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Why PvP/WvW dying?


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For various reasons.

One of them is because Anet is changing the gameplay of all classes. Perhaps by listening a bunch of children complaining in the forums, perhaps because they don't know how to please everyone, perhaps they got lost on the way, perhaps this, perhaps that... But my point is: Anet is taking the fun of the game by making some classes overpower and others unplayable from time to time. Sometimes the broken class is A, some other "season" is B and so on.


I'm almost giving up playing, as many of my friends did, because Anet is turning a great game and a great combat system, into a game that annoys me most than entertains me. And that extends to PvE, when we are "forced" to stay on a map weeks to complete an achievement. Where's the quality of life?


How to solve this problem? By listening the best PvP players and streamers. Ask to some famous streamers/partners to send you suggestions on how to make the classes more balanced in PvP and WvW. Do a brainstorm with them. Propose a live stream conference with them and some Anet devs. Ask to all players to participate with suggestions in chat, make us be listen... in the forums too. Stop

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It's dying because they keep making condi memser / condition builds op, and giving classes like thief permanent stealth / without counterplay. Not allowing build diversity and stagnant Rock paper scissor builds where you can't play your favorite class because another class completely hard counters it. They need to remove builds like Trailblazer / Dire to reduce heavy tank condi builds from WvW or at least rework them.

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> It's dying because they keep making condi memser / condition builds op, and giving classes like thief permanent stealth / without counterplay. Not allowing build diversity and stagnant Rock paper scissor builds where you can't play your favorite class because another class completely hard counters it. They need to remove builds like Trailblazer / Dire to reduce heavy tank condi builds from WvW or at least rework them.

You're way behind, mate. Conditions fell out of favor ages ago, it's all about power builds these days.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> > It's dying because they keep making condi memser / condition builds op, and giving classes like thief permanent stealth / without counterplay. Not allowing build diversity and stagnant Rock paper scissor builds where you can't play your favorite class because another class completely hard counters it. They need to remove builds like Trailblazer / Dire to reduce heavy tank condi builds from WvW or at least rework them.

> You're way behind, mate. Conditions fell out of favor ages ago, it's all about power builds these days.


That's how you can tell people just repeat after each other and don't actually know what they are talking about


> @"googel.3278" said:

> Lots of neglects over the years , anet prioritise skins more than other gameplay modes.


Yes, please put the devs/designers working on skins on the gameplay dev team

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You won't learn the answer by listening to PVPers. Obviously - to them it's not dead. They are still happy.


Instead you have to talk to the people that DON'T pvp. What is it that keeps them out? That's where your answers are.


FWIW, here's mine:

1. Terrible gameplay mechanics for PVP. I prefer thoughtful contests of skill. GW2 is a twitchy reflex game. Power creep has made it worse; pvp is now in instagib territory. Not interested.

2. Class balance is a joke.

3. PVP community is comically toxic. You couldn't pay me enough to put up with that.

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The PiP system killed WvW for me. The way I enjoyed WvW and the way to get optimal PiP-rate doesn't match. Having the feeling you have to play xyz hours more to get timegated rewards let me quit WvW alltogether...

Similar with PvP... the rewardsystem took the fun out of the gamemode...(although I never played much PvP)

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Reasons i dont and wont play pvp?


1.) Instagibbing, i despise getting killed so quickly that i can barely react, its irritating as hell.

2.) Toxicity of the community in PVP is worse even than the community in WoT.

3.) Class balance is awful, build balance is awful, power and Condi should be equal with different purposes, and the tank builds ive watched on youtube are idiotic.

4.) What rewards can i get in PVP that i cant get anywhere else? the backpack, mehhh...not really interesting enough to lure me there.

5.) lack of map variety and game play types.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Reasons i dont and wont play pvp?


> 1.) Instagibbing, i despise getting killed so quickly that i can barely react, its irritating as hell.

> 2.) Toxicity of the community in PVP is worse even than the community in WoT.

> 3.) Class balance is awful, build balance is awful, power and Condi should be equal with different purposes, and the tank builds ive watched on youtube are idiotic.

> 4.) What rewards can i get in PVP that i cant get anywhere else? the backpack, mehhh...not really interesting enough to lure me there.

> 5.) lack of map variety and game play types.


I think you hit everything on the nail here man. I would probably put the toxic community this game brings as number 1 though. This community is the worse i've ever played in an MMORPG. And it's not even like you lose anything when you die like in Runescape. Instagibbing is quite annoying, especially for classes that don't have active passive in their traitlines that protect them from dying in 1 stunlock combo( elementalist for example, need arcane traitline or thief needs acrobatics).


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Unless you are a math wiz to figure out builds that change constantly and know what foods and primers and invest then reinvest in armors and weapons you cannot compete. At least in PvP everyone is on an equal footing. Do away with these and make all armors and weapons equal and others may be willing to give it a shot.


Don't and everything will remain as is. Again just my opinion full bore WvW players will not like being equal.

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Can';t really narrow it down to one thing. It has been a series of mistakes on ANETs part.


I can't really speak to why it is still dying. But I can speak to why I quit the game because of ANET's lack of commitment to it and what seemed to infuriate a majority of the GW1 PVP vets.


*1. Guild Wars 2 PVP was an after thought on day one (and so begins the up hill battle).

*2. Lack of a reward system that requires skill over casual grind. (Backpack was a slap in the face by ANET)

*3. Learning curve across player classes. GW1 pvp skill-set used to be much more simple & centric around team builds over individual builds. This is double whamy since players will glue themselves to one class without being open minded to others.

*5. Overkill on particle effects making it annoying to watch.

*6. Toxicity from BOTH PVP community AND PVE community as well. They cannot stand it when ANET puts any focus into PVP. You should of saw the backlash from PVE players when ANET had a 400k tournament.

*7 . Lack of intelligence of the community knowing they are destroying their own game when they attack PVE/PVP players

*8. **LACK OF MARKETING**. Sorry any ANET employees who I may of insulted. but the marketing behind GW2 is abysmal.

*9. Black Lion Store makes me cringe, ANETs bread and butter is like a players repellent. (I get it f2p, but give me a break **NOTHING is EARNED everything BOUGHT**

*10. Metabattle.com because they force players into a silo and not to try new builds. (Sadly PVP community lives and breathes off their builds).

*11. ANET ignoring PVP players community concerns.

*12. Some Pro-player teams / individuals made fools of themselves, acted like children and trashed the game when they streamed.


Now I will say this. ANET has drastically improved PVP from where it was at 3-4 years ago. However their lack of marketing, on top of their insulting legendary backpack that was given to any casual who grinded for it, ended up as a massive missed opportunity. And they need an automated temp-ban system for toxic players similar to Ubisoft, Psyonix, Battle.net.

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1 **Servers have no proper identities anymore**, so nobody cares how terrible the servers perform in matchups. Teams dont care if they lose towers & keeps, as there is no long lasting effect from it affecting server rating & the tiers are basically non existant now as they pretty much change every week. **Structures end up having no meaning anymore** (moving up or down tiers is easy as cake these days).


2 **There's no reason at all to win matchups**, infact theres more to win by losing a matchup than actually winning it (easier to farm lower tier players & guilds the following week without much effort). Everyone is trying to lose instead, as there is "nothing to win by winning" - so why bother?


3 **Too easy for servers to move up or down in the tier system**, the "wvw blackout" tactic is used more than ever before (manipulating the server score so they can drop down a tier). Its used alot and basically causes wvw maps to be totally dead for long extended periods.


4 **Once you reach the weekly PiP cap, WvW suddenly feels like a handicapped version of WvW**. Altho nothing has changed from how it used to be in this sense, the PiP system just makes it feel more handicapped when its not available/capped. (I'm not a fan of the WvW PiP system, it doesn't seem to work well in this gamemode imo). Would rather PiPs use the older mechanic of how tokens are awarded instead, its uncapped, fair & hassle free in alot of ways. To put it like this: The PiP system didnt bring more action to wvw, it actually killed alot of the weekday WvW engagements instead.


If you have been lucky to play in a matchup where all 3 servers are trying to win (really rare case these days), but that is really fun and action packed! But usually theres 1-2 servers trying to drop down a tier instead, so theres almost never any competition going on = dead wvw maps.


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I still play wvw mostly but my playtime is reducing as the game mode gets worse. My main reasons are the constant bandwaggoning with linked servers removing any kind of server pride, the massive power creep over the last number of years making it much more of a simple spam fest and getting stuck on red and being on the abortion of a desert map.


WvW was a great game mode let down by lack of development, bad decisions by Anet and annoying player base server hopping

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> @"CeNedro.7560" said:

> The way I enjoyed WvW and the way to get optimal PiP-rate doesn't match.


I agree here. There needs to be a revamp on the participation system at least, because the best way to build it (fast so you can get pips) is running with a marginally successful zerg. The best way to maintain it is either follow a zerg or escort yaks along a relatively safe route. If you want to roam, you need high map mobility and a lot of soft targets you can flip quickly (dying or retreating is unacceptable). If you want to scout or guard objectives, you're not getting enough credit for participation.


On a low population map, your only real option is yak duty.


Also, a way to "cash out" your participation might be a good idea too, so there is no longer a need to "pip down." Just earn one tick of pips for every 5min left on your timer--or something like that.

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