his response, creating ONE heroic edition alt account should be alright. "Bunch" isn't exactly a very precise number though, so I'd like to know whether it's actually okay or not. Yes, I would be using this new account to transfer daily login gains to my main one, among other things.


**If, like some players, I get multiple codes, does it count as promotion abuse if I only use one code for myself and gift away the rest?**


Chris also said this: "To my knowledge, we are only closing the newly created promotion heroic edition accounts created by those that are heavily abusing the promotion to do so."

So if I happen to get multiple codes via a bug, does that count as abusing the promotion? I understand banning those who create multiple core accounts for their personal use and gain, but what if I only upgrade my one alt account and give away the rest of the codes? Again, this doesn't sound like a bannable offense to me, but I want to be absolutely sure.


And finally; **If I buy an expansion for an alt account or accounts, is it okay to transfer log-in or whatever gains from those accounts to my main one?**


I'm not 100% sure what the ToS says about this, if anything at all. I think I should be able to do whatever I want with the accounts I have purchased (within the ToS of course), but would like a response to this as well. I'm not intending to crash the in-game economy, just asking out of curiosity.


Thanks for any responses that might clarify this situation.


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The app's social rewards don't work at all, doesn't even save my log in information so I can spam connect to try to connect. Facebook and Instagram don't work for me. Hitting DONT save my log in info for Instagram only OPENS MY INSTAGRAM FEED IN THE APP???

And to top it off, I went to buy the drink but they didn't even have it in stock yet the promotion was right in my face at the store. The employees also didn't know when they would have it, so congulations to gw2 and Kung Fu tea for the biggest promotion flop. I have yet to see any response from aanet and Kung Fu tea except 'the promotion is delayed' on kungfu teas website. Couldn't they AT LEAST have the product they're trying to sell?? I'm not in a small town that could be forgotten about in their supply route or something.

Could anyone else not get the drink, I haven't seen someone mention that and would like to know if it really is county wide or just my town.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> And finally; **If I buy an expansion for an alt account or accounts, is it okay to transfer log-in or whatever gains from those accounts to my main one?**


People have been doing this for ages by now. Up until now they had to purchase an account upgrade for that, now you can get one for free. Unless ANet wants to look really hypocritical they cannot really change their approach to this all of a sudden.



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I'm still just baffled by the idea of protecting the game ecosystem through this promotion. If the main barrier to abuse is having to pay for the full game code and register it under a valid name, why hand out the codes without charging? A bunch of players don't feel good that they paid for an account upgrade that's now just free if you can beat this poor app's front door down at just the right time, then do it all over again on some alt email address and FB account. And along the lines of players being upset that others can get the outfit they got six years ago.. well, there's a bunch of folks saying they got it "free" as part of a promotion. Didn't lots get it for pre-ordering? A pre-order/pre-registration is essentially a deposit or promise to pay in most cases. You wouldn't have gotten it in game if you didn't pay the balance of your game when it released. So maybe they did in essence pay for that exclusive outfit. But back to the accounts thing.


How do you not expect that people will make a bunch of facebook/instagram accounts just to get multiple, free upgraded accounts? There's the point of this being exploitable and then players being surprised when that account is penalized for exploiting the exploit. I know many won't like to hear it, but the whole 'but they left the exploit there and I took advantage thats not my fault it's theirs' has never stopped Anet before. "Free-Paid" Accounts was just a bad idea from the get-go without major, CLEAR restrictions in place beforehand.


I have no doubt there's been some mistakes in filtering it all out. I'm not sure it's even completely on Anet, I imagine they simply handed over the codes with some basic rules and told KFT they are in charge of the distribution, while the company was in charge of validation. And COMPLETELY agree - if Anet or KFT came out and said something like, "It wasn't out intention to let players claim more than one account code/outfit PER PERSON" - that'd be major. And frankly, that should have been out there from the very beginning. **Restrictions Apply** - something like that should have been a no brainer here, like a gigantic link so registrants could click and know exactly what to expect. Not that many would have read it, but still.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> **If, like some players, I get multiple codes, does it count as promotion abuse if I only use one code for myself and gift away the rest?**


> Chris also said this: "To my knowledge, we are only closing the newly created promotion heroic edition accounts created by those that are heavily abusing the promotion to do so."

> So if I happen to get multiple codes via a bug, does that count as abusing the promotion? I understand banning those who create multiple core accounts for their personal use and gain, but what if I only upgrade my one alt account and give away the rest of the codes? Again, this doesn't sound like a bannable offense to me, but I want to be absolutely sure.



There have been account of players who redeemed multiple codes (e.g. via different FB accounts) but it may not be as straight forward because each FB account was used to redeem exactly one code. Even if detected, it will be difficult to prove that these codes are being abused by one single person wanting multiple accounts vs. him/her actually giving it to, say, a family member or partner living in the same house.


Same for those who bugged out with the app giving out more than one code... would love to have one myself :P


I don't think transferring login rewards is an issue... this is a common practice and is accepted in GW2. People have been doing it for years.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > This whole thing feels like a bad F2P game with bad partnerships with "free rewards!11". Gotta love whoever had this brilliant idea to make ANet look bad.


> Actually, it makes Kung Fu Tea look bad much more than Anet. Anet isn't the one paralyzed by the demand. In fact, the Anet devs are probably looking at this and looking at KFT and thinking, "Man, there but for the grace of Zinn we go." I can only imagine the awkward conversation in KFT's board room this coming Tuesday morning; it will probably start with a question from the CEO to their marketing and IT heads...


> "So tell me: when you came up with this idea to promote our brand by linking us with Guild Wars 2, did it ever occur to you that Guild Wars 2 has millions of players all over the world, and how many of those players would be trying to log into our tiny hamster wheel app over the long weekend?"


> Seriously, "We didn't anticipate the demand" is the absolute worst excuse for internet failures. This isn't on Anet; it's on KFT for not being prepared for what they were getting into.



Yeah, that's not how it works though. Anet should have done due diligence with who they partner with. It makes them look bad that they didn't look to see if mom and pop tea, inc could handle the likely landrush of people flocking to the app. And you are so right that "We didn't anticipate the demand" for something like this is a terrible excuse, but that falls to Anet as well as the tea company. Imagine if McDonalds used some startup business run out of a garage to do their world wide promotions. I would think most people would blame McD's as much or more for not doing due diligence in the first place.

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