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I feel there are too many capture points but not enough Rez locations


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Something that I believe is holding WvW back is the lack of choke points for constant large scale fights. Too much running around capture point to capture point. The Rez locations are too far from fights to keep large scale battles going for long term.


SMC is the original designed choke point, but it's rarely have these large scale fights. Usually it's just a big flip fest with occasional large-scale fights but they don't tend to last very long.


The game needs a new way to quickly get players back into the fight while concentrating the WvW factions into a single area of the map to have long duration large scale fights.


I believe the siege mechanic system can greatly address this. Instead of only being able to build siege weapons, what if factions could build a siege hall, or build an outpost building that function as a result location wherever they build it until destroyed. Make this Rez mechanic on a timer instead of how Waypoint work so it can't be disabled by being in combat but it's balanced by not allowing instant Rez. Many multiplayer games have this kind of Rez feature, such as Call of Duty, and Battlefront 2, etc.



Some of the Current capture points mechanics should also be changed to be destroyable locations that requires time to rebuild and manual rebuilding by running resources. This gives the capture points a purpose still, but also reduces the spread of population over time to allow more choke point battles as time goes on, which lead to more epic fights.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> It's a game engine limitation. They modified the GW1 engine for 2, apparently, other games had better engines designed for more players. All of GW1 was instanced, so that may be a part of why they chose the engine they did (or designed, etc).

What other games have ~280 players in a PvP match on the same map? And are those games lag free?


Just curious. I've never seen any state of the art UE4/Frostbite/whatever DX12 engine AAA competetive multiplayer games do that but maybe I just missed it.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > The game can't handle epic fights.

> > Without a significant numbers of players out-of-combat running back to the fight things would lag out more than they do already.


> So how have other large scale pvp games handled large number of player? I seen it done. Why can't GW2 with WvW?


Where/what games have 200-270 people in visual space together? Not just the same map, but the same small area.

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Or hear me out, instead of it being a problem with waypoints its more likely that the problem is that its extremely hard to revive allies, while almost every game provides a way for other players to revive quickly and efficiently, because as strange as it seems, fights are good..


But GW2 will never understand that fights are good, thats why everyone has high damage and low health and evaporates in an instant.


They try to justify it with the downed system, but what use does it really have outside of small-scale battles ? The downed system only really matters in roaming or PvP, and only sometimes in PvE to prevent a wipe. But in WvW zerg fights you're finished from raw damage before your downed skills even show up, and there's certainly no time for anyone to get you with those poorly designed "revive skills".


Add a better revive system and you will see battles increase in duration significantly.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > The game can't handle epic fights.

> > Without a significant numbers of players out-of-combat running back to the fight things would lag out more than they do already.


> So how have other large scale pvp games handled large number of player? I seen it done. Why can't GW2 with WvW?


ur little to late, when gw2 had large fights as u mention the server just lagged all over the place ones in a while u still manage to do this it just requires 3 map blobs to fight each other and ull see..


now all this crap happend non stop years ago but nowadays its mostly 1 map blob capping stuff then their commander detags another commander from any server tags up and doing the same..


gw2 wvw isnt what it used to be, blobbing is different roaming is different everything is different.

some like it some dont, personally i dislike the path gw2 has taken but theres nothing out there atm to blow my time on so i stick around a bit.

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Open field is where most big zerg fights take place because that's where you can out maneuver and out play your opponents. Choke points exist in keeps and towers and they result in siege wars, which are not as exciting (imo). If you have too many choke points, every fight is like throwing stuff into a blender, one group being the blades and the other gets turned to mush. Especially in pug groups, this leads to very one sided fights, because commanders dont have space to move away from a hammer train.


As for the spawn points, there's a reason for that. You're supposed to capture keeps and hold them to get additional spawn points. Its an incentive beyond just keeping score to be able to spawn at different locations making defense and offense of structures easier for your group. Mechanically it also allows breathing time to resupply, repairs and regroups after keep and tower sieges.


I've participated in hundreds of keep sieges, some lasting well over an hour wittling down T3 keeps, draining them of supplies, flipping their camps so they dont get more... The game mode is about a lot more than just bashing head first into a choke.

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