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I've figured it out!


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There are 3.5 situations that we are dealing with here:


1) Those that believe there is something to fight for in WvW because you just joined - Welcome the new comers! Congrats Anet, you've attracted a new participant. These pawns will strive to follow their commander's every demand, blaming only themselves when their Shrek leads them into an undeniable death. They view themselves as patriots to their server, following every dorito that pops up on the map. I envy you, for in your ignorance you enjoy the game as I did 5 years ago, but soon you too will learn the truth... points are made up and don't matter.


2) Those that believe there is something to fight for in WvW and you think you are known among your guild/community - You are a damned soul. You enjoy the game but do not realize the future ahead of you, a future of disappointment. Your pride will consume you as you do well in a game mode where winning doesn't mean shit. You ignore the purpose of the game mode because you feel you are above it , you destroy your enemies and they despise you, the endorphins rush constantly with your peers laughing along the way. The rush wears off and you are left with a feeling of success accompanied by a silent presence of emptiness.


3) You've been through the fights, you've followed the tag through to victory, yet you just don't give a fuck. You play because you can't find the equivalent of GW2 PvP in any other MMO because it simply doesn't exist. When you sit down in front of your computer to game, you launch GW2 because none of the other icons seem interesting. Your game time slowly lowers because you find interest in other things on the internet, and god forbid, things outside the house. The time you find to play GW2, you make sure to kill anything you find or be killed. Who fucking cares?


3.5) You have kids and give up on all video games. You log on just to fuck with people when you are half awake at 9 pm.


Guess where I'm at?


PS: ANET fix your damn game already... you don't need years to revamp WvW, focus on it and push the update.

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1 and 2 seem like the same complaint to me. And I still think winning means something and I've been WvW since launch. Other people still feel that way too, to different degrees.


Saying you don't feel something is meaningful doesn't mean others don't find it so. This is just a rant disguised as constructive criticism. But it's not constructive, nor is it something I've overwhelmingly found to be true. I suppose some people do feel this way. But I don't know that most do.

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I just like to annoy enemies, it doesn't matter if I die but they seem to think it does. Occasionally I'll kill one and I usually figure out pretty quick how far I pushed them based on the speed at which they return and the tone of vengeance they bring with them.


I consider my PITAidness a public service, but that doesn't mean I'm a legend in my own mind I've been shown by enemies how annoying I am and I've been told recently by 1 of the 5 people still on my server that I'm a PITA, so I have proof I've reached atleast some people and I like to think I've helped make them better players :)

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1 is new people l2p the game mode so yeah...common sense states that this will happen, they will learn and branch out to do their own fun thing in WvW.


2 sounds more of emo poetry than an actual scenario. Also sounds like sour QQ than an actual scenario.


3 Some people play GW2/WvW because they actually ENJOY the game. Ive been playing for almost 6 years. Ive done it all (cept make all legendaries...currently in the works). Ive played many MMOs but none keep my attention like GW2 does. I can also guarantee that im not the only one as well which would be foolish to think otherwise. I have other interesting icons I can click on as well, yet I choose gw2. My time also doesnt lower. I still stream on certain days for at least x hours each time.


3.5 I have kids and still play many games. def not half awake at 9p (maybe 11p). I log in to sharpen my skills, play/run with friends and have a good time.



It seems to me you are burned out and are putting 100% blame on Anet. Not saying there is absolutely no truth in the strange way it was put, however its only a small part and given the options you choose to portray, putting 100% blame on anet starts invalidating any truth portrayed as it takes 2 to tango.

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The only reason I still play after 14k hours is because my social life died 5 years ago when a lot of close friends and I parted ways and I lost any motivation to meet new people.


WvW is my substitute for lack of an active life. It's not healthy, but it won't last forever either. One day I'll decide I'm tired of it and I'll move on to the next chapter.


For now all that matters to me is that I enjoy my time with the game and chatting with those I meet. Not everyone is in the same position as me but many players that continue to stick around after thousands of hours are doing so for the same reasons.They enjoy the combat and the camaraderie and that's more than enough for them.


There are changes that need to be made for WvW, absolutely, but they'll come with time. GW2 is a free to play game with horizontal progression remember. Veterans may leave before any meaningful changes come to WvW but it'll always be there for people to return to when the time comes. No need to rush things along if people are enjoying themselves even if what they enjoy is incredibly repetitive.


To me, it sounds like you're not enjoying yourself as much as you could be. You're forcing yourself to stick around hoping changes will come when all it's doing is making you spiteful. I agree that it would be nice if ANet would devote more resources to WvW but I don't struggle to have fun because I know it'll come eventually. Maybe I'll have stopped playing by then, maybe not. Maybe I'll come back when those changes come, maybe I won't. No sense in being upset over what you can't change.

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> @"KCmilam.3476" said:

> 2) Those that believe there is something to fight for in WvW and you think you are known among your guild/community - You are a damned soul. You enjoy the game but do not realize the future ahead of you, a future of disappointment. Your pride will consume you as you do well in a game mode where winning doesn't mean kitten. You ignore the purpose of the game mode because you feel you are above it , you destroy your enemies and they despise you, the endorphins rush constantly with your peers laughing along the way. The rush wears off and you are left with a feeling of success accompanied by a silent presence of emptiness.


Yea, you definitely figured it out...

Personally, I strongly relate to number 2 among many friends. Not all, but many. Though, to be fair; the others didn't play like we did ether (vague, I know). So that's something to consider for me.

I don't feel like I am fighting for really anything meaningful to be honest. Rather just grinding for the next Balance Patch/Expansion. One of which I "Might" like, though more than often, like most... "Don't". To at least be competitive.


Though here is a **BIG** issue for me. Even If I achieved the point, of say... achieving all Legendary everything (at least on all 7 out of 9 characters), that I would play often. This does not guarantee that I will like the current balance/meta as a result OR what is to come. Even if I could easily build towards it and around it; to my heart's content.

So if anyone doesn't find the current balance of fighting fun or loses interest. What else is there? PvE? Or something else pertaining to the game? Maybe that's fine (not in my case overall), but it still does not make WvW more enjoyable for those like myself. Through, ignoring reasonable issues in one place (WvW) and substituting another; to make up for it in some way.


WvW always struck me as a "Game of Pride" outside of what is initially supposed to be "Fun". Ultimately above what is normally considered a "Numbers Game".

Though, my Server Pride died years ago. With good reason of coarse (No details necessary at this time). However, now my "Fun" has died too in relation to (as I believe) primarily balance. It's not like it was never fun though. There were fun moments indeed. Though, when the fun has been had or ultimately was no more... I did feel the "silent presence of emptiness" after success. So down I continued through this (initially not so obvious) Dark Tunnel of WvW. Hoping to find the Light at the end of it. To fill that "emptiness". Over and over again. Reason being, is I/we won and didn't have much of anything to show for it. No real trophy or "goodies" at the end to compete over. I came to the understanding... that I was in search of something to be prideful about. A reason or reasons to fight for something Great. A greater means for conflict. Though, instead was rewarded with _possibly_ a new server/opponent AND the compelling need to grind or achieve good gear stats for generally reliable builds. In order to stay competitive (talk about feeling like a hamster on a wheel).


- Now, I'm not saying WvW isn't at all rewarding. Just a lack of reason to be/stay Competitive because I see no higher reward regarding that. Nothing really worth fighting for.

- Basically, it feels like I'm fighting to keep fighting... and nothing else really outside of that. Which would be OK, sort of. More or less depending on each "unique" player. If the balance was good or better. In regards to how, in my opinion, it used to be. However, if balance is viewed as Bad. Like I was saying before. Then there is especially no real reason to keep fighting then because of that.

- In My Opinion, this is why WvW needs something worth fighting for outside of balance. Something to truly be Prideful for and about. Balance is just **1** thing. A Very Big thing as we all know; with Great Importance. Though, is just 1. Like most things, it's ridiculous to hold the expectation it will be Great or even Good forever. This why WvW needs other Meaningful reasons (On WvW's own behalf) to keep a player going. I need a good reason to fight... Not just to fight, for another fight.


Overall Good Post @"KCmilam.3476" A lot of truth that one, like myself, can only hope to be taken seriously.

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