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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > I’m watching the sigil price drop as we speak.


> It might.. we haven't seen what the recipe will require yet...…


Not it might ... it already has. Though I'm sure people complaining it was too high are still looking at the price (current 5G) and thinking "Nope, not yet". Can't wait to see their face when the sigil recipe and its ingredients are released ... it's just going to be the same complaints about robber barons buying up all the sigils/runes they could and now everything is too expensive .... but don't forget, they aren't complaining about the costs.


> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Glad to see ANET gave in to reason.


Anet didn't give into reason ... they said they were working on this new system for a long time now; it's just a coincidence that the release of the new system is happening so soon after people decided this very standard implementation of content was egregious to them. The best part is that they STILL released Requiem armor with this sigil as a mat ... yes, apparently they did so in mistake some people claim.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > So, perhaps, unlike some people claimed, all fo this _wasn't_ intended after all.

> >

> > (and yes, they will definitely need to create a recipe for Nullification, seeing as the main current source for it is salvaging random drops, which will stop giving sigils after the patch)


> It's still intended to be implemented the way it is ... AFAIK, they aren't removing the current approaches to get the sigil. I wouldn't get too excited yet people; I remember when precursor crafting was introduced and people complained it cost MORE to craft than it did to just buy off the TP ... and that was never changed (and I think it's STILL the case) ... But you're all going to tell me this isn't about cost again right? I will remember that.


Not everyone cared about the costs though. Where the issue arose with me and a number of folks, had to do with where the gold was going. Had there been a flat npc cost then fine. Everyone is equally fucked regardless of due date. No chance, no fluctuations, simple and there, high or low. However, being fucked just because you took some time to soak the content in, and weren't fast enough feels entirely different. Would rather my gold disappear into the ether, then pay for such a blatant fuck over.


Even if things go south and Anet messes it up, which would be amazing to see how. System still adds sigil salvaging, which means less will clog up my invo, which means I have less clicking if I go to sell. It's a positive no matter what happens far as i'm concerned.

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Did noone notice that the official statement is contradicting itself? It explicitly states that it is about sigils that were **ONLY** available by salvaging, which inclides the Sigil of Nullification. But the Sigil of Nullification was not **ONLY** available from salvaging. Every char that reached level 64 could get one for free.

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@"Shikigami.4013" said:

> Did noone notice that the official statement is contradicting itself? It explicitly states that it is about sigils that were **ONLY** available by salvaging, which inclides the Sigil of Nullification. But the Sigil of Nullification was not **ONLY** available from salvaging. Every char that reached level 64 could get one for free.


I don't think Anet was expecting everyone to level up several characters to obtain several sigils of nullification for this collection. They were freebies in the leveling process.

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Yes I don't think they expected everyone to do this either, and I also don't think everyone did it. That is not the point though. The word ONLY was the one word that was explicitly written in caps and italics, making it clearly the most important word of the statement. Just to be followed by mentioning a sigil that does not meet that description of _ONLY_ being available through salvaging.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> Did noone notice that the official statement is contradicting itself? It explicitly states that it is about sigils that were **ONLY** available by salvaging, which inclides the Sigil of Nullification. But the Sigil of Nullification was not **ONLY** available from salvaging. Every char that reached level 64 could get one for free.


[Catch up on your reading](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9uq6x0/salvage_runes_and_sigils/e965n0b/)

> Additional Information: Upgrades that were ONLY available from salvaging gear virtually all gain a recipe with the Nov 13th release.


> So, yes, Sigil of Nullification is among that group.


The fact that it's also available from level up rewards...

> We consider level-up rewards a special case.


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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" Thanks. Not a reddit user so a clarification of a statement on THIS forum (in this thread, 1 page before) will be missed by me when made on reddit (your second quote) :)


I keep hoping that someone at ANet will code a little tool to make it easier for ANet employees to publish their reddit quotes to the forums, either in the announcement section or to the parallel thread. For now, we have to rely on the kindness of other players to cross-post for us.


By the way: I don't have a Reddit account; I just read the the [/r/guildwars2](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/) subreddit.

However, if one of the reasons your not a reddit user is lack of time, you can limit yourself to...

[just posts by ANet employees, made in that subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/gw2devtrack/)


Unless they do an AMA, it doesn't take long to see if there's anything you want to have a closer look at.

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It's great to see a solution in the works not just for this collection but also for junk runes & sigils generally, which could be seen as an even bigger problem depending on your perspective . . .


Now if they can just work on their communication skills ;)

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> Well they are also new pvp armor coming out on November 13th, which also have glowy pieces and a combat activated effect as well. I might be skipping the Requiem Armor entirely, we will see.


Thats from monthly tournaments AFAIK. Sooooo, best of luck to you!

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Virtually all runes and sigils that were previously available from *ONLY* salvaging are receiving a recipe.


> That does include Sigil of Nullification.


You guys are AWESOME! I knew you didn't ignore this (such as other) thread. And you didn't give us a "fix" but a whole revamp :smiley:

I'm happy to see that you keep improving the game, even on old and settled things. Yesterday, it was so weird to sell on the TP the minor sigils that I got in the Labyrinth, rather than discard them as I usually did :)

Ty ty :+1:

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > Virtually all runes and sigils that were previously available from *ONLY* salvaging are receiving a recipe.

> >

> > That does include Sigil of Nullification.


> You guys are AWESOME! I knew you didn't ignore this (such as other) thread. And you didn't give us a "fix" but a whole revamp :smiley:

> I'm happy to see that you keep improving the game, even on old and settled things. Yesterday, it was so weird to sell on the TP the minor sigils that I got in the Labyrinth, rather than discard them as I usually did :)

> Ty ty :+1:


Don't be so grateful YET. I don't know if you noticed but the crafting of a Sigil or a rune is related with a recipe. The recipe is **a rare drop** from Tyria. If this **rare drop** is equally rare as Sam for example (or the invisible shoes :# ), then we will be virtually without any source of Sigils (because the sigil is destroyed in the item salvaging process, returning you some materials). And wait to see the recipe itself - I won't be surprised if the total cost of a crafted Sigil of Nullification will be 5-10-15 times higher than the actual price on TP. A :-) And you need the material guaranteed to drop from salvage AND another one (a mark?) having also **a chance** to drop. How high is that chance?

If this is true (I don't want - but I cannot stop thinking it can be), then the only source of Sigil of Nullification will be NOT the TP but the Gem Store: The price of the extractors has been changed - you can buy now 3 at the price of only one until now =)


As a sidenote: Are the materials obtained by salvaging the sigils and runes marked as crafting materials - that means can we store the materials in deposit? And second: Can we salvage the sigils we have now? Or we can only sell them to vendors?


Let's wait.

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Hmm, do we already know that the recipes will be a rare drop? Anyway, this is an additional way to obtain the sigils, so the only source won't be the Gem Store. IN CASE of a very rare recipe, I would still be the same method we had so far. It can't be worse...


Considering that basically all the MMOs keep increasing the level of RNG (Aion just introduced the RNG to _find the entrance_ of dungeons), this change seems to go in the opposite direction. We still don't know how the recipes will work, true, but the intentions seem good (and I believe that if they decided to create the recipes ONLY for the sigils that were only available as random drop, then it's to reduce the RNG, and thus the prices).

I know, maybe it's still early to celebrate, but I WANT TO BELIEVE!

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > Virtually all runes and sigils that were previously available from *ONLY* salvaging are receiving a recipe.

> > >

> > > That does include Sigil of Nullification.

> >

> > You guys are AWESOME! I knew you didn't ignore this (such as other) thread. And you didn't give us a "fix" but a whole revamp :smiley:

> > I'm happy to see that you keep improving the game, even on old and settled things. Yesterday, it was so weird to sell on the TP the minor sigils that I got in the Labyrinth, rather than discard them as I usually did :)

> > Ty ty :+1:


> Don't be so grateful YET. I don't know if you noticed but the crafting of a Sigil or a rune is related with a recipe. The recipe is **a rare drop** from Tyria. If this **rare drop** is equally rare as Sam for example (or the invisible shoes :# ), then we will be virtually without any source of Sigils (because the sigil is destroyed in the item salvaging process, returning you some materials). And wait to see the recipe itself - I won't be surprised if the total cost of a crafted Sigil of Nullification will be 5-10-15 times higher than the actual price on TP. A :-) And you need the material guaranteed to drop from salvage AND another one (a mark?) having also **a chance** to drop. How high is that chance?

> If this is true (I don't want - but I cannot stop thinking it can be), then the only source of Sigil of Nullification will be NOT the TP but the Gem Store: The price of the extractors has been changed - you can buy now 3 at the price of only one until now =)


> As a sidenote: Are the materials obtained by salvaging the sigils and runes marked as crafting materials - that means can we store the materials in deposit? And second: Can we salvage the sigils we have now? Or we can only sell them to vendors?


> Let's wait.


While it is true this could theoretically still be a catastrophe, it seems likely -- though yes, not guaranteed -- that it will increase the overall supply of sigils of nullification, which is the goal . . .

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > Well they are also new pvp armor coming out on November 13th, which also have glowy pieces and a combat activated effect as well. I might be skipping the Requiem Armor entirely, we will see.


> Thats from monthly tournaments AFAIK. Sooooo, best of luck to you!


It’s a reward from AT as well as being purchased.



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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Hmm, do we already know that the recipes will be a rare drop? Anyway, this is an additional way to obtain the sigils, so the only source won't be the Gem Store. IN CASE of a very rare recipe, I would still be the same method we had so far. It can't be worse...


> Considering that basically all the MMOs keep increasing the level of RNG (Aion just introduced the RNG to _find the entrance_ of dungeons), this change seems to go in the opposite direction. We still don't know how the recipes will work, true, but the intentions seem good (and I believe that if they decided to create the recipes ONLY for the sigils that were only available as random drop, then it's to reduce the RNG, and thus the prices).

> I know, maybe it's still early to celebrate, but I WANT TO BELIEVE!


Yes, we know - bellow is the official announcements (the part with the crafting)


"Many recipes now use the new rune and sigil salvage materials rather than their previous basic crafting materials. We’re also adding several recipes for runes that could previously only be obtained by salvaging them from gear. Numerous recipes will be available from crafting trainers, but you can discover others as **rare drops** or rewards throughout Tyria."


And the same method we used until now will be no more available. When you salvage the item containing the Sigil, the Sigil will be salvaged too. So, no more Sigills from weapons containing it. Unless, you use an **extractor** from Gem Store.


AAA - you are right, a method still remains unchanged - to raise an alt to lvl 62 and to select the Nullification as reward. 25 times.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > Well they are also new pvp armor coming out on November 13th, which also have glowy pieces and a combat activated effect as well. I might be skipping the Requiem Armor entirely, we will see.

> >

> > Thats from monthly tournaments AFAIK. Sooooo, best of luck to you!


> It’s a reward from AT as well as being purchased.





Oh, didnt know Ben repplied to that post. Well, thats lovely.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > Well they are also new pvp armor coming out on November 13th, which also have glowy pieces and a combat activated effect as well. I might be skipping the Requiem Armor entirely, we will see.

> > >

> > > Thats from monthly tournaments AFAIK. Sooooo, best of luck to you!

> >

> > It’s a reward from AT as well as being purchased.

> >

> >

> >


> Oh, didnt know Ben repplied to that post. Well, thats lovely.


And apparently there is a combat effect, which gets me all giddy.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > I’m watching the sigil price drop as we speak.

> >

> > It might.. we haven't seen what the recipe will require yet...…


> Not it might ... it already has. Though I'm sure people complaining it was too high are still looking at the price (current 5G) and thinking "Nope, not yet". Can't wait to see their face when the sigil recipe and its ingredients are released ...

From the blog post it seems those will all be ingredients you will be able to reliably farm yourself/salvage from other sigils. That's all that matters.


> it's just going to be the same complaints about robber barons buying up all the sigils/runes they could and now everything is too expensive .... but don't forget, they aren't complaining about the costs.

I wasn't. I could definitely affort it without a problem (and have spent much bigger amounts of gold on visuals before). I never considered _that_ an issue.


But you can believe anything you want.


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This is such a satisfying resolution. So glad that anet finally listened and improved upon not only this situation but runes and sigils as a whole. Just goes to show that people blindly defending every aspect of the game and rallying against valid critique were wasting their time. Improvements can always be made. I can't wait to be able to craft this for myself reliably as well as the other sigils and runes that were previously rng loot based. Thanks anet!

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > I’m watching the sigil price drop as we speak.

> >

> > It might.. we haven't seen what the recipe will require yet...…


> Not it might ... it already has. Though I'm sure people complaining it was too high are still looking at the price (current 5G) and thinking "Nope, not yet". Can't wait to see their face when the sigil recipe and its ingredients are released ... it's just going to be the same complaints about robber barons buying up all the sigils/runes they could and now everything is too expensive .... but don't forget, they aren't complaining about the costs.


> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Glad to see ANET gave in to reason.


> Anet didn't give into reason ... they said they were working on this new system for a long time now; it's just a coincidence that the release of the new system is happening so soon after people decided this very standard implementation of content was egregious to them. The best part is that they STILL released Requiem armor with this sigil as a mat ... yes, apparently they did so in mistake some people claim.


It's probably not much different and mostly psychological, but if the game sets the bar people are more willing to accept it than when a "player influenced" market does.


So I think you're not going to see that much complaints about this sigil in particular.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> It's still intended to be implemented the way it is ... AFAIK, they aren't removing the current approaches to get the sigil. I wouldn't get too excited yet people; I remember when precursor crafting was introduced and people complained it cost MORE to craft than it did to just buy off the TP ... and that was never changed (and I think it's STILL the case) ... But you're all going to tell me this isn't about cost again right? I will remember that.


This time I agree - it seems the implementation of the Sigil was indented. I still don't know if they calculated the consequences. BUT, from the move with the salvageable rune/sigils, I think we can see now the purpose of the last changes. Let's see:


1. When you salvage an item you cannot get the sigil/rune anymore. You get a guaranteed material and a **chance** for another material - both needed to craft a rune/sigil.

2. You also need a recipe to be able to craft a sigil / rune. This recipe may be (for some rune/sigils) **a rare drop** from Tyria.

3. The price of the Upgrade Extractor dropped on the TP to 1/3 (that means you can have 3 at the price of one before). That means an extractor costs now around 24 gold - at the current conversion ratio gold to gems.


So, if you capture an item containing a rune (or sigil) you want - let's say the weapon named Arc, having the Sigil of Nullification, if you salvage it you salvage the Sigil also. You can have some materials back and you can use them to craft .... the Sigil of Nullification :# . This is somehow non logical - to destroy an item you have only to be able to craft it again? With the condition to have the recipe, of course. And this recipe may be a **rare drop** :# .


So, in my opinion this is the point where the change in the price of the upgrade extractor makes sense: If you want the sigil (or the rune) you must use an extractor. But to do this, the sigil/rune should be more expensive than the extractor. So, taking the actual cost in gold for an extractor I think that the material cost to craft a sigil/rune will be around 25 gold. If you want to sell it you should put the TP taxes - so the price will be around 29 gold. If you want a little profit the price may be 30 gold.


In my opinion someone from the market team learned the lesson from the previous failure of the Upgrade extractor and asked a coordinated effort to make it sellable. And this is the reason of the sigil/rune being salvageable. Because without this reason on 13.Nov we should be still able to receive sigils from salvaging and **to decide** if we want to salvage them also or not (in order to keep a desired sigil / rune). But no, after 13 Nov we will NOT have the freedom to decide if we want to keep a rune from salvage. Because the rune will be salvaged. Unless we use the solution of buying an extractor =)


This move is not for an healthy ingame economy - ANet will replace the gossamer/orichalcum etc used now in some recipes with the new materials. But the gossamer/orichalcum are already underused materials with a very low value. The value for these materials will become even lower. Not the ingame economy is the target for this but the sales on Gem Store.

What will happen with the ppl having a lot of BL salvage kits? The only reason to acquire a BLSK was to obtain the rune/sigill. Now this kit behaves as all the other kits - destroying the rune.


The positive thing in this is that we will have on TP only "good" runes/sigils (the meta ones) - around 5-10 % from all the runes.


Requests for ANet:

- Please add to the storage the room required for the new materials obtained from salvage.

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