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No thank you for some Lead the Wind changes


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Zero necessity to change this "The attack speed when using the longbow is no longer increased" and add "Gain swiftness when using a projectile combo finisher."... This "Piercing is now applied to harpoon gun skills, in addition to the current piercing functionality." is fine... I'm not at Michael Scott levels of "please no" yet, but again, no thank you for starting down a dark path of destroying the unparalleled archer profession...


Thank you for reading my "no thank you" thread. Have a great day!

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after a> @"Ezrael.6859" said:

> Your attacks still go 1500-2100 range depending on the elevation to your target. This is balance.


after about 1800 range the arrow just dissapears most people dont even understand any thing in this game and come on this forums under ranger blabbing about some thing they think is op. i also feel like any good soulbeast are running bm over mm any ways like i have been for years now,and after the buff to bm a few patches ago the gap was even wider just the lose of the extra stats and the 10% daamage modifier and 30% move speed lmao how can u justify mm traits :D?nerfing read the wind kills build varitety and i will miss it but i get alot more bang per slot out of bm traitline along time ago and so have many other people that run ws-bm-sb in wvw . I dont want to hear about the mm-bm-sb either build it is nothing in wvw and gets dominated

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> @"Ezrael.6859" said:

> Your attacks still go 1500-2100 range depending on the elevation to your target. This is balance.


And this is not understanding a class. At all.


Marksmanship has been pretty shit for pvp content for a while, and this just sealed the deal for anything except gimmicky remorseless builds. The good soulbeast builds already dropped this trait line way back, if they even ran it in the first place.

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> @"Ezrael.6859" said:

> Your attacks still go 1500-2100 range depending on the elevation to your target. This is balance.


Please don’t try to go down the “this is balance” road...




November 2017




May 2018




“A message from Robert Gee, Guild Wars 2 Systems Team:


Hello to all the sneaky thieves out there! I'm unstealthing today to reveal details of the upcoming changes to the Deadeye profession. In a previous update we increased the damage of rifle skills to put Deadeye in a good spot from a DPS-perspective, so this update is focused more around improving their gameplay patterns and mechanics.


Fire Away


We're looking forward to seeing these changes redefine the Deadeye specialization and hope that they will sharpen your Deadeye experience. As always, we'll be listening for your feedback on these changes and will make future adjustments where necessary. Happy hunting!”



July 2018




> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Yep apparently this balance patch is becoming a meme...

> The damage is done against 2800 armor. Reveal didn't do anything as it stealthed back almost instantly and stayed like that for good >30 seconds .




> What do you think? is this the objective of this game?



Meanwhile on the ranger forums...


“Can you please fix pets?”


“Daggers are useless outside of pve, can you please improve them?”


“Druid healing is clunky please make it better?”


“Can we have some competitive condi builds for wvw and spvp?”


“Can you please work on x, y, z?”


... crickets ...

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  • 1 month later...

I know im necroing a thread, but i am so angry about this change that I have to say something. Why the hell nerf an under used trait line? This trait line needed a buff not a nerf. Bow was under powered as it was and now this???


I normally support gaming companies and give the benifit of the doubt but this just shows me how much they DONT EVEN LOOK AT RANGER. This didnt effect meta builds! This just nerfed anyone who was doing something different.


I was going to be a returning player, but this patch just makes me feel there is no attention, care or even thought behind Ranger. Im am leaving the game because build diversity is dead for this class.


Really stupid move there.

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> @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> I know im necroing a thread, but i am so angry about this change that I have to say something. Why the hell nerf an under used trait line? This trait line needed a buff not a nerf. Bow was under powered as it was and now this???


> I normally support gaming companies and give the benifit of the doubt but this just shows me how much they DONT EVEN LOOK AT RANGER. This didnt effect meta builds! This just nerfed anyone who was doing something different.


> I was going to be a returning player, but this patch just makes me feel there is no attention, care or even thought behind Ranger.

**Im am leaving the game because build diversity is dead for this class.**


>Really stupid move there


I can understand why you are upset. It is common for Anet to eh...'break' traits that are not overpowered, not being complained about and mostly not being used.


I disagree with what is bolded in your comment.


Rangers have an amazing amount of diversity in pve, pvp and do alright in WvW (depending on what you like to do)


Unless, you mean 'vanilla ranger'?

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Mainstreaming longbow, but reason for leaving the game is lack of diversity? I see what you did there :smile:.


The change on Read, to the current Lead the Wind confused me as well. The 10% was not that great to begin with; hardly noticeable in DPS. Debatably it's for PvP but let's be real, it won't miraculously let you gain an extra attack. Most of the damage done was from Rapid Fire (could probably count the numbers of AA done in between CDs). As for the change, why swiftness? Which requires the ranger to **hit with a projectile combo**? How... and the trouble for(again :lol: ) swiftness?


Prefer to have ranger's longbow skills to be revamped instead (eg. staff skills for guardians) because its pointless reverting the current(useless) to previous(unimpressive).

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> @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> I know im necroing a thread, but i am so angry about this change that I have to say something. Why the hell nerf an under used trait line? This trait line needed a buff not a nerf. Bow was under powered as it was and now this???


> I normally support gaming companies and give the benifit of the doubt but this just shows me how much they DONT EVEN LOOK AT RANGER. This didnt effect meta builds! This just nerfed anyone who was doing something different.


> I was going to be a returning player, but this patch just makes me feel there is no attention, care or even thought behind Ranger. Im am leaving the game because build diversity is dead for this class.


> Really stupid move there.


MM hardly got nerfed. 10% atk speed on a low DPS utility kiting weapon isn't going to change anything. the only way I ever thought that would be useful is to make it 10% faster so it would be harder to dodge on time. but... eh. these days it's easy to guess rangers are gonna use PBS after you see them swap to LB. the trait was used exclusively for CDR and the 10% was mostly an added mostly irrelevant bonus.


nobody even uses MM anyway outside of pve maybe.. but even in pve longbow isn't great. if you're the kind of person that cares enough about builds to be upset with a tiny change like this, then you're probably not running around open world all day with a Longbow. MM is usable in pve for the DPS with AOO and compatibility with GS.


that being said, sure I don't get why they even bothered to make this change in the first place. my guess is to make sure those 1trick soulbeast players in wvw have less of an incentive to run the 1 hit builds. but .. meh.

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I'm very surprised about this "vanilla" change. I think it was just a lazy decision to give this trait something for all projectile weapons which will go along with the name of the trait.


It's a shame because the the overall they made for most weapon traits was an opportunity the issue of the MM trait-line, having the weakest minors in the game if you are not running remorseless.


I think that every GM should give the option to refresh the minors under different prerequisites.


Lead the wind - change name to tactical hunter(or something like that) - Your longbow and harpoon-gun skills pierce and recharge faster. Regain opening strike whenever you gain stealth.


Predator's Onslaught - You and your pet deal increased damage to disabled or movement-impaired foes. Regain opening strike whenever you activate a sigent.


They should also fix the oreder the GM traits, remorseless should be bottom and the bow trait should be middle.

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> @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

> I think that every GM should give the option to refresh the minors under different prerequisites.


Been saying that for years now, and it doesn't seem to ever happen.

If Anet reads the forums at all, they should have realized by now that this is an obvious good change which the traitline desperately needs. In the meanwhile they've reworked one of the revenant's lines from vuln on crit to a similar mechanic, only to give it an in-combat refresh as a part of the trait.


Lead the Wind - added: regain on stealth (remove the combo field nonsense they gave us in exchange for all I care)

Predator's Onslaught - added: regain when applying movement-imparing conditions (ICD per target)


It's funny how a remnant of the vanilla game like Opening Strike has survived in it's current state for six years and two expansions with only minor improvements and no real changes to the underlying problem.


And well, as for the topic. Yes, the new Lead the Wind trait is awful. The fact that they added the full functionality of the trait to the harpoon gun was more of a "finally" than a "good change".

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