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dont use downed aa skill

Stand The Wall.6987

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > Necromancer's, though, is enough to down you from 80% and outdamage your downed state after that.


> That was the early days of PvP where a downed necro did way more damage than when they were up.


Downed Necro's still get quite a few downs.. (power necro that is) So much so that you can down someone while they were trying to do the stomp animation, then you leech em, until you rez and they're the ones dead.


I understand OP frustration but sometimes it can't be helped... Some of those downed 1 skills are channels like Necro and Guard and then there's things like Guardian 3 that will reveal too

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> the downed state auto attack skill is useless. it does no damage. 3 times I tried to stealth res and 3 times it failed cuz some of yall are not so smart. just lost a match by 20 points and we would've won if not for some ppl. pls don't use this thing.

> ty.


If you don't attack when down you won't get rallied. If someone is going to get stomped stealth when the stomper is coming down. Also, don't stealth someone that has a channel active.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> Wait! Stealth rezz still works? I thought nobody finishes anymore since it is almost always faster to cleave cuz powercreep and rezz bots. :lol:


It's sometimes worth it, like longbow rangers won't be able to land anything but barrage and their pet will stop attacking.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> the downed state auto attack skill is useless. it does no damage. 3 times I tried to stealth res and 3 times it failed cuz some of yall are not so smart. just lost a match by 20 points and we would've won if not for some ppl. pls don't use this thing.

> ty.


I hate stealth classes and that includes the ones from my team. If you're trying to rez me while running a thief or a mesmer you already are doing it wrong. When I use skills in downed state my goal isn't to down the enemies but to keep them engaged as long as I can (delaying health reset) or force them to spent skills (which would be better if a team mate faces them). Also, team mates shouldn't expect rez attempts from me except in very few ocasions (and never if has more than one enemy cleaving him).


Feel free to change that rez stealth trait for something useful or just play with comformed teams aware of your intentions...

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"dDuff.3860" said:

> > Btw, why don't you say this to your teammates before match start, and come forum instead? This ranting is clueless.


> venting frustrations, and true enough. wanna bet they still mess it up?


But even if it 10% more chances they won't, why not to do it?

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