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1 Hit kill professions for WvW?


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> @"chaosdurza.3291" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > > > > @"chaosdurza.3291" said:

> > > > > > > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > > > > > Rangers can 1shot, not as often but they can do it. I got hit by a Winters Bite (axe 3) for 19.6k damage yesterday and instapopped. Didnt even know it had that damage potential.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How is that possible? The highest I was able to get the damage for axe 3 in a realistic scenario was 12.9k on a light armor target. I know I did my math right, even with all the best stuff I don't see any way it can get higher than that in 1 hit. The only way I could get it that high was also assuming the target was CC'd.

> > > > >

> > > > > I have no clue my man, i asked the people around me and they just nodded and was like "yeah its possible, but ONLY during optimal situations (????)".

> > > > > Though i had about 2.500/2600 armor so it still makes me wonder how he managed. I wasnt under CC either.

> > > > > Cant explain it, should have printscreened it but i took it as its nothing special since everyone around me just acknowledged it and didnt think it was weird.

> > > >

> > > > Vulnerability 25 stacks?

> > >

> > > Nope, i just ran up in range and he turned, threw Winters Bite on me and i died. He proceeded doing whatever he was doing after that (smacking a siege ram), it was a clean 1shot, no additional damage or conditions taken from any source.

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJBHhdSpC0KI2xLYxCwyLW2Ds8077N/u0ECAJgnOQzrCMi0A-jVRBABA8AAoU9H80Dc1+jyPzUCSKgImsB-w

> >

> > Maybe something similar to this. Sic em+ one wolf pack + the winters bite might be able to reach those numbers


> If you throw in a Superior Bloodlust sigil on that, you can bring the AP to almost 4200, with 280ish crit damage. That's about 14.6k on a 2k armor target, with all damage % increases up. Very crazy damage, but still very specific scenarios (borderline unrealistic), and still not 19k lol. Like I said, I believe it's possible, I just don't get what the combination we're missing is.


Again as I mentioned, a potentially +30% stat boost this weeks WvW event. That's could easily equal +1000 power and approach 300% crit dmg, making your 19k easily attainable.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"chaosdurza.3291" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > > > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > > > > > @"chaosdurza.3291" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > > > > > > Rangers can 1shot, not as often but they can do it. I got hit by a Winters Bite (axe 3) for 19.6k damage yesterday and instapopped. Didnt even know it had that damage potential.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > How is that possible? The highest I was able to get the damage for axe 3 in a realistic scenario was 12.9k on a light armor target. I know I did my math right, even with all the best stuff I don't see any way it can get higher than that in 1 hit. The only way I could get it that high was also assuming the target was CC'd.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I have no clue my man, i asked the people around me and they just nodded and was like "yeah its possible, but ONLY during optimal situations (????)".

> > > > > > Though i had about 2.500/2600 armor so it still makes me wonder how he managed. I wasnt under CC either.

> > > > > > Cant explain it, should have printscreened it but i took it as its nothing special since everyone around me just acknowledged it and didnt think it was weird.

> > > > >

> > > > > Vulnerability 25 stacks?

> > > >

> > > > Nope, i just ran up in range and he turned, threw Winters Bite on me and i died. He proceeded doing whatever he was doing after that (smacking a siege ram), it was a clean 1shot, no additional damage or conditions taken from any source.

> > >

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJBHhdSpC0KI2xLYxCwyLW2Ds8077N/u0ECAJgnOQzrCMi0A-jVRBABA8AAoU9H80Dc1+jyPzUCSKgImsB-w

> > >

> > > Maybe something similar to this. Sic em+ one wolf pack + the winters bite might be able to reach those numbers

> >

> > If you throw in a Superior Bloodlust sigil on that, you can bring the AP to almost 4200, with 280ish crit damage. That's about 14.6k on a 2k armor target, with all damage % increases up. Very crazy damage, but still very specific scenarios (borderline unrealistic), and still not 19k lol. Like I said, I believe it's possible, I just don't get what the combination we're missing is.


> Again as I mentioned, a potentially +30% stat boost this weeks WvW event. That's could easily equal +1000 power and approach 300% crit dmg, making your 19k easily attainable.


Very true. I put this to the test after work last night, highest I managed to hit was 12k on a thief. Was extremely satisfying, instantly downed him from near full. Something else worth noting, however, was axe 2. I managed to jack that thing up to do 5k PER AXE, so at close range it was a 20k burst. Pulled that off on an enemy ranger, zero'd him out with the one move.


I have very little experience with mainhand axe, as I always thought it was more for condi builds. This is quickly proving me wrong, seems to be a very situational but underrated weapon for ranger.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Thief in general hits hard on the initial blow. They don't need malicious backstab to give you a last surprise.


> Generally, the build is Zerks with Mug and Executioner, Assassin's Signet, Rune of the Scholar or Infiltration, and blinding powder.


> You pop assassin's Signet and Blinding Powder. Revealed trainingYou start the animation for the backstab, and you steal onto your foe from behind. Deadeye is self explanitory. Daredevil will usually take havok mastery for the additional 7% melee damage. And Core Thieves can take what ever the hell they please.


> You also have Trickery, and you'd want to bring Leading blows up to 15% by spamming weapon skills at nothing.


> The way it works is the Mug hits first and usually chunks people. If they have no toughness they will normally drop below 50% if they are not a heavy health class.

> Your next blow to land is backstab which will ruin a large chunk of your foes health. Executioner gives an additional 20% of damage. Scholar gives 10% if you're above 90. Or Rune of Infiltration, which gives 12% more when they are below 50.


> Even if you are revealed, because the sneak attack animation is already in motion, you get the damage value for that plus the revealed bonus power.


Wait what? Mug takes away 50% hp? That's like 10k dmg. My mug is like 2k at most. How do you get mug to be 10k?

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Its pretty much proved at this point that every class has at least one YOLO Build for cheap kills.

Core builds, for instance, are know for hitting really hard by stacking traits that grant damage % bonuses.

Mind me, by "one shoot builds" we take in consideration classes that can concentrate enough damage to one shoot a person in the blink of a second.

If you want a class capable of hitting hard with ONE skill with ONE hit, you prolly will prefer or Weaver or SoulBeast. DE comes as the most viable and safe build tough.



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Power shatter chrono or mirage, the combo needs some skills and fingers, but once you got it you kill everybody in 0.5sec.

Deadeye or daredevil backstabs, dagger or rifle :d) Critical Strikes Spec + assassin signet (deadeye : +"malicious intent" + "be quick or be killed") (darevil: +impact strike for the few last PV and instant Finisher) edit* + signet of shadow for extra 10 vulnerability. I've never use "Mug", I don't want to miss the backstab if i faill the F1, and actually I don't need it to OS players.

Both with stealth, shadowsteps, teleports etc. (QQ they nerfed ellusive mind, mirage is dead I don't know how to equip BS in my skillbar ... *stealth away* *mirage cloak* *shadowstep/teleport* *mirror* *daze, daze again, and again* *0.5sec burst* *confusion/torment at every hit* Oh yeah, mirage is dead (I really hate this spec))


Soulbeast : a stun + maw + wordly impact ... but it is very obvious, you can (I hope you do) dodge or interrupt that, be careful of quickness or the shout "sick'em", or you die.

Radiance guard : +10% dmg +50% critikes + 10% against bruning foes +250 ferocity, you add the +20% dmg form unscathed contender, the shadowstep from sword or meditation + #5 focus + F1 + anyskill you want "Radiance guard is trash" :p :p :p :p

Full Valkyrie/knight + runes of durability or leadership

Elem/weaver scepter fresh air : a bit like mesmer, but less range, less sustain ...


But I don't know the "axe necro one shot", I'd like to see it.

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throw elixir S - > sneak up to the target - > holo 5 - > holo 3 - holo 4 - holo 2 - holo 1 = dead.


throw elixir S - > sneak up to the target - > Elixir U - > rifle 2 - 3 - 4- 5 = dead.


Use sneak gyro - > gather 10 friends - > stupidly wobble towards the enemy and KABOOM everyone pop everything and something dies. the Scrapper itself probably managed to kill a moa or 2.


Engineer can do it while remaining on a viable "all around" build :p

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Every profession in the game can sub-1-second one-combo/one-hit kill any other profession in the game, but with one big caveat:

It depends on builds of both involved.


You're not one-shotting a buffed Scrapper or even Holosmith with a modicum of toughness, no matter what you play or try and do. Period. With warrior/ranger/engi (again), a combo-build won't kill it from passive invulns if they play them.

Some classes are designed around dealing burst damage, and some of them when opting for builds builds are easier to play than others or require different skillsets, but to say it's restricted to a given spec/class is disingenuous.


> @"chaosdurza.3291" said:

> I definitely believe it happened, because I've had warriors hit me on my guardian for 12k with GS 5. Went into gw2 builder editor, tried to figure out what combination of stats/bonus damage effects/boons they had to have used to recreate that damage and it was absolutely impossible. I hit for 22k crits with Worldly Impact on my ranger, and by all calculations that should be completely impossible with my build, but I do that consistently. Something must be borked with either the damage calculations or my math. Probably my math, but I'm following the formulas listed on the wiki for the individual skills.


Your math is definitely wrong.


WI ranger can push well into the 30k+ area. There are people running builds with 10k+ autoattacks in longbow. Odds are you're just running a build that's objectively better in more circumstances, or one that's objectively not very strong.


Damage is super-free in the game right now in most of the elite specs. Basically the only thing that can deal more damage in the PvP contexts on core is Guardian, mostly because DH got its asinine burst rightfully nerfed with its AoE coverage and game-rule-breaking traps, and FB is a support spec.



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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Power mesmer, soulbeast, core guard has even higher burst that Dragonhunter, thiefes (on two weapons!), And revs.


I will out damage any mesmer or soulbeast. (Or 99% of other prof/setups) on my DH hybrid burn guard in multiple target settings (which is most everywhere in WvW) and it won't even be close. Those two prof (as well as thieves, holos and weavers) can certainly one shot a single foe, but my kind of setup will one shot as many as 10 and I have plenty of footage showing it. Search youtube for Figrin bomb if you doubt it.


But yeah, there is currently several ways to create a '1 shot' with how the game has been developed.

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Rifle + Signet of Fury Kill Shot Strength/Arms Warrior

Bloody Roar, Rifle + Signet of Fury Gun Flame Strength/Berserker,

Sword/Dagger + Bull's Charge Strength/Spellbreaker



Static Discharge Holosmith

Suicide Discharge w/ Firearms and Explosives Engineer



Marksmanship/Skirmishing, Maul + Moment of Clarity Ranger

Marksmanship, Winter's Bite + Moment of Clarity + Predator's Onslaught Soulbeast

"Sic 'Em!", Maul + Worldly Impact Soulbeast



Reaper's Onslaught + Well of Suffering + Soul Spiral + Gravedigger Reaper



Devastation/Invocation, Burst of Strength + Coalescence of Ruin Herald

Devastation/Invocation, Burst of Strength + Surge of the Mists Herald



Critical Strikes + Assassins Signet Death's Judgement Deadeye

Critical Strikes/Deadly Arts Dagger/Dagger Thief

Critical Strikes Staff + Vault Daredevil

Haste Pistol/Pistol Unload Deadeye



Fresh Air Scepter/Focus Elementalist

Fresh Air Scepter/Focus Weaver

Churning Earth



Power Shatter



Virtues + Glacial Heart Hammer Meditations Guardian

Traps + Longbow Meditations Dragonhunter




Guardian, Elementalist and Mesmer are the classes I've played the least of. I don't know the exact details of the one shot builds so obviously the information I've listed for them is either wrong or missing key components.


Everything I've listed is capable of killing someone within 3 seconds, many of them under 1 second.


As far as I know, every class has a build that can "one shot" even if the attack isn't technically a single hit. I may have missed a few and as I said, some areas may be incomplete, but you get the idea.


To my knowledge, there are only a handful of skills that can genuinely _one shot_. Those would be:

Kill Shot, Gun Flame, Wastrel's Ruin

Churning Earth

Maul, Winter's Bite, Worldly Impact

Backstab, Malicious Backstab, Vault, Death's Judgement

Executioner's Scythe, Gravedigger

Coalescence of Ruin

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> **Warrior**

> Rifle + Signet of Fury Kill Shot Strength/Arms Warrior

> Bloody Roar, Rifle + Signet of Fury Gun Flame Strength/Berserker,

> Sword/Dagger + Bull's Charge Strength/Spellbreaker


> **Engineer**

> Static Discharge Holosmith

> Suicide Discharge w/ Firearms and Explosives Engineer


> **Ranger**

> Marksmanship/Skirmishing, Maul + Moment of Clarity Ranger

> Marksmanship, Winter's Bite + Moment of Clarity + Predator's Onslaught Soulbeast

> "Sic 'Em!", Maul + Worldly Impact Soulbeast


> **Necromancer**

> Reaper's Onslaught + Well of Suffering + Soul Spiral + Gravedigger Reaper


> **Revenant**

> Devastation/Invocation, Burst of Strength + Coalescence of Ruin Herald

> Devastation/Invocation, Burst of Strength + Surge of the Mists Herald


> **Thief**

> Critical Strikes + Assassins Signet Death's Judgement Deadeye

> Critical Strikes/Deadly Arts Dagger/Dagger Thief

> Critical Strikes Staff + Vault Daredevil

> Haste Pistol/Pistol Unload Deadeye


> **Elementalist**

> Fresh Air Scepter/Focus Elementalist

> Fresh Air Scepter/Focus Weaver

> Churning Earth


> **Mesmer**

> Power Shatter


> **Guardian**

> Virtues + Glacial Heart Hammer Meditations Guardian

> Traps + Longbow Meditations Dragonhunter


> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> Guardian, Elementalist and Mesmer are the classes I've played the least of. I don't know the exact details of the one shot builds so obviously the information I've listed for them is either wrong or missing key components.


> Everything I've listed is capable of killing someone within 3 seconds, many of them under 1 second.


> As far as I know, every class has a build that can "one shot" even if the attack isn't technically a single hit. I may have missed a few and as I said, some areas may be incomplete, but you get the idea.


> To my knowledge, there are only a handful of skills that can genuinely _one shot_. Those would be:

> Kill Shot, Gun Flame, Wastrel's Ruin

> Churning Earth

> Maul, Winter's Bite, Worldly Impact

> Backstab, Malicious Backstab, Vault, Death's Judgement

> Executioner's Scythe, Gravedigger

> Coalescence of Ruin


Executioner's scythe only can if target already got some junk of damage.

And gravedigger needs you to be buffed with might.


Ok let's define oneshot.

For me it's this:

Oneshot is if enemy has almost no reaction time to prevent a kill. (No or almost no preparation time needed)

Onehit would be one hit killing the enemy from 100% health. Like thief backstab from stealth.


So for now, I wanna go with necro as I think you are incorrect.

Sure those skills might be enough to onehit enemies. But it needs a lot of preparation. You would need to get 25might somehow and then hit the enemy hoping for a lucky crit.


Next up, the combo of well+whirl combo. This would also need a lot of preparation, because you need the enemy to stand inside that well.


Nobody is so stupid to do that, and if someone is, you are bashing a noob/newby

So again this needs a lot of preparation. Bait out dodges and stunbreaks, then stun the enemy with elite shout and do the combo. Sure by this point you might not even need the well anymore. But that not oneshot for me.


Oneshot is, if a guard jumps you via hammer 2+his teleport+weaponswap

Or a rev jumps you via shiroport +sword4+ legendswap+staff 5

Or a ranger pressing sic'em+take in the pet from soulbeast ability, then pewpew for 30k unlockable damage.


Or that mesmer thing: invisible into daze into greatsword +shatter combo



Yes, necro skills can hit pretty hard. Like 12k axe 2, 20k spiral in shroud. But necro is so damn slow, that you should bury yourself if you are getting oneshot by a necro.

Mostly because every other class has either much better range or much better mobility to perform the oneshot.

Now you could tell me, but ele needs a lot of setup as well. Yes that's true. The channeling takes a lot of time, but then you will always use the no casttime teleport to onehit the enemy.




You can't say that for necro. Necros hard hitting skills have long casttimes. Executioner's scythe and gravedigger both have big visuals and 1,25 seconds casttime. Even with quickness that's still a lot. or ghastly claws is a 1,75seconds channel. All of these skills are either easy interruptable or easy dodgeable(by walking out of range or dodging)/blockable.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Ok let's define oneshot.

> For me it's this:

> Oneshot is if enemy has almost no reaction time to prevent a kill. (No or almost no preparation time needed)

That would technically disqualify everything except a permastealth DE as oneshot. Its easy to anticipate the burst from most builds, if you see them coming.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Joshewwah.2956" said:

> > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > Power mesmers and gs soulbeast come into mind as well.

> > > Edit

> > > Also power axe necros

> >

> > How do they burst really fast though


> Ranger burst is precast strength of the pact, sicem>maul>worldly impact. Good ones can do this in less than a second.

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Sic_%27Em_Roamer


If get both Maul+ WI landed on you that's a L2P issue. Ranger's GS burst 90% is towards downed players, towards active players this combo only land on newbies.

Maul has a too obvious animation and it's very easy to avoid unless you get CCed first.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> To my knowledge, there are only a handful of skills that can genuinely _one shot_. Those would be:

> Backstab, Malicious Backstab, Vault, Death's Judgement


[flanking dive](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flanking_Dive "flanking dive") has a higher modifier than backstab and with malice the spear stealth skill also can get to pretty high dmg. thats if you include watercombat..



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