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Healing on Zealous Blade?


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> @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> Anyone that has done a test?


> Scaling with heal power?


> Only heal the guardian or does it heal allies as well?


A support build would never take Zeal to begin with.

The healing is so insignificant it really doesn't matter. Barely a 1k heal on GS4 -> GS2. It's too much of an investment for too little payout, considering the rest of Zeal is just hot garbage.

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> @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> Does it only heal the guardian?


> 1k heals is pretty nice considering longbow can trigger the same combo field 3 times. Or is it only when gs trigger a field? The update notes suggests all weapons, or at least that is my impression.


There is no way you can fit zeal in a PvP build using DH. This is a nerf to Zeal in PvP, cuz you only used it with GS anyway.

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> @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> I got one answer, for how much it heals. And a new question has popped up.


> How does it scale?

> It only heals the guardian?

> And can only be triggered with GS?


> I would check it myself but I am on a job related roadtrip.




It heals for 144

On evey combo no mather what weapon you use


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> @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> I got one answer, for how much it heals. And a new question has popped up.


> How does it scale?

> It only heals the guardian?

> And can only be triggered with GS?


> I would check it myself but I am on a job related roadtrip.




Angel's numbers seem accurate. I can't say for sure exactly how the trait is working, but it seems the old zealous blade is still in place (maybe this is a bug?) since every GS strike still heals 25 hp. Combo finishers in the field will heal you 141 hp and GS 4 + GS 2 against a stationary target procs the combo finisher around 3 times, plus every single strike procs the 25 hp heal amounting to around 900-1k hp. Leap and blast also seem to be healing for around the same amount.


It's also worth noting that this healing value is per target, so you could potentially heal a lot more if attacking a group.


Overall the heal is still very poor and is a very good case of a skill where the base value should be high and the scaling low since builds with high healing power won't use this traitline or trait, and builds that try to build in healing power for this trait won't be rewarded very well.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> > Anyone that has done a test?

> >

> > Scaling with heal power?

> >

> > Only heal the guardian or does it heal allies as well?


> A support build would never take Zeal to begin with.

> The healing is so insignificant it really doesn't matter. Barely a 1k heal on GS4 -> GS2. It's too much of an investment for too little payout, considering the rest of Zeal is just hot garbage.


So if you use GS with core what trait line are you going to use instead of zeal? I have to be honest with you I feel like the extra damage you get from symbols and the extra GS damage and cool down decrease for gs abilities is worth more then taking say virtues. I played both for a long time in spvp. I really dont find myself missing the buffs from virtues or the extra couple of conditions cleanse. Firebrand elite is a no go for core imo too clunky. So as mediocre as it is in my experience when playing core and using GS zeal >firebrand or virtues for the third trait line.

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I play Core Guard and I take Zealous for the 10% increase in damage, the healing is just frosting and helps keep me above 90%. This change baffles me though, since the healing isn't that impactful (eg not in need of a nerf), so why give incentive to combo it with a light field WHEN THERE ARE ALREADY GOOD REASONS to combo a whirl finisher + light combo field. Just seems superfluous.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> The change is a little disappointing ... even if it opens up to more weapons, they are only 2H ones that can finish a field. At that, GS is still the most effective. I guess it's just a way to give GS users some more enhanced healing.


You missed Focus #5, but your point is still valid since GS has 3 finishers (2, 3 and 5) so it's still easiest to use.


Haven't had a chance to play my Guard yet since the patch, but this change still bothers me. If the point was to open this healing ability for use on other weapons it won't work, since anyone using Zeal with a Hammer, Staff, etc, is likely to get more benefit from taking either Binding Jeopardy or Kindred Zeal. Zealous Blade's primary allure is the 10% damage + reduced recharge on GS - the heal was just a nice extra.


If the intent was to nerf the healing so it would only activate with a finisher...why?

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