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How much rating have you gained or lost since pof hit?


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I lost around 220-270 rating. I was consistently hovering around 1620-1670ish. Now I'm down to 1403 and counting. Its probably impossible to climb back up due to the decline of match quality. I lost major respect for Anet dropping pof specs right into the middle of season pvp. Its the worst thing I've seen them ever do. I keep wondering what were they thinking? The only conclusion I can arrive to is that they really do not care about spvp.

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Lost around 100, was about 1950 now I'm about 1850. Tbh, it was my own fault, I queued solo and I queued during the stealth bug rampage.


Personally I really enjoyed that they did what they did. It's refreshing. Though I raelly hope they do also tone down some of the specs before the end of the season. Spellbreaker is pretty unstoppable at the moment.

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> @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

> Lost around 100, was about 1950 now I'm about 1850. Tbh, it was my own fault, I queued solo and I queued during the stealth bug rampage.


> Personally I really enjoyed that they did what they did. It's refreshing. Though I raelly hope they do also tone down some of the specs before the end of the season. Spellbreaker is pretty unstoppable at the moment.


That's what's up. Good stuff man. Yea I mostly solo queue. I don't have someone to consistently pvp with me, I wish I did. Some of the new skills are a bit overtuned, but that isn't very surprising. I just wish they would of kept it in unranked until after the season was over. I'm looking forward to how these new elite specs will mature. There definitely seems to be more things you can do that maybe viable.


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Haven't played much since PoF launch but from the few games I played, it seemed matches tipped in my favor. I've been mainly playing rifle holosmith and it kinda feels situational since your survivability is so much lower than scrapper, however rifle 5 and rocket boots provide some neat mobility which made me able to semi-roam and deal amazing cleave in teamfight situations if you don't go in while full counter and scourge AoE is being spammed. Having the ability to deal at least some damage from range is really beneficial at the moment.

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I solo queued all the way down from ~1880 to ~1760. Then I was really annoyed because solo queuing as druid pretty much means relying on your opponents to be silly enough to 2v1 you all game or your team winning 4v4. Neither of which happened very often. I used to just play core ranger when solo as it could kill things but with spellbreaker and scourge on the rise, core ranger feels underwhelming as both of them counter your pet in one way or another.

As such, I duoed some games and went back up to ~1810, so -70 in total so far.

My opinion might obviously be influenced by the results of my post release games, but I enjoyed the pre PoF state of balance a lot more than the current one as I think the range of "viable" builds was much bigger than it is now.

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[solo Queue Engi](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4637/tested-201-ranked-solo-queue-games-as-engi "Solo Queue Engi") about 150-200, still at a loss deficit but have gone back up to 1600+ a few times only to go right back down.


Slightly off-topic...I know there are some totally against a strict Solo Queue Ladder rather than this "find a good Duo to get past this point" and "everyone else is doing it so I have to too" routine we currently have, but I feel like that just comes from a fear that they'd never hit legendary that way. You still will...it just be harder and that isn't a bad thing. If everyone was on the same page, the [algorithm ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm "algorithm ") (with a few other changes, ideally) would actually work so you wouldn't suffer from these fluctuations as much. But that'll be probably Season 11 at this quiet, closed-doors PvP development state.

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I have mostly maintained the same rating, currently up about 25 from pre-PoF. In Plat 1 I have done pretty well with Soulbeast and had mixed results on Firebrand. I am still trying to find a way to make DPS Firebrand good. I have had some success but not enough to make me feel like it is capable of carrying.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> I tried queue'ing plat2 ranked with scourge. Didn't go so well. Probably will go back to reaper since power reaper can actually fight a spellbreaker.


i play scourge, is dumb style but fun. literally need stay mid ranged and appling condis. but is 50/50 chance to get ganked and die in few secs. i use hybrid with minions to create confusion, avoiding being ganked.

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Reaper/scourge, usually high plat, returning from break low plat atm, so im breaking even


Reaper i won 50/50 time

Power or healing scourge i lost 70%

Condi glass scourge i won 70%


Everybody has stupid, bad, glassy, builds they cant even play properly. So an easy avoidable facetank 1v2 happens too many times, while winning against a spellbreaker with power scourge gets you 0 value cz team instawiped in red circles.


Definetly need more training on extra keybinds and a support partner :)

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This is my first season with the new system after a long break. After my placements I don't think the matchmaking knew what to do with me and I had like 30% winrate. Took ~100 games but I reached plat 3 with ~60% winrate, working as intended eh? At plat 3 though, I feel like matchmaking starts breaking down. I can go on 10 game winstreaks to reach plat 3 again, then I get a bunch of bad games. Depends a lot on time of day, who's playing, etc I suppose. I don't care about rank anyways, I just want fun games. Plat 1-2 is where the fun games are at imo. Is that the usual feeling people have with this new system?

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