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Giant white space mushrooms make me gay for Rytlock.

Nox Lucis.8341

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> @"Eric De Volanges.2934" said:

> As Taimi recorded and sent this line to everyone I was hoping rytlock to have a line when he reignite the sword :/


Well, he did comment on it. I don't remember if it was during the actual episode or when I went around talking to all the NPCs afterward, but he had something to say. XD

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> @"Eric De Volanges.2934" said:

> oh? I have to play the episode again. That's cool :)


Just in case anyone else missed it and doesn't want to replay, it was something like this:


>! Rytlock: So, you think my fur is soft?

>! Me: Um, well, about that--

>! Rytlock: Thanks for noticing.

>! Me: Oh. Sure. Whatever you're doing, keep it up.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Eric De Volanges.2934" said:

> > oh? I have to play the episode again. That's cool :)


> Just in case anyone else missed it and doesn't want to replay, it was something like this:


> >! Rytlock: So, you think my fur is soft?

> >! Me: Um, well, about that--

> >! Rytlock: Thanks for noticing.

> >! Me: Oh. Sure. Whatever you're doing, keep it up.


That with a bit more awkwardness from both sides. It reminded me a lot of this old dialogue from S1:


Zephyrite: Hi. Are you a charr?

Stranger: Yep. Sure am.

Zephyrite: I've never seen one before. The stories all say charr are super scary, but I don't think you're scary.

Stranger: Excuse me? I'm plenty scary!

Zephyrite: I dunno. I think you're beautiful. Your fur is pretty great!

Stranger: I am not beautiful! Though, my fur is pretty great, isn't it? (chuckle) See ya 'round, cub.


And from these dialogues from the Festival of the Four Winds:


Zephyrite: Hey, are you a charr?

Soldier: Yeah.

Zephyrite: Really? I heard charr were big and scary.

Soldier: What? I AM big and scary! I'm terrifying!

Zephyrite: No you're not! You're pretty!

Soldier: NO! Why would you— I am NOT pretty! I am scary and mean! Remember that. Spread that around. Tell your friends!

Soldier: You again? I thought I told you I was scary and mean.

Zephyrite: You did!

Soldier: And that you should tell your friends how scary and mean I was so you'd all leave me alone.

Zephyrite: Actually, I told them I thought you looked pretty.

Soldier: NO! That is the exact OPPOSITE of what you needed to tell them!

Soldier: You know what we're going to do? We're going to do a little image repair.

Zephyrite: Image repair, got it!

Soldier: You need to make it absolutely clear to all your friends that I am actually big and scary.

Zephyrite: But you're not!

Soldier: This is becoming abundantly clear to me. But you're going to do it anyway, because–

Zephyrite: Because sometimes we have to lie to ourselves! Got it!


I'm 90% sure that all charr like to be complemented on their fur and called pretty.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > @"Eric De Volanges.2934" said:

> > > oh? I have to play the episode again. That's cool :)

> >

> > Just in case anyone else missed it and doesn't want to replay, it was something like this:

> >

> > >! Rytlock: So, you think my fur is soft?

> > >! Me: Um, well, about that--

> > >! Rytlock: Thanks for noticing.

> > >! Me: Oh. Sure. Whatever you're doing, keep it up.


> That with a bit more awkwardness from both sides. It reminded me a lot of this old dialogue from S1:


> Zephyrite: Hi. Are you a charr?

> Stranger: Yep. Sure am.

> Zephyrite: I've never seen one before. The stories all say charr are super scary, but I don't think you're scary.

> Stranger: Excuse me? I'm plenty scary!

> Zephyrite: I dunno. I think you're beautiful. Your fur is pretty great!

> Stranger: I am not beautiful! Though, my fur is pretty great, isn't it? (chuckle) See ya 'round, cub.


> And from these dialogues from the Festival of the Four Winds:


> Zephyrite: Hey, are you a charr?

> Soldier: Yeah.

> Zephyrite: Really? I heard charr were big and scary.

> Soldier: What? I AM big and scary! I'm terrifying!

> Zephyrite: No you're not! You're pretty!

> Soldier: NO! Why would you— I am NOT pretty! I am scary and mean! Remember that. Spread that around. Tell your friends!

> Soldier: You again? I thought I told you I was scary and mean.

> Zephyrite: You did!

> Soldier: And that you should tell your friends how scary and mean I was so you'd all leave me alone.

> Zephyrite: Actually, I told them I thought you looked pretty.

> Soldier: NO! That is the exact OPPOSITE of what you needed to tell them!

> Soldier: You know what we're going to do? We're going to do a little image repair.

> Zephyrite: Image repair, got it!

> Soldier: You need to make it absolutely clear to all your friends that I am actually big and scary.

> Zephyrite: But you're not!

> Soldier: This is becoming abundantly clear to me. But you're going to do it anyway, because–

> Zephyrite: Because sometimes we have to lie to ourselves! Got it!


> I'm 90% sure that all charr like to be complemented on their fur and called pretty.


Im 100% certain that charr would like to be called decent looking like most people do, even if they wont admit it.


I did not however realize that..that... conversation ever happened and im super glad you posted it cause it made me laugh.

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I wonder what would happen if you complimented Imperator Smodur on the state of his fur. My guess, he'd thank you, then tell you you're still not allowed to be present in the command core during the war council. Which is much more than you could otherwise expect.

It does make sense, though. Since charr are felines, having a well groomed, full coat of fur is an indicator of good health, and who doesn't like to look healthy?

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> Zephyrite: Hi. Are you a charr?

> Stranger: Yep. Sure am.

> Zephyrite: I've never seen one before. The stories all say charr are super scary, but I don't think you're scary.

> Stranger: Excuse me? I'm plenty scary!

> Zephyrite: I dunno. I think you're beautiful. Your fur is pretty great!

> Stranger: I am not beautiful! Though, my fur is pretty great, isn't it? (chuckle) See ya 'round, cub.



The voice acting for this was brilliant. It's one of my favorite exchanges in the game.

(The one @"Konig Des Todes.2086" quoted after was also fun, but I don't think the VAs did as good a job with it, so I was disappointed.)

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I laughed so much on this part. Makes me wonder what Devs had on their mind while writing this. I would love to see some romances options like Dragon Age or Mass Effect ones but it's rather impossible to make it work with MMO and 5 diffrent races also i guess there is better stuff to waste resources on.

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