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Firebrand Sword and Board


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I've been playing GW2 since the beginning. not overly hardcore but i do like to max out my dmg/cc/support whenever i play, with the best gear that i currently have on any of the toons that i play. Currently i have been levelling a new Guard with the idea of making it a FB using Sword/Board/Hammer (because i never have before) so far it has proved to be quite hardy and can take on pretty much whatever the game throws at me, although some of the Champions can kick me around a bit (as with most peeps i guess). However i would like to continue with this build and make it better, although i am still in exotics (working toward ascended, but with 10 other lvl 80's all wanting better gear it this is a slow process). So far I've read quite a bit on the FB and i think that staying with a reasonable amount of Toughness/Vitality for survivability a condi build appears to be the way to go. I'm using radiance/Valor/Firebrand fighting with the sword/Shield switching to hammer to finish off any bosses. (i'll be staying with this combo for the mobility around the battle field, and it looks cool)

My current configuration is: gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseSn0AB97gFBDeBDkCjF/B7aDkC6AWBgv1da/i2RHpA-jxiAABO8AAqVJIIHCANOCAAcCAaRTAQq/EjegkU+9g5PY2fQQAxC-e

I have used Radiance to reduce sword skills and improve crit when retaliation is up (elite skill Mantra of liberation and shout "save yourselves") this compensates for an extremely low crit rate of 5%

Valor grants might, toughness and a bit of a heal throughout the fights

and with FB more pages more burning and a faster recharge seems appropriate.

my play style is more often than not solo PVE although i participate in world boss fights whenever i see them or on occasion chase after them. bounties are always good in groups as well, so the sharing of all the buffs a FB can create always seems like a good thing.

Any and all advice or ideas will be most welcome, keeping in mind that im trying to create a character that can take a beating without loosing too much dmg output.

thanks all

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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> Question: Is the goal for this character simply to live the "sword-and-board guardian" fantasy? Or are you making a character that can just "take a beating," taking five minutes to kill an enemy that would otherwise take thirty seconds?


I am trying to live the "sword-and-board guardian" however it still needs to be able to kill shit. i have toons that kill very fast but if you're not paying attention they very quickly can become dog-meat. so this is definately at the slow end of the killing ability, (im not looking for pure toughness and vitality gear :D), but whenever i group up i give the glass cannons a chance to shine, without fear of being struck (to a certain degree). im hoping that before i start spending time and money on ascended gear that if anyone has dome this before or those peeps who are way smarter than me, can put together a better version of the same thing for me to try.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Agree

> You say best damage then quantify it so much that DPS seems a nonissue


yeah. I'm trying to make it relatively clear how my build is structured, showing the intent of the build. This is with the hope that those with more understanding of the mechanics of the game to perhaps be able to tweak what i have done without leaving the idea of a sword and board firebrand :D once i swap into tome of justice then the weps are of no consequence of course, but to be able to through up aegis as often as poss for me and those around me is preferable .

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> @"Flintbrow.7985" said:

> Ok, drop Firebrand because it's really only a support spec. Embrace core guard meta build and get Valk armor and zerk and/or Cav trinkets. Done.


Well, if he really wants to use a shield, which he does, I'd advocate Dragonhunter with marauder. Shield punting through a Test of Faith is easy and effective.. For vanilla guard you really want a focus or torch.


But yeah, not FB

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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> Of course, there's always the Balthazar one-man army build you could use as a starting point:



This looks like an interesting build to play with, I've been focusing on blocking attacks and more condition dmg. didn't think of extending boon duration, that actually looks like it can work quite well. thx for the idea (and build) great vid btw


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Flintbrow.7985" said:

> > Ok, drop Firebrand because it's really only a support spec. Embrace core guard meta build and get Valk armor and zerk and/or Cav trinkets. Done.


> Well, if he really wants to use a shield, which he does, I'd advocate Dragonhunter with marauder. Shield punting through a Test of Faith is easy and effective.. For vanilla guard you really want a focus or torch.


> But yeah, not FB


This sounds like an awesome variant, but as you pointed out this is to be a Sw/B FB. i already have another toon, zerk DH which is loads of fun, but this is to be totally different.

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> @"Fatguts.9206" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Flintbrow.7985" said:

> > > Ok, drop Firebrand because it's really only a support spec. Embrace core guard meta build and get Valk armor and zerk and/or Cav trinkets. Done.

> >

> > Well, if he really wants to use a shield, which he does, I'd advocate Dragonhunter with marauder. Shield punting through a Test of Faith is easy and effective.. For vanilla guard you really want a focus or torch.

> >

> > But yeah, not FB


> This sounds like an awesome variant, but as you pointed out this is to be a Sw/B FB. i already have another toon, zerk DH which is loads of fun, but this is to be totally different.


If you want to Sword and Board, firebrand is a bad idea. Core guardian spec or dragonhunter. My s+b guard thats built tank/support is a DH. if i ever want to go max dps zerg face its a Firebrand condi type spec.


You can sit there and say that's what you want all day, but in game, it's not going to quite work out for you.


i'm just repeating what others have said because you're being adamant about something that wont work out well for you. sadly. (i too like to stay off meta and run weird hybrid builds because, why not).

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> @"Fatguts.9206" said:

> > @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> > Question: Is the goal for this character simply to live the "sword-and-board guardian" fantasy? Or are you making a character that can just "take a beating," taking five minutes to kill an enemy that would otherwise take thirty seconds?


> I am trying to live the "sword-and-board guardian" however it still needs to be able to kill kitten. i have toons that kill very fast but if you're not paying attention they very quickly can become dog-meat. so this is definately at the slow end of the killing ability, (im not looking for pure toughness and vitality gear :D), but whenever i group up i give the glass cannons a chance to shine, without fear of being struck (to a certain degree). im hoping that before i start spending time and money on ascended gear that if anyone has dome this before or those peeps who are way smarter than me, can put together a better version of the same thing for me to try.


Considering your original build idea and what you want to accomplish, I would say that you are trying to accomplish too many things at the same time. You want to be tank Champions but have neither enough Critical Chance to maintain Vigor through Vigorous Precision nor enough sources of Blocks or Aegis; you want to support allies but do not budget for any Healing Power or Concentration, or even use a mace or staff; And you want to kill things alone in a reasonable amount of time using both Power and Condition Damage but split your attribute focus every which way. These are certainly difficult stipulations to construct even a half-way decent build.


If you want to use your sword merely as a stat stick (and maybe a periodic source of Fury), you could go Plaguedoctor with Runes of Balthazar, training into Force of Will in the Honor line for about 24% to 53% bonus outgoing heals; your Quickness uptime will be mediocre, but you should still be able to pull off enough DPS for open world and solo content. On the flip side, since you don't have any bonus Toughness, Champion attacks will very likely still one-shot you.


If you're willing to forego Condition Damage altogether, and therefore largely ignore Tome of Justice, you could go Commander with Runes of Altruism to maintain Might, Fury, and Quickness for the group, while still doing okay damage with the help of the Retribution trait. The tradeoffs include non-existent Vitality to stave off condition damage, and similarly low Healing Power to sustain in longer fights.


Finally, keep in mind that neither of these are cheap sets of gear to acquire. Meaning that this hyper-niche build of yours will have little to no place in harder content, even if it is in harder content that support builds actually shine.

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> @"Fatguts.9206" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Flintbrow.7985" said:

> > > Ok, drop Firebrand because it's really only a support spec. Embrace core guard meta build and get Valk armor and zerk and/or Cav trinkets. Done.

> >

> > Well, if he really wants to use a shield, which he does, I'd advocate Dragonhunter with marauder. Shield punting through a Test of Faith is easy and effective.. For vanilla guard you really want a focus or torch.

> >

> > But yeah, not FB


> This sounds like an awesome variant, but as you pointed out this is to be a Sw/B FB. i already have another toon, zerk DH which is loads of fun, but this is to be totally different.


Could Axe/B FB be an acceptable alternative to Sw/B? I'm finding Axe is quite good on my FB for up-close and personal melee.

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> @"Fatguts.9206" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Flintbrow.7985" said:

> > > Ok, drop Firebrand because it's really only a support spec. Embrace core guard meta build and get Valk armor and zerk and/or Cav trinkets. Done.

> >

> > Well, if he really wants to use a shield, which he does, I'd advocate Dragonhunter with marauder. Shield punting through a Test of Faith is easy and effective.. For vanilla guard you really want a focus or torch.

> >

> > But yeah, not FB


> This sounds like an awesome variant, but as you pointed out this is to be a Sw/B FB. i already have another toon, zerk DH which is loads of fun, but this is to be totally different.


There's no magic that turns these choices into a good build. I'm not sure why you started this thread <,<

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> There's no magic that turns these choices into a good build. I'm not sure why you started this thread <,<


well if you had been following my ideas you would have realised that this thread is to aid in the construction of a build that is good enough to encompass the ideas that i have shared. without sounding mean, i do not believe you have tried to add to this at all, nor have you even tried this build. the truth of the matter is that this build does in fact work and is capable of clearing many of the challenges that PvE has to offer, i am often in the top 10 dps toons and rarely go down, even on the biggest of incursions. but if your perspective is purely meta i agree with you that this would not be the strongest of builds for top end fractals or PvP all though i have had a modicum of success in WvW

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If your link in the first post is still relevant, I question lots of choices you have. I think I get what you are going for because it's my main mode of play as well. I don't think FB is going to be the best approach to do that because it requires you to focus too heavily on a specific tome for a period of time. Personally, my most successful builds in OW PVE aren't bursting-style ... and that's what tomes are like in FB. They are steady applications of healing/DPS ... like the healing you get from Healing Signet from Warrior for example.


I think you are trying to do to much with the stats defensively and in doing so, you do too little everywhere else. For example ... you're wasting stats on condi if you aren't going all in with an Axe and/or Virtues, sacrificing your main source of DPS from high crits and good power.

I think FB isn't the steady approach that smoothly functioning OW builds have because that's not really how PVE mobs work (they have scripts and are timed and smoothly running builds take advantage of those foes)

I think you have too many 'links' that have to connect for the build to function. (like stringing unreliable retaliation boon sources along to get any reasonable level of crit rating on your build)


Frankly, I think if you want to do Sword+shield in the BEST way, the Theme is Radiance/DH. The variation is either taking Virtues (for that more constant application of retaliation and big DPS) or Valor with Monk's Focus for the awesomeness that are meditations (you won't get enough heals with shield alone). Shield is the hard part of these builds because I don't think it's doing you much good


Gear is zerker on the weapons/armor, Harriers or marauders on trinkets, depending on if you buy into the Monk's Focus.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> If your link in the first post is still relevant, I question lots of choices you have. I think I get what you are going for because it's my main mode of play as well. I don't think FB is going to be the best approach to do that because it requires you to focus too heavily on a specific tome for a period of time. Personally, my most successful builds in OW PVE aren't bursting-style ... and that's what tomes are like in FB. They are steady applications of healing/DPS ... like the healing you get from Healing Signet from Warrior for example.


> I think you are trying to do to much with the stats defensively and in doing so, you do too little everywhere else. For example ... you're wasting stats on condi if you aren't going all in with an Axe and/or Virtues, sacrificing your main source of DPS from high crits and good power.

> I think FB isn't the steady approach that smoothly functioning OW builds have because that's not really how PVE mobs work (they have scripts and are timed and smoothly running builds take advantage of those foes)

> I think you have too many 'links' that have to connect for the build to function. (like stringing unreliable retaliation boon sources along to get any reasonable level of crit rating on your build)


> Frankly, I think if you want to do Sword+shield in the BEST way, the Theme is Radiance/DH. The variation is either taking Virtues (for that more constant application of retaliation and big DPS) or Valor with Monk's Focus for the awesomeness that are meditations (you won't get enough heals with shield alone). Shield is the hard part of these builds because I don't think it's doing you much good


> Gear is zerker on the weapons/armor, Harriers or marauders on trinkets, depending on if you buy into the Monk's Focus.


Thank you, this is a very helpful comment and gives me a lot to think about. you raise many points that i have considered in this build, and i do agree that it has become a rather burst heavy dmg build. However, the up side is that i can use the defensive capabilities of the build to sustain others and myself through intense and long fights, although some tweaking may be required. As i said you have given me some interesting ideas and ill be playing around with them before i start making Ascended gear for this toon. (out of curiousity, what runes do you suggest with that zerk/maur build? the toughness i have built up so far appears to be a godsend when it comes to survivability, are you tihnking to replace it there or to simply increase the overall dps and utilise an all tome swapping rotation?)


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> Considering your original build idea and what you want to accomplish, I would say that you are trying to accomplish too many things at the same time. You want to be tank Champions but have neither enough Critical Chance to maintain Vigor through Vigorous Precision nor enough sources of Blocks or Aegis; you want to support allies but do not budget for any Healing Power or Concentration, or even use a mace or staff; And you want to kill things alone in a reasonable amount of time using both Power and Condition Damage but split your attribute focus every which way. These are certainly difficult stipulations to construct even a half-way decent build.


> If you want to use your sword merely as a stat stick (and maybe a periodic source of Fury), you could go Plaguedoctor with Runes of Balthazar, training into Force of Will in the Honor line for about 24% to 53% bonus outgoing heals; your Quickness uptime will be mediocre, but you should still be able to pull off enough DPS for open world and solo content. On the flip side, since you don't have any bonus Toughness, Champion attacks will very likely still one-shot you.


> If you're willing to forego Condition Damage altogether, and therefore largely ignore Tome of Justice, you could go Commander with Runes of Altruism to maintain Might, Fury, and Quickness for the group, while still doing okay damage with the help of the Retribution trait. The tradeoffs include non-existent Vitality to stave off condition damage, and similarly low Healing Power to sustain in longer fights.


> Finally, keep in mind that neither of these are cheap sets of gear to acquire. Meaning that this hyper-niche build of yours will have little to no place in harder content, even if it is in harder content that support builds actually shine.


thanks for this very helpful comments, this is exactly the thought process that i have been struggling with. before i commit to any ascended gear for this toon i will be trying out all of the suggestions you have made here. the build so far has been a bit of everything (which i have compensated with in play style, but that is not the answer, although it has been fun). I would like to max out my boon up-time to get a better effect from quickness and retaliation but that is a bit of a challenge. the manoeuvrability of the sword and the aegis from the shield are both remaining for the time being. (unless this idea gets so poo poo-ed that i weaken and follow the mainstream; i so hate doing that). the idea of the hammer with the intelligence rune was as a finisher, but this has been rarely implemented and i believe that i am open to perhaps a secondary weapon choice here. ideas on that weapon choice and the reasoning behind it along with uses (i.e. how it would fit into the sword shield combo) is definitely welcome from all.

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As a Sword/Shield & Greatsword Firebrand myself of late I see a few similar themes between us.


Originally I was [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseRnsAD1BjNCDGCBkCjl7BzKD0uKU7j0UaMtqAEASXA-jxRBQBA4JFQhTpAN2fwkKBxj+mMq8zSq/IIgyB-e "this"). Focused primarily on keeping my retaliation constantly active during battle, which wasn't a problem at all, as long as I was getting hit. But, I found it a little difficult to survive at times in longer battles. So I replaced all Marauder with Cavalier (Power, Toughness, Ferocity), but found that the passive defensive bonus was not all that great.


So I I changed things again, with a bit more of a focus on active damage reduction (in this case, dodging) and ended up with [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseRnsAD1BjNCDGCBkCjF+Bz6BMu2TYBg0TRYPj2RPpA-jhSBQBYRJWGVSQhTBAjUCiH9NO4AKYJ1f43+DiU5AAeSBCCocA-e "this"). It doesn't deal as much damage, and it's a little harder to keep retaliation constant, but being able to dodge significantly more helps a lot with my active defence, and I survive things now I wasn't before.


Now it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination (lack of defiance bar breaking is less than stellar) and like anything I switch around traits here and there (e.g. Firebrand Weighty Terms/Stalwart Speed), but for me it's an enjoyable style of fighting, both when alone and with others. Maybe there is something here you might get out of it to adapt to your style of fighting.

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> @"Fatguts.9206" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > If your link in the first post is still relevant, I question lots of choices you have. I think I get what you are going for because it's my main mode of play as well. I don't think FB is going to be the best approach to do that because it requires you to focus too heavily on a specific tome for a period of time. Personally, my most successful builds in OW PVE aren't bursting-style ... and that's what tomes are like in FB. They are steady applications of healing/DPS ... like the healing you get from Healing Signet from Warrior for example.

> >

> > I think you are trying to do to much with the stats defensively and in doing so, you do too little everywhere else. For example ... you're wasting stats on condi if you aren't going all in with an Axe and/or Virtues, sacrificing your main source of DPS from high crits and good power.

> > I think FB isn't the steady approach that smoothly functioning OW builds have because that's not really how PVE mobs work (they have scripts and are timed and smoothly running builds take advantage of those foes)

> > I think you have too many 'links' that have to connect for the build to function. (like stringing unreliable retaliation boon sources along to get any reasonable level of crit rating on your build)

> >

> > Frankly, I think if you want to do Sword+shield in the BEST way, the Theme is Radiance/DH. The variation is either taking Virtues (for that more constant application of retaliation and big DPS) or Valor with Monk's Focus for the awesomeness that are meditations (you won't get enough heals with shield alone). Shield is the hard part of these builds because I don't think it's doing you much good

> >

> > Gear is zerker on the weapons/armor, Harriers or marauders on trinkets, depending on if you buy into the Monk's Focus.


> Thank you, this is a very helpful comment and gives me a lot to think about. you raise many points that i have considered in this build, and i do agree that it has become a rather burst heavy dmg build. However, the up side is that i can use the defensive capabilities of the build to sustain others and myself through intense and long fights, although some tweaking may be required. As i said you have given me some interesting ideas and ill be playing around with them before i start making Ascended gear for this toon. (out of curiousity, what runes do you suggest with that zerk/maur build? the toughness i have built up so far appears to be a godsend when it comes to survivability, are you tihnking to replace it there or to simply increase the overall dps and utilise an all tome swapping rotation?)


It's sounds ideal but I would avoid the idea of group defensive capabilities on open world PVE content. Most people around you don't play and make builds that rely on others to carry them so that aspect of your build becomes a weak point, especially if you are solo. I didn't get the impression you were targeting group instanced content like fractals or raids with this, so I would abandon any notion of those group defensive choices.


These are the build I run currently. Before anyone decides to snap at me, the disclaimer here is that I'm not pushing this as the best OW PVE build.




If you want to go more sustain, these are the options I take in order


1. Swap Virtue to Valor 2,1,2

2. Swap Bane signet and Feel my Wrath for Signet of Justice and Signet of Courage


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> @"Harubpunbaru.3260" said:

> Use Mantra of Solace instead of Signet of Resolve. Better active defense and it gives you might when you successfully block. Also use Smiter's boon and there you go your heal is now a damaging condi cleanse skill.



An excellent suggestion, I was looking and wondering if that was viable. Your input pushed me over the edge, ill be doing this. thx.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Fatguts.9206" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > If your link in the first post is still relevant, I question lots of choices you have. I think I get what you are going for because it's my main mode of play as well. I don't think FB is going to be the best approach to do that because it requires you to focus too heavily on a specific tome for a period of time. Personally, my most successful builds in OW PVE aren't bursting-style ... and that's what tomes are like in FB. They are steady applications of healing/DPS ... like the healing you get from Healing Signet from Warrior for example.

> > >

> > > I think you are trying to do to much with the stats defensively and in doing so, you do too little everywhere else. For example ... you're wasting stats on condi if you aren't going all in with an Axe and/or Virtues, sacrificing your main source of DPS from high crits and good power.

> > > I think FB isn't the steady approach that smoothly functioning OW builds have because that's not really how PVE mobs work (they have scripts and are timed and smoothly running builds take advantage of those foes)

> > > I think you have too many 'links' that have to connect for the build to function. (like stringing unreliable retaliation boon sources along to get any reasonable level of crit rating on your build)

> > >

> > > Frankly, I think if you want to do Sword+shield in the BEST way, the Theme is Radiance/DH. The variation is either taking Virtues (for that more constant application of retaliation and big DPS) or Valor with Monk's Focus for the awesomeness that are meditations (you won't get enough heals with shield alone). Shield is the hard part of these builds because I don't think it's doing you much good

> > >

> > > Gear is zerker on the weapons/armor, Harriers or marauders on trinkets, depending on if you buy into the Monk's Focus.

> >

> > Thank you, this is a very helpful comment and gives me a lot to think about. you raise many points that i have considered in this build, and i do agree that it has become a rather burst heavy dmg build. However, the up side is that i can use the defensive capabilities of the build to sustain others and myself through intense and long fights, although some tweaking may be required. As i said you have given me some interesting ideas and ill be playing around with them before i start making Ascended gear for this toon. (out of curiousity, what runes do you suggest with that zerk/maur build? the toughness i have built up so far appears to be a godsend when it comes to survivability, are you tihnking to replace it there or to simply increase the overall dps and utilise an all tome swapping rotation?)

> >

> It's sounds ideal but I would avoid the idea of group defensive capabilities on open world PVE content. Most people around you don't play and make builds that rely on others to carry them so that aspect of your build becomes a weak point, especially if you are solo. I didn't get the impression you were targeting group instanced content like fractals or raids with this, so I would abandon any notion of those group defensive choices.


> These are the build I run currently. Before anyone decides to snap at me, the disclaimer here is that I'm not pushing this as the best OW PVE build.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAse7enkICVDhdDBGCBEEhF/hKLCrwLUu8H/43KA+27E-jxRBQBmVJIN2fAAPBA8ofgdnEgwq8jSq/QKgIWGB-e


> If you want to go more sustain, these are the options I take in order


> 1. Swap Virtue to Valor 2,1,2

> 2. Swap Bane signet and Feel my Wrath for Signet of Justice and Signet of Courage



i must say i did not think about that peeps would not require or rely on others for support in OW PvE with that as a consideration i may rethink that aspect of my build/playstyle. thx

as far as the build structure you have, it is very interesting and i can see the merit/fun, however i am adamant that this toon remain F/B. thx.

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> As a Sword/Shield & Greatsword Firebrand myself of late I see a few similar themes between us.


> Originally I was [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseRnsAD1BjNCDGCBkCjl7BzKD0uKU7j0UaMtqAEASXA-jxRBQBA4JFQhTpAN2fwkKBxj+mMq8zSq/IIgyB-e "this"). Focused primarily on keeping my retaliation constantly active during battle, which wasn't a problem at all, as long as I was getting hit. But, I found it a little difficult to survive at times in longer battles. So I replaced all Marauder with Cavalier (Power, Toughness, Ferocity), but found that the passive defensive bonus was not all that great.


> So I I changed things again, with a bit more of a focus on active damage reduction (in this case, dodging) and ended up with [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseRnsAD1BjNCDGCBkCjF+Bz6BMu2TYBg0TRYPj2RPpA-jhSBQBYRJWGVSQhTBAjUCiH9NO4AKYJ1f43+DiU5AAeSBCCocA-e "this"). It doesn't deal as much damage, and it's a little harder to keep retaliation constant, but being able to dodge significantly more helps a lot with my active defence, and I survive things now I wasn't before.


> Now it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination (lack of defiance bar breaking is less than stellar) and like anything I switch around traits here and there (e.g. Firebrand Weighty Terms/Stalwart Speed), but for me it's an enjoyable style of fighting, both when alone and with others. Maybe there is something here you might get out of it to adapt to your style of figh> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> As a Sword/Shield & Greatsword Firebrand myself of late I see a few similar themes between us.


> Originally I was [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseRnsAD1BjNCDGCBkCjl7BzKD0uKU7j0UaMtqAEASXA-jxRBQBA4JFQhTpAN2fwkKBxj+mMq8zSq/IIgyB-e "this"). Focused primarily on keeping my retaliation constantly active during battle, which wasn't a problem at all, as long as I was getting hit. But, I found it a little difficult to survive at times in longer battles. So I replaced all Marauder with Cavalier (Power, Toughness, Ferocity), but found that the passive defensive bonus was not all that great.


> So I I changed things again, with a bit more of a focus on active damage reduction (in this case, dodging) and ended up with [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAseRnsAD1BjNCDGCBkCjF+Bz6BMu2TYBg0TRYPj2RPpA-jhSBQBYRJWGVSQhTBAjUCiH9NO4AKYJ1f43+DiU5AAeSBCCocA-e "this"). It doesn't deal as much damage, and it's a little harder to keep retaliation constant, but being able to dodge significantly more helps a lot with my active defence, and I survive things now I wasn't before.


> Now it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination (lack of defiance bar breaking is less than stellar) and like anything I switch around traits here and there (e.g. Firebrand Weighty Terms/Stalwart Speed), but for me it's an enjoyable style of fighting, both when alone and with others. Maybe there is something here you might get out of it to adapt to your style of fighting.


Your ideas are very interesting along with the choices you have made. i suspect that you get your main dmg from great-sword and use of symbols (and retaliation). i have been creating more of a condi build relying on passive defence from toughness and aegis as the active (and the dodge roll, i mean who wants to stand there a take a massive blow from a boss LOL) and main dps from tomes, and burn the shit out of them. I do like the idea of a retaliation setup and may just give that a try. thx :)

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