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Why is the Sun's refuge save?


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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> But since Kralkatorrik absorbed much of Balthazar's magic, he should have divine magic (if this kind of magic even exists at all), too


Balthazar had lost most if not all of his divine magic as he was no longer a god(if the magic exists), and the magic that Kralkatoric absorbed was the magic Balthazar had absorbed from the bloodstone.

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> @"Ceit.7619" said:

> Not to mention eating magic doesn't necessarily work like that. You eat food and produce energy as a byproduct. Just because Aurene ate Joko doesn't mean Aurene is able to use immortal-lich magic now.


Which has yet to be proven. Kralkatorrik is now able to use mist magic, so there is no reason to believe magic is not conserved similar to energy in real life.

I know this is a fictional story, but it contains so many strange loopholes to make it work, that I have a hard time to enjoy it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Kralkatorrik is now able to use mist magic

Incorrect. He is able to use magic to open portals to the Mists, but mortals have been able to do that for awhile with just normal magic(though it is difficult)

>but it contains so many strange loopholes to make it work

There are no loopholes, you just don't seem to understand what is being told to you.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Kralkatorrik is now able to use mist magic

> Incorrect. He is able to use magic to open portals to the Mists, but mortals have been able to do that for awhile with just normal magic(though it is difficult)

> >but it contains so many strange loopholes to make it work

> There are no loopholes, you just don't seem to understand what is being told to you.


Yes, mortals who have learned mist magic can do so. But Kralkatorrik was obviously unable to do so before he absorbed large parts of Balthazar's magic. It also proves that Kralkatorrik must be intelligent and sentient similar to Glint and not just an instinct driven monster, because he would be unable to use these new tricks even if he would own the right kind of magic for it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> But Kralkatorrik's magic is surely superior to Kormir's magic at this point, so he should be able to counter it.


Not necessarily.


In this episode we also learn that the djinn's protection comes from Abaddon's twisted magic influencing the sands, the very sands they use to make jackals are used to protect against the brand. Similarly, Balthazar's sword seems hard to corrupt, and then we have other cases.


Basically, it seems divine magic is inherently counter to dragon magic. It isn't a perfect protection against, however, but powerful divine magic would still be countering to powerful dragon magic, if even weak divine magic can counter powerful dragon magic.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> But since Kralkatorrik absorbed much of Balthazar's magic, he should have divine magic (if this kind of magic even exists at all), too


Balthazar wasn't a god when we meet him in GW2. His divine magic was stripped from him by the other gods.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Kralkatorrik is now able to use mist magic

> > Incorrect. He is able to use magic to open portals to the Mists, but mortals have been able to do that for awhile with just normal magic(though it is difficult)

> > >but it contains so many strange loopholes to make it work

> > There are no loopholes, you just don't seem to understand what is being told to you.


> Yes, mortals who have learned mist magic can do so. But Kralkatorrik was obviously unable to do so before he absorbed large parts of Balthazar's magic. It also proves that Kralkatorrik must be intelligent and sentient similar to Glint and not just an instinct driven monster, because he would be unable to use these new tricks even if he would own the right kind of magic for it.


So, Kralkatorrik doesn't use Mist magic himself. It seems that he was able to enter the Mists (method unclear, hinted to be due to Balthazar's magic) himself, but it is the Riftstalkers that open the various rifts for him. This is similar to Jormag's ability to open portals to the Mists, which is due to him corrupting norn havrouns and kodan Voices. Neither Kralkatorrik nor Jormag have the personal ability to open rifts and portals between Tyria and the Mists.


As to Kralkatorrik's intelligence, this was known since Edge of Destiny which explicitly calls him "cold and *calculating*". All the Elder Dragons are sapient and intelligent. The whole "mindless beasts of destruction" thing comes from the unreliable narrator viewpoint of Tyrians who don't know shit about Elder Dragons other than being distant powerful beings of destruction that don't show any obvious goals outright (though if you pay attention to minion chatter, methodology of minion movement, etc. you do see goals and the like).

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Yes, mortals who have learned mist magic can do so. But Kralkatorrik was obviously unable to do so before he absorbed large parts of Balthazar's magic. It also proves that Kralkatorrik must be intelligent and sentient similar to Glint and not just an instinct driven monster, because he would be unable to use these new tricks even if he would own the right kind of magic for it.


I suppose Kralkatorrik is using a brute force version of the normal Portail d'entrée*. Only his version is powerful enough to tear reality a new hole, so to speak. Asura can use complex configurations to create portals with a similar effect and the Inquest even found, or plagiarized, a way to do it without a recieving portal frame. Kralkatorrik is currently so powerful he doesn't have to calculate, he just scractches reality, where ordinary mesmers seduce reality and asura portal devices use the path of least resistance.

Blish's arm could tear a tiny rift. Glint can do it too and she didn't absorb Balthazar. Though she did teach Rytlock how to do mist magic, so we'd need more research on how rifts actually work.


*(Pardon my french, but I think mesmer magic has to be cast like that. And since Kralkatorrik has ultimate mesmer magic, I imagine

to be his voice.)
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Okay, to work on unpicking this:


First, the ways in which the various magic types interact with one another are intentionally still mysterious. It's entirely possible that part of the reason is something that we're not supposed to know yet.


However, we did get precedent back in Season 2 that even a small amount of divine fire can be effective at warding off dragon minions, and even crippling a major dragon champion (although the dragon champion did have countermeasures against it). With this being the case, at the very least it seems that the divine fire hinders Kralkatorrik's ability to casually send minions in. It can do it, but doing so requires a fairly significant minion and possibly additional energy as well, which it might not want to keep throwing away if it's not getting results the first time - and the more established the Sanctuary becomes, the more significant of an investment is needed. It's also possible that at some level the divine fire hinders its senses: it clearly knows something interesting is there, but it might underestimate the importance of the Sanctuary.


Additionally, whatever mystical protection the fires provide is backed up by a geographical protection. In fact, the impetus to go to the Sanctuary is the observation that being sufficiently deep underground provides protection from Branding. While primarily known as the crystal dragon, Kralkatorrik is also connected with the sky and storms: it might prefer not to enter such a deep location personally, is doing so might make it vulnerable. At the very least, however, it seems that it can't casually Brand the place like it might be able to to some other strongpoint. (It's worth keeping in mind that the ancient dwarfs chose to set their fortresses deep into the earth, despite the threat of Primordus: it's possible that Kralkatorrik is part of the reason why.)


It's likely that if Kralkatorrik put its full attention against the sanctuary, the protection won't hold out... but as long as Kralkatorrik doesn't think the sanctuary is _worth_ its full attention, than its mystical and physical defences are likely enough that Kralkatorrik doesn't feel like the sanctuary is currently worth the resources that it would take. As long as Kralkatorrik feels that it has more important things to do and cannot spare the resources for an all-out attack, the sanctuary can probably remain relatively safe (note that it certainly seems likely that Kralkatorrik is still deliberately pressuring the area through the Death-Branded Shatterer and other minions, but is holding off from committing additional resources).


TL;DR: It's entirely likely that the Sanctuary couldn't withstand Kralkatorrik's full attention, but it only has to withstand the attention that Kralkatorrik is willing to give it.

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