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Necromancer Definitely needs a massive buff or Overhaul to Survivability.


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Greetings fellow necromancers, and Passersby, I have done a small amount of research, not too much, just enough to get as much info as I needed, if there's any more info that you feel can answer my problem with necromancer, please tell me it.


Basically, I went through all the caster professions ( and will soon go through Adventurer and Soldiers), and written down All the Stunbreaks and Stability (and how many stacks) Each thing can get.


As Most of you are aware, necromancers have one of the highest health pools, and a Second health bar in the form of death shroud.

This in itself is rather survivable, the issue however comes when Crowd Control effects are put in the picture.


Necromancers, compared to other casts, have Almost No stability or Stunbreaks ( or reflects/blocks) compared to the other two.

Necromancer Stunbreaks consist of: plague Signet(needs target), Spectral Armour, Spectral walk(cannot use in air), "You are all weaklings!", lesser Spectral armour (50% health), Well of Power, Foot in the grave(go into shroud) and trail of Anguish (Unusable in the air).

Necromancer Stability consists of: Well of power(1 stack), Trail of Anguish(1 stack), Foot in the grave (1 stack) and "Chilled to the Bone"(2 stacks per target hit).

The fact necromancers do not get multiple stacks of stability outside of reaper is one of the main reasons for this post, as some enemies, especially in the more recent maps, can stun you multiple times and having one stack of stability is just not enough.



Mesmers (at BASE) Get "Mantra of Concentration" Which gives 2 stacks of Stability, and breaks stun, and can be cast twice, this effectively gives you 6 "Anti stun" measures in one skil.


Elementalists get Armour of Earth a stunbreak that gives 10 stacks of stability equal to 11 total anti-stun measures, which yes can be stripped or converted, but Elementalists also get a trait in each elite spec that allows one of their unique skills : tempest's overloads and Weaver's stances, to apply stability, overloads already break stuns, so that's 4 stunbreaks as a tempest just for being tempest, without having to take armour of earth.


Regarding condition cleanses:

(This will require either a Stunbreak or instant cast skill as if you are feared you cannot cast most skills with a cast time)

If an Enemy applies Fear, Chill, Immobilise and/or Slow.


Necromancers can:

Plague Signet(Requires a target), Use "Suffer!"(Requires an enemy in range) Use Well of Power (One a tick),

Necromantic Corruption: 1/10s per minion

As a Scourge use F2(one) and F3(if traited).

Shroud: Shrouded Removal (One per Three seconds), Unholy Martyr:( 3 upon leaving shroud)


Mesmers Can: Power Cleanse( Three a cast, Two casts), Blurred inscriptions(One a signet), Restorative Illusions(One a shatter), Elusive mind(One and Stunbreak)

As a mirage: Jaunt (One a step)


Elementalists can: Magnetic Wave(Three), Cleansing Fire(Five), Diamond Skin ( One a hit above 75% per second), Lesser Cleansing Fire(Three).


Now at a glance you would be right in thinking that necromancers have more access to Condition clears while stunned, HOWEVER, ignoring the fact all of these require you to have a specific trait line or skill, for 4 of them a necromancer needs life force, and necromancer skills only remove One per tick of their respective skill ( except Unholy martyr), or Require an Enemy nearby/Targetted.



Now Elementalist and Mesmer are both Amazing professions and are fine having as much Anti-Stun and Condition Removal as they do ( while stunned), but I feel that having more health and lower damage ( as we all know Mesmers and Elementalists have much higher spike damage, and I believe mirages have good Condition damage) is not a fair trade for having such low amounts of "Survivability" when it's not just "Can you take a hit".


Since this post is mainly about Hindering conditions and Stuns I will not go into protection, evades etc.


Yes it's easy to learn when to Dodge etc, However I feel necromancer, for a caster, has very little in the way of Not being Stunlocked to death due to Low mobility ( not mentioned in this post)< Low Anti-Stun and Not very effective "While stunned" Condition removal.



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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> well lets nerf the amazing damage it brings then :-)


> As for Armour of Earth, I see 0 eles using it because of it's long cooldown and awful use (In WvW atleast) Necros in PvP and WvW hit like a truck, perhaps its the stat your using..


Amazing Damage? On Snowcrows every other profession has one or more builds that deal more damage ( as a benchmark)

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > well lets nerf the amazing damage it brings then :-)

> >

> > As for Armour of Earth, I see 0 eles using it because of it's long cooldown and awful use (In WvW atleast) Necros in PvP and WvW hit like a truck, perhaps its the stat your using..


> Amazing Damage? On Snowcrows every other profession has one or more builds that deal more damage ( as a benchmark)


Lol, Im unsure whether you are talking about PvE or PvP/WvW, when it comes to PvE perhaps Support Scourge should get buffs or Druid gets nerfed, when it comes to PvP/WvW Scourge is pretty dam strong and reaper is really good

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Bringing damage into a thread about defense isn't really a good way to follow the thread...


Anyway, like the OP said, the crux of the issue is mainly the poor ability of the necromancer to face Hard CC, just like the crux of elementalist's issue is it's inability to create for himself windows of opportunity in order to dish out it's damages. Those are design flaws that are most likely willed by the developpers in order to create room for other professions to counter these 2 professions.


It's exceedingly frustrating for both professions but, let's be real, we've complained about this for years already and ANet seem to be unwilling to make any change to this.


> Lol, Im unsure whether you are talking about PvE or PvP/WvW, when it comes to PvE perhaps Support Scourge should get buffs or Druid gets nerfed, when it comes to PvP/WvW Scourge is pretty dam strong and reaper is really good


- Support scourge don't need any buff, the specialization just don't fit the "support" needs in high end PvE content for highly skilled players.

- Druid don't need nerfs because outside of it's offensive support druid is already falling behind every other "healer". Poor balance choice just led to it's precarious situation.

- Scourge isn't "pretty dam strong" in PvP/WvW, Scourge just happen to have tools highly effective against players only and stack well which fit zerg plays. Scourge only exist because boons have to much impact on group play and barriers stacks. Scourges are only strong there because the boon meta was rampant for many years and ANet wanted to put an end to it (which doesn't mean that it was a good idea from them to create the scourge for this purpose just that they thought it might help)

- Reaper isn't especially good either but it's ability to deal high damage at the same time that he protect his main health pool can be perceived as OP. However they are easily countered throught hard CC.


All in all, necromancers will always sucks at dealing with hard CC and their is litterally no reason for necromancer to have lower damage than other professions due to a fabled superior survivability. Right now, necromancers, despite their weakness to hard CC are still behind in regard of: mobility and damage. In a power meta they are also considered as behind other professions in regard of survivability while in a condi meta they are above other in regard of survivability.

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I can't help but think that's just part of the overall class profile. I can't really come to the conclusion there is something to fix here because it's not unreasonable for classes to have deficiencies. Admittedly on the PVE side of things, I don't feel I'm deficient so much so that I can't function or perform well.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I can't help but think that's just part of the overall class profile. I can't really come to the conclusion there is something to fix here because it's not unreasonable for classes to have deficiencies. Admittedly on the PVE side of things, I don't feel I'm deficient so much so that I can't function or perform well.


Well I've done comparisons with many profs over time, such as rev hammer doing more damage, attacking faster, and 100% projectile finisher, in trade for 4% life force, and this post about lack of Anti-CC compared to others. Someone mentioned "eles not using armour of earth because of the cooldown", that isn't a problem as the fact they have access to it, meaning they can counter a specific enemy style is what I was getting at, someone mentioned eles not getting opportunity to dish out the most damage possible, While I do agree with them about not being able to maximise it, I don't agree with that being a thing they are unable to do, as every weapon set, In water and/or earth has some way to chill or Immobilise enemies, not to mention utilities, While necromancer, Who has mor ehealth but a LOT lower DPS compared to ele, Has approximately the same amount of Enemy "controlling" i'll call it ( not including fear as fear doesn't keep an enemy Inside an AoE) via chills or Immobilises, necromancer has No way to Counter Stunlock, while an ele technically can by bringing Mist form to completely avoid it, Armour fo earth to negate it and reduce damage, Lightnign flash to move out of it, necromancers have little mobility ( flesh worm was how they escaped jail... not minions breaking the door down, Just teleporting into ooze, which then keeps them oozed the entire mission I must add) little stunbreak(Necro = 8 stunbreaks, 3 stability, Mesmer 8 stunbreak 7 stability, ele 11 stunbreak 20 stability - only counting skills or traits that explicity say break stun) and as mentioned, poor damage as they rely on Conditions mainly, However, they basically "only" have bleed, with a side of torment, Torment is Better bleed in every way, it's "bleed Damage, but 2x when the foe moves", meaning Mesmer sceptre auto, or axe auto, will do more damage, Elementalists I would say are more power base,d but their condition sceptre ( fire for example) applies burning, and their earth sceptre applies 3 bleeds with one skill, compared to necro's 3 bleeds 1 poison with 3 skills.

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I mean, that's again, part of the problem ... doing many comparisons with many profs over time. I'm not sure that's inline with how Anet thinks about what a class does and how it does it. OR what it doesn't do and why.


If you want an example of how Anet looks at a class _independently_ of anything but it's theme, check my sig. Otherwise, I haven't seen any evidence of Anet ever making these comparisons to justify class changes. To be fair, having deficiencies is part of typical approach to class development in MMO's to begin with. It's quite possible Anet has adopted that ideology for this game, given that it's evident many classes are clearly deficient in some aspects of game play.


Certainly, one can make comparisons and even convince themselves they are valid. I think at some point though, it's important to acknowledge that classes have differences so there is value in choosing a class. There is a great example in this game where choose is and is not value. Classes are valued choices for players because each class delivers a different style of play; I honestly believe no class plays like another (that's a feat itself). Race is NOT a valued choice for players because aside from ONE elite spec, the difference is almost completely cosmetic. In order to maintain class as a valued choice, the differences must be maintained.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I mean, that's again, part of the problem ... doing many comparisons with many profs over time. I'm not sure that's inline with how Anet thinks about what a class does and how it does it. OR what it doesn't do and why.


> If you want an example of how Anet looks at a class _independently_ of anything but it's theme, check my sig. Otherwise, I haven't seen any evidence of Anet ever making these comparisons to justify class changes. To be fair, having deficiencies is part of typical approach to class development in MMO's to begin with. It's quite possible Anet has adopted that ideology for this game, given that it's evident many classes are clearly deficient in some aspects of game play.


> Certainly, one can make comparisons and even convince themselves they are valid. I think at some point though, it's important to acknowledge that classes have differences so there is value in choosing a class. There is a great example in this game where choose is and is not value. Classes are valued choices for players because each class delivers a different style of play; I honestly believe no class plays like another (that's a feat itself). Race is NOT a valued choice for players because aside from ONE elite spec, the difference is almost completely cosmetic. In order to maintain class as a valued choice, the differences must be maintained.


I will read your signature thing now, but I don't see many, if any, Downsides to Thief and Mesmer, Both cane basically perma Evade or invis ( daredevil/Mirage for evade and Deadeye for invis), with High spike damage, Sure they can get killed easy when hit, but deadeye gets a 7k heal with 0 healing power, so that doesn't count, and Mirage can evade bu walking into a thing they place while damaging....

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Foot in the Grave - If you know a control effect is coming, just shroud. If you get knocked down or stunned, shroud for damage reduction.

Necro also has counters to other players' stability and control effects; corruptions, blind, shroud, fear, stun-break, etc.

I am not sure counting sources of stab is entirely fair or justifies an entire overhaul and massive buffing. Necro may not have a lot of boons but there are other ways of dealing with a control effect that do not directly counter it like stability. The knockdowns, themselves, do not usually do much damage. It is the follow up skills I watch out for.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I mean, that's again, part of the problem ... doing many comparisons with many profs over time. I'm not sure that's inline with how Anet thinks about what a class does and how it does it. OR what it doesn't do and why.

> >

> > If you want an example of how Anet looks at a class _independently_ of anything but it's theme, check my sig. Otherwise, I haven't seen any evidence of Anet ever making these comparisons to justify class changes. To be fair, having deficiencies is part of typical approach to class development in MMO's to begin with. It's quite possible Anet has adopted that ideology for this game, given that it's evident many classes are clearly deficient in some aspects of game play.

> >

> > Certainly, one can make comparisons and even convince themselves they are valid. I think at some point though, it's important to acknowledge that classes have differences so there is value in choosing a class. There is a great example in this game where choose is and is not value. Classes are valued choices for players because each class delivers a different style of play; I honestly believe no class plays like another (that's a feat itself). Race is NOT a valued choice for players because aside from ONE elite spec, the difference is almost completely cosmetic. In order to maintain class as a valued choice, the differences must be maintained.


> I will read your signature thing now, but I don't see many, if any, Downsides to Thief and Mesmer, Both cane basically perma Evade or invis ( daredevil/Mirage for evade and Deadeye for invis), with High spike damage, Sure they can get killed easy when hit, but deadeye gets a 7k heal with 0 healing power, so that doesn't count, and Mirage can evade bu walking into a thing they place while damaging....


Well, I guess that's in the Eye of the Beholder. Deficiencies aren't just about performance and I don't think you're being really honest with yourself here either ... I would say that being killed easily is a pretty serious downside to a class.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Foot in the Grave - If you know a control effect is coming, just shroud. If you get knocked down or stunned, shroud for damage reduction.

> Necro also has counters to other players' stability and control effects; corruptions, blind, shroud, fear, stun-break, etc.

> I am not sure counting sources of stab is entirely fair or justifies an entire overhaul and massive buffing. Necro may not have a lot of boons but there are other ways of dealing with a control effect that do not directly counter it like stability. The knockdowns, themselves, do not usually do much damage. It is the follow up skills I watch out for.


I commented about foot in the grave, and it protects you from CC for 3 seconds, and only one, this is hindered more by scourge, reducing the speed you can enter shroud by making it from 10s cd to 20s (untraited), While both mesmers and eles can use their Profession mechanic of Shatters or Overloads for more stability more often, or stunbreaks, I just feel that Once every 10s, assuming your shroud isn't CCd permanently and nuked meaning you lose Life force and your change to foot in the grave when you're thrown back to reality, is fairly weak in comparison to everything, especially for such low Mobility to avoid cc, or their own hard-cc to counter. If you can't get out of the way of CC and you can't CC the CC-er, then you're just primed to be dead

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Honestly i think you are being too drastic in comparison to other professions. You are matching traits to skills and skills to traits and thats never a good way to look at it. If you do that you will always name some of the worst things no one uses on necro and name some of the better tools of other professions.


First off the one thing you did right was compare necro to only other scholar professions. At base it is a caster type and thus its tools should be some what similar or less of the other types. My reasoning for saying "lesser" comes down to the fact that shroud at a core perspective protects your hp and the other professions at base do not have this option. Instead they have boon spam and invulns or stealth.


Honestly about the only thing you can hope they do is buff death magic its traits have potential and its minors can easily be replaced by just about any mechanic you can think off and they be better than they are now.


I think anet has to be very careful about how they buff necro sustain because then it means currently necro can opt for building in a way that it does not require precision or toughness while still having high crit chance, crit damage, and being tanky as hell without the proper investment. Although if anet never plans to give necro hard defenses then this is not a bad way to offset that choice. Right now its kind of like they dont know which they want to do.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Honestly i think you are being too drastic in comparison to other professions. You are matching traits to skills and skills to traits and thats never a good way to look at it. If you do that you will always name some of the worst things no one uses on necro and name some of the better tools of other professions.


> First off the one thing you did right was compare necro to only other scholar professions. At base it is a caster type and thus its tools should be some what similar or less of the other types. My reasoning for saying "lesser" comes down to the fact that shroud at a core perspective protects your hp and the other professions at base do not have this option. Instead they have boon spam and invulns or stealth.


> Honestly about the only thing you can hope they do is buff death magic its traits have potential and its minors can easily be replaced by just about any mechanic you can think off and they be better than they are now.


> I think anet has to be very careful about how they buff necro sustain because then it means currently necro can opt for building in a way that it does not require precision or toughness while still having high crit chance, crit damage, and being tanky as hell without the proper investment. Although if anet never plans to give necro hard defenses then this is not a bad way to offset that choice. Right now its kind of like they dont know which they want to do.


It's not the fact "no-one uses it" it's "they have access to it, so can use it if they have to", necros cannot do this even if they wanted, and now thanks to the most recent patch they have even less mobility.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?


They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?


> They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.


How is it a buff to only have 25% movement speed above 75% health, when e.g. warrior gets it for ANY melee weapon at all times with a melee weapon. it means If you go below 75% health the bonus is gone. whereas before you could keep 25% while under 75%, sure you can now move faster out of combat, but in combat you're slower than before if you previously used the trait with dagger.


Edit: and why would they REMOVE something the dagger could do? now the dagger is basically useless, as the movement speed is linked TO the dagger trait, meaning if you don't use dagger the trait is Just worse overall.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?


I do not feel like that was a nerf. You can now replace OH dagger with war horn or still use a utility.


Also, FitG is a 3 sec stab on a 10 sec CD. Sure, a player needs to figure out when to use it and when not instead of proc'ing a utility and hoping a long up-time stab catches a control effect.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?

> >

> > They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.


> How is it a buff to only have 25% movement speed above 75% health, when e.g. warrior gets it for ANY melee weapon at all times with a melee weapon. it means If you go below 75% health the bonus is gone. whereas before you could keep 25% while under 75%, sure you can now move faster out of combat, but in combat you're slower than before if you previously used the trait with dagger.


If necro had perma superspeed it couldn't outrun a warrior in combat anyway. I can't always stay ahead of them on a three dodge daredevil, so I don't expect to on a necro.


I'm mostly concerned about wvw, and having the move speed on a trait frees up a utility slot that will be more useful when drawn into combat. I may still not run it, but now it's a consideration I can make.


In spvp it's even more useful, I can see the new version of the trait getting a lot more play. You're going to be fighting on a point or at full health running between points.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?

> >

> > They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.


> How is it a buff to only have 25% movement speed above 75% health, when e.g. warrior gets it for ANY melee weapon at all times with a melee weapon. it means If you go below 75% health the bonus is gone. whereas before you could keep 25% while under 75%, sure you can now move faster out of combat, but in combat you're slower than before if you previously used the trait with dagger.


If necro had perma superspeed it couldn't outrun a warrior in combat anyway. I can't always stay ahead of them on a three dodge daredevil, so I don't expect to on a necro.


I'm mostly concerned about wvw, and having the move speed on a trait frees up a utility slot that will be more useful when drawn into combat. I may still not run it, but now it's a consideration I can make.


In spvp it's even more useful, I can see the new version of the trait getting a lot more play. You're going to be fighting on a point or at full health running between points.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?


> I do not feel like that was a nerf. You can now replace OH dagger with war horn or still use a utility.


> Also, FitG is a 3 sec stab on a 10 sec CD. Sure, a player needs to figure out when to use it and when not instead of proc'ing a utility and hoping a long up-time stab catches a control effect.


one stack of stability for 3s, every 10s, ( if you have life force), this is effectively just one stunbreak, the Stability added isn't enough.


Edit: Revenants get Legend Swap is a stunbreak as a passive for having a trait line, sure it's not stability, but adding 1 stack of stability is not worth making it a grandmaster

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?

> > >

> > > They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.

> >

> > How is it a buff to only have 25% movement speed above 75% health, when e.g. warrior gets it for ANY melee weapon at all times with a melee weapon. it means If you go below 75% health the bonus is gone. whereas before you could keep 25% while under 75%, sure you can now move faster out of combat, but in combat you're slower than before if you previously used the trait with dagger.


> If necro had perma superspeed it couldn't outrun a warrior in combat anyway. I can't always stay ahead of them on a three dodge daredevil, so I don't expect to on a necro.


> I'm mostly concerned about wvw, and having the move speed on a trait frees up a utility slot that will be more useful when drawn into combat. I may still not run it, but now it's a consideration I can make.


> In spvp it's even more useful, I can see the new version of the trait getting a lot more play. You're going to be fighting on a point or at full health running between points.


in WvW and Pvp players can hit you for much more than 25% of your ma health in one hit, meaning You won't be able to escape them, ever.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?

> > >

> > > They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.

> >

> > How is it a buff to only have 25% movement speed above 75% health, when e.g. warrior gets it for ANY melee weapon at all times with a melee weapon. it means If you go below 75% health the bonus is gone. whereas before you could keep 25% while under 75%, sure you can now move faster out of combat, but in combat you're slower than before if you previously used the trait with dagger.


> If necro had perma superspeed it couldn't outrun a warrior in combat anyway. I can't always stay ahead of them on a three dodge daredevil, so I don't expect to on a necro.


> I'm mostly concerned about wvw, and having the move speed on a trait frees up a utility slot that will be more useful when drawn into combat. I may still not run it, but now it's a consideration I can make.


> In spvp it's even more useful, I can see the new version of the trait getting a lot more play. You're going to be fighting on a point or at full health running between points.


Or you can see it for what it is: a nerf for in combat mobility.

Honnestly, 25% speed while above 75%, there is no reason to take the trait at all unless you are using dagger and need the cool down reduction for dagger. If you need movement speed, you can just take locust signet and have a "defensive" CD sloted.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > > UPDATE: They just nerfed necro Mobility by making the 25% movement speed ONLY above 75% on quickening thirst... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ANET SERIOUSLY?

> > > >

> > > > They buffed it, I no longer have to carry a dagger or signet of the locust. The only time I had a dagger before was fractals, and the trait was superfluous there anyway.

> > >

> > > How is it a buff to only have 25% movement speed above 75% health, when e.g. warrior gets it for ANY melee weapon at all times with a melee weapon. it means If you go below 75% health the bonus is gone. whereas before you could keep 25% while under 75%, sure you can now move faster out of combat, but in combat you're slower than before if you previously used the trait with dagger.

> >

> > If necro had perma superspeed it couldn't outrun a warrior in combat anyway. I can't always stay ahead of them on a three dodge daredevil, so I don't expect to on a necro.

> >

> > I'm mostly concerned about wvw, and having the move speed on a trait frees up a utility slot that will be more useful when drawn into combat. I may still not run it, but now it's a consideration I can make.

> >

> > In spvp it's even more useful, I can see the new version of the trait getting a lot more play. You're going to be fighting on a point or at full health running between points.


> in WvW and Pvp players can hit you for much more than 25% of your ma health in one hit, meaning You won't be able to escape them, ever.


Well maybe you can't, but I have a lot of success in both game modes lowering my opponent's health to zero before mine. It is unrelated to the argument that you were making.


Don't get me wrong, I know what a good burst from an enemy feels like. A little buildcraft and dodging goes a long way, though.

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