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A plea for help

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Hello everyone.


I come here, hat in hand, because I really need some help.


I play solo because I am an uncoordinated person, am sensitive about it, and since group sizes are limited to five people I would be a hindrance.


So, for me, the living story stories are almost impossible to finish.


Tuesday, a sweet person, invited me to a team, allowing me to use a "Teleport To Friend" to The Domain Of Kourna..a place I could not get to on my own.




I might be a clutz, but I can mow down the regular enemies!!!


So, I was wondering if someone on the American servers could team with me, and allow me to use my "Teleport Friend" things to get to the other Living Story zones??


I feel bad about asking, but I would really like to both see and explore these new maps...Dracononis Mons, Siren's landing, Domain Of Istan, Sandswept Isles, and Jahai


I am a full-time caretaker for my mom, so I can do this whenever it is convenient.


Kitten, I will even stay up horribly late, or get up horribly early for this.


And, of course, I will tip.


Thank you all so much in advance.





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It's a pity if you bought LW3 and are not able to complete their story (the teleport won't work if you didn't buy it). Some of the maps (like Siren's landing) are unlocked in the very steps of the chapter, so you may try to just start the episode, even if you don't complete it. I'd gladly help with the LW3 story, but unfortunately I play on EU.

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I might be able to help but I will be honest, I think is the best if you do the story and then get in the maps the way is intended.


So here is what I offer. I can play with you through the story to get in the map. You can just pretend I am a NPC and I will stay behind and mostly just to make sure you don't die. Essentially you still have to do the story yourself but instead you have a super NPC behind you at all times so it still feels like you are doing the story by yourself.


However if you really insist then sure I can let you port on me. Although as Urud said, I am fairly certain you still have to do a bit of story to get in some LS maps instead of just using the item.

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Sad sigh.....I will try to do the kitten stories again..notice I used the words again.


I really, really would not ask, if I felt even a tiny bit confident of succeeding.


And, Warscythes, thank you for offering but I get the impression through your writing that you think I am just being lazy..and your help would probably reflect that....but thank you anyway, you did volunteer and for that I am thankful.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> >living story stories are almost impossible to finish.


> they're completly soloable, even with exotic gear


Then why the kitten can I not do them then??? I have my exotic gear, I have my ascended trinkets, I know the classes that I use, I have a "wanting to do it" attitude...ok, I suffered brain damage when I was born, my coordination will never be as good as a young whippersnappers, and I have an odd kick to my gallop..I can touch type with my right hand but not my left...but I am good enough to play open world and have a lot of fun.....I will try again.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> It's a pity if you bought LW3 and are not able to complete their story (the teleport won't work if you didn't buy it). Some of the maps (like Siren's landing) are unlocked in the very steps of the chapter, so you may try to just start the episode, even if you don't complete it. I'd gladly help with the LW3 story, but unfortunately I play on EU.


I have all the living stories unlocked. I have been playing since launch. Thank you for sounding so kind. I just thought asking this would be a way of finally being able to see all the zones.


Darn it all, why am I crying???


We have rain in the forecast..yes, that is the reason :)


Lisa-Headed back to game.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> You have nothing to feel bad about. Asking for help, and especially in a polite way, is absolutely okay and should come more natural to people.


> I'm unfortunately on EU so can't help out but am keeping my fingers crossed. I'm sure some nice players from US will be willing to help out.


Almost logged out of forums when I remembered I forgot to respond to you Cyninja.


Thank you and hugs.



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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > >living story stories are almost impossible to finish.

> >

> > they're completly soloable, even with exotic gear


> Then why the kitten can I not do them then??? I have my exotic gear, I have my ascended trinkets, I know the classes that I use, I have a "wanting to do it" attitude...ok, I suffered brain damage when I was born, my coordination will never be as good as a young whippersnappers, and I have an odd kick to my gallop..I can touch type with my right hand but not my left...but I am good enough to play open world and have a lot of fun.....I will try again.


i dunno but i don't have friends and i've still finnished all story

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > >living story stories are almost impossible to finish.

> >

> > they're completly soloable, even with exotic gear


> Then why the kitten can I not do them then??? I have my exotic gear, I have my ascended trinkets, I know the classes that I use, I have a "wanting to do it" attitude...ok, I suffered brain damage when I was born, my coordination will never be as good as a young whippersnappers, and I have an odd kick to my gallop..I can touch type with my right hand but not my left...but I am good enough to play open world and have a lot of fun.....I will try again.


This is exactly what annoys me when people answer a request for help with "it's all soloable, just do it!" - there is always an unsaid (and usually unconscious) addendum of *for able-bodied people* there, with no thought spent that people with various forms of disability play too.


OP, I wish I could help directly, but I'm on EU servers. What I can suggest as something going forward is trying to find a casual guild to form connections like this, or maybe even try to band together! My partner has mild coordination issues (related to autism), so some mechanics just doesn't work for them, but together we get through. If you make a thing of playing at least the intro story of each chapter with a couple guildies, *everyone knowing you'll not be able to handle all mechanics from the get go* it can be a fun thing.


There are social guilds formed around every conceivable shared interest or experience, so maybe you can even find one with similar coordination issues as yourself - going into something together with someone who knows how it is to struggle with it makes for a very different experience!

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Ah, don't give up so soon, you've just posted your thread for few minutes. There's nothing wrong in asking some help and I don't like when ppl reply "it's so easy, I did it naked". No one knows what issues may have another person or how old he/she is. Otherwise they wouldn't post in first place. This is not a race.

I allowed some of my guild mates to port on me, it really takes only a couple of minutes if you have the porting scroll (I didn't even have to pay the waypoint and I returned back the money they sent me via mail. It required 0 effort from my side). I'm sure you'll find someone from NA.

My suggestion to start the episode, was because sometimes you must only talk to NPCs before reaching the new map, without any fight. But if you already tried, forget about it (I unlocked them time ago, so I don't remember well).

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derd.6413..what profession did you use???? I went back to the game with my Dragonhunter, destroyed a whole bunch of ogres and rockdogs, and suddenly a snip from a very old song started playing in my mind "Winners are losers who try one more time."


So this loser is going to be a winner.


Does anyone have any advice about which Youtube videos and/or information online targeting how to play are good?


I don't think I watched anything when I tried.



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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > >living story stories are almost impossible to finish.

> > >

> > > they're completly soloable, even with exotic gear

> >

> > Then why the kitten can I not do them then??? I have my exotic gear, I have my ascended trinkets, I know the classes that I use, I have a "wanting to do it" attitude...ok, I suffered brain damage when I was born, my coordination will never be as good as a young whippersnappers, and I have an odd kick to my gallop..I can touch type with my right hand but not my left...but I am good enough to play open world and have a lot of fun.....I will try again.


> This is exactly what annoys me when people answer a request for help with "it's all soloable, just do it!" - there is always an unsaid (and usually unconscious) addendum of *for able-bodied people* there, with no thought spent that people with various forms of disability play too.


> OP, I wish I could help directly, but I'm on EU servers. What I can suggest as something going forward is trying to find a casual guild to form connections like this, or maybe even try to band together! My partner has mild coordination issues (related to autism), so some mechanics just doesn't work for them, but together we get through. If you make a thing of playing at least the intro story of each chapter with a couple guildies, *everyone knowing you'll not be able to handle all mechanics from the get go* it can be a fun thing.


> There are social guilds formed around every conceivable shared interest or experience, so maybe you can even find one with similar coordination issues as yourself - going into something together with someone who knows how it is to struggle with it makes for a very different experience!


Grin. I was thinking a guild full of soloers who join together when help is required might be fun.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > There are social guilds formed around every conceivable shared interest or experience, so maybe you can even find one with similar coordination issues as yourself - going into something together with someone who knows how it is to struggle with it makes for a very different experience!


> Grin. I was thinking a guild full of soloers who join together when help is required might be fun.


Yeah. There are plently of smaller guilds that are effectively glorified chat rooms, but sometimes you tag along when someone needs backup in something.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> derd.6413..what profession did you use????


i have a couple of profesions i switch between, i play whatever i feel like but usually it's either: necro, engi, guard, thief or warrior (mostly glass canon power builds) usually i run a modified version of a meta battle open world build.


> I went back to the game with my Dragonhunter, destroyed a whole bunch of ogres and rockdogs, and suddenly a snip from a very old song started playing in my mind "Winners are losers who try one more time."


> So this loser is going to be a winner.


> Does anyone have any advice about which Youtube videos and/or information online targeting how to play are good?


> I don't think I watched anything when I tried.


> Lisa-Determined


that's the spirit.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> derd.6413..what profession did you use???? I went back to the game with my Dragonhunter, destroyed a whole bunch of ogres and rockdogs, and suddenly a snip from a very old song started playing in my mind "Winners are losers who try one more time."


> So this loser is going to be a winner.


> Does anyone have any advice about which Youtube videos and/or information online targeting how to play are good?


> I don't think I watched anything when I tried.


> Lisa-Determined


YouTube video... try the Herald or Harald.. i can’t remember her name but it’s very entertaining ..


Additionally i’ll be happy to help, i am usually quite busy but happy to help with anything you need..

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> Unfortunately I'm on my work hitch right now. I'm NA CDT. If you still want to burn up your teleports, I'll be on around 9:00pm. Shoot me a pm and I'll take you wherever you want.


Ohhhh....yes....but...I am going to try again. I do like challenges. Challenges that are doable though.


I think I am going to start with POF. On a Dragonhunter. I just need to figure out how to get some condition cleaning on her.





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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > Unfortunately I'm on my work hitch right now. I'm NA CDT. If you still want to burn up your teleports, I'll be on around 9:00pm. Shoot me a pm and I'll take you wherever you want.


> Ohhhh....yes....but...I am going to try again. I do like challenges. Challenges that are doable though.


> I think I am going to start with POF. On a Dragonhunter. I just need to figure out how to get some condition cleaning on her.


> Lisa-Thinking.




I use Meditation skills and trait for them to heal. One is a teleport and burns also.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> Sad sigh.....I will try to do the kitten stories again..notice I used the words again.


> I really, really would not ask, if I felt even a tiny bit confident of succeeding.


> And, Warscythes, thank you for offering but I get the impression through your writing that you think I am just being lazy..and your help would probably reflect that....but thank you anyway, you did volunteer and for that I am thankful.


What? No that was not my intention at all. I just think is more enjoyable for people to get in the maps naturally through story as it would make more sense that way. That is why I try to avoid doing too much so you can still experience the story without feeling somebody dragged you through it.


Of course I know that is not everybody's thing so I am ok with you just using the teleport. Though I would prefer you not to, that is all. There is no hidden meaning.

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I'm in-game most evenings and weekends on NA servers. I'm busy with guild night on Wednesdays, but I'm happy to help you get through some story bits on other days. Send me mail in game, and we can see if our schedules match anywhere. No sense in you spending your TTFs if you don't have to, nor any in you having to miss out on the stories just because you can't solo them.

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> I might be able to help but I will be honest, I think is the best if you do the story and then get in the maps the way is intended.


> So here is what I offer. I can play with you through the story to get in the map. You can just pretend I am a NPC and I will stay behind and mostly just to make sure you don't die. Essentially you still have to do the story yourself but instead you have a super NPC behind you at all times so it still feels like you are doing the story by yourself.


> However if you really insist then sure I can let you port on me. Although as Urud said, I am fairly certain you still have to do a bit of story to get in some LS maps instead of just using the item.


TTF works as long as you own the episode and the required expansion.



Bitterfrost Frontier and Domain of Kourna can both be accessed without doing any of the story. For BFF you just walk through the portal. Kourna requires interacting with the rift which seems to be invisible if you are doing the story so that is a bit tricky.


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