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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"KaryuZeir.9346" said:

> For now I guess we'll have to wait some days until we get an official response, that hopefully fixes all this thing and we receive what was promised in the beginning of this promotion, the heroic edition and the shirt for everyone world-wide.


> Also I want to add something for the previous comments... US is North America only, not America as a whole... I'm from south america and we're excluded too of all this stuff.


It isn't even North America as a whole, since Canada is also excluded. That's one of the reasons I don't think the suggestion someone made to start a promotion with a European company can solve this whole mess. Just catering to the USA and Europe would still leave lots of people without a chance to get the goodies.

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I am searching for a possibility to get this outfit since the clothing-tonic-change. I even prepared tons of gold to buy it in trading post until I noticed it was the only accountbound tonic. I really hope KFT will enable us to get the rewrds again. :( :( :(


Btw.: The promotion is for all people. Not just NA. Some of my EU friends already got it before the "shutdown".

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> @"Apocaly.2786" said:

> I am searching for a possibility to get this outfit since the clothing-tonic-change. I even prepared tons of gold to buy it in trading post until I noticed it was the only accountbound tonic. I really hope KFT will enable us to get the rewrds again. :( :( :(


> Btw.: The promotion is for all people. Not just NA. Some of my EU friends already got it before the "shutdown".


The promotion WAS for all people. Yes, some of us got the codes already, but those that did not now wont be able to since it got changed to NA only.

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Like everyone else, I am very sad. I wisely waited for the bugs to be fixed before trying again. And I was also hoping to receive 2 codes to give one to my wife. Now that I'm sure we won't be able to have codes at all, I'm very disappointed...

That being said, I know that ArenaNet has already solve some mistakes with compensations, so I will wait and see. I still have hope.

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Warframe had same issues like now with Anet, they just gave every play the Ash prime reward. And the time they got a solution and acted was just 1 or 2 days. Dont get how a company like A-Net cant handle stuff. Wel i play this game since 6 years. And yeah i know why it is hard for ANet to give out free stuff without any payment.

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From the next episode of LW4:


We: "Kralkatorrik won't forget this battle for a while. Nicely done everyone. But now we must be more cautious."

_Taimi: "Nothing that my genius can't handle though. I've already a plan!"

Taimi: "By the way, Commander... I'm sorry that I had to leave you in your last battle. They asked me to... Inquests forced me to promote some shady cocktail to make money for their research. IT WAS HORRIBLE! (althoughtheygavemefreedrinks butthat'snotthepoint, ITWASHOOORRIBLE!)

Taimi: "Anyway, I didn't forget you. Here, I stole this from their lab. A small present for you! Ta-daa."_

We: "A T-Shirt?"

_Taimi: "YES! With a DRAGON on it! Isn't it awesome?!"_

We: "Err... thank you Taimi"

_Taimi: "You're very welcome Commander!"_


(this is for the fashionists. I still don't know how they could compensate the free users that didn't get a chance to upgrade their account, or give everyone the possibility to claim more daily login rewards.)

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> @"Angelica Dream.7103" said:

> Honestly, I think most of the people here just want the shirt. If Anet would just do a general release of it to everyone. This whole mess would settle down.



I personally actually want the heroic edition so I can get the legacy armour box. I have been waiting to get my hands on the Profane Armour set for a while now and this seems like the only way to get it these days. The T-shirt would be a nice add-on but not my real concern :P

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I was *really* hoping to get my hands on a code for the outfit _and_ heroic edition. The outfit would of been for myself, the heroic edition would be to upgrade a returning players free account (my fiance decided to give GW2 another chance and I am super happy lol). I just wish they'd do promotions that didn't force you to use a mobile phone app of sorts since I haven't had a mobile phone in 15 yrs and certainly wouldn't see myself having one anytime soon. I suppose I'll try my luck asking around in game for a heroic code at the very least.


Please, in the future though, consider people who don't have access to mobile phones and apps, Anet. People like me would love to be able to join in the promo fun.

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> @"Tsar CUBE.9281" said:

> > @"Angelica Dream.7103" said:

> > Honestly, I think most of the people here just want the shirt. If Anet would just do a general release of it to everyone. This whole mess would settle down.

> >


> I personally actually want the heroic edition so I can get the legacy armour box. I have been waiting to get my hands on the Profane Armour set for a while now and this seems like the only way to get it these days. The T-shirt would be a nice add-on but not my real concern :P


It's currently also available for 25 [black Lion Statuettes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette "Black Lion Statuettes"), in the Special Items section. I think this was changed only last week at the same time they updated the Black Lion Chests, so I expect that they'll be there for a while.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > @"KaryuZeir.9346" said:

> > For now I guess we'll have to wait some days until we get an official response, that hopefully fixes all this thing and we receive what was promised in the beginning of this promotion, the heroic edition and the shirt for everyone world-wide.

> >

> > Also I want to add something for the previous comments... US is North America only, not America as a whole... I'm from south america and we're excluded too of all this stuff.


> It isn't even North America as a whole, since Canada is also excluded. That's one of the reasons I don't think the suggestion someone made to start a promotion with a European company can solve this whole mess. Just catering to the USA and Europe would still leave lots of people without a chance to get the goodies.



They limited it to one country only (US), not to a whole continent.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> It is sad that a thread about a useless fluff promotion drags the most attention recently. Wow, I am just baffled. How can an ugly skin promotion be so 'important'?


Yes, it is ugly. But then again what can you do in Guild Wars other than collecting thousands of skins you never use and complete some achievements

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:


> My husband still have a few free ones.


May you ask your husband if he would mind to share one of his spare codes with me? I wanted this outfit so badly since the game released but Unfortunately it was never possible for me to get it. I tried it so hard since the promotion started but never got my social media account linked with the app. Now they restricted the promotion to US only and im from EU so I may never get the chance to get this shirt :(



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> @"Talindra.4958" said:


> I received 5 sets of codes and given it all to players in game and others in social media. My husband still have a few free ones. Both of us did not use any bot of some kind the ap was crashing while we were trying to claim the reward.. and all if sudden we get the mail with multiple codes. I saw in Reddit some others get over 100 sets of codes . If given free to other users that's fine but if players selling this in eBay like that.. I think it should be stopped.

> I don't think ppl should make profit with free codes like that


Do you still have some? i would like to take one if possible.^^

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> It is sad that a thread about a useless fluff promotion drags the most attention recently. Wow, I am just baffled. How can an ugly skin promotion be so 'important'?


I'd rather say it's "sad" that ArenaNet advertised a promotion in the launcher, that had their players provide a third-party company with access to private details and posts on linked social media in exchange for some advertised virtual goodies. Only for this promotion to then suddenly go missing outside of the US and the terms being changed 5 days in, making it only apply to US customers after the poorly planned promotion got out of hand with keys being farmed by bots or manually created dummy accounts. That is far more "worrying" to me than what you might consider an ugly skin (which is obviously also subjective). ArenaNet through their advertisement had us provide a third-party company with private details.. **and** posts on linked social media (and while it shouldn't technically speaking have been "needed" to check for public posts with photos of the KFT drinks and all that, I understand why they coded it like they did, nevertheless, they still got access). Sure, you can create dummy accounts, and anyone can argue you got nobody to blame but yourself if you provided them with private details, but that's not the point. The promotion itself is to provide them with your details, and in exchange you get some goodies you want from them. It's a trade. Suddenly however, only one side got their part of the deal while the other decided they wanted to change the terms of the trade and are now not willing to uphold theirs by the terms upon which the "trade" were initiated in the initial 5 days.


I don't see how it's surprising that this upsets customers. This has a bit larger scope than just an "ugly skin". This has to do with me losing trust in ArenaNet as a company. Why should I trust them again in the future with any sort of promotion they might do? Terms can suddenly change at a whim. I don't honestly care if KFT is the main reason for this change, I were introduced to this by ArenaNet. They promoted it. They should certainly make sure that the terms provided gets upheld. They are the source of the DLC keys.


Now maybe KFT did this without conferring with ArenaNet first. Maybe this is something that ArenaNet now has to deal with even though they are basically innocent. That I don't know of course, and once they have had their talks with lawyers, with KFT and within their own teams I'm sure we'll get a clearer picture and perhaps a statement from both companies involved or at the very least ArenaNet themselves. I didn't take a 180° turn from liking ArenaNet to loathing them, it's not like Guild Wars 2 isn't one- if not the best game I've ever played, bringing me back 6 years in a row, I just lost some trust in them because of this, at least for the time being while we wait for a statement. I'm more than willing to let ArenaNet get their heads around what can be done and work on a solution, even if the situation has upset me as a customer.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> I don't see how it's surprising that this upsets customers. This has a bit larger scope than just an "ugly skin". This has to do with me losing trust in ArenaNet as a company. Why should I trust them again in the future with any sort of promotion they might do? Terms can suddenly change at a whim. I don't honestly care if KFT is the main reason for this change, I were introduced to this by ArenaNet. They promoted it. They should certainly make sure that the terms provided gets upheld. They are the source of the DLC keys.


After what they did in April by basically installing spyware, I'm surprised anyone still trusts them at all. I certainly don't.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> It is sad that a thread about a useless fluff promotion drags the most attention recently. Wow, I am just baffled. How can an ugly skin promotion be so 'important'?


I think it's more to do with the nature of forums than the promotion or the game. I've probably spent more time in this thread than the rest of the forum combined over the last few days, and it's not because I care about the promotion more than anything else (I don't even like the dragon outfit), there just seems to be more to talk about. First it was trying to work out what's actually included and what you do to get it. Then all the problems with getting it to connect with everyone updating each other on what they'd tried, what worked and what didn't and what ideas they had. Then it really blew up when there was the whole mess with them stopping it 'temporarily' then announcing it was never available outside the USA even though it was. It's died down recently because with both KFT and Anet going quiet on it and the promotion disabled there's not been a lot to say.


I'm more interested in the 'old screenshots' topic, but I had to wait until I was at home and had time to go through all of mine to post in that, and I imagine other people are in the same situation, so it's moving a lot slower.


> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


I've seen a few people mention this but I don't understand how it's similar.


As I remember it the Royal Guard Outfit was simply mailed out to everyone who had an account at the time. It wasn't previously available another way or given as compensation for something which went wrong, it was just a freebie. So other than illustrating that Anet are capable of mailing an item to everyone in game (in which case there's numerous examples) I don't understand how it's relevant here.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


Just because you didn’t get what you weren’t even supposed to get in the first place, doesn’t mean anet should give it to everyone for free. Don’t worry at some point in the future you will get the chance to get yours, but the people from EU weren’t supposed to get the shirt anyways. It was a humble mistake which shouldn’t cause this rage. Nobody on NA ever complained about the T-shirt’s that were given at gamescom, a gamer event in Cologne Germany. So why do you make these outrageous comments?

Every single one of you is so dayum greedy over some pixels I can’t believe it. Give anet a break.


Edit: this comes from someone on the EU side who wants the outfit as well. But I don’t think it’s appropriate to demand free outfit codes just because of one mistake.

I think it’s only fair that NA also gets some exclusive promo rewards because EU had them as well. NA would have needed to travel thousands of miles as well to get access to the rewards from gamescom.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


> Just because you didn’t get what you weren’t even supposed to get in the first place, doesn’t mean anet should give it to everyone for free. Don’t worry at some point in the future you will get the chance to get yours, but the people from EU weren’t supposed to get the shirt anyways. It was a humble mistake which shouldn’t cause this rage. Nobody on NA ever complained about the T-shirt’s that were given at gamescom, a gamer event in Cologne Germany. So why do you make these outrageous comments?

> Every single one of you is so kitten greedy over some pixels I can’t believe it. Give anet a break.


> Edit: this comes from someone on the EU side who wants the outfit as well. But I don’t think it’s appropriate to demand free outfit codes just because of one mistake.

> I think it’s only fair that NA also gets some exclusive promo rewards because EU had them as well. NA would have needed to travel thousands of miles as well to get access to the rewards from gamescom.


I had to just lol at this... 4/10 for effort. 10/10 for missing the bigger issues.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:



> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


> I've seen a few people mention this but I don't understand how it's similar.


> As I remember it the Royal Guard Outfit was simply mailed out to everyone who had an account at the time. It wasn't previously available another way or given as compensation for something which went wrong, it was just a freebie. So other than illustrating that Anet are capable of mailing an item to everyone in game (in which case there's numerous examples) I don't understand how it's relevant here.


That was given out to calm the people that felt ripped off because the core game was included free with the purchase of HoT. I never quite understood the logic of those people... but they kept it up so loudly, and for so long, that Anet gave that outfit to everyone that had purchased the core game prior to the release of HoT.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


> Just because you didn’t get what you weren’t even supposed to get in the first place, doesn’t mean anet should give it to everyone for free. Don’t worry at some point in the future you will get the chance to get yours, but the people from EU weren’t supposed to get the shirt anyways. It was a humble mistake which shouldn’t cause this rage.

We were supposed to get it in the EU. Everything points to that. Explicitly stated separate eligibility conditions for the outfit/heroic edition and the deluxe edition sweepstakes. The promotion appearing translated into French, German and Spanish in the EU launcher. People in the EU *actually receiving their codes* until the app collapsed. Do you actually believe that ANet marketing and Kung Fu Tea's marketing coincidentally made the exact same mistake and it took all of them 4 days to catch it? I certainly don't.


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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


> Just because you didn’t get what you weren’t even supposed to get in the first place, doesn’t mean anet should give it to everyone for free. Don’t worry at some point in the future you will get the chance to get yours, but the people from EU weren’t supposed to get the shirt anyways. It was a humble mistake which shouldn’t cause this rage. Nobody on NA ever complained about the T-shirt’s that were given at gamescom, a gamer event in Cologne Germany. So why do you make these outrageous comments?

> Every single one of you is so kitten greedy over some pixels I can’t believe it. Give anet a break.


> Edit: this comes from someone on the EU side who wants the outfit as well. But I don’t think it’s appropriate to demand free outfit codes just because of one mistake.

> I think it’s only fair that NA also gets some exclusive promo rewards because EU had them as well. NA would have needed to travel thousands of miles as well to get access to the rewards from gamescom.


But the shirt had already been given away at conventions in the USA before they went to Gamescom.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > C'mon, Anet... do the right thing. You've done it before, you can do it again:

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Royal_Guard_Outfit


> Just because you didn’t get what you weren’t even supposed to get in the first place, doesn’t mean anet should give it to everyone for free. Don’t worry at some point in the future you will get the chance to get yours, but the people from EU weren’t supposed to get the shirt anyways. It was a humble mistake which shouldn’t cause this rage. Nobody on NA ever complained about the T-shirt’s that were given at gamescom, a gamer event in Cologne Germany. So why do you make these outrageous comments?

> Every single one of you is so kitten greedy over some pixels I can’t believe it. Give anet a break.


> Edit: this comes from someone on the EU side who wants the outfit as well. But I don’t think it’s appropriate to demand free outfit codes just because of one mistake.

> I think it’s only fair that NA also gets some exclusive promo rewards because EU had them as well. NA would have needed to travel thousands of miles as well to get access to the rewards from gamescom.


If...IF...KFT made a mistake, and forgot to include the statement that the DLC part of the promotion was for US-players only, why wouldn't they have set the app up to only accept US entries? Does one suppose just writing some words would keep people from trying to get the codes? I mean, sure, some people would not try, but once someone outside the US tried and found out they _could_ get codes, and posted anywhere about it, the flood-gates would have opened. Same with ArenaNet; if they had known it was supposed to be US-only, why was it in the launcher world-wide, and why were codes from anywhere but the US able to be used to upgrade accounts? Don't tell me that ArenaNet doesn't know where game accounts are based.


It looks to me, personally, that KFT changed the rules mid-stream. And that's not a good look.

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