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I really want to play Rev I can't get him to feel right


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I just can't feel like I can survive, or do decent damage.


So I love the teleport, A LOT. Also the Bow can be fun, and the Bow is fine. What I'm having trouble with, is the sword/axe. I love it, the mobility, the teleporting around, the aesthetics, its all awesome. But I have two issues...


1. I feel like I just can't survive that well. Out of all my classes, the Rev is easily the one who dies the most. Just flat out falls on his fast all the time. This is even with invincibility frames.

2. His damage is....not that high? You'd think my char whose the glassiest character of all of mine, would at least output some serious damage. But...he doesn't.


So I'm hoping someone can help me fix this. I'd love to devote more time to GW2, but my two favorite characters just don't meet. Rev is just too squishy to truly enjoy, and on top of that his damage isn't great. And my Necromancer doesn't feel like a Necromancer.

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Could you specify what spec are you using and for which mode? Support? Condi or Power?


You talked about sword/axe but this combo is old and the new offhand sword skills give rev some nice spike damage. Deathstrike+shackling waves is a nice combo in PvE. In PvP with all the invulnerabilities and other things, it’s way harder to pull off.

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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> Could you specify what spec are you using and for which mode? Support? Condi or Power?


> You talked about sword/axe but this combo is old and the new offhand sword skills give rev some nice spike damage. Deathstrike+shackling waves is a nice combo in PvE. In PvP with all the invulnerabilities and other things, it’s way harder to pull off.


Sorry, PVE specifically. And not even raid, I just want to have fun. The reason I use Sword/Axe is the teleport abilities. Is it just so bad its not viable at all?


My build is currently power I think?

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> @"Fractured.3928" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > Could you specify what spec are you using and for which mode? Support? Condi or Power?

> >

> > You talked about sword/axe but this combo is old and the new offhand sword skills give rev some nice spike damage. Deathstrike+shackling waves is a nice combo in PvE. In PvP with all the invulnerabilities and other things, it’s way harder to pull off.


> Sorry, PVE specifically. And not even raid, I just want to have fun. The reason I use Sword/Axe is the teleport abilities. Is it just so bad its not viable at all?


> My build is currently power I think?


Sword offhand has a teleport.

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> @"Fractured.3928" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > Could you specify what spec are you using and for which mode? Support? Condi or Power?

> >

> > You talked about sword/axe but this combo is old and the new offhand sword skills give rev some nice spike damage. Deathstrike+shackling waves is a nice combo in PvE. In PvP with all the invulnerabilities and other things, it’s way harder to pull off.


> Sorry, PVE specifically. And not even raid, I just want to have fun. The reason I use Sword/Axe is the teleport abilities. Is it just so bad its not viable at all?


> My build is currently power I think?


Sword offhand is a lot better than axe offhand now. Sword 4 (Shackling Wave) hits like a truck, up to 9k with 25 stacks of might, which is easy to achieve for a Rev due to Incensed Response. Sword 5 (Deathstrike) is a teleport and can also hit really hard for about 6-8k. The only thing you lose is probably the CC on Axe 5, but it's not that necessary for casual gameplay, and even for PvP/WvW, the damage from sword offhand is just too good to not use it.

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> @"Fractured.3928" said:

> I'll give dual swords a shot. What stats should I focus on? Kinda all over at the moment sadly.


> Also secondary is bow, which is okay, but is there a better choice? Definitely want something other than swords for secondary.


For open world? Definitely go full Berzerker - you have enough crit chance from the trait Incensed Response in Invocation, so aim to maximize your power.


As for the secondary weapon, since you mentioned bow I assume you're running Renegade - I'd say Herald is a better choice for power rev, which is probably more suitable for open world. If you run Herald then use Staff as your secondary weapon - you'll have a very strong CC (one of the best in the game) and evade in Staff 5, a decent block in Staff 3, and a heal and condi cleanse in Staff 4.


Here's a link to the build: [gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdBBICsjZNxxugHMiA-jhRBABXt/o8zMlgAcGAe4RAQp6P4pPAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdBBICsjZNxxugHMiA-jhRBABXt/o8zMlgAcGAe4RAQp6P4pPAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdBBICsjZNxxugHMiA-jhRBABXt/o8zMlgAcGAe4RAQp6P4pPAA-e")

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> @"Fractured.3928" said:

> I just can't feel like I can survive, or do decent damage.


> So I love the teleport, A LOT. Also the Bow can be fun, and the Bow is fine. What I'm having trouble with, is the sword/axe. I love it, the mobility, the teleporting around, the aesthetics, its all awesome. But I have two issues...


> 1. I feel like I just can't survive that well. Out of all my classes, the Rev is easily the one who dies the most. Just flat out falls on his fast all the time. This is even with invincibility frames.

> 2. His damage is....not that high? You'd think my char whose the glassiest character of all of mine, would at least output some serious damage. But...he doesn't.


> So I'm hoping someone can help me fix this. I'd love to devote more time to GW2, but my two favorite characters just don't meet. Rev is just too squishy to truly enjoy, and on top of that his damage isn't great. And my Necromancer doesn't feel like a Necromancer.


You sound very much like me when I started. But, I stuck with it and after ~100 hrs of game-time I felt I learnt the profession enough (all the finer points you learn only from actually fighting in-game with your character) to be somewhat competent. Everyone says use sword/sword, and whilst it does provide more damage, other than that it's fairly lackluster. The axe skill Temporal Rift (axe #5) is such a brilliant ability to line up and interrupt enemies, that for **open world PvE** it's more than reason enough for me to use the axe all the time. It can't be stated enough just how useful that skill is once you learn how to use it properly. I'd recommend using a hammer instead of a Staff, there are various battles where you need ranged abilities. Don't be one of those Revenants that stands there for half the battle (especially in phase-shift bounties) twiddling their thumbs because they're using two swords and a staff. Carry both and switch as you prefer (I think most of us carry a variety of weapons with our characters not just the 2-4 they're using at any given time), just don't be left without some sort of ranged attack ability.


Shiro is okay, but I find Jalis far more useful, I channel him and Glint. Heralds generally struggle with stability (even more so now in lieu of the changes a month ago) so it's nice to have some such as Inspiring Reinforcement. The heal with Jalis is nice also, just be aware it's a 1 second cast time (which needs changing, but that's another story). Vengful Hammers whilst not as potent as Impossible Odds, gives you 20% reduction in incoming damage, whilst still dealing great damage.


I guess the take home message is; keep at it, and don't be afraid to experiment and find out what works best for you.

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Believe me, i want to play rev too, but it isnt fun if you doubt your viability in high end content and hear left and right that rev is bad and everyone does everything better then you. -_- it sucks (revenant main myself) so i kinda... forced myself to main something else like guardian, and i did but guardian was too easy for me. it felt like the game just holds your hand as a guardian cuz of all the healing and blocks and all, while as a revenant you sometimes need to make complex decisions, while as a guardian your most complex decision is if you have Divine intervention off cd (in terms of pvp). but still guardians perfomr way better whilst being easy as hell, and those revenant mains who can play him at a unbelievable lvl they get punished in every gamemode because they underperforme compared to other classes.

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If survivability is an issue, I highly recommend running Glint/ Jalis. When you switch to dwarf, you can always spam Rite of the Dwarf for pure damage reduction, but for me the key is vengeful hammers and how they sync with Focused Siphoning and Assassins Annihilation. 2 sources of life siphon + 20% damage reduction while hammers is active. Unlike all AoE abilities there is no target limit on hammers. If you walk into a group of 10 mobs, your hammers will hit all 10 of them!


Jalis' healing ability is also a pretty powerful condi cleanse, and since conditions are the bane of HoT/PoF mobs, it comes in very handy.


Shiro is much better for DPS burst, but if what you want is something you can switch to for added defense, pick the dwarf.

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> @"Fractured.3928" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > Could you specify what spec are you using and for which mode? Support? Condi or Power?

> >

> > You talked about sword/axe but this combo is old and the new offhand sword skills give rev some nice spike damage. Deathstrike+shackling waves is a nice combo in PvE. In PvP with all the invulnerabilities and other things, it’s way harder to pull off.


> Sorry, PVE specifically. And not even raid, I just want to have fun. The reason I use Sword/Axe is the teleport abilities. Is it just so bad its not viable at all?


> My build is currently power I think?


I wouldn't say it's not viable. It's just not as efficient and requires skill and patience. In PvE I run my Revenant as a Renegade CONDI. That tends to use Mace/Axe so if you really want to keep axe you can always do a condi build and swap in mace. Though at times I do feel that the sword teleport is better as the axe one can easily be interrupted. I also run with a Sword from time to time because sword 3 is a lot of fun. But if you're dying a lot you may want to consider trinkets and back items that boost health. If you have Crafting skills you can craft an Exotic back piece that will let you chose its stats. You can also do some PVP or WvW for some easy Mist Talismans that also let you pick stats. You can also My condition build runs with Sinister/Viper armor. If you are dying a lot you may want to consider going with a Power build and run Berzerker with the aim of killing stuff faster or if you can get ahold of it Maurader gear for that boost in Vitality. As others have pointed out running Jalis can help increase survivability. If you're not attached to running the shortbow like I am then Herald may be your better bet. Glint lets you do a passive heal that you can turn into a huge one-shot heal as you absorb all damage into health. That can go a long way in keeping you alive.

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I would like to offer a alternative. So been playing my Herald and reaching a reasonably good dps on the dummy up there with my Guardian and Necro (Open World Builds Only). Decided to try a Power Renegade from Meta Battle and Immediately increased my DPS by over 1K. Power Renegade melts open world stuff and has the added benefit that you can actually feel Jallis coming into its own and it also has heal on damage through Kallis which makes this a really survivable build.


Took me a little time to get the right feel but action camera helped a lot and I even switched my "main" story character to Rev from Guardian because of this build. Only downside to this build is movement (Quickness) or lack there-off that you have with Herald so your combat slows down in terms of movement but I'm used to fast Builds (Power Reaper, Power Firebrand and Power Herald all have quickness build in ) so its just getting used to the reduced speed.

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Here you go OP, hope these will help a bit.


Haven't tested since the last balance patch, but I'm pretty sure that to max your damage, it's preferred to take Jalis instead of Glint. Which means you need to modify the T2 trait on Herald. However in small groups for Fractals/Dungeon, sometimes people just don't have enough boons and it's always nice to give 'em some.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> If survivability is an issue, I highly recommend running Glint/ Jalis. When you switch to dwarf, you can always spam Rite of the Dwarf for pure damage reduction, but for me the key is vengeful hammers and how they sync with Focused Siphoning and Assassins Annihilation. 2 sources of life siphon + 20% damage reduction while hammers is active. Unlike all AoE abilities there is no target limit on hammers. If you walk into a group of 10 mobs, your hammers will hit all 10 of them!


> Jalis' healing ability is also a pretty powerful condi cleanse, and since conditions are the bane of HoT/PoF mobs, it comes in very handy.


> Shiro is much better for DPS burst, but if what you want is something you can switch to for added defense, pick the dwarf.


This is the issue I've always had - no matter how I build or which champ I use, I find that when going gets tough I can just go dwarf, and the rotating hammers, and it's just way more effective than anything else i've been doing. Not only is it way more survivable, but because of the massive aoe I do more damage in this aspect as well. I know that's not meant to be the case but I find it so. Maybe I just attract/engage way more multiple-mobs than I'm supposed to (it'll happen with sword 3 and hammers on), and therefor need the multi-targeting of hammers. But I've tried every combination I can think of and it's still easiest (not necessarily most fun) to default back to dwarf. Incidentally the rev I just levelled used hammer as my default weapon, and this actually was the first time I found it viable to avoid the dwarf reversion and had some fun.


Having said all that, I also find that WITH hammers in dwarf, I can attack pretty much any group of regular mobs and not worry. 8 mobs? Not a problem. Even 10-12 is possible to deal with. I might hesitate to do that with any other prof.

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Rev has escape and mobility skills dotted around, the trouble is most aren't on the same bar. The trick with Rev is building a ryhthm of skill uses that don't cycle so quickly that you end up running out of things to do. To survive you will want to weave in every sort of evasive, healing and damage mitigation effect. So for example sword only has skill 3, so maybe you want to dodge first, then sword 3, then maybe use Shiro 2 or 4 next while your endurance recharges before considering if you need to switch to another legend or weapon set. As long as you don't accidentally burn your energy, endurance and weapon swap, you will usually have some skill or other to help evade attacks with.

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> @"Fractured.3928" said:

> I just can't feel like I can survive, or do decent damage.


> So I love the teleport, A LOT. Also the Bow can be fun, and the Bow is fine. What I'm having trouble with, is the sword/axe. I love it, the mobility, the teleporting around, the aesthetics, its all awesome. But I have two issues...


> 1. I feel like I just can't survive that well. Out of all my classes, the Rev is easily the one who dies the most. Just flat out falls on his fast all the time. This is even with invincibility frames.

> 2. His damage is....not that high? You'd think my char whose the glassiest character of all of mine, would at least output some serious damage. But...he doesn't.


> So I'm hoping someone can help me fix this. I'd love to devote more time to GW2, but my two favorite characters just don't meet. Rev is just too squishy to truly enjoy, and on top of that his damage isn't great. And my Necromancer doesn't feel like a Necromancer.


Switch out that off hand axe for Sword. Don't question just do it. You won't look back.

Use Char legend like a Wells Necro, yeah they CCable but you just going to have to learn to deal with that. Use Demon (not Assassin) to go along with Renegade Char legend. You get spammable Stun Break, Teleport and AoE condition and Stat boost along with a little resistance even if not playing conditions. All of this is good for support playing as well. Bow or Hammer. Up to you. Sword Sword, mace sword, or Hammer Bow.

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i use condi rev, full viper and im very happy with gameplay.


finally i have a more "action" with a condi class(with scourge and others condi i feel that was just sit and cast spells). Is a fast gameplay and u need keep switching the invocations. when i have time i will try make a video.


about survival in pve, u need get used to switch instances to make use of the 2 heal skills.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been messing around with power revenant for pve as I main condi renegade typically. I have been using the snowcrows power rev build pretty successfully which is shiro jallis. However with the recent update to herald I began experimenting seriously late last night and I found a really cool combo! Basically run facets of str, darkness and chaos, use sword5 then 4 then 2 do 2 AAs and cast elemental blast chaotic release and right before you switch to shiro use burst of strength. Make sure both hits go off then immediately switch to shiro, At this point you have +15% damage modifier for another 4s, immediately use phase traversal which makes your next 2 attacks do another +25% damage, immediately cast sword 5! In open world solo I have crit mobs for over 20k on deathstrike(2nd attack of sword5), bear in mind this is with less than 25 might and vulnerability and no food or banners or anything! At this point you should still have burst of str for 2 seconds, enough time to activate impossible odds and sword 4! It may be that in a raid or big group fight with lots of buffs it could be advisable to trait charged mists rather than rolling mists as you should be able to get very close to 100% crit without it, and there may not be enough energy to run impossible odds till glint is ready. I need to do more testing. In any case it’s a lot of fun to run this combo in open world solo with rolling mists traited.

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one tip I always remind myself of when im having trouble with rev is that Rev's aa's are where the damage is at. Don't be spamming weapon skills left and right, use them when needed for their utility effects mostly. The other weapon skills almost never do more damage unless its a condi weapon. Most of my trouble is I try to play rev like an ele and just spam combo's and attacks thinking thats where my damage is at, but it isn't. And this wastes energy and skills that could possibly used for defensive purposes like sword 3 for iframe, sword 5 at a random enemy far away to escape, hammer 3 for iframe, and most of the staff skills. These should be viewed as defensive abilities. Herald and jalis now have some good sustain traits and if you take all the healing ones it actually makes a good impact. Play Rev like your trying to solve a puzzle. They don't have the same clear-cut and straightforward answers to combat problems that other classes have, but they have A LOT of utility and unique abilities. Keeping cc's and iframes spread out for defense is important and shouldnt be spammed and should be spread out so you always have something available. Sigils like cleansing and energy are also good for rev since condi clear is abysmal on rev and energy will always help survival. So just focus on might stacking, auto attacks, proper swapping to proc effects and have needed skills available. Sometimes swapping when your energy is low isnt the best idea because you may need the stunbreak, condi cleanse, or other benefits from legend swap in an emergency so waiting off until you know its safe can be best. But, maybe you need that heal from the other legend. You'll get a groove if you keep playing it.

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