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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


It does make sense. Crafting requires materials you can farm in the open world. This sigil is obtained through one guaranteed but completely impossible for me to do way(leveling because i lack tomes), the mystic forge(not guranteed and more costly than the sigils themselves.), or the trading post which is just people doing either of the two former, If this sigil had a recipe, no matter how expensive that i could craft through stuff that i could farm by myself, i wouldnt have any issues. It does not, and thus the issue, if you dont not understand that difference, thisll be my last post on the subject.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


> It does make sense. Crafting requires materials you can farm in the open world. This sigil is obtained through one guaranteed but completely impossible for me to do way(leveling because i lack tomes), the mystic forge(not guranteed and more costly than the sigils themselves.), or the trading post which is just people doing either of the two former, If this sigil had a recipe, no matter how expensive that i could craft through stuff that i could farm by myself, i wouldnt have any issues. It does not, and thus the issue, if you dont not understand that difference, thisll be my last post on the subject.


It makes all sense .... even if this collection was crafted, the result would have been the same as we have now. Crafting doesn't care how the materials are introduced in the game. Neither does this collection. The difference is insignificant. The irony is that you CAN farm this yourself. I've already farmed a number of sigils I wanted. What's your excuse other than not willing to invest the time to do it or spend the gold to get them? Maybe you think Anet should have an event where it rains sigils from the sky on you? You would still complain because you didn't want to go to the map where it was raining?


The complaint that you can't craft this at your leisure doesn't makes sense even from the most fundamental level; you don't get to dictate what you are willing to do to get things you want in this game or almost any other MMO. Anet decides that. I mean, how reasonable would it be for me to complain I can't get a leg Armor set by simply logging into the game? That would be ridiculous, just like it's ridiculous to complain you can't get this through traditional approach to crafting something.

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To find the trade floor we must steep it in narrative.


I used a convincingly destructive analog with recipes as bubbles. I was lazy and am complicit. A more convincing analog is recipes as knots tying a string together. For this analog we require a Tyria where we may play for events called asset creations. The string is spun from strands. Strands as are players, the length is measured in assets as well as our potential and willingness to play more. Recipes, as knots, organize the structure of the individual strand into an event called reward superstructure. If we allow for a virtual currency field where players may use units of currency to create virtual representations of asset creation they can trade assets across distance with a relative cost. The trade floor allows strands to organize into a string bound by handshaking. Being a string increases the likelihood the strand can create more reward superstructures while maintaining ever greater liberty in finding genuine lick the kitten play.


Some strands will point out how gross playing makes everyone's hands. If we are compelling handshaking and start with time as currency, then the distinction between time as work and time as RNG is obvious to anyone playing.


In Tyria we can experience the benefits of a trade floor while incurring the bear minimum real world risks of a trade floor. We do need to shake hands.


Can we change this immortal thread? Perhaps with descriptions of what we don't find gross.


I gladly shake hands for work. I gladly shake hands for ability. Shaking hands for RNG I avoid and control my desire to project my opinion of RNG. I understand the value of using obvious RNG in a constrained way. RNG can be cleaned.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


It actually does make sense. Dante is now going to be paranoid in the future with Anet releasing content, that he is quickly going to rush through the episode, much like what had occurred with the following episode.


It’s a legitimate fear to have and I’m honestly in the same boat because, I have a feeling that something like will repeat itself, where I’m gonna rush and skip things just to make sure, I’m not screwed over after the first couple hours the episode is released.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> It makes all sense .... even if this collection was crafted, the result would have been the same as we have now. Crafting doesn't care how the materials are introduced in the game. Neither does this collection. The difference is insignificant. The irony is that you CAN farm this yourself. I've already farmed a number of sigils I wanted. What's your excuse other than not willing to invest the time to do it or spend the gold to get them? Maybe you think Anet should have an event where it rains sigils from the sky on you? You would still complain because you didn't want to go to the map where it was raining?


Can I farm them myself? Yes I can but that's besides the point here, it's not that the sigils are expensive that is the problem.

If the Sigil of Nullification was a NEW item added with THIS episode, available from the NEW map (in any way) then I'm 100% positive nobody would complain about it, it's part of the content after all. But what they did here was take an OLD item, that was dirt cheap, and make it a requirement to getting a NEW reward. This is what all the complaints are or at least in my opinion should be about.

This situation promotes rushing through content, it ruins any feeling of exploration, awe and excitement about any future episodes they release. Just rush through, skip all the cutscenes/dialogue, go as quickly as possible to see if Arenanet does the same in their future episodes. It's a terrible precedent in every way imaginable. I understand those that play the market and got rich with this situation love it and will defend it, but this has nothing to do about damage to the market, it's damage to the reputation of the game and how players will see any future episodes. Is this damage worth it in order to temporarily make some lucky rushers (or those with inside information) rich?

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Just because there are instances where Anet has made mistakes does not mean this is one of them.

True, but it completely invalidates your argument that it couldn't have been a mistake because it would be too easy to predict.

They have made the very same mistake Dante mentioned with assault/defence events once, _and then they kept repeating it over and over again_, having to fix every single instance later on (sometimes after a very long delay).


> I get you have opinion about what should be a reasonable alternative to obtaining an item outside the TP ... that doesn't mean Anet made a mistake; it's just more evidence that Anet encourages the use of the TP to get mats you need for crafting. Put it this way ... if Anet wants people to use the TP

Yes, but to do that the item needs to be able to be introduced to TP in some way. They want people to work to create that supply. An incidental supply that is heavily capped doesn't really work for that reason.


> ... why would they give a rat's behind about how this item becomes into the game?

For the reason specified above.


> I know I wouldn't. In fact, I wouldn't care in the least what avenues this item comes into being ... my biggest concern is that it has a sufficient rate of introduction. That's the case we have here.

supply for 80 players per month is hardly a "sufficient rate of introduction". The amount of gold anet gets with taxing that is negligible. It doesn't stimulate the economy. It might as well be nonexistent for all the impact it would have on the game (apart from bad publicity, of course).


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> You are simply fooling yourself if you think that Anet didn't look at the 'obtainment' of these items for this collection. If anything, they PURPOSEFULLY choose that sigil for a reason.

Again, what reason? I have looked over your posts so far, and it's clear to me that you also can't think of one. You simply assume there is one, and your assumption is based on your belief they couldn't have been mistaken - which, as Dante pointed out to you, simply isn't true. They could be mistaken, they have been mistaken in the past, and they will certainly be mistaken on many things in the future. Even as obvious in retrospection as this one.


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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


> It actually does make sense. Dante is now going to be paranoid in the future with Anet releasing content, that he is quickly going to rush through the episode, much like what had occurred with the following episode.


> It’s a legitimate fear to have and I’m honestly in the same boat because, I have a feeling that something like will repeat itself, where I’m gonna rush and skip things just to make sure, I’m not screwed over after the first couple hours the episode is released.


Again, you and him are making this about price because nothing prevents someone from doing the content at their leisure ... except an unwillingness to pay the fair market value for the mats.


I think we already established that complaining about price of a mat in this market is a fool's errand. The market determines the prices points for good reason; that's not new, that's not changing. If you feel that the mechanics of the market ruin your game experience, you can choose to farm your own mats and everyone has access to get this sigil from the methods available. If you decide to disregard the intended, encouraged, primary approach to get mats and directly farm them yourself, it's hardly reasonable to complain it's more difficult to get the mats outside the intended, encouraged primary approach; it's designed to be that way. /shrug

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> To anybody in WvW who wants this armor: Your glow is always orange, so it is a bit meh in there.


excuuuuuuuuse me the glow on my boots is blue just as I painted it, even on desert borderland (the map where lightining screws alot with dying of the boots making them all gold in some angles instead of blueish-black with gold hints) :P

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Again, you and him are making this about price because nothing prevents someone from doing the content at their leisure ... except an unwillingness to pay the fair market value for the mats.


> I think we already established that complaining about price of a mat in this market is a fool's errand. The market determines the prices points for good reason; that's not new, that's not changing. If you feel that the mechanics of the market ruin your game experience, you can choose to farm your own mats and everyone has access to get this sigil from the methods available. If you decide to disregard the intended, encouraged, primary approach to get mats and directly farm them yourself, it's hardly reasonable to complain it's more difficult to get the mats outside the intended, encouraged primary approach; it's designed to be that way. /shrug


And you are missing the point, again. They, me, and I'm sure lots of other players are not making this about the price at all. This isn't about an item being expensive or how prices on the market are determined. This is about the damage this situation does to how players will treat the next episode (and all the others after it) You are thinking only from the perspective of the market and how prices are, but this is a tiny part of the complaints about the Sigil of Nullification fiasco.


Is the sigil expensive? WHO CARES. Is it rare or behind RNG? Again, WHO CARES. It's the fact that it's an old item, that used to have a very low value, and suddenly those that rushed the episode were allowed to manipulate the market and profit from it. This creates a huge incentive for the next episode to rush through it, in order to avoid a repeat of this situation and not being ripped off by the actions of the rushers. THIS is the problem with this situation, not the price or how the market/crafting works in the game. If they added a new sigil, available only as a drop from this episode, with similar (or even lower) chances, regardless of how more expensive it would be than the sigil of nullification, it would be fine.

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That's not a unique problem to this content though ... Every time Anet changes the game, there are people that don't like that change. Anet can't please all player all the time. That's the nature of the beast. This is just another instance of a change in the game where people aren't happy. It's par for the course.


The big problem here is that the thread makes this sound like some unique instance where Anet changed the game and now some player aren't happy. That's not unique. That happens ALL THE TIME. The only reason anyone would say this instance sets a precedent for rushing through content is because they don't like paying the price for the mat on the TP; if price wasn't the issue, there would be NOTHING stopping anyone from doing this content at their own pace. If the sigil was still 15s, this thread wouldn't exist ... EVEN if you were one of those people who only wanted to farm all their mats. The complaint is ALL about the price and anyone saying otherwise is just not aware of how the price is linked to their decisions to spend time in the game ... or being dishonest about it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That's not a unique problem to this content though ... Every time Anet changes the game, there are people that don't like that change. Anet can't please all player all the time. That's the nature of the beast. This is just another instance of a change in the game where people aren't happy. It's par for the course.


> The big problem here is that the thread makes this sound like some unique instance where Anet changed the game and now some player aren't happy. That's not unique. That happens ALL THE TIME.


Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't. This hasn't happened before, at all, so this type of change is indeed unique. As for your argument about finishing the collection when you want, remember that progress requires events (including the new Shatterer) in the new zone. Judging by how other living world maps aren't very popular, we can all understand that "finishing this when you want" is a joke. This is a time limited event, they added a time limit to the collection and allowed those rushing to profit heavily from it. This doesn't happen all the time, in fact something even remotely similar to this hasn't happened before in the life of the game. Runes of Scavenging increased in price when they added them as a collection material back in 2014, but the events surrounding them weren't time limited. There was no rush. This IS a unique instance were Anet changed the game in a way that they've never changed it before.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That's not a unique problem to this content though ... Every time Anet changes the game, there are people that don't like that change. Anet can't please all player all the time. That's the nature of the beast. This is just another instance of a change in the game where people aren't happy. It's par for the course.

> >

> > The big problem here is that the thread makes this sound like some unique instance where Anet changed the game and now some player aren't happy. That's not unique. That happens ALL THE TIME.


> Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't.


That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats; that's not going to change and it's not new. In fact, it's necessary for the market to function.


You don't like people having an advantage, but you play an MMO where people who have more time have the natural advantage in the game. That's not something that can or should be avoided. You're thinking boils down to sour grapes; you have this ideal that everything is equal; it's not. That's not unique to GW2 either. That's any game I've ever played.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats; that's not going to change and it's not new. In fact, it's necessary for the market to function.


> You don't like people having an advantage, but you play an MMO where people who have more time have the natural advantage in the game. That's not something that can or should be avoided. You're thinking boils down to sour grapes; you have this ideal that everything is equal; it's not. That's not unique to GW2 either. That's any game I've ever played.


As I said multiple times, this has nothing to do with the market, they could've added a NEW item in the NEW zone, make it as rare as they wanted (to make it expensive) and I wouldn't care about it at all.

Further, players with more time having an advantage is also irrelevant to this discussion, giving incentive for players that play more (they get more loot) is different to giving incentive to rushing through episodes because rushing offers extra rewards. This has never happened in the game before, the time you finish any kind of episode plays little role (if any) to your rewards. A player finishing Heart of Thorns today will get the same type of reward (random loot bags) as a player that finished Heart of Thorns on release.


Why give incentive for rushing through an episode? What's the point of it? And don't say to trigger the market, because gem store items are doing a very good job at that, compared to the latest mount skins, the sigil of nullification impact on gold was nothing.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


I don't recall crafting anything in game that required me to sit back and hope I get the result I intended.. this is not crafting this is largely reliant on yourself or others to dance round the lucky loser pole many, many times before the RNG Gods take pity.

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We may spend as much energy as we like trying to calculate what would be a studio mistake, and only ever end up with "what the studio sharn't" measured to an extreme decimal place.


From my perspective, standing upon that pile of sharn't, this collection deserved better than the same cookie cutter market gating tactics the studio uses for the sweet calories of fashion rewards. The dough of this collection contained too much NPC flesh to be anything but savory.


If there is a studio mistake or misjudgement, it is trying to deliver savory meals with only a confectioners tools.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


> I don't recall crafting anything in game that required me to sit back and hope I get the result I intended.. this is not crafting this is largely reliant on yourself or others to dance round the lucky loser pole many, many times before the RNG Gods take pity.


You don't have to do this here either. You feed the necessary mats, you get the skin. No RNG involved. The sigil is available 100% of the time, either from obtaining it yourself while leveling or buying off the TP. You only suffer RNG if you CHOOSE to obtain the sigil that way.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats; that's not going to change and it's not new. In fact, it's necessary for the market to function.

> >

> > You don't like people having an advantage, but you play an MMO where people who have more time have the natural advantage in the game. That's not something that can or should be avoided. You're thinking boils down to sour grapes; you have this ideal that everything is equal; it's not. That's not unique to GW2 either. That's any game I've ever played.


> As I said multiple times, this has nothing to do with the market, they could've added a NEW item in the NEW zone, make it as rare as they wanted (to make it expensive) and I wouldn't care about it at all.


Except that's not being truthful because if the sigil didn't change price, people wouldn't be complaining about this content. It comes down to how you spend time in game ... and the people complaining aren't willing to spend the time ingame to do any of the paths available to them to get the sigil. There isn't an incentive to rush through the content here ... Anyone could obtain the sigils independent of their timing to do the content. People are just angry because they feel they missed out, which is unreasonable because it's the nature of MMOs and no different here in a player-driven market. If you play this game, it's something you accept because it's intended to function this way.

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Its essentially the perfect storm. Stupid low price sigil, that isn’t overly desired. Sigil is not easy to acquire. Then just buy them all up.


They would have been better off having mystic coins as part of the collection or some T6 material instead. Would the price jump up? Sure, a bit, nothing ludicrous, though, much like the other materials in this collection. No one would have bought the entire stock of coins.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Except that's not being truthful because if the sigil didn't change price, people wouldn't be complaining about this content. It comes down to how you spend time in game ... and the people complaining aren't willing to spend the time ingame to do any of the paths available to them to get the sigil. There isn't an incentive to rush through the content here ... Anyone could obtain the sigils independent of their timing to do the content. People are just angry because they feel they missed out, which is unreasonable because it's the nature of MMOs and no different here in a player-driven market.


If the sigil didn't change price then it wouldn't be used in the collection, something else would be used instead. It's not about how I spend my time in the game, it's how others rushing through content on the first hour getting extra rewards for doing that. For the first time in the game's history (this is all new and unique) they are telling their players to rush through content instead of enjoying it, because they'll be rewarded by doing exactly that. Meanwhile you are saying that's it's not an incentive to rush through content? When they REWARD players for rushing through content? If that's not a clear incentive to rush then what is it?


> If you play this game, it's something you accept because it's intended to function this way.

This is nonsense. This is the first episode that they did this. This is the first time they rewarded rushers like this, this is the first time they added extra rewards for those that started the collection early and benefited by buying the sigils and then selling them at a higher price. I don't accept this situation and I don't accept that MMORPGs intend to function this way when this is the first time in 6 years that Anet pulled off something like this.


There was a post on the raid/fractal/dungeon sub-forum about adding unique rewards to those finishing the next Raid Wings first... I guess some Arenanet developer read that and decided to test the waters by doing the exact same thing in this episode, only it affects everyone.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Except that's not being truthful because if the sigil didn't change price, people wouldn't be complaining about this content. It comes down to how you spend time in game ... and the people complaining aren't willing to spend the time ingame to do any of the paths available to them to get the sigil. There isn't an incentive to rush through the content here ... Anyone could obtain the sigils independent of their timing to do the content. People are just angry because they feel they missed out, which is unreasonable because it's the nature of MMOs and no different here in a player-driven market.


> If the sigil didn't change price then it wouldn't be used in the collection, something else would be used instead.


No, no ... let's think here ... if the sigil didn't change price on the TP when the content was released and maintained it's value the same throughout the remainder of the game, what would the complain be here?


You're saying it's not about price ... so what IS the complaint here if the OP of this thread and everyone else didn't have a problem with the price of the sigil.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > No, no ... let's think here ... if the sigil didn't change price on the TP when the content was released, what would the complain be here?


> Nice try but that's not relevant. I asked a simple question, why promote and give incentives to rush content? That's the main issue here.


I don't think that's relevant either ... I don't see what the promotion or incentive is to rush this content ... just like you don't see how all this is related to sigil price on the TP.


I mean, we can both be obtuse here. There is a link between the sigil price and how people interact with the content. You just don't want to admit it because the only reason people would rush the content is due to the price of the sigil; they don't want to be left out of the opportunity to buy them cheap before the reach fair market value. So yes, this is about price. If the price of the sigil was maintained from the time of this release, there wouldn't be any complaint. It's about price and that relates to how people want to spend time ingame. It's all related. Don't try to disassociate those things; they are very clearly related and trying to do so is very dishonest approach to discussion here. It's **all** about how people want to spend their time.

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My concern is this turning into a common trait every new episode release, which in turn makes it so I don’t feel like playing the episode and thus slowly finding some other game to play, I guess. Which is sad, since I’ve been playing this franchise since 2005 and this is the first time the game has made me feel this way.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > No, no ... let's think here ... if the sigil didn't change price on the TP when the content was released, what would the complain be here?

> >

> > Nice try but that's not relevant. I asked a simple question, why promote and give incentives to rush content? That's the main issue here.


> I don't think that's relevant either ... I don't see what the promotion or incentive is to rush this content ... just like you don't see how all this is related to sigil price on the TP.


It's simple. Those that rushed and finished the content quickly found out about the sigil, then bought 22.7k sigils (we have the data) at less than 3 silver each. How many players did this is unclear because the gw2bltc or gw2spidy websites update 2 times per day and the episode was released in-between the updates (on purpose probably). Even so, I doubt it was too many, because it was "only" 681 gold to buy all of them, a single player could've bought every single sigil once they rushed and found out what was happening. but let's say it wasn't a single person but a group of early rushers. After they bought all the available supply, they relisted them for 10g each. That's a profit of about 9gold 97 silver PER sigil that they bought, or a profit of about 226319 gold split between those early rushers that bought all the initial supply and then resold those sigils.


What does this tell the players of this game? Next episode, and the ones after it, rush the content as fast as possible, skip dialogue and cutscenes, in order to see what kind of new collection exists that requires old cheap items, so you can buy them all at their current low market value, then relist them and make an absolutely huge profit. I guess for you, 227k gold in profit isn't enough of an incentive, and now that this non-sense is known, a player could easily do it next time alone (681 gold is nothing), provided they are the FASTEST one. Or the group of fastest ones. And you don't see this as incentive to rush the content? How much extra gold do they need to add as a reward to the first player that finishes an episode to make it enough incentive for you.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > No, no ... let's think here ... if the sigil didn't change price on the TP when the content was released, what would the complain be here?

> > >

> > > Nice try but that's not relevant. I asked a simple question, why promote and give incentives to rush content? That's the main issue here.

> >

> > I don't think that's relevant either ... I don't see what the promotion or incentive is to rush this content ... just like you don't see how all this is related to sigil price on the TP.


> It's simple. Those that rushed and finished the content quickly found out about the sigil, then bought 22.7k sigils (we have the data) at less than 3 silver each. How many players did this is unclear because the gw2bltc or gw2spidy websites update 2 times per day and the episode was released in-between the updates (on purpose probably). Even so, I doubt it was too many, because it was "only" 681 gold to buy all of them, a single player could've bought every single sigil once they rushed and found out what was happening. but let's say it wasn't a single person but a group of early rushers. After they bought all the available supply, they relisted them for 10g each. That's a profit of about 9gold 97 silver PER sigil that they bought, or a profit of about 226319 gold split between those early rushers that bought all the initial supply and then resold those sigils.


> What does this tell the players of this game? Next episode, and the ones after it, rush the content as fast as possible, skip dialogue and cutscenes, in order to see what kind of new collection exists that requires old cheap items, so you can buy them all at their current low market value, then relist them and make an absolutely huge profit. I guess for you, 227k gold in profit isn't enough of an incentive, and now that this non-sense is known, a player could easily do it next time alone (681 gold is nothing), provided they are the FASTEST one. Or the group of fastest ones. And you don't see this as incentive to rush the content? How much extra gold do they need to add as a reward to the first player that finishes an episode to make it enough incentive for you.


Right ... so again ... how is that not about price? It's completely is. If the sigil had stayed at 3s ... there would be no complaint here. It all relates to the price. The only reason as you explained, that anyone wants to rush the content is because they don't want to pay high prices for sigils. If the sigils stayed at 3s, there isn't a rush. The price of sigils is the cause of people wanting to rush. Are you familiar with cause and effect? This isn't a stretch of logic here.

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