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The point of sun's refuge as an instance, mistonium nodes and some cool boss fights.

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Hi there, I will limit it to three items as requested.


1) I wonder what the point is of Sun's Refuge in the way it was done. The build up thing seems pointless and I would've preferred the build up during the story and then a completion at the end of the story with an unlocked area in the open world with a waypoint. I really don't understand why it's an instance with all the annoyances that has brought travel-wise, especially since there are no plans to do anything further with it. Do you not feel this instance deal just makes it more complicated than it should've been?


2) Mistonium nodes are spread out in a way that makes it a less exciting farm. Can something be done about it that they are a bit more clustered?


3) I really like some of the fights like the Shatterer and the Sniper fight in the story. I really don't find boss fights that exciting generally but these are two examples of cool fights for a world boss and a story boss. Overall the boss fights in the story were much better, more fun in my view than before. Are you guys happy with this direction yourselves?



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I think sun's refuge has potential bit that potential is tied to it getting more content if left like it is it will be underwhelming.


As for the building aspect i personally feel it shpuldnt be tied to the story (at least not completely) and be something u work towards outside the story and after it.


About mistonium, ye more nodes would be cool but at least u can also do events so theres that.

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