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Class that doesn't feel stale?

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I've been playing GW2 on and off since a little while before it went Free to Play and I have never stuck with a class in all that time. I did get a Warrior to 80 but that was because I was playing with a friend and it was okay but only in short bursts though he didn't last long after my friend quit. So here's my question to all you venterens and max levels. Which class, in your opinion, never got stale as you levelled to 80 and beyond as moved onto Living World? What makes you adhore said class and stopped you from dropping it once you ran out of actual skills and abilities to buy?


This is a good game and I loved GW1 to bits but I just can't find a class I want to stick with.

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> @"Melanu.7425" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > Necro is pretty fun. My first character (and still most played) is a Ranger though.


> I've tried Ranger and they looks great as Norn but what made it so fun for you?


Having the pet to help out made the combat interesting. Finding ways to reposition yourself while the pet draw the foes was fun. It also made solo PvE more survivable since the pet can get you up from downed as fast as another player can.

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Honestly im sure its different reasons for many people but here are just a few ideas in what might hold your attention with a class.

* Theme and style : the thematic elements of the class might draw you in, create that edgey edge dude that has spikes just pooling off him, or play that druidic ranger that fires rainbows and sunshine.

* Playstyle: Find what kind of playstyle you enjoy and roll with it, if you feel like being a snekky snek and cancer play a theif or one of its many flavors ;p

* Versitility: You might find you would like variaity and versitility, find a character you can customise to your hearts content and flip your playstyle on demand, Elite specs help with this but you could also do it winthin a single spec.


Hope these help.

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For me personally, all class gets boring after a long period of time.

The actual way to avoid it is to have multiple alts and more importantly, unlocking elite specialization which unlocks new traits and skills, and new build possibilities.

If you really want to pick one, I would suggest elementalist. While having less weapon to choose from and can't weapon swap, you get 4 elements to play with.

So instead of juggling through 10 skills(2 weapon set) and 5 utilities like most of the classes, you have 20 different skills and 5 utilities (which you can also pick conjure weapon for even more weapon skills).

However it is the elite specs that actually change things up for every class.

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> @"Ghostrider.6879" said:

> For me personally, all class gets boring after a long period of time.

> The actual way to avoid it is to have multiple alts and more importantly, unlocking elite specialization which unlocks new traits and skills, and new build possibilities.

> If you really want to pick one, I would suggest elementalist. While having less weapon to choose from and can't weapon swap, you get 4 elements to play with.

> So instead of juggling through 10 skills(2 weapon set) and 5 utilities like most of the classes, you have 20 different skills and 5 utilities (which you can also pick conjure weapon for even more weapon skills).

> However it is the elite specs that actually change things up for every class.


Thats a good point, I'll give Elementalist a proper go

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> @"Melanu.7425" said:

> > @"Ghostrider.6879" said:

> > For me personally, all class gets boring after a long period of time.

> > The actual way to avoid it is to have multiple alts and more importantly, unlocking elite specialization which unlocks new traits and skills, and new build possibilities.

> > If you really want to pick one, I would suggest elementalist. While having less weapon to choose from and can't weapon swap, you get 4 elements to play with.

> > So instead of juggling through 10 skills(2 weapon set) and 5 utilities like most of the classes, you have 20 different skills and 5 utilities (which you can also pick conjure weapon for even more weapon skills).

> > However it is the elite specs that actually change things up for every class.


> Thats a good point, I'll give Elementalist a proper go


A Weaver has 26 weapon skills to play with! ;)

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I also get bored very easily from some classes.

But I love to play the thief :D because I can jump in a fight, have high mobility and very high damage with low effort.

But I prefer the deadeye, because its a little bit harder to play. As daredevil I just need to press 1 all the time, but as deadeye I have a little bit more to do. Also my deadeye is very squishy and the mobility isn't as high as it is as daredevil, so it definitely don't get boring in pve. And in pvp and wvw it's very funny to play because the dmg is high and stealth > all :D


As alt I play necro and ele but my necro is very easy and so I don't play it often...

But ele is also fun. It's also veery squishy so I have to be careful and I can play it in so many different ways :D I especially love my healing tempest in pvp ❤

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there are four classes I have actively played and I don't recall getting "bored" with any of them (at least nothing related to class mostly had issues with lack of interesting short/mid term goals) I had more characters than these but didn't stick properly to any of them so far, so here's the main quartet:


1. Ranger - my first character - made during kzarka open weekend to not "lock in" my longterm favourites, but liked it enought to stick to it for far longer than expected. during vanilla times I used to take wildly different approach to the "meta" of the time - instead of using pet to tank for me I have built the character to last and used agressive pets for main source of attack. After HoT landed I embraced druid concept completely, to the point that for soulbeast after PoF I had to create new character ;) interesting part of thecore mechanics is to take into account that there always is two of you.... (somewhat twisted with soulbeast tho)


2. Guardian - from the very first guardian reveal I was in love with the concept, therefore I was planning in for guardian to be core main - ranger snitching my attention delayed creation of guardian and alot of attention I could give to guardian during vanilla->HoT, was given to ranger instead. after PoF dropped and I've got to actually play around with firebrand I have sticked in for good (disclaimer: lack of attention to guardian before hand was not result of being bored with guardian - I had a ton of blast of fun when playing guardian, it's just the pull to ranger was stronger at the time)


3. Warrior - made as a homage to my old gw1 main, straightforward, with a room for some.... interesting buildcraft, similary to guardian this one hadsecond youth for me just after PoF


4. Thief - originally created to get the hood skin.... but oh boy it prooved fun. especially trolling people with some weird builds in wvw will NEVER get old..... (getting wrecked in 1v1 by more standard thief builds tho does, and very fast :P)

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> @"Melanu.7425" said:

> I've been playing GW2 on and off since a little while before it went Free to Play and I have never stuck with a class in all that time. I did get a Warrior to 80 but that was because I was playing with a friend and it was okay but only in short bursts though he didn't last long after my friend quit. So here's my question to all you venterens and max levels. Which class, in your opinion, never got stale as you levelled to 80 and beyond as moved onto Living World? What makes you adhore said class and stopped you from dropping it once you ran out of actual skills and abilities to buy?


> This is a good game and I loved GW1 to bits but I just can't find a class I want to stick with.


I'm sorry, I think from what you are describing this has a lot to do with your approach to the game.


Free accounts became available in August 2015 (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account). So you have had an account with the game for over 3 years and have managed to get 1 character to 80.


I don't think there will be some magical class which will automatically appeal to you. Obviously you either do not enjoy the game or have not stuck long enough with it to find something worthwhile to do. Maybe the better question would be: what do people do in the game and how can you find something you enjoy. Finding a class one enjoys is a first step, but after 3 years this seems a lot more an indicator that you can find something you enjoy for a long time game content wise.


Going on that note: maybe set some mid term goals like finishing the story on 1 character. Or experiencing all dungeon stories. Or finish some collection like bioluminescence. Also join a guild and find some people to play with. GW2 is all about setting your own goals and playing with others thus finding enjoyment in the game. Not sure a simple class switch will address your issue with the game.

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I get bored easily, what kept me interested the longest is:


Thief: fast and active gameplay, you gotta be awake when playing them because no passive lifesavers. High skill high reward (with the exception of perma stealth deadeye).


Mesmer: The joy of having players, even to this day smack your clones in confusion never gets old. Also got incredible burst, both as condi and power. Condibuild is a little cheese though but alot of fun in outnumbered fights.


Engineer: I love my engineer, i love scrapper. But i am not impressed with Holosmith. The profession got transformed from a highskill super fun and jack-of-all-trades god to being a profession for dummies. Holosmith is way to predictable and straightforward.


Most other professions are too generic and easy/dull/straightforward to play.


Guardians and warriors will get kited to death in sPvP/WvW, i flat out hate rangers for being same old as in any mmo/rpg. Cant speak for revenant.

Elementalist is great fun but i haaaate being locked with 1 weapon. Sure you got alot of abilities but all affect the same "range". which in the long run makes it boring imo, fun with zerk staff in blobwars though and in PvE.


I dont mean to take a dump on any profession, thats just my experience. I need a profession that feels "alive", mobile and active.


Allthough everything ive mentioned, im considering playing my warrior a bit more because we lack them on our server in WvW (desolation), and most fun of all is probably.... Winning.

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Ranger for me. Why?

1) I love how I *ALWAYS* manage to get out of Downed state because my pet can get me out of it, when I solo. I can do pretty much all Hero Points on the HoT maps, simply by managing to get out of downed state like 5 times (and regaining half my HP every time, with my Heal off cooldown too) In many instances, aggro lessens on you while you are downed, so getting out of downed state is really a breeze with a Ranger.


2) Pet: they make life easy. You can pull stuff, lock down mobs, stay in range if you want, and they also keep mobs busy while you Harvest, uninterrupted.


3) Pet: There are so many, they all look cool, they all have their skills, it is just fun to browse through them even if you only use some most of the time. Now with Soulbeast, some of those skills are really fun to use yourself.


4) TRAPS, Condi and Expertise. These are so much fun. Wade into a huge amount of mobs, pop your traps, and see the numbers.......and keep seeing them even while you are downed, or incapacitated or running away to save your bacon. Having long Condi's on a group of mobs from the start is just damage that keeps on going, and I find this very satisfying. And off course in the long run, the DPS is yummy. I have my Options set such, that the damage numbers are not added up while you see them popping up from a mob. So there is this constant stream of numbers from like 4 Conditions on the mob popping up from his head: from many heads!


5) This is a combination of 1 and 4: because your damage keeps running on mobs while you are downed, I can not count the times, that I got out of downed state simply because one of the many mobs died of my Condi. Being Downed is just a way of life for a Condi Trap ranger. Whenever I am playing another character, and I get downed, I am always like "Game over, man!" Not so much with my Ranger. I take on groups of mobs with my ranger that I would never think off with another class. I must admit though that I barely know how to play these other classes, exept a necro. They have other Survive mechanics, but the downed thing works for me.


5) Apart from the Warrior, they can use the most kinds of weapons of all classes.



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I think it's really a matter of personal preference, but I vote engineer. It's the most versatile profession in the sense that you can build your engineer to accomodate for just about any playstyle. You can choose to be tanky or glassy, go power or condition, ranged or melee, you can have a lot of control, party support, you can have stealth, mobility, area pressure.

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I like to play a lot of PvP. Thief and Engineer are my two favourites as both have a very high skill ceiling 3000 games in I can still learn something new.

I think it sounds like you're after something that has multiple options for play style. Probably should go Ranger for that as you can choose ranged damage or melee weapons bruiser. Then as you unlock elite specs you can swap for druid and have the choice for spellcaster healer type.

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All of them. I have enough alts to always find a combination of class and race that appeals to me that day :D . I sometimes try to stick to one character long enough to get through a goal, but mostly I prefer to spend my time entertaining myself, and the classes are just so different that switching characters is easiest to prevent the game from getting stale.


Disclaimer: I've been playing for almost 6 years and have a good 20 characters (across 2 accounts) at level 80, plus some odds and ends characters not leveled to max yet, so I always have good variety to choose from ;) . But even if you only have the basic 5 character slots that should be enough for a variety of characters. Try not just different classes but also different races, as those can have a huge impact on how the character feels.

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Warrior still decks 80% of my gametime because its a very mobile and versatile class.

With other classes I have to target and cast, but the warrir feels a lot like like a top-down swininging your weapon to strike foes, preferably aligning yourself such that you cleave as many opponents as possible

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Warrior still decks 80% of my gametime because its a very mobile and versatile class.

With other classes I have to target and cast, but the warrir feels a lot like like a top-down swininging your weapon to strike foes, preferably aligning yourself such that you cleave as many opponents as possible

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* Personal Taste

* Personal Play-style


Personally I've mained Guardian since launch, because I knew it was the class I was going to like the most (similar to Cleric from D&D for example). It's still the class I play the most, and that I try out the most different builds with, keep mixing things around etc, trying new trait combinations, test out some new skill combinations etc, spend some time getting to learn a weapon I haven't touched in years and no longer remember how works.


Second favorite has been Thief, I'm not a good thief, but I do love the initiative system, and that they got almost no passive defenses and paper issue armor/hitpoint, they're about the only proper glass cannon in the game. And every single defense they have is active, so you have to pay attention, figure out enemies attack patterns and know what to dodge/blind/evade etc. High mobility also helps.

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