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Requiem Armor / Mist-Entangled Items Issues [merged]


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I'm having the same issue, only at the Shoulder Mist-Entangled Item vendor, Warmaster Steelburn. The above comment gave me a thought. I had not opened any of the requiem armor boxes until after I purchased the item for the gloves. Perhaps opening the boxes is untriggering the whatever flag is allowing us to buy the item.

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> Did you complete the renown heart for that vendor? All of the renown heart vendors in Jahai Bluffs sell the Mist Entangled Item, but only if you're on that step of the collection and you've completed the renown heart for that vendor.


Yes, of course. I tried it yesterday and I tried it again today. Still not working.

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Having this issue too, have selected the Heavy Boots and Leggings thus far, opened the chests and applied the skins, if any of that is why it bugs out (seems heavy skins are what were selected in the screenshot above me, and the one above that is a heavy class at least, so I reckon heavy skins were picked). [update; Someone I talked with in-game said they had been able to get the Mist-Tangled Item at Azi and I asked what weight they had selected, where upon they said they hadn't selected any yet. Is it related to having selected a skin in general, not just from the Heavy set? Does it somehow think the entire collection is done because any single skin item have been unlocked?] Tried relogging to other characters which have done the heart, no item to be purchased. Did it with the only character I had which hadn't done it yet today too, no Mist-Entagled Item. Could we please have a hotfix for this soon? Kinda annoying after having spent many hours across 9 alts to get all the materials required to collect the entire set, only to be faced with a bug that prevents you from finishing what you set your mind to. Kinda sucks the fun out of the update until it's fixed.


Unrelated; ---

While you're at it, maybe get someone to fix that players can break the crystal wall at the race between races too, which seems to make it go out of sync with the actual race. When the race then starts the wall is there, doesn't break, and nobody can complete the race.


If someone could look into Revenant utility skills randomly swapping places as well, that'd be incredibly useful, because right now as a healer it's game breaking to suddenly have your heal positioned somewhere else randomly during a difficult encounter while swapping between legends. Glint doesn't seem to give me trouble, but Ventari does, really frequently. Oh, and please get them to check Facet of Strength & Elements in relation to the Draconic Echo trait, since they don't seem to continue applying Might and Swiftness respectively unlike the other facets which now seem to be working correctly. Facets also stop generating boons if you go into or out of water while channeled, if you have Glint as your legend on land and in water.

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Hi . I did the Hearts just before i got to that point of collection for the Mist entangled Item for the Gloves (next step) ... and richt after the Kito part- the Item disappears from vendors... I even tried it with doing the heart AGAIN - but didnt help. Exactly as Seductive.5741 uploaded picture postet. Same state.


I tried -

Doing hearts before the actual Convergence II step for Gloves.

Doing hearts after the actual Convergence II step for Gloves.

Restart of game doesnt fix the problem.

Different Characters dont fix the problem.

Another map completion doesnt fix the problem.




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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> Having this issue too, have selected the Heavy Boots and Leggings thus far, opened the chests and applied the skins, if any of that is why it bugs out (seems Heavy is what were selected in the screenshot above me too, and the one above that is a heavy class at least, so I reckon heavy skins were picked)


I have selected the heavy armor too!



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