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Other ways to passively make money?


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I don't have huge amounts of time to play anymore, and one thing that has at least kept me slightly moving my account in a good direction is having my 80s parked at the Flax location in VB. I can just collect some flax every now and then and make 30 silver. It's not much, but it's something, considering my 10-30 minutes per day of time I can play. Is there anything else like this aside from flipping the TP that I could use for just a little boost to my account?

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Simplest way to passively make money is simply to log on and off each day, even if you dont actually play at all.

You will get some mystic coins by doing this which are currently worth over 1G each.

Otherwise if you can play for 20 mins per day, the AB Meta will net you around 4G for 20 mins playtime.


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AB is good as long as it's the RIGHT 20 minutes.


For random play time try the SW meta groups. There is almost always a RIBA group on LFG (central tyria-squads) and it gives good loot and isn't time sensitive.


Any of the various LS daily zones are good as well. There are 6 or 8 to choose from; I forget exactly. You can get a full set of dailies for each zone, and also make progress towards a set of ascended trinkets. Bloodstone Fen (LS3 - HOT) and Sandswept Isles (LS4-POF) are my favorite to do daily because they are the fastest to complete.

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Currently good ways of making money with little or near no interaction:


- log in daily

- complete easy dailies

- craft ascended crafting materials, check gw2 efficiency which are worth it. Acquire materials needed via buy orders

- open chest in tomb of primeval kings in PoF (around 40-60s per character per day, 6 chests total)

- certain jumping puzzles and characters parked there (Living World Season 3 maps 4 and 6 for example)


Those are some off the top of my head.

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For 10 min a day, I'd say just login rewards + pact network merchants (6 per day). Then, after you get a lot, wait for an expensive reward on any CT map and exchange them.

You can find them here:


Just copy and paste the row in the yellow in your chat (ingame) and start teleporting to these locations.

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When someone asks for a quick way to make money, could you please use explanations that people who **don't** know the quick ways to make money understand/know?


Even though I have played a long time I for example have no idea what an "AB meta" is, and it not too far fetched that anyone who asks such a question might not know either. Same with "RIBA" by the way (I know the term, but people asking where to make money may not).

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> When someone asks for a quick way to make money, could you please use explanations that people who **don't** know the quick ways to make money understand/know?


> Even though I have played a long time I for example have no idea what an "AB meta" is, and it not too far fetched that anyone who asks such a question might not know either. Same with "RIBA" by the way (I know the term, but people asking where to make money may not).


I was thinking exactly the same thing. A common stumbling block with farming in GW2 is that it's rarely as simple as 'kill enemies here' or 'gather this item' and unless you know the extra details it's useless, especially since some require some preparation ahead of time (like having the right currency or keys). Here's some more detail on the ideas suggested so far.


One thing which applies to many of these: They do not award much gold directly. The profit comes from selling the drops on the Trading Post, or salvaging them and selling the materials on the TP. Or passing champion bags to a level 50 character to open then selling or salvaging those drops. So to get the most profit from them you need to know what to do with the drops.


(Spoiler tags are for length, not because I think anyone might not want to know any of these.)


**80s parked at the Flax location in VB**



VB = Verdant Brink, the first HoT map. There's a spot down in the canyons in the middle of the map (I think it's Stonetwist Paths) where lots of Flax nodes spawn. Many of their drops are valuable, so you just gather all of them and then sell the materials.




**Login Rewards**



This one really is as easy as it sounds. Collect your login rewards every day and sell whatever you can. Sell mats from the crafting material bags, but materials with laurels to sell and most importantly sell the Mystic Coins, which currently go for over 1g each. (Personally I prefer to store them until I want the gold and then sell them, because that way if I want gold to buy crafting materials I might already have the ones I need, and I don't end up paying 2 sets of TP fees to get them.) If you're willing to put some more time into **which doesn't have to be done in-game** you can research the current price of the mats and save ones which are dropping in price to sell later when they're worth more.







This is the [battle in Tarir](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_in_Tarir "Battle in Tarir") meta-event in the Auric Basin HoT map. There's lots of pre-events which need to be done to prepare each outpost but if you're lucky you can use the Looking For Group tool to find a map where those have been done and they need more people for the main event. This involves killing 1 of 4 Octovines blocking the entrances to the city (each one has unique mechanics - ask the commander if you're not sure what to do) and importantly all 4 need to be killed within about 30 seconds of each other to prevent them from respawning. So you'll often get yours down to about 10% health and then stop attacking and wait for the others to catch up, then kill them all together.


The payoff comes once all 4 are dead - not the event reward but the fact that it unlocks access to the treasure rooms under Tarir where there are lots of [Exalted Chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exalted_Chest "Exalted Chests") (including the Great and Grand versions which give more loot. **Importantly you'll need 27 Exalted Keys to open them all.** These come from doing events on the AB map, or you can buy them but you need Lumps of Aurillium (which also come from playing on this map). So you need to spend some time on AB in between doing the meta event to have enough keys for the loot.







SW is The Silverwastes. The map has a meta-event which involves defending 4 forts from mordrem then fighting a series of bosses. Just doing the meta-event normally will get you a lot of loot but RIBA farming improves on that. RIBA is short for Red, Indigo, Blue, Amber - the colours of the 4 forts and RIBA farming means going around all 4 in a big group doing as many events as possible, so each person gets more events completed than if they were defending 1 fort, and therefore more loot.




**LS Daily Zones**



Each Living Story map from Season 3 and 4 has it's own set of daily achievements. I don't think they award any gold directly, mainly karma, map currency and unbound or volatile magic, so I assume you trade those for something worth gold but I don't know the specifics.




**Complete easy dailies**



This one actually does award gold directly. Complete any 3 achievements from the main Dailies category and you get 2g. You can pick any 3, so do whichever you find easiest or (if you have more time) most enjoyable.




**Craft ascended materials**



There's 4 tradable ascended materials which have time-gated components: Spiritwood Planks (made with Elder Spirit Residue from Elder Wood Planks), Deldrimor Steel Ingots (made with Lump of Mithrilium from Mithril Ingots), Elonian Leather Squares (made with Thick Elonian Cord from Thick Leather Squares) and Bolts of Damask (made with Spools of Silk Weaving Thread from Bolts of Silk). You need several of those to make ascended equipment and because they're time-gated people are willing to spend extra to get the finished version rather than making it themselves.


The downside for casual players looking to make gold is you need a lot of materials to make them. For example 1 Bolt of Damask takes 40 Wool Scraps, 20 Cotton Scraps, 40 Linen Scraps, 1 Glob of Ectoplasm, 25 Spools of Gossamer Thread and **300 Silk Scraps**. But the materials will cost you about 4g and the finished product sells for about 5g so it is profitable, but you need some gold and/or materials to start off.




**Chests in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings**



I don't think there's anything special to this one. There are several [Treasure Chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Treasure_Chest_(Desert_Highlands) "Treasure Chests") dotted around the Tomb of the Primeval Kings in the Desert Highlands map. You open them, you get loot to sell. You may anger ghosts in the process but other than fighting a ghost I don't think there's any consequences for that.




**Park a character at a jumping puzzle**



Again I don't think there's anything special to it. You can open jumping puzzle chests once per day and with a few exceptions you don't need to complete the puzzle to do it so you can leave a character at the end and just keep opening the chest. The downside is if you want them to go anywhere else (except WvW and PvP) you'll have to do the puzzle again to get them back there. But if you have a spare character, or a dedicated WvW/PvP one it may be worthwhile.


(As a mini version of this if I'm doing a jumping puzzle as part of the dailies I always do that one last so I can leave the character there and open the chest again the next day.)




**Pact Network Agents**

I don't know this one. I assume you have to buy a specific item and then use or sell it. Which means you'll need spare karma and/or gold to do it. But I don't know what you buy or how you use it to make gold.

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I think the fastest way to get gold in just "10min" would be doing a greathall run in Istan. You just have to tag champs and sell the bags you get. Someone mentioned pact supply agent. This is a good one but you need to have the karma to buy mapping material item each day. This you can also get from istan with the karmic retribution upgrade. Outside of this crafting the _time gated component_ of the ascended mat is what I do each day. Other ways to make decent gold requires more time. I also dont even recommend doing the daily unless you like PvP because its only 2G and takes a while sometimes.



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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> However Google and the wiki are your friends too. (AB is simply Auric Basin)


The Wiki can tell you what AB means. It doesn't explain (at least not in an easy to find format) how "the AB meta" translates to making gold. Especially the fairly important part that it's not the reward from the meta event you want but the drops from the treasure chests under Tarir, and that you won't get much gold from those either so you need to sell the drops or salvage them and sell the materials.


That's the step/s I see a lot of new/casual players miss with a lot of farming techniques in GW2. They do a meta-event they've heard is profitable and then look at the gold in their wallet or the value of each individual drop and conclude that either they did something wrong or they were lied to (or that the people who made a lot of gold from it spend literally all day every day doing it).


Which is understandable because in most games that is how it works. Making money means either farming gold directly or farming rare/hard to obtain and therefore valuable items and selling them. Crafting materials usually aren't worth much because only a minority of players craft and there's more than enough to go around, plus the end products are more expensive. While GW2 does have rare and valuable items because the TP is game-wide and set up so you're always offered the best price those items are only the ones which are actually very rare or hard to find and therefore not worth trying to farm regularly - rather than ones which can be reliably farmed but it's hard to find someone selling. Whereas crafting materials don't sell for much individually but they're (almost) always in demand in large numbers so you can make a lot of gold selling them.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > When someone asks for a quick way to make money, could you please use explanations that people who **don't** know the quick ways to make money understand/know?

> >

> > Even though I have played a long time I for example have no idea what an "AB meta" is, and it not too far fetched that anyone who asks such a question might not know either. Same with "RIBA" by the way (I know the term, but people asking where to make money may not).


> I was thinking exactly the same thing. A common stumbling block with farming in GW2 is that it's rarely as simple as 'kill enemies here' or 'gather this item' and unless you know the extra details it's useless, especially since some require some preparation ahead of time (like having the right currency or keys). Here's some more detail on the ideas suggested so far.


> One thing which applies to many of these: They do not award much gold directly. The profit comes from selling the drops on the Trading Post, or salvaging them and selling the materials on the TP. Or passing champion bags to a level 50 character to open then selling or salvaging those drops. So to get the most profit from them you need to know what to do with the drops.


> (Spoiler tags are for length, not because I think anyone might not want to know any of these.)


> **80s parked at the Flax location in VB**



> VB = Verdant Brink, the first HoT map. There's a spot down in the canyons in the middle of the map (I think it's Stonetwist Paths) where lots of Flax nodes spawn. Many of their drops are valuable, so you just gather all of them and then sell the materials.




> **Login Rewards**



> This one really is as easy as it sounds. Collect your login rewards every day and sell whatever you can. Sell mats from the crafting material bags, but materials with laurels to sell and most importantly sell the Mystic Coins, which currently go for over 1g each. (Personally I prefer to store them until I want the gold and then sell them, because that way if I want gold to buy crafting materials I might already have the ones I need, and I don't end up paying 2 sets of TP fees to get them.) If you're willing to put some more time into **which doesn't have to be done in-game** you can research the current price of the mats and save ones which are dropping in price to sell later when they're worth more.




> **AB**



> This is the [battle in Tarir](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_in_Tarir "Battle in Tarir") meta-event in the Auric Basin HoT map. There's lots of pre-events which need to be done to prepare each outpost but if you're lucky you can use the Looking For Group tool to find a map where those have been done and they need more people for the main event. This involves killing 1 of 4 Octovines blocking the entrances to the city (each one has unique mechanics - ask the commander if you're not sure what to do) and importantly all 4 need to be killed within about 30 seconds of each other to prevent them from respawning. So you'll often get yours down to about 10% health and then stop attacking and wait for the others to catch up, then kill them all together.


> The payoff comes once all 4 are dead - not the event reward but the fact that it unlocks access to the treasure rooms under Tarir where there are lots of [Exalted Chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exalted_Chest "Exalted Chests") (including the Great and Grand versions which give more loot. **Importantly you'll need 27 Exalted Keys to open them all.** These come from doing events on the AB map, or you can buy them but you need Lumps of Aurillium (which also come from playing on this map). So you need to spend some time on AB in between doing the meta event to have enough keys for the loot.




> **SW/RIBA**



> SW is The Silverwastes. The map has a meta-event which involves defending 4 forts from mordrem then fighting a series of bosses. Just doing the meta-event normally will get you a lot of loot but RIBA farming improves on that. RIBA is short for Red, Indigo, Blue, Amber - the colours of the 4 forts and RIBA farming means going around all 4 in a big group doing as many events as possible, so each person gets more events completed than if they were defending 1 fort, and therefore more loot.




> **LS Daily Zones**



> Each Living Story map from Season 3 and 4 has it's own set of daily achievements. I don't think they award any gold directly, mainly karma, map currency and unbound or volatile magic, so I assume you trade those for something worth gold but I don't know the specifics.




> **Complete easy dailies**



> This one actually does award gold directly. Complete any 3 achievements from the main Dailies category and you get 2g. You can pick any 3, so do whichever you find easiest or (if you have more time) most enjoyable.




> **Craft ascended materials**



> There's 4 tradable ascended materials which have time-gated components: Spiritwood Planks (made with Elder Spirit Residue from Elder Wood Planks), Deldrimor Steel Ingots (made with Lump of Mithrilium from Mithril Ingots), Elonian Leather Squares (made with Thick Elonian Cord from Thick Leather Squares) and Bolts of Damask (made with Spools of Silk Weaving Thread from Bolts of Silk). You need several of those to make ascended equipment and because they're time-gated people are willing to spend extra to get the finished version rather than making it themselves.


> The downside for casual players looking to make gold is you need a lot of materials to make them. For example 1 Bolt of Damask takes 40 Wool Scraps, 20 Cotton Scraps, 40 Linen Scraps, 1 Glob of Ectoplasm, 25 Spools of Gossamer Thread and **300 Silk Scraps**. But the materials will cost you about 4g and the finished product sells for about 5g so it is profitable, but you need some gold and/or materials to start off.




> **Chests in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings**



> I don't think there's anything special to this one. There are several [Treasure Chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Treasure_Chest_(Desert_Highlands) "Treasure Chests") dotted around the Tomb of the Primeval Kings in the Desert Highlands map. You open them, you get loot to sell. You may anger ghosts in the process but other than fighting a ghost I don't think there's any consequences for that.




> **Park a character at a jumping puzzle**



> Again I don't think there's anything special to it. You can open jumping puzzle chests once per day and with a few exceptions you don't need to complete the puzzle to do it so you can leave a character at the end and just keep opening the chest. The downside is if you want them to go anywhere else (except WvW and PvP) you'll have to do the puzzle again to get them back there. But if you have a spare character, or a dedicated WvW/PvP one it may be worthwhile.


> (As a mini version of this if I'm doing a jumping puzzle as part of the dailies I always do that one last so I can leave the character there and open the chest again the next day.)




> **Pact Network Agents**

> I don't know this one. I assume you have to buy a specific item and then use or sell it. Which means you'll need spare karma and/or gold to do it. But I don't know what you buy or how you use it to make gold.


On the last part:

You can buy a token for karma(6 total) per day per account. You can save them for when there is a map currency that's selling good. Just zone in and click them. Only issue is the Silver you spend map hoping to the vendors.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> **Pact Network Agents**

> I don't know this one. I assume you have to buy a specific item and then use or sell it. Which means you'll need spare karma and/or gold to do it. But I don't know what you buy or how you use it to make gold.


Excellent post.


Here's the[ Pact Agents](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pact_Supply_Network_Agent " Pact Agents")


Once per day go to each one and buy the map scouting materials for karma. Save them up, then when the [Map Bonus Cycle](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward "Map Bonus Cycle") is at it's most valuable, cash them all in for materials and sell them. Tip, wait until the cycle passes to the next week to sell, since many other people do this and it tends to crash the price of that week's mats.


You'll need lots of Karma for this, so combine with SW farming or another good karma farm for best results.

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ISTAN! Look in LFG under istan for a squad. join sqaud. go to istan. Good cmdrs will be yelling things out all the time as what to do, bad cmdrs will be sitting on afk rock never switching instances. You want good cmdrs that are actively doing stuff hardly ever sitting in one spot. Even with 30 mins of play time you can get alot of loot. If you lucky you can get in a Pala run and between 2-5 GH's (more GH's the longer you play obviously). On avg you net 25-30+g/hr so 12-15g/30mins aint bad.


True istan isn't passive, but i mean running an engi-turret build w/flamthrower and spamming 1, tagging lots of mobs while you watch a movie isn't that difficult.


Collecting those PP's is most profitable followed by selling unidents and if you want buying crates with your VM.



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If you have multiple toons and want to make fast money running this Flax route is pretty simple.

First time through is probs going to be your slowest, once you know where everything is it should be easy peasy.

Plus hit up ArkJok Farmlands in Kourna for another 4 node spawns.


Or if you prefer staying on 1 toon, go to sparkfly with leather karma tools and farm plat & hardwood.

You'll get free t4 leather occasionally as you farm from nodes.


Rich Iron & Flax are probs gunna be your most profitable multi-toon farm per hour, but this is more active then passive.

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If you like parking your 80s, park a couple in Desert Highlands @ the Tomb of Primeval Kings. there are 5-6 chests there you can open for free (no keys) that will give you trade contracts, unidentified gears & other loot. Plus there's a dwarven chest on top of one of the snake heads in the lobby with chance at a music box :D usually nets around 1g per toon (excluding contracts).

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For 10 minutes a day:


Park one toon at the Jackal puzzle in Crystal Oasis (3 big chests)


Park all your other toons in Tomb of Primeval Kings (<2 minutes per character, less than 1 if you're more dexterous than I am) :)


Explaining Tombs: each of the 6 chests will give you either Unidentified Gear of the three varieties or a rare Elonian weapon. Usually you get some trade contracts as well. There's also an Orichalcum node that spawns every few days.


It's worth it to keep a supply of Trader Keys to open the supply caches in Tombs. It really adds up over time. The Heart vendors in Vabbi sell you 25 keys per vendor per day and a couple are really quick and easy (kill practice dummies and throw flowers at mourners). You wind up with several hundred crates per toon per year and it's a nice little pop when you take time to open them.


Don't forget to open your daily bouncy chest of course and get the free laurels and Mystic Coins. All of the above (except making time to earn some keys) can be done in less than 10 minutes.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> AB is good as long as it's the RIGHT 20 minutes.


> For random play time try the SW meta groups. There is almost always a RIBA group on LFG (central tyria-squads) and it gives good loot and isn't time sensitive.


> Any of the various LS daily zones are good as well. There are 6 or 8 to choose from; I forget exactly. You can get a full set of dailies for each zone, and also make progress towards a set of ascended trinkets. Bloodstone Fen (LS3 - HOT) and Sandswept Isles (LS4-POF) are my favorite to do daily because they are the fastest to complete.


not event necessary, log in at 01:20 - 01:25 and you'll end up on a cleared map that most people have left. just open the first chest and grab an amalgamated gemstone for 1.80g-2g

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> For 10 minutes a day:


> Park one toon at the Jackal puzzle in Crystal Oasis (3 big chests)


> Park all your other toons in Tomb of Primeval Kings (<2 minutes per character, less than 1 if you're more dexterous than I am) :)


This is what I'm doing as well with my spare level 80s.


I often have limited time to play, so I focus on 3 quick dailies to get the 2 gold daily reward, and then cycle through my other characters parked at JP chests or Tomb of the Primeval Kings. One is parked at Sanctum of Nabkha (aka the Crystal Oasis Jackal puzzle ;) ) and the rest are left in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings. I also have some lower level characters parked at the Sharkmaw JP in Lion's Arch to farm doubloons.


At the 3 chests in Sanctum of Nabkha, I tend to average about 1 yellow unid gear/weapons per day plus a few green or blue unid gears from those 3 chests, while the toons in the Tomb are averaging about 2 yellow unid gear/weapons per day, plus several green or blue unid gears from the 6 chests there. There are usually 1 to 2 nodes in this area (mithril or ori) which are easy to hit on the route between the chests. Also, the ghostly mobs that spawn seem to have a high chance to drop some mats like dust that you can sell for profit as well. Since I moved my inactive level 80s to these locations, I've noticed a nice uptick in my gold per day from selling the stuff they find.

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