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Bloodlust Event Feedback


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Trash event nobody should have any %stats unless (maybe) u had outnumbered buff, other than that it makes absolutely no sense PERIOD. If they wanted to promote fights they should just eliminate every gate, if they wanted to promote roaming they should just make so the only score u could get was by capping bloodlust and PPK, the event as it is just favors the dominant server to make every payer in it overpowered with 30% more stats, it is dumb and makes 0 sense

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The problem I have it being so heavily focused on the ruins is they give 0 xp for capturing them. Also the stat increase they give are so massive it is extremely unbalanced and just plain not fun. If your team has the plus 50 to all stats and 15 percent increase to power etc you can literally 1v5 and win with 0 issues because of how over powered you become. I wasn’t even in full zerker gear and when my team had the 2 set of ruins I was sitting at 3200 power with over close to 250 feroicty and over 50 percent crit chance with 27000 health. BEFORE might and fury and all other booms. Its completely unfair.(sure you can argUe you can just make sure enemy teams can’t have ruin control but say that to the enemy Zerg ofplayers roaming the ruins vs the few solo players trying to capture them) and when you get a Zerg to fight over these ruins you are rewarded no xp when you capture it. It’s double xp week I want to Gain xp and wasting more than 2 minutes trying to get a ruin seems silly to me when I could be capturing other objectives to gain xp. And I know some people will say wvw is about the fights! And I agree with you but it’s double xoxo week and I want to make use of it. So again I think the ruins should give xp to mke it somewhat worth my while

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So when you have full zone blobs which you cant defend against capping everything, and blocking you from getting bloodlust because they have superior numbers? is this fun, or again an oversight from the imbalances linking has produced. Some servers should not be linked, they are full enough already and putting T1 servers linked, against T2 servers linked does no justice to the game play, it doesn't work, so disappointed that after 6 years, we still playing the same drum

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I already commented in the "Roaming will be random this week?" thread, since it refers to this event despite the unspecific title. However, since this thread has been created with a more direct heading, I'll repeat myself. This is an **idiotic** event. That the Bloodlust buff was altered some time ago from it's original state, in which it gave a larger bonus and didn't feature diminishing returns for number of ruins held, denotes that this event is a **foolish** idea.


All this event does is return to us the problems that the nerfing of the original Bloodlust tried to solve. Chiefly, as myself and several others have already stated, it rewards stacked servers; and, otherwise, caters to the server with the largest population (whether purposefully stacked or not).


There is nothing rewarding, or even remotely fun, about this event if you happen to be on a server-link with a lower population than your opponent(s). There is no "smart play" that can overcome every ruins area, on every borderland map, being camped by 15 - 20 players from the same enemy link. Especially, and specifically, when that enemy link woefully outstrips your own link in general population, outstrips the other enemy link in general population, and can continue to flip other objectives with a 30% bonus to stats while every one else struggles. I am well aware that description doesn't apply to every match, but the fact that it does apply to some matches is not an opinion. Obviously, several people caught in such matches are posting on the forums presently, and their negative feedback is absolutely warranted.


I think ANet trying to hold special events is a nice, albeit small, bit of attention paid to a mode that's been greatly ignored (in comparison to other modes) through the years. However, as they hold these events, they might try crafting them in a way that doesn't seem utterly tone deaf regarding one of WvW 's biggest problems: Population Disparity.


This is a shit week for the population-have-nots out there.

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> @"dawsm.5398" said:

> I already commented in the "Roaming will be random this week?" thread, since it refers to this event despite the unspecific title. However, since this thread has been created with a more direct heading, I'll repeat myself. This is an **idiotic** event. That the Bloodlust buff was altered some time ago from it's original state, in which it gave a larger bonus and didn't feature diminishing returns for number of ruins held, denotes that this event is a **foolish** idea.


> All this event does is return to us the problems that the nerfing of the original Bloodlust tried to solve. Chiefly, as myself and several others have already stated, it rewards stacked servers; and, otherwise, caters to the server with the largest population (whether purposefully stacked or not).


> There is nothing rewarding, or even remotely fun, about this event if you happen to be on a server-link with a lower population than your opponent(s). There is no "smart play" that can overcome every ruins area, on every borderland map, being camped by 15 - 20 players from the same enemy link. Especially, and specifically, when that enemy link woefully outstrips your own link in general population, outstrips the other enemy link in general population, and can continue to flip other objectives with a 30% bonus to stats while every one else struggles. I am well aware that description doesn't apply to every match, but the fact that it does apply to some matches is not an opinion. Obviously, several people caught in such matches are posting on the forums presently, and their negative feedback is absolutely warranted.


> I think ANet trying to hold special events is a nice, albeit small, bit of attention paid to a mode that's been greatly ignored (in comparison to other modes) through the years. However, as they hold these events, they might try crafting them in a way that doesn't seem utterly tone deaf regarding one of WvW 's biggest problems: Population Disparity.


> This is a kitten week for the population-have-nots out there.


This pretty much sums up the event.

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Ruins are a DE/Mirage minefield, with maybe a few sniper soulbeasts thrown in for the hell of it. You pretty much need a havoc group or two to do anything about capping bloodlust, and if you don't have it, zerg fights are a total kittenshow. With approximately equal numbers, you can't wipe a bloodlust-buffed enemy zerg that sees you coming.

With the exception of guild raids, I'm taking this week off.

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Pretty dumb, but I'm stuck in T1 NA this week so your mileage may vary. The % increase in all stats just creates an even more imbalanced environment.


My suggestion: With gimmick events like this, limit the gimmick to the weekend (expires Monday midday), but keep the increased WXP rewards for the whole week so people can still farm if they wish.

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Basically ruined my week of playing the game, one of the worst ideas ever. Bloodlust just gets zerged by the bigger servers and then just ruins fights becuase the bigger servers who usually have the bloodlust have broken stats. On top of that the bloodlust got bugged out by showing that we capped but yet on the mini map showed we didnt and we couldnt glide in the area. Either way anet always coming up with stupid ideas and never trying to fix bugs wvw related for those that just log into the game and only wvw.

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for me this Event is really fun. the first time since years i see solo or duo roamers trying to cap ruins. a lot of fights. i feels rewarding to be a roamer more than usual. if one Server ahs t3 bloodlust your Server has to Focus on it. so it salso a tactical element you can use. interesting funny Event. but more than 1 week would be too much because the match ups are very intense because you have to Focus all the time on bloodlus as Server.

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Let's be real the normal bloodlust is really f'ing irrelevant. I don't feel like the numbers ever matter, similar to how Presence of the Keep doesn't matter. Together they slightly matter.


So far every event week shows that these things need changes. Bloodlust should do *something* else, maybe a temporary buff with the ruins resetting afterwards, idk.


No Down State showed that a more fast paced game can be very exciting, removing rally bots and all. I'd love to see something else than removing it entirely though



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I think this event is terrible. No one should receive massive boosts to stats to the point where fights are lame. I actually didn't know that this event was a thing until I came to the forums to see if anyone else felt like WvW fights got extremely hard all of a sudden (I don't read any of the news posts, my own fault).


If you've got the buff then things are great, you're not invincible but damn you're extremely hard to kill, for the hour or so we had the buff I had the easiest 1vx's of my entire life. If you don't have the buff then fighting someone with it is the biggest uphill battle in WvW, especially if you're vs servers with bigger populations, you just get overrun from a constant stream of +1's turning up all juiced up like they're on steroids.


I play very late, usually midnight on wards for a few hours but I hopped on during "peak" time and we were being spawn camped in every BL by zergs for several hours. Mirage's would blink into our group of 15-20 players, instantly blow up 3-5 players, drop a portal exit and we'd get bombed. Even at my usual playtime, being the smaller sever in the match-up, we're already at a disadvantage. Try and take a camp? You'll get +3'd and they've all got 30% bonus stats. Even bad players using stupid builds get away with more; being hit for 17k from a Thief's vault spam as a Warrior is just braindead.


Roaming fights vs players with the buff is unfair. Your 1v1/x's are an extreme uphill battle. You've got Mirage's and Deadeye's dealing even more ridiculous amounts of damage from their openers. Every time I die in a 1v1 or 1vx situation, instead of thinking "what did I do wrong so I can improve?", all I can think about is "i wonder how that fight would've gone if they had 15/30% less vitality, toughness and damage stats". It's not healthy for player improvement.


I just had to kite a Scourge around a camp for 5 minutes just to kill him. All of his low stack condi's hit extremely hard, he stacks Dire or trailblazer gear so that 30% bonus tough/vita just juices him up so much. It's a walking super tank that if you get near to him, you melt in seconds.


If you don't have the buff, then what's the point? The buff serves as nothing but a "win more" function for bigger servers.

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i dont want downstate removed. it is what sets gw2 from othergames. players simply need to l2play.


why do we have to pay for the lack of skill of others.


dont get me wrong, no downstate favors my team so much. because we know how to one hit as one combo. but remove it?


you guys have been around.


tanky team beats damage team. this was the old mantra we had 2013 to 2015. it is 2018 now, it is still the same now.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> i like how FA and NSP players come in here saying the event is great because they have the buff most the time lol.


i make certain we do when i lead.


thats just how one should play. get the edge.


there were a lots of moments green or red had our bl. we still fought. and then took it back.


historically, among sbi and mag and nsp, we have less population. if the more populater servers did it too, or spent atleast 2 minutes to take it, they will have the edge.



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