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Personnal Story: Storm Tracking in "A Star to guide us"

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This event is seriously flawed for 4 reasons:

1) the idea is to escape with a raptor after a little while the scenery changes to a sky and pillar scenery, where a raptor is definitely not the right mount to use.

2) after the change, there is no exit, flying to the ends of the map, either gets one in a storm or to nowhere, the results are predictable and there is nothing visible as cues on the map where to go. I explored the whole thing (dying many times for no apparent reason) but found no way out, even the 2 vortex with a piece of the sky in them are totally useless.

3) Apersonnal story with no solution is definitely a major flaw. Checking the wiki, they mention a bug. I think this is seriously understated. if you need to find a little hole hidden by a gate to get out in this instance, there is something very wrong with this episode.

4) If someone has a workaround to prevent us ending in the sky on rocky pillars, i would like to hear it.

Final conclusion, this event earns a zero for the way it is designed, implemented and the lack of logic in the whole episode.


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Idk, I had no problem in finding the exit. Maybe you can change the contrast of your graphic settings? To me it's quite visible:

[https://youtube.com/watch?v=EoKMj15J3Sc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoKMj15J3Sc "https://youtube.com/watch?v=EoKMj15J3Sc")

Glint also says "I opened a rift. Jump, now". She points you in the direction of what to do I think.


The problem with that instance is that there's a risk to end out of the instance in the first part of the race, and that you can't really read what Blish says if you're busy with the jumps. But personally I found the last part quite straightforward.

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Urud, thanks for the link,

I identified the problems to a short timer and skills that are certainly not as good as yours, regarding the jumping with a Raptor.

Therefore with peoples that are not pros on the raptor and the fact that this event, one is forced to use a raptor, is a problem. in my case I master the other mounts better.

I bet many of the player have a mount they control better and it becomes their favorite. It should be doable on all mounts, to be right.

I also have a problem that in case of failure, meaning a bit long on the time, there is no indication, or timer as well themini map does not even show the rock in the sky. Why not? That would be a useful clue, with a timer that's telling you how wel you're doing in the event.

Just a tought.

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> @"Cybil Song.2359" said:

> I bet many of the player have a mount they control better and it becomes their favorite. It should be doable on all mounts, to be right.


I think it made sense for them to build it based around the Raptor because other players might not have other mount unlocks. A course where all mounts work just as well (or almost) wouldn't work because the mounts are specialized. The bunny isn't going to be useful unless it can jump up a cliff (which would then negate the other mounts). The Skimmer would just fall into oblivion without water underneath them (requiring ugly walls everywhere to keep a skimmer on course). And so on. Designing around one mount that everyone will have just works better for a story step.

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One thing I hadn't noticed until this part was that VM orbs recharge your mounts endurance, so as long as you hit those you can basically just keep leaping.


I found it conceptually awesome but lacking in execution. I *really* don't like the combination of "figure out what to do" with "time critical". Just like the section of HoT in AB when using the egg skills to flee from Faolain - either give me new stuff and plenty of time, or give me a time challenge using very familiar tools.

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You can also use gryphon with the new stamina regeneration skill + diving.

Gain some altitude, then dive + press spacebar, then release diving key, you are now flying with a powerful boost, aim to the end. Not far from the breach, press your down key to fly up and accessing it, no need to follow the path.

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IDK. All i can say is i totally disagree with everything you wrote. I found the path to be 100% clear, theres literally only 1 route in the sky jumping section and if you just keep moving forward and leaping its fine...


The timer is also very very lenient, unless you are going for the achievement. You can literally die 10x and still make it with no problem ( I know because i did when it was bugged)


The bug was fixed about 4 days after release so there is no longer any small hole you need to rush through to avoid it.

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