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(Theoretically) What new playable race do you want?


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I know Tengu is very likley the next race if they ever add one at all, but I would like Largos, I feel like they are more interesting and have more to tell, Tengu are just isolated and boring.


Plus we already know much of their lore from Factions PoV. And if we are to add a new Tengu story, the only way it would work is if Cantha was involved.


I do hope that cantha isnt the next destination as it would be playing too much into nostalgia instead of moving onto new and interesting unknown areas a-net can write from scratch. Plus, we sorely need new Charr/Norn Lore which has been neglected heavily in current expansions. Even Asura got alot of love in Season 2, HoT and Season 3.

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Seeing they added the Largos backpack and glider, which can basically turn any character into one, it's unlikely to be added as a playable race. Kodan is unlikely also since they're considered a "lesser" race, and we have the Kodan combat tonic to fulfill that role. My personal vote goes for Tengu, I would love a Tengu Weaver character! I already have the name reserved and everything XD

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> No one voted Krait? Seriously?


Would require too much work on armors and animation (not to mention the mounts), so it seems extremely unlikely to happen. Even if I'd like to see them.


> @jwaz.1908 said:

> Kodan is unlikely also since they're considered a "lesser" race, and we have the Kodan combat tonic to fulfill that role.


Also, Kodans running around in desert zones would feel completely out of place.

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Since it's purely theoretical I voted Kodan. I'd like to see them as a playable race, but other than them probably Tengu. Dwarves would be also very cool but they're all underground and the have their story in GW and besides techical reasons they would require sotry/lore overhaul to make them playable. And from the lesser races Skritt, Hylek, Quaggan or Grawls would be interesting.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > No one voted Krait? Seriously?


> Would require too much work on armors and animation (not to mention the mounts), so it seems extremely unlikely to happen. Even if I'd like to see them.


> > @jwaz.1908 said:

> > Kodan is unlikely also since they're considered a "lesser" race, and we have the Kodan combat tonic to fulfill that role.


> Also, Kodans running around in desert zones would feel completely out of place.


Everything in this thread is unlikely to happen since any of the choices would require huge amount of work, not just the krait. Every race here would need to be animated for each profession skill, and all armors in the game adjusted to their model. But if we're theorizing, krait seem like a perfect challenge for Anet. :tongue:

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No dwarves. Have you seen Rhoban? I don't want that for myself.

No skritt. You try to go solo, and you'll forget your skills and get focused on the shinies. (Then again, how is that different from most noob players?)

I'm leaning against the kodan, just because they all look the same. How much customization can you really put into a polar bear? Are there brown kodan? Black kodan? If that were the case, I'd be in, but only all white fur? Ehh...

The largos might be cool, but we've only seen a total of 3 (maybe 4) members of their race in the game, and they kind of run into the same problem as the kodan: a lack of variety.

Show me a krait that doesn't want to kill us, and I'd consider them. There'd be ways to make "boots" and "leggings" fit on them, somehow.

No Awakened until Joko is killed. Even then, most seem dumber than a solo skritt. The Unbound are similarly intellectually challenge. And the Mordrem Guard are just sylvari. (Fight me.)

I'd love to play as an ogre, but their pets are a problem. They always have the coolest pets, and my ranger can't tame any of them. Why can't *I* have a sand eel pet? Or a rock dog?

That pretty much leaves the tengu as a choice. It definitely seems the best choice, their skeleton is mostly similar to the charr, and there seem to be quite a few varieties of plumage to make them distinct. Of the races we currently know, they seem to be the best choice.

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I'd definitely love to see Tengu in the next expansion, all the while, in my world of everything going the way I want it to, Anet would be working on overhauling underwater content, then for the expansion after the next one, we'd get to deal with the underwater dragon + get tons of underwater content (overhaul + mounts + special all-underwater masteries?), and the Largos!


Also, the Largos would totally use normal gear underwater and a breather when they're on the surface :D

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> @jwaz.1908 said:

> No skritt. You try to go solo, and you'll forget your skills and get focused on the shinies. (Then again, how is that different from most noob players?)

I don't expect it to actually happen, but it should be easy to get around that limitation. For instance, playable Skritts could be result of some kind of Asura experimentation that lets them retain intelligence at long range.


> Show me a krait that doesn't want to kill us, and I'd consider them. There'd be ways to make "boots" and "leggings" fit on them, somehow.

I've never been fan of 'pure evil' species, so it'd be great if Anet at least added some non-aggro Kraits as NPCs. If they ever get around to making the underwater expansion, a pro-pact Krait rebel faction would make things interesting.

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definitely dwarves or awakened....dwarves well, because its my favorite fantasy race, and awakaned because they look cool. about personal story...we dont have to have all races into the core tyria story or hot/pof. they could have their own personal story with is reserved for their races only. this will actually add meaning to playing a new race, expand the lore and pve content.

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