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Patch Day Core Necro Roaming [Video]

Zero Solstice.9754

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Core can hit like a truck and Spite/BM/SR - Wells - A/F + Staff is viable now and has better survivablity than Power Scourge. It's still hardcountered by CC so I have a hard time to like it but I think that counter is fair as if it had more stability options it would even destroy Reaper.


Unfortunately SR (Vital Persistence) is mandatory as the shroud cooldowns are still way too high for what they offer.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> I'm just glad that core necromancer isn't awful anymore. Though I wonder: do you think these buffs have made core necromancer somewhat viable compared to Reaper and Scourge in PvP? I haven't been able to test core necromancer because I've been busy for the past 3 days.


I would say that it can be viable, but it's really tough to quantify how decent it could be because the floor is getting CC ragdoll'd all game and being completely useless, while the ceiling is freecasting 4-6k Life Blasts and wells all game, so the disparity is huge. Definitely worth a try though just for the fun factor.


> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> Thanks for the video. Any build in a editor you could share?


Of course:



> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Core can hit like a truck and Spite/BM/SR - Wells - A/F + Staff is viable now and has better survivablity than Power Scourge. It's still hardcountered by CC so I have a hard time to like it but I think that counter is fair as if it had more stability options it would even destroy Reaper.


> Unfortunately SR (Vital Persistence) is mandatory as the shroud cooldowns are still way too high for what they offer.


It definitely has more of that "Leave me alone and die, or come at me and win" sort of feel; If you can leverage keeping people away from you then the damage and utility is actually great.


Also agree, Life Transfer should be lower baseline than Tainted Shackles, but that's just my opinion.

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Personally love core necro and feel like its a touch better now.

Just wish base shroud had the same functionality as RS where in it equips a 2h weapon so shroud skills are consistent. Losing 10% damage on life blast and ~22% on life transfer and tainted shackles because you shrouded on axe/focus kinda sucks.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I enjoyed watching it.

> And as I watched I had the thought that you would have done just as well on a Reaper or Scourge.

> And the thought made me happy that Core, Reaper and Scourge all have a place in small scale.


Exactly. I appreciate the fact that even if it isn't optimal, it's absolutely possible to be *viable* playing any of these different builds. Keeps things interesting, keeps things fun.

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> @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> I just get cc'ed to death if I try core :/

> on a side note do you think signet of spite could be good vs some classes? "roaming" as scourge atm, spite seems good on paper.


Signet of Spite is a weird utility in that it has a good amount of relevant text, but its actual *utility* isn't quite up to par with what a Necro actually needs or wants. Why take it for the Power when you could take an extra stun break to not simply keel over? Why run it for cover condis when you could take Corrupt Boon, Well of Corruption, Corrosive Poison Cloud, any number of Punishments, etc.? Generally speaking if you're running Core, then you need stun breaks too badly to consider SoS, and if you're running an elite spec then you have too many other skills competing for the utility slot that simply do more. I would consider running it either for luls or as a Power zergling in WvW, but otherwise it literally just doesn't do much.

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Isn't core but still pretty funny to roam and duel with:




I think I may make a video. It's super good against boonheavy foes, but as soon as the enemy doesn't apply any boons to himself you might die very fast.


I won like 80-85% of the fights, sometimes even a 2v1.

But then there have been rangers, pewpewing me without buffing themselves up. Lost like 65-75% of the none boon matchups.

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