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[SUGGESTION] ability to use gender specific armours for the opposite gender

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So I've got a mesmer character (Called Twink R Belle, if you catch my drift...) who I've had to make female purely for the purpose of putting him in a female armour :( This is very sad. Twink R Belle is a kween!

Please could it be changed so that both female and male characters are able to have hairstyles and armours from both?


Anyone else have this problem?

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This is almost certainly one of those things that sounds easy to do, but is probably not because the original developers probably hard-coded gender into the skin system. It won't be a simple toggle to turn on|off at will.


I don't have any opinion about whether it's beneficial for the game or not. Incidentally, see the GW1 wiki; [there's at least one accidental example](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Terrik_zu_Heltzer).

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@Illconceived, that is something I hadn't really thought about... to me it seemed like it should be a simple adjustment, but then I don't know anything about coding.


I'm not concerned on the naked character chest front - I'm all for free the nipple. One rule for all genders! and I don't know about the impossibility based on physique - there are some outfits that wouldn't be affected anyway, but the build of a character can easily fit different genders - you can make a character that is slim or muscular, short or tall, large breasted or small. If armours can fit around this, I assume it wouldn't make much difference per gender.


Thanks for the responses!

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